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Topics - vortexwx

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / RMA 'student' 1985-86
« on: April 09, 2005, 11:28:00 AM »
This is really weird. I was standing on the back porch this morning and I started thinking about when I was at RMA, (which is frequent, even after all these years) and for some reason I decided to search online for info about it. I never thought I would find a forum with so many former 'students'. That place really screwed me up. I had a lot of bad experiences there. I also learned a lot of cool stuff. I think that is the main reason I still have issues with the place. The 'counselors' were creepy, the glazed zombie look that the kids who had been there over a year had was creepy, the profeets and groups were traumatic, but I like knowing how to fall trees, split logs, and build canoes and log cabins. It is a mindf*** in a very big way.  

Wow. This is bringing up a lot of bad feelings. I had no idea how much that place affected me, even after almost 20 years.
I am glad it closed.


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