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The Troubled Teen Industry / "Help" Your Teens dot Com
« on: March 05, 2006, 07:05:00 PM »
Been awhile since I took a stroll threw Susan's site.
Thought I'd go take a look.
Its a pretter site than it used to be. Seems to be free of much of the clutter. Excepting her own, the various accounts of the harm done in the wwasps programs, seems to be entirely gone.

I also noticed, that unlike most every other site dealing with protecting teens from abusive programs, hers in no way mention's Maia's book:
Help at Any Cost. She does have a whole page dedicated to promoting books:
But no where does she mention Help at Any Cost.
She promotes Chicken Soup and Doc Phill - but not the book on How the Troubled Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Teens.
I have a thought or two on why this is - but I wonder what others think?

I also noticed that on this page:
Dealing with questions a parent should ask a school - she forgot to mention the importance of asking if the school pays fees to the referral agent.
No, no, no, no - we can't be asking that, now can we?

And I got a kick out of this:

///P.U.R.E. has dedicated their service to locate licensed, accredited and qualified programs & schools. We are constantly researching (including visiting programs personally) and take the time to listen to parent feedback. First hand experience is a valuable tool for learning about programs and schools. ///

I betcha there are some Whitmore parents who might have a few comments on how well Susan listens to parent feedback!

Pulled the following from over on the Teen Help forum.

Liars - they didn't live in huts on the beach. They were taken into the hills with reports of kids who were hog-tied, among other things. Swimming, snorkeling, sliding down natural waterfalls - any of you guys and gals who went to Paradise Cove ever get to do those things?

{commenting on the following Woodbury Report}

December 1994
Vailaasia Beach--Augaga, Western Samoa
Lisa Irvin, Admissions
by Linda Shaffer

"Living at the beach" in Paradise Cove's program for teens in Western Samoa became a new opportunity for male adolescents this fall. This approximately one year experience consists of a life of grass huts as more a part of the day's norm than stateside TV's, video games, stereos, and shopping malls.

Experienced staff from southern Utah's Cross Creek Manor and Brightway Adolescent Hospital programs are directing the Paradise Cove Program presently for 20 male adolescents.

Paradise Cove works with teens struggling in their home, school or community. The setting they find at Paradise Cove is a tropical, tranquil one in the Samoan culture well known for its strong family emphasis, respect for authority, and care for others.

Utilizing a 12-step counseling component, young men have the opportunity to sort out their lives and make a new start. The teens participate in daily emotional growth and personal development courses. They also spend a full academic day (Monday-Friday) working on academic credits and skills through an individual study course accredited in the United States. Teens are tutored by a teacher, and in most cases can earn credits on an accelerated basis.

In the Samoan way of working hard and also playing hard, teens at Paradise Cove have a recreational program offering swimming, sliding on natural waterfalls, snorkeling, fishing, and various sports. The simple living style removes the distractions of the fast lane allowing students to focus on their own personal growth. Paradise Cove states their goal is to assist teens to become internally motivated.

Copyright � 1994, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

Post URL: ... t=0#176729



Funny you should mention that. . .

Posted: 2006-02-26 06:36:00
A friend of mine spoke with Steven last night - and he confirmed the following posts to be true.
The bastards threw his puppy over a cliff. It was a little white dog, with brown spots, that he had named Monkey.
This is the kind of thing one would think was an exaggeration - its just hard to believe these men could be so cruel - at least in front of so many witnesses. But here we have a couple or three boys, independently talking about the memory - and the victim himself confirming it.
One if forced to conclude, It happened.
Its people like this that make me hope there is a Hell, and that is it eternal - not just a snuffing out of their blighted souls.


On 2005-11-26 09:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Hey does anyone remember when Ross Nagler got his nose broken when Faragi (FRANK) the staff kicked him in the face? Or what about when Stone hit Andy in the back of the head with a rock and split his head open? They fired stone but then re-hired him like a month later because his uncle was the Maatai (chief) of the village that the program rented its land from."

stone was an asshole but nobody could do anything about it cause of his family connections. **does anyone remember that white dog that got thrown off the sinalele cliff?**


Post URL: ... 180#149758

Posted: 2005-11-26 16:13:00
It was monkey! It was thrown over the cliff to get a rise out of Stephen Frederickson who was like 11 or 12 at the time. I think one of the staff later killed it with a machete. It was thrown over during a facility meeting where the majority of the kids from all three beaches were present I think the meeting was called by Dace regarding some change in the school procedures or something. I remember he thought it was pretty funny.


