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Topics - sabro

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I stayed up until 2 am reading threads.

Even though CEDU is closed, I would suggest letting all that anger and hurt do something positive. Get the word out about these programs that just keep cropping up. Get the word out about individual staff, and confront them about the reality of the therapy. Lots of them- especially the Wassermanites- are still out there working with kids. (Like Patrick Stambusky who changed his name and now runs Monarch.)

Someone was making a documentary- what happened with that. Is there another way of contacting the media- getting the word out?

Contact all the ex-staff and students you know and get their stories.

California is a madatory reporting state. Any adult involved in the care, education, or treatment of children needs to report any abuse that they know of or suspect. Penalties for not reporting range from loss of certification and licenses to fines and jail time. Report, report, report. I know I have to do this again- just to make sure. I told everything I know of firsthand to the DA way back in '92. It was nothing like what I read on these threads, though.

Report the staff. All of us. Anything you know specifically or firsthand, and any of the staff that knew also. Child protective services or the local DA will know about statutes of limitations and can sort out what's what.

I'm the last person that should give you guys advice, but if you want to accomplish something positive you "survivors" need to stop barking at each other. The accusing, cussing, threatening stuff...every other thread descends into after three posts doesn't seem all that constructive. I've got no problem with angry people expressing anger on a forum that is perfectly designed for that, but choose your targets.

Unless you are Tom Cruise and "know the history of psychology," there is nothing wrong with getting real, professional help. One reason to sue the Brown School Carcass and the ex-Staff is to get them to pay for this.

Someone should write a book. If none of you want to do it, I am willing to look for an author to collect all of your stories and print them up. (I don't know how successful this would be since I have never done this before.) Someone must know an author (and a publisher.)

How do we repair the damage? How do we keep other parents from sending their kids and money to these fraudulent travesties? You guys probably have better ideas than I do. I don't know what kind of resources are out there- survivors networks, support groups, but there has to be some people like you guys that would be willing to let their anger be constructive.

All religions bear traces of the fact that they arose during the intellectual immaturity of the human race - before it had learned the obligations to speak the truth. Not one of them makes it the duty of its God to be truthful and understandable in his communications.
--Freidrich Nietzsche, German philosopher

Geoff posted on Everyone he knows from Cedu had pretty hard lives after leaving. That got me thinking of all the kids that I hung out with 12 years ago and what came of them.

I read the other threads...Boy, lots of hostility...

I was just wondering what became of the kids I knew from 1991-2 or so.

I was on staff for about a year, and came in to fill gaps for about four more. I was part of a crowd that tried to change things- brought in austensibly to help with accreditation and strengthen the academics.

I still run into Russ Decker from time to time, although I haven't seen him lately. He married Kim, the receptionist. I see Donna Dillman- now married- at school functions. Dennis Docksteader lives up the street at Music Camp. I haven't heard from Luke Nemo all summer- but he tends to disappear for long periods of time. I also see Carl Kent- but not since the closure.

I went back to public school after I left. I still do some outdoor education, but I just took a job as an assistant Principal, and I am a little busy.

Justin, Tom (x2), Rachael (x2), Mary, Tyler, John, ... and so many others... where are you?

Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.
--James Madison

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