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Topics - tom s.

Pages: [1]
Open Free for All / ft.laud.strip '73
« on: October 29, 2005, 10:37:00 PM »
At that time on the strip across from the hall of fame swimming pool was an all night sandwich and coffee shop called Papa Niks.It was next to the original Prop Club,a small bar hidden away from the large disco scene rock type venues.The fading hip type peoples and other faders wound up magnetized to papa Niks at the end of '73.If they had change,they'd get a brew at the Prop Club.We would all smoke herb out back,and of course,Big Mama Blu:Maryanne cooked there in the mornings way before her career singing for audiences.She would sing lightly while cooking and at first not admit it.Lot's of colorful characters drank coffee all night there.Any meories?

The Seed Discussion Forum / seed'70
« on: September 16, 2005, 11:08:00 PM »
Anyone here remember the seed 1970?Innocently posing as a hippie house on S.E.3'rd st.Ft.Laud. I think with a big metal peacesign sculpture on the lawn about 41/2- 5 feet in diameter-yellow and also green.I thought it was a used jean store.I went running in there february '70 and found myself in a very Billy Jack community school-like group of people around my age-15 and younger and some older,and Art in a room w/a desk,Pam,a really sweet girl about 20 who cooked for the group,and a sort of innocent seeming ambling about of all,eventually evolving into a session.Anyone remember back that far?

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