Post URL: ... 180#149760

Posted: 2005-11-26 16:15:00


He was really attached to that dog it was almost like his teddy bear. He seemed scared shitless to be there in a program at such a young age surrounded by older boys many of who ostracized him and some who even attempted to kill him in order to get the program shut down.


Post URL: ... 180#149762

Open Free for All / Legal insanity/ crazy laws
« on: February 19, 2006, 12:20:00 PM »
I can not personally vouch for the accuracy of the following comments. This was sent to me by a friend. As "crazy" as these laws sound - I have no problem believing they are on the books.

    1) In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death.

    (Like THAT makes sense.)


    2) In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is prohibited from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their reflection in a mirror.

    (Do they look different reversed?)


    3) Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to undertakers. The sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times.

    (A brick??)


    4) The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.

    (Much worse than "going blind!")


    5) There are men in Guam whose full-time job is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time .

    Reason: under Guam law, it is expressly forbidden for virgins to marry.

    (Let's just think about this one for a minute; is there any job anywhere else in the world that even comes close to this?)


    6) In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so with her bare hands. The husband's illicit lover, on the other hand, may be killed in any manner desired.

    (Ah! Justice!)


    7) Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England - but only in tropical fish stores.

    (But of course!)


    :cool: In Cali, Colombia, a woman may only have sex with her husband, and the first time this happens, her mother must be in the room to witness the act.

    (Makes one shudder at the thought.)


    9) In Santa Cruz, Bolivia, it is illegal for a man to have sex with a woman and her daughter at the same time.

    (I presume this was a big enough problem that they had to pass this law?)


    10) In Maryland, it is illegal to sell condoms from vending machines with one exception: Prophylactics may be dispensed from a vending machine only "in places where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption on the premises."

    (Is this a great country or what? Well . . . not as great as Guam!)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Channel 12 wants to talk. . .
« on: February 12, 2006, 01:38:00 PM »
Post URL: ... t=0#172589

Above is the post link to an announcement concerning a reporter in Cincinnati who wants to cover the KHK story and is asking for as many contacts and as much info as he can get.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Channel 12 wants to hear from you. . .
« on: February 12, 2006, 01:36:00 PM »
Dear All Concerned,
Please call 513-763-5559 if you are willing and able to talk to Channel 12 WKRC in Cincinnati regarding PROS and CONS of the treatment you received at either of ANY of the programs associated with the SEED which includes KHK, PATHWAY FAMILY CENTER, STRAIGHT, INC., LIFE, SAFE, GROWING TOGETHER, KIDS OF BC, etc...
The contact person is: Charles VanSant.

Channel 12 was supposed to be at the KHK protest on Friday the 10th, but was not able to make it for some reason or another.

This upcoming  WKRC story would be told from both sides. You are not required to provide your personal ID or anything you do not wish to have aired.

WKRC has been supportive of KHK over the years, however, they have never been advised of the TRUTH.

It appears that they are willing to listen and report on the side of TRUTH.

Now is the time to call.

You can also contact Charles by email: [email protected]
Thank you

Open Free for All / Mouthy parrot / tattle tale
« on: January 17, 2006, 03:25:00 PM »
from CNN:

Mouthy parrot 'reveals sex secret'


found out his girlfriend was having an affair when his pet parrot kept repeating her lover's name, British media reported Tuesday.
The African grey parrot kept squawking "I love you, Gary" as his owner, Chris Taylor, sat with girlfriend Suzy Collins on the sofa of their shared flat in Leeds, northern England.

But when Taylor saw Collins's embarrassed reaction, he realized she had been having an affair -- meeting her lover in the flat whilst Ziggy looked on, the UK's Press Association reported.

Ziggy even mimicked Collins's voice each time she answered her telephone, calling out "Hiya Gary," according to newspaper reports.

Call-center worker Collins, 25, admitted the four-month affair with a colleague called Gary to her boyfriend and left the flat she had shared with Taylor, 30, for a year.

Taylor said he had also been forced to part with Ziggy after the bird continued to call out Gary's name and refused to stop squawking the phrases in his ex-girlfriend's voice, media reports said.

"I wasn't sorry to see the back of Suzy after what she did, but it really broke my heart to let Ziggy go," he said.

"I love him to bits and I really miss having him around, but it was torture hearing him repeat that name over and over again.

