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Topics - Antny

Pages: [1] 2
Tacitus' Realm / Iran in the petro EURO business
« on: February 17, 2005, 01:20:00 PM »

By the way, so is Russia...or will be soon... ... ceeuro.htm

Hope everyone is really paying attention....

Tacitus' Realm / ARP Press Release
« on: February 06, 2005, 01:07:00 PM »
ARP Coalition Call: Press Release

   We the members of the American Reform Party (ARP) believe that now, more than ever, there is a need for a popular uprising in America.  Under the ?two-party? system, America has become a polarized nation, leaving those of us in the middle wondering whose side we should be on.  The focus of the major parties on issues that divide us has prevented us from focusing on the issues of real reform that our country desperately needs.  We believe that it is time for a Centrist Revolution, and are calling on all other interested parties to come to the negotiation table and collaborate on those issues that we hold to be most important to us all.  We are not interested in bogging ourselves down with issues that are inherently divisive.  We are willing to work together, compromise, and negotiate with other activist organizations in an effort to liberate the United States of America from the duopoly that has produced an extremely elite, powerful group of individuals who control our Nation with fascist-like methodology.
   This is a call for action from the People of America.  For too long we have been complacent because that?s ?just the way it is?.  We believe that it is our duty as citizens to provide the fourth and final ?check and balance? on our government. The centralization of wealth and power in America is threatening our individual rights.  Our public airwaves have been corporatized so that a handful of media moguls control the information that we base our votes on.  Our healthcare system has turned into the most profitable industry in America, yet we have worse healthcare than ever.  Everywhere we look, it is apparent that ?We the People? are no longer the most important factor in America.  It is time for us to unite, and take this nation back.  We hope to diversify politics and broaden the political voice so that there are more than just the narrow ?two parties?.  There are a myriad of viewpoints and opinions that all deserve to be heard, and shared, yet the ?two-party system? chokes out that diversity.  Now is the time for Americans to stand up to the corruption that is eating away at the very foundations of our America.
   Together, we can build a Coalition that will work to elect independent and third party candidates in the 2006 elections, and field a Presidential candidate in 2008 that will truly represent ?We the People?.  We are not a nation of extreme leftists, or rightists.  We are not a nation of people who smear each other with political propaganda.  We are a nation of good, honest, hard working people who want to live rich, full lives and spread our joy and happiness by example, not by force.   Americans, unite about what we agree on.  Stop letting the divisive cloud of judgement and opinion stand in the way of common sense reform and policy.

To become involved, and work together, please contact the ARP Coalition Committee Chair, Anthony Partin at [email protected]

Open Free for All / My Petition to Change America
« on: December 21, 2004, 08:37:00 PM »
Ii am working to get the third parties to unite and give us a real viable alternative to the Republocrats.  I need to show that there is support for this idea.  If you are tired of the Two-Party System and think we need a change, please sign my Petition!

If you want to help, please spread the petition around.  Copy, paste and e-mail the link to your friends!

Tacitus' Realm / REVOLUTION
« on: December 19, 2004, 05:02:00 PM »
It has begun.  It is political, at the moment, and it must be a Third Party.  I don't know if it's possible, but I feel that we have to TRY!


Oh, it would help if people would sign my petition to the third party leadership.

It is time! We the People must unite to defend our rights.

Tacitus' Realm / Sign my Petition!
« on: December 13, 2004, 03:42:00 PM »

Tacitus' Realm / Election Fraud: Evidence?
« on: December 08, 2004, 09:52:00 AM » ... adsen.html

If this is true, it has major implications...wonder what's next?

« on: December 03, 2004, 03:41:00 PM »

Tacitus' Realm / Bush protest...
« on: December 02, 2004, 10:55:00 PM »
Check it out...maybe an effective form of Protest?


Tacitus' Realm / Third Parties Unite....PLEASE!
« on: November 29, 2004, 09:41:00 PM »
If anyone listening out here is interested in, or part of and third party movement, I urge you to start talking now about uniting to endorse one and only one Presidential Candidate in 2008.  It's clear that the duopoly of the Republicrats is not interested in the welfare of the American People.  If the Third parties can swollow their pride, and make some compromises, they may stand a realistic chance at the Presidency.  They will at least be able to give the Republocraps a run for their money.  They have nothing to lose.  Third parties can still run their own party candidates in all other office elections.  They stand no chance at the Presidency when they are divided, yet there is strength in unification.  With the endorsement of major third parties, one candidate would almost certainly pull a major percentage of Independant voters who tend to vote for change anyway.  

United We Stand:  Divided We Fall!

Tacitus' Realm / Colin Powell...How come?
« on: November 18, 2004, 01:37:00 PM »
Six Pages of discussion on Powell: ... 708&page=0

I actually liked Powell, and thought he did a great job considering he didn't quite agree with the Hawks in office.  He dissented, got heavily reprimanded, and remained humble.  I wish that he would've spoken more earnestly about his opposition to Bush Foreign Policy, but I suspect he was under pretty heavy handed orders not to; he is a soldier, trained to follow commands.

