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Topics - Word of Wisdom

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There is no doubt that Teen programs are amazing.  They are very successful, and more and more people are using them.  Why?  Because they are very benefical to parents and teens, and extremely powerful.  With the extremely popularity and amazing growth, the Teen Help Industry is not only going to grow, but it will trample those who want to stand in the way.

Have you ever asked yourself what kind of person writes messages on this partcular forum?  I am sort of a social scientist.  I am wondering just what kind of person spends time in this forum?  I think that we should stop analyzing teen help programs and start analyzing those who are so vehemently hateful and write terrible things about people who are serving children and their families.

We need to turn the tables so to speak.  I think we would all be appaled to find out what kind of person would speak so negatively about good people.  I think when we truly find out and expose the type of people who write the hatred we will all be shocked.  

Well, I am putting this topic on this forum (Teen Help) to determine exactly what kind of person would attack the teen help industry.  I think everyone should know what kind of a person belittles those who work with troubled teens.

I think that everyone should know what kind of people are posting nasty messages on this forum.  This particular forum is reserved for those who hate the teen help industry.  Although this is a very biased group, they are very wierd nontheless.  

Just watch... in days this forum will be filled with outrageous evil... This message will be posted on Sunday evening on the 28th of March.  This time next week every nut case in the country will have put forth their two cents.

Also, after this little experiment I am thinking about contacting every Christian I know to let them know about this forum.  Perhaps us Christians can take over this forum and talk about nothing but Jesus.  Perhaps we can have prayer groups, and bible teachings.  That way, all the wierdo's will disappear and head off to another forum that harbor hatemongers.  One thing is for sure... people who like evil do not like the Word of God.  It makes them vicious and nasty.

Just watch and behold...

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