"I still can't believe he's gone. I know I'll get over Suzy, but I don't think I'll ever get over Ziggy."

Taylor acquired Ziggy as a chick eight years ago and named him after the David Bowie character Ziggy Stardust.

The bird has now found a new home through the offices of a local parrot dealer. Collins, who admitted the affair, said: "I'm not proud of what I did but I'm sure Chris would be the first to admit we were having problems.

"I am surprised to hear he got rid of that bird," she added to The Guardian newspaper. "He spent more time talking to it than he did to me."


Hegelian Dialect is a perfect example of what J. Budziszewski (What We Can't Not Know, pp. 187) termed the "black magic spells of imposture and unraveling." Hegel's form of dialectics is itself an impostor. It effectively unravels truth and norms and then replaces them with a 'new truth' which is yet another impostor.

Hegel's 'black magic' Dialectics is the unholy diesel that fires the engine of the weapon of mass destruction being wielded by traitorous Americans and their New Age internationalist cohorts against America's traditional worldview and cultural infrastructure. This weapon is called "group dynamics" or the "consensus process." It's a psycho political behavior and belief modification technique that was used by Vietnamese communists against American POWs and by Chinese communists against dissidents. All individuals have an inherent fear of being alienated from the group, and by psychologically manipulating this fear skillful change-agents (facilitators) can manipulate or herd the victim towards a preplanned conclusion which induces the victim to compromise his own position. This is the consensus process, and when we hear Liberals screaming for 'consensus," they're really demanding that they be allowed to 'facilitate' the abandonment of Conservative principles.

Full Artical:

Psychopolitics: Erasing Christianity through the 'Consensus Process" ^ | Dec. 13, 2005 | Linda Kimball

Posted on 12/13/2005 1:22:47 PM PST by Lindykim

"Not too many years ago, Americans had never heard of sensitivity training, and if a facilitator of it had tried to convince them that they needed to be conditioned by it, he would have been told, very quickly and in no uncertain terms, to take a hike.  However, step by careful step, sensitivity training began to be stealthily inserted into our society.  Today, Americans simply submit to it without much thought, let alone any protest."  ("Psychopolitics: Joe Six-Pack and the Crocodile" Linda Kimball)  

Sensitivity training, hate-crime laws, political correctness, multiculturalism, and the group dynamics and/or 'facilitated consensus process'---all of these alien constructs are psycho political manifestations of evolutionary humanism, the malevolent system of warped morals and anti-human philosophy that is making war upon America's founding Christian-Judeo worldview.  

The definition of psycho politics is as follows:  "Psychopolitics is the art and science of asserting and maintaining physical and mental dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and the masses, thereby conquering enemy nations through "mental healing."  (Russian Manual on Psychopolitics, by Laventi Pavlovich Beria, head of the Soviet Secret Service Police and right hand man of Joseph Stalin)  

In 1947, Julian Huxley, head of UNESCO at that time, wrote a book titled, "UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy."  His book was a blueprint for a New World Order that called for one religion, one language, and one way of thinking.  He believed a global order could be brought about through the universal, albeit secretive, implementation of Hegel's Dialectic process.  

Huxley observed, "The task before UNESCO?is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose."  Huxley spoke of two opposing worldviews confronting each other from the West and the East.  In describing them he said, "You may categorize the two philosophies as?individualism versus collectivism or as the American versus the Russian?or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism.  Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis?  I believe?this can happen?through the inexorable dialectic of evolution."  

The concept of dialectics has been around for a long time.  Noah Webster (1828 edition) defined dialectics as: "That branch of logic which teaches the rules and modes of reasoning."  Simply stated, dialectics refers to 'position' versus 'opposition' or 'thesis' versus 'antithesis.'  By the traditional rules of conduct, if thesis is correct then it follows logically that antithesis is incorrect.  Georg Hegel, an Enlightenment shock trooper of evil, discarded the rules and turned the concept upside-down by equalizing thesis and antithesis, which resulted in moral relativity.   'New truth' is now found in something called 'synthesis.'  

Hegelian Dialect is a perfect example of what J. Budziszewski (What We Can't Not Know, pp. 187) termed the "black magic spells of imposture and unraveling."  Hegel's form of dialectics is itself an impostor. It effectively unravels truth and norms and then replaces them with a 'new truth' which is yet another impostor.  

