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Topics - kelleyblaney

Pages: [1]
Elan School / has anyone read angels and demons?
« on: March 31, 2005, 07:55:00 PM »
has anyone read that book?  i just started to read it and i didn't think i would like it .. but it is very good.  thought i would let you all know.  it's by the same guy who wrote the davinci code.  not bad

Elan School / pics
« on: March 20, 2005, 10:51:00 PM »

thats dylan

really bad pic of me

even worse pic of me  hehe

Elan School / I have found matt tonon
« on: February 06, 2005, 03:56:00 PM »
I have been crazy looking for matt tonon and i just wanted to let everyone know that i have found him.. well he found me  and i am much happier now :grin:

Elan School / jon jnailz
« on: January 02, 2005, 08:06:00 PM »
do you have any instant messanger

Elan School / if someone will listen that would be super
« on: January 02, 2005, 05:32:00 PM »
This is probally pretty lame but..... Obviously everyone was in elan for there own problems, and while i have to say i've grown up a lot since then i still have a ton of issues.  i don't even know why im posting this on here.  I feel really depressed, i don't know if it's the holidays or what but i can feel myself slipping big time and i guess im just looking for a little guidance or an ear to listen without judgement.  Since i left elan i still find myself winding up in the hospital for depression.  i've been out for over a year now but im starting to feel real crumby again.  IF anyone is willing to be a friend (not a guidance counselor) that would be so awesome.  again im sorry if it sounds like im pathetic i just really need someone to talk to  :???:   thanks guys

Elan School / makes my heart ache
« on: December 14, 2004, 04:59:00 PM »
do you know that feeling you get, when you think of some of the people u used to know.  some of those people had a strong impact on your life and it really hurts to think that i'll never see some of those people again,  it hurts to think that the sole purpose of meeting people is so they can touch your life and move on.  i've had too many people just not stay in my life.  i don't know why i am rambling on about this,  i guess it's just really bothering me right now.  your whole stay in elan you probally meet atleat 100 people.  50 of these people you will spend the next 2 years or so with, knowing absolutely everything about these people.  some of those people you make a strong connection with.  like ellie henson.  i loved ellie and when she left she turned into something completely different.  now she is just one of those people that just touched my life, and it makes me sad.

Elan School / Tatiana
« on: December 13, 2004, 02:29:00 PM »
Hey you don't happen to work in framingham mass do you?

Elan School / tamar you are a cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 11, 2004, 04:23:00 PM »
I just have to say that you are lucky that i don't live in the new york area, because if i did i would kick your kate moss wannabee ass!!!!!!!!!!!!   Your ideals of what makes a person attractive is all sorts of fucked up.  if your husband is so damb famous then what is his name.  Seriously you look like a poster child for anorexia,  you always have unresolved issues that were not even touched at elan.  Some opinions should be better kept to yourself, your not on here to help people your just here to glamorize your sick sad problem.  seriously get a life.

« on: December 08, 2004, 06:45:00 PM »
From all the other posts on here you don't sound like a bad person,  i was just wondering if you are anorexic,  and im not trying to be mean or anything i just want to know.

Elan School / matt tonon
« on: December 06, 2004, 12:53:00 PM »
does anyone know where matt tonon is?  i lost touch with him and i'd really like to get back into contact with him

Elan School / cool people only
« on: December 06, 2004, 10:48:00 AM »
i was just wondering about this message board and the definition of cool, id like to take a peak

Elan School / kelley blaney
« on: November 26, 2004, 08:10:00 PM »
:skull:  The amount of verbal retardation that is spewing around this room is disgusting to the point of comical. if i had been in a better mood i would have laughed.  I just want to know what kind of loosers have enough time on their hands to sit around and think of degrading things to say about one another.  is there some sort of club that my mainlining booze and fucking all the elan students is preventing from becoming an elite member.  if so please tell me,  i would love to know.  and im  not just defending myself here, im also defending every other person in here who has never hurt a soul.  I don't know if elan stunted your mental growth or if from all the crack that you smoke  but please just grow up.  im 25  i know im too old for this shit

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