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Topics - johngorenfeld

Pages: [1]
Does anyone know where on the Web I can find video of the French documentary about Tranquility Bay? It's no longer on Google Video.

Not a real long article, just a short piece, but I was wondering if anyone here knows of any new developments in this saga. You hear about this Mitt Romney / Lichfield connection? If you've heard anything, and you get this message int he next week, please drop me a line: [email protected]

I got an e-mail the other day from a mom who decided not to enroll a kid in WWASPS after reading one of my stories. Somehow she wasn't convinced by Mr. Kay and Mr. Lichfield's argument that only Satan stands between WWASPS and saving the world.

Hang in there,


The Troubled Teen Industry / What's news? Journalist could use some leads
« on: November 30, 2006, 10:50:34 AM »
Hey, this is John Gorenfeld, I did a story a while back about WWASPS. I'm looking around for troubled teen industry stories. If anyone has one, drop me a line, [email protected].

Hi, John Gorenfeld here, writer for AlterNet. I was reading about the curious case of Steve and Glenda Roach of the Morava Academy, arrested by Czech cops a while back on various charges (they said the authorities were KGB-like.)

Does anyone know where they are now? Did they make it out OK? I'd appreciate any leads on how to get in touch with them or, at least, find out what their status is.

[email protected]

World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) / WWASPS
« on: December 21, 2005, 05:47:00 PM »
Hey, I'm writing about WWASPS for AlterNet. The president, Ken Kay, tells me that abuse is "a very rare occurrence" at affiliated schools, with no more than at public schools -- "that doesn't mean we're gonna shut down the public schools."

The occasion is Rep. George Miller's call for these schools to be investigated by the non-partisan GAO; Kay argues that it is a politically-motivated move.

If anyone has any thoughts on this, please drop me a line at [email protected].

Any help much appreciated.

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