Hegel's 'black magic' Dialectics is the unholy diesel that fires the engine of the weapon of mass destruction being wielded by traitorous Americans and their New Age internationalist cohorts against America's traditional worldview and cultural infrastructure.  This weapon is called "group dynamics" or the "consensus process."  It's a psycho political behavior and belief modification technique that was used by Vietnamese communists against American POWs and by Chinese communists against dissidents.  All individuals have an inherent fear of being alienated from the group, and by psychologically manipulating this fear skillful change-agents (facilitators) can manipulate or herd the victim towards a preplanned conclusion which induces the victim to compromise his own position.  This is the consensus process, and when we hear Liberals screaming for 'consensus," they're really demanding that they be allowed to 'facilitate' the abandonment of Conservative principles.  

There are three steps to the consensus process.  They are called, "Unfreezing the present level, moving to the new level and, freezing group life on the new level."  In order to speed up the unfreezing phase, communists resorted to physical torture.  In America, emotional pain precipitated through vicious psychological bullying (character assassination, labeling, spreading lies, etc) is the preferred method.  

There are four key elements necessary for a successful 'consensus process' operation.  They are:

(1)multicultural and/or diverse groups fueled by resentment and envy (necessary for causing social conflict)

(2)a social issue around which conflict can be created (example: Christmas, which is labeled 'exclusionary, insensitive, and hurtful' to diverse groups)

(3)the dialoguing to consensus process (psychological manipulation leading to abandonment of principles and positions)

(4) a predetermined outcome (example: Christmas parades successfully recast as 'Festival of Lights" or "Winter Holiday" parades that are inclusive of gay pride celebrants)  

The consensus process is yet another example of Budziszewski's "black magic spells of imposture and unraveling."  It's been so successful that Christianity has been banned from government on all levels, from schools, and increasingly from public areas.  Christians have lost their jobs, been jailed, and their children harassed and even suspended for daring to express their Christian beliefs in any way.  Anti-Christian bias has become so bad that John Gibson (Fox News anchor) observed, "It's no longer permissible to wish anyone Merry Christmas.  That's too exclusive, too insensitive.  What if they're not Christian?  What if they're an atheist?  A school in Maryland is now questioning Thanksgiving because, after all, to whom are we giving thanks if not to God, and we all know we can't have that in public?Yes, Virginia, there is a war on Christmas."  (Introduction, "The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought.)  

And now a word from New World Order facilitators:  

"We have battled in America since the century's turn to bring to nothing?all Christian influences and we are succeeding.  You must work until officials of city, county, and state will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies. (there must) be a?foaming hatred of religion?a belief that Christian practice is vicious, bad, insanity causing, publicly hated and intolerable."  (Russian Manual on Psychopolitics)  

"I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology.  Its importance has been?increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda.  Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class.  The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated."  Bertrand Russell  

John Gibson asked a Eugene, Oregon city manager why he had banned Christmas trees.  His properly mind-conformed response, "Well, because they're Christian" (pp. 87). This manager and countless scores of other Americans testify to the enormous success thus far achieved by psycho political operatives.  Having been "unfrozen" from the level whereon America's traditional worldview resides and successfully 'moved' to the desired level and then 'frozen' there, they now serve their new masters desires by mindlessly destroying the source of both their liberties and their human worth---Christianity.  

"Oh but, Christianity has nothing to do with either the founding of our nation or with our rights and freedoms!" exclaim mind-conditioned scoffers and skeptics.  The truth has been 'hiding' in full view, but because their minds have been darkened by black magic spells and their eyes made sightless by black magic dust, the mind-conditioned can neither see nor hear the truth.  Right there in Huxley's words is the truth, for in speaking of his blueprint he inadvertently 'confessed' to it when he said of the two opposing philosophies, "You may categorize the two philosophies as?Christianity versus Marxism."  

Cain "Dialogues to Consensus" with Abel  

His blackened soul seething with diabolical envy, silver-tongued Cain manipulates Abel into trusting him.  "Come, my dearly beloved brother.  Let us take a nice long walk and speak of our need for equality, fairness, inclusion, and democracy.  We will 'dialogue to consensus.'  See this nice strong cudgel?  I'll carry it so as to ensure that no harm befalls us.  Trust me, Abel---I'm your loving brother!"  

Copyright Linda Kimball 2005


"Legalizing Mind Control" by Berit Kjos

"A Chronological History: The New World Order" by DL Cuddy, PhD

"Reinventing the World" by Berit Kjos

"The Russian Manual on Psychopolitics" Laventi Pavlovich Beria

About the writer: Linda is a writer and author of numerous published articles and essays on culture, politics, and worldview.