Condi Rice is a Loyal Bushist, and he has no fear of dissent from her.  Seems like a typical Bush ploy.   He has made an effective bloodless coup to take control of America, now he has it for four years, unless something changes. what?  We're fucked, so is a whole lotta the rest of the world.  Poor ignorant American Sheep.  If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem.


Tacitus' Realm / theory!!!
« on: November 16, 2004, 10:52:00 AM »
I've come to the conclusion, after the last two elections have been so horribly UGLY, that the duopoly in politics is failing miserably!

There are several third parties with a cohesive organization, but they are competing with each other.  I am pushing for unification on a National level so that the parties can meet, summit, caucus and unite to co-endorse a presedential candidate in '08.  The concept is affiliates, keep your third party independance on local and state levels, endorse each other's candidates, try not to compete with each other.

What I need is people from within the Parties to speak from within the Party about the need for Unifiction of the Third parties in National Poliitics.  No reason for Bardnarik to run against Nader...everyone looses!  What's the point!   Anyhow, if you look at:
you can see what I am talking about.  

Please, if you are interested in truly making a difference in this country, and you, like me, have no faith in the Parties that BE, join a third party of your choosing, there are  several good ones out there, pick one in your area, or sharing your views, and Urge them to Affiliate with the other parties when it comes to the Nation.  It's the only way to make things happen!  I need voices within other parties to make it happen.

[ This Message was edited by: Antny on 2004-11-16 07:54 ]

Tacitus' Realm / CIA operative speaks out!
« on: November 12, 2004, 02:36:00 PM »
I'm not fond of copy-paste...but this one's critical.  These are the reasons that the system must be reformed.  

CIA Critic of U.S. War on Terror Resigns
    By Tabassum Zakaria

    Friday 12 November 2004

    Washington - A CIA analyst who wrote a book that criticized the U.S. war on terror has resigned from the spy agency after it effectively banned him from publicly discussing his views, his publicist said on Thursday.

    Michael Scheuer, whose book "Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror" was signed as "anonymous" and published this summer, will resign effective Friday after 22 years at the Central Intelligence Agency.

    In a statement, Scheuer said the CIA had not forced him to resign, "but I have concluded that there has not been adequate national debate over the nature of the threat posed by Osama bin Laden and the forces he leads and inspires, and the nature and dimensions of intelligence reform needed to address that threat."

    He intends to speak to the media over the next several weeks, including an appearance on the CBS show "60 Minutes" on Sunday.

    Scheuer's statement said senior leadership had allowed the intelligence officers working against al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden to be made scapegoats for pre-Sept. 11 failures.

    Scheuer was chief of the CIA Counterterrorist Center's unit which focused on bin Laden from 1996 to 1999 and remained a CIA analyst after that.

    "The Atlantic Monthly" in its December issue published a letter sent by Scheuer to U.S. congressional intelligence committees that said the key pre-Sept. 11 intelligence failures were mainly the result of bad decisions by senior officials.

    "While the 11 September attacks probably were unstoppable, it was decisions by human beings - featuring arrogance, bad judgment, disdain for expertise, and bureaucratic cowardice - that made sure the Intelligence Community did not operate optimally to defend America," Scheuer said in the letter.

    In June, just before Scheuer's book was published, he did a series of media interviews, appearing on TV in silhouette and was identified in print as "Mike."

    In the first week of August, CIA officials told him that he had to ask for permission in advance for media interviews and provide summaries of what would be discussed ahead of time, Scheuer's editor and publicist Christina Davidson said.

    "They rejected every single request," she said. "It was effectively a ban."

    His book said the United States was losing the war against terrorism and that sticking to current policies would only make its enemies in the Islamic world grow stronger.

    The statement released by his publicist about Scheuer's resignation said that "after a cordial meeting with senior CIA officials on Tuesday, Scheuer decided that it would be in the best interests of the intelligence community and the country for him to resign in order to continue speaking publicly with regard to Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the 9-11 Commission Report." A CIA spokeswoman had no immediate comment.


Origional at: ... ity_cia_dc

Tacitus' Realm / American Reform Party
« on: November 09, 2004, 11:02:00 AM »
For all those who may be sick to death of the Rebublican and Democrat two party monopoly on politics, I emplore you to check out The American Reform Party.  For any who belong to Third Parties, pleas consider the proposal for affiliates,  Third parties with similar platforms should compromise, unite, and support each other, read what the website has to say!


Tacitus' Realm / Zmag
« on: November 07, 2004, 08:30:00 PM »
Go to:

click on the link to the Znet database and check out the articles.  I'd say it's a wealth of invaluable wisdom, and information.[ This Message was edited by: Antny on 2004-11-07 17:33 ]

Tacitus' Realm / Who really runs this country?
« on: November 05, 2004, 03:57:00 PM »
I wonder...

What is the connection between the giant coorporations' BODs, the media, and the politicians.  The Money, the Information and the Power?  Let the conspiracy theories begin!

It's a bit alarming, we are undoubetdly the most powerful nation on the planet...but who's in charge?  It's not "the people" I can assure you.

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