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Topics - jackson nash

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / I just went up to Cedu
« on: March 31, 2005, 02:15:00 AM »
Dear Friends,

In response to the emails saying that Cedu had been shut down, I decided that I had to see for myself. So tonight my girlfriend and I drove up to Running Springs. The place looked pretty jumping for being shut down, which leads me to wonder what the exact timetable for shut down is. Are the kids being shuttled off campus? Are there any students left on campus at all?
We drove up the main driveway, and where the old middle school building was is now some sort of guardhouse. A sign tells people to check in before entering. Since it was 9:30 at night I didn't think they'd exactly wave me on. So I parked and my girlfriend and I argued about what to do next. I wanted to go in on my own and have a look around, but seeing as how she didn't want to sit in a dark car she can't drive (it's a stick) waiting for me to get arrested, we decided against that plan of action. Plus, she was wearing really loud shoes. I can't blame her, she's got no stomach for adventure. So it was decided that we would try the legitimate route: actually calling in and getting permission.
At any rate, it would be good for my soul to be able to walk the hallowed grounds again before it becomes a bed and breakfast, and so I plan on going up again this week for a legitimate visit.
Does anyone want to come? I'm in California. Email me back, or call me 323 251 9586.

All my best,

John Davidson and Shana Levine and Robby Siegel and Michael Cosgrove and Mike & Shannon Knorr and Kesi Dunlop, Deanna Kontos, Pam Hughes, Roman Duarte, Jason Gamboa, Matt Duff, Tanner Zilch, Mark Lungren, Tina Bernal, Pat Smith, Chris Webb, Chris Jansen, Glen Jackson, etc...
Do be so good as to drop me a line.

Jackson Nash
[email protected]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Jackson Nash 92-95
« on: January 12, 2005, 02:57:00 PM »
Hello my friends,

It is interesting to think that there was nothing like this forum board when I first got to CEDU. How glad I am to have the chance to reach out and attempt to reconnect with lost friends.
As I said, I was at CEDU from 92-95, graduated, was pretty angry for a long time, and now want nothing more than to hear from people and know that others have made it and are still alive.
I think about the people who have died: Beau Riddle, Sacheen Dobson, Rory Rudy, Janie Maile, John Inman, to name a few, and my heart breaks for them, their friends and families.
I think about the wonderful people who have disappeared from my life: Chris Webb, John Davidson, Christina Bernal, Mark Lungren, David Olshansky, Pat Smith, Kate Crawford...
I want these people back.
I cannot say that CEDU is the reason that they are gone, but I know that applying a formula designed for junkies to children certainly did not help those who were already fragile.
When I think about what could have been done differently at that school, about how a lighter, more caring approach could have helped far more and turned away far fewer; well it is just another reason to mourn.
But fuck mourning, I just want closure.
If you read this and the spirit moves you, please reply and let me know how you are, and if you know anything about anyone.
So here's to our lost childhood, and here's to a brighter future.
My love and respect to all,
Jackson Nash
[email protected]

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