*[ This Message was edited by: BuzzKill on 2006-01-06 10:00 ]

Feed Your Head / Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
« on: December 31, 2005, 07:16:00 PM »
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (Hardcover)
by John Berendt "He was tall,about fifty, with darkly handsome, almost sinister features: a neatly trimmed mustache, hair turning silver at the temples, and eyes so black they..." (more)
Voodoo. Decadent socialites packing Lugars. Cotillions. With towns like Savannah, Georgia, who needs Fellini? Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil takes two narrative strands--each worthy of its own book--and weaves them together to make a single fascinating tale. The first is author John Berendt's loving depiction of the characters and rascals that prowled Savannah in the eight years it was his home-away-from-home. "Eccentrics thrive in Savannah," he writes, and proves the point by introducing Luther Diggers, a thwarted inventor who just might be plotting to poison the town's water supply; Joe Odom, a jovial jackleg lawyer and squatter nonpareil; and, most memorably, the Lady Chablis, whom you really should meet for yourself. Then, on May 2, 1981, the book's second story line commences, when Jim Williams, a wealthy antique dealer and Savannah's host with the most, kills his "friend" Danny Hansford. (If those quotes make you suspect something, you should.) Was it self-defense, as Williams claimed--or murder? The book sketches four separate trials, during which the dark side of this genteel party town is well and truly plumbed.

From Publishers Weekly
After discovering in the early 1980s that a super-saver fare to Savannah, Ga., cost the same as an entree in a nouvelle Manhattan restaurant, Esquire columnist Berendt spent the next eight years flitting between Savannah and New York City. The result is this collection of smart, sympathetic observations about his colorful Southern neighbors, including a jazz-playing real estate shark; a sexually adventurous art student; the Lady Chablis (' "What was your name before that?" I asked. "Frank," she said.' "); the gossipy Married Woman's Card Club; and an assortment of aging Southern belles. The book is also about the wealthy international antiques dealer Jim Williams, who played an active role in the historic city's restoration--and would also be tried four times for the 1981 shooting death of 21-year-old Danny Handsford, his high-energy, self-destructive house helper. The Williams trials--he died in 1990 of a heart attack at age 59--are lively matches between dueling attorneys fought with shifting evidence, and they serve as both theme and anchor to Berendt's illuminating and captivating travelogue.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.

 See all Editorial Reviews

Folks - this book is Laugh Out Loud Funny! I can not imagine anyone not enjoying this story.
I first read it years ago - and spent the day sitting on my front porch, giggling and laughing and turning pages.
Do not judge this book by the movie (most always a terrible mistake) The movie was dull as dish water - this book sparkles.

I noticed today that the author has a new book out - and this reminded me of "Midnight" - which was enough to make me smile to myself there in the book store. I thought I'd tell ya'll 'bout it.

[ This Message was edited by: Eudora on 2006-02-25 10:18 ]


   Located near the Alabama/Mississippi border, Respect Camp is situated on 80 acres of lush green surroundings. The cadets live in barracks with their Platoon and receive instruction on basic cadet skills which include drill, marching, fitness, inspections and barracks procedures. Cadets wear uniforms. Respect Camp has strict rules and follows a regimented daily structure, all designed to teach discipline.

 Woodland Hills Maternity Home is a safe, secure, supervised and structured living environment bound by positive, decent expectations and rules where young women will truly begin to internalize good behavior.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Southern Living Camps&Schools
« on: December 22, 2005, 09:16:00 PM » ... lcamp.html

Scroll down. . .

See if anything jumps out at ya.

Open Free for All / Beyond belife/phone hoax
« on: November 02, 2005, 03:12:00 PM »
Sunday, October 9, 2005

A hoax most cruel

By Andrew Wolfson
[email protected]
The Courier-Journal

A teenager who was strip-searched in April 2004 at the Mount Washington McDonald's where she worked is objecting to terms of the plea bargain struck for the man who admitted sexually humiliating her.

As part of the agreement, Walter Nix Jr., 43, pleaded guilty last month to unlawful imprisonment and sexual misconduct, and was to be sentenced today in Bullitt Circuit Court to one year's probation under those charges.

But Louise Ogborn, 19, who was forced to sodomize Nix as part of telephone hoax at the store on April 9, 2004, objects to portions of the deal that allowed him to deny wrongdoing and to avoid registering as a sex offender, according to lawyers for both sides.

"The deal will not go through," said William C. Boone Jr., Ogborn's co-counsel.

Nix's lawyer, Kathleen Schmidt, said she will ask Judge Tom Waller to enforce the plea agreement today. If he doesn't, Nix will have the option of withdrawing his plea and going to trial, or accepting an agreement with harsher terms. Nix had been charged with sodomy and assault, which carry penalties of up to 20 years in prison.

Commonwealth's Attorney Mike Mann declined to comment on whether a new deal has been worked out, but he confirmed that Ogborn and her family expressed misgivings about the plea agreement when he met with them Saturday.

Steven Yater, Ogborn's other lawyer, acknowledged in an interview that he and Boone failed to tell their client about some terms of the agreement, including one that allowed Nix to enter an Alford plea, in which he maintained his innocence but admitted there was enough evidence to convict him.

Nix has claimed he was duped into humiliating Ogborn by a man who called the McDonald's pretending to be a police officer investigating a theft. Nix was engaged at the time to the store's assistant manager, Donna Jean Summers, who, at the behest of the caller, had taken away Ogborn's clothes before calling Nix in to help watch the teen.

Nix has said the man on the phone ordered him to direct Ogborn to do exercises in the nude and perform oral sex on him. He said he also slapped her several times on the buttocks at the direction of the caller.

Ogborn was detained for nearly four hours in the hoax, which was one of 70 perpetrated in 32 states from 1995 through last year. A private prison guard, David N. Stewart, of Fountain, Fla., was charged in July 2004 with impersonating a police officer and soliciting sodomy in the Mount Washington case. He has pleaded not guilty and is set for trial Dec. 13.

Summers, who was fired, is charged with unlawful imprisonment, a misdemeanor, and her trial is scheduled for Dec. 7. She also has pleaded not guilty.

Although Ogborn has agreed to probation for Nix, Yater said she objects to his contention that he was just following orders.

"That is the defense made by Germans at Nuremburg," Yater said. "You could be fooled into some of the things he did, but not sodomy."

In other developments:

ABC Primetime is scheduled to broadcast a segment Nov. 10 about the Mount Washington case, according to Yater, who said Ogborn was interviewed for it last week by a producer and reporter John Quinones.

Yater said efforts failed Monday to mediate a settlement of Ogborn's civil lawsuit, in which she alleges that McDonald's failed to warn her and other employees at the company-owned Mount Washington store about previous hoaxes.

An attorney for McDonald's, W. R. "Pat" Patterson Jr., confirmed that the mediation was unsuccessful. A corporate spokesman for McDonald's, Bill Whitman, would say only that "we are open to further discussions with the plaintiff and her legal counsel."

Managers of at least 17 McDonald's stores already had been conned by the time Ogborn was strip-searched, and the company was defending itself in at least four lawsuits stemming from such hoaxes, The Courier-Journal has reported.

McDonald's has denied liability and said Ogborn should have realized that the caller was not a police officer. The company also has filed civil claims against Stewart and Nix.

87 ... news08.txt
Panel to begin work regulating youth homes
By JOHN STROMNES of the Missoulian


Is solitary confinement in an isolated ?hobbit hole? appropriate behavior-changing therapy for a troubled, defiant teenager?

Are leg restraints appropriate when bringing such teens to Montana against their will (but at their parents' insistence) to live in a private boarding school?

Who is responsible when an untrained youth ?counselor? seduces teenagers half his age while they're in his care at a church-based residential facility?

These are some of the questions facing - but unlikely to be quickly answered - by the state's newly formed Board of Private Alternative Adolescent Residential or Outdoor Programs.

The board will take its first baby steps toward self-regulation of the unregulated - and burgeoning - ?behavioral health-care industry? in Montana on Wednesday, with a public hearing in Helena on proposed administrative rules that will govern board procedures and the establishment of fees to register existing facilities.

The board was established by the 2005 Legislature as an alternative to a state Department of Health and Human Services measure that would have regulated the programs as health-care providers, as are similar facilities for youths confined by court order.

The push for regulation came about because of much-publicized concerns about the mistreatment or neglect of youths whose parents have enrolled them in behavior-modification programs in Montana, Utah, Arizona, the Caribbean, Mexico and even Central Europe.

Many of the programs operate without government registration or regulation, and abuses have occurred. In well-publicized cases from some ?wilderness experience? programs, youths attending by parental order have even died.

Government and private therapeutic treatment programs for youths committed because of delinquency or crimes are intensively regulated in Montana. Many states also regulate the nonjudicial alternative programs, where the youths in custody are turned over by their parents. But in Montana, these private-pay, private-enroll programs are called ?substitute-care providers? and are specifically exempted from state regulation.

In 2003, Montana's Department of Health and Human Services published a report, ?Unregulated Youth Residential Care Programs in Montana,? to provide background information on the need for regulations.

In 2005, the sought-for legislation - which would have registered and ultimately regulated the programs - was proposed by DPHHS and would have been administered by the department, said Mary Dalton, director of the DPHHS Quality Assurance Division.

The agency already regulates 380 residential facilities and 629 child day-care providers.

But the industry quickly mustered its forces - one program spent $34,000 on lobbying - and proposed its own bill.

?When it became evident that the state would be moving in this direction (toward regulation), the programs wanted to be willing participants and ahead of the curve rather than being dragged along on a leash,? said Rep. Paul Clark, D-Trout Creek, who sponsored the industry's bill and himself works for two smaller wilderness-based adolescent programs in western Sanders County.

The industry bill differed in a number of crucial ways from the DPHHS proposal.

First, it put the entire registration and regulatory proposal under the auspices of the state Department of Labor and Industry, through a board mainly composed of industry representatives, instead of the health-care professionals in DPHHS.

Second, it exempted any faith-based or religious private behavioral therapy programs; at least seven of the 30 programs in Montana are faith-based.

Third, it would be self-supporting through fees and not cost taxpayers any money, as the DPHHS regulation presumably would have.

The Legislature weighed its options and quickly favored Clark's bill, which passed both houses easily. The DPHHS bill died in committee.

Dalton said the fact that Clark, a respected legislator who works in the industry, sponsored the industry bill and helped secure its passage. Clark said the fact that his proposal cost taxpayers nothing was ?a big issue? to many legislators.

?The programs themselves, not the state, are paying for it. That was a big issue - $40,000 and $50,000 for the two years,? he said.

The first step in the approved process is to establish rules by which the board will operate and register existing programs. That will be the topic at Wednesday's meeting in Helena. The rules also propose how site visits will be made. A week's notification in advance must be given to the program, under the proposed rules.

Programs that are exempt include any that are already regulated, or recreational programs, or boarding schools or residential schools that focus on academics, or sports-oriented camps.

Specifically exempt are alternative residential programs that are adjunct to any organized church, such as Pinehaven near St. Ignatius.

The new board is composed of five members - three from various segments of the industry and two interested members of the public. Serving on the board at present are Clark, as representative of small programs; Michele ?Mickey? Manning, principal at Spring Creek Lodge Academy west of Thompson Falls, with 500 students perhaps the largest such boarding program in Montana, and the largest employer in Sanders County; Mary Alexine of Chrysalis Inc., near Eureka, representing medium-sized programs; Carol Brooker of Plains, a Sanders County commissioner; and Maureen Neihart of Laurel, a licensed clinical child psychologist.

The board must meet at least twice a year for two years to examine the benefits and drawbacks of licensing and registration. To do so, it will conduct an extensive survey of current standards and other issues.

It will report back to the 2007 Legislature and either recommend further legislation, or recommend the board be disbanded with no further action advisable.

The law asserts that ?necessary licensure processes and safety standards for programs are best developed and monitored by the professionals that are actively engaged in providing private alternative adolescent residential care.?

Feed Your Head / Three Books: A Haunting/ a little girl/ NWO
« on: October 23, 2005, 11:24:00 PM »
If you want a good read on a Haunting: ... 55&s=books

 The Haunting of Hill House
by Shirley Jackson

"Hill House, not sane, had stood for eighty years and might stand for eighty more...within, floors were firm, windows sensibly shut, and whatever walked there, walked alone."  My suggestion...don't read this book alone, but read it!

There are numerous cheep second hand copies available and its well worth the price.

Like one reviewer, I first encountered this story in the black & white movie of the 60's. Like the reviewer - I found it very scary.
As is usually the case - the book is even better.

The haunting described, is very typical of what is often described in severely haunted houses, but at no time is there a visible "ghost";  and if Elinore is possessed (as is hinted at) it is not described in any kind of way typical of today's movies on the subject. It is very subtle - and somehow, that much more frightening as a result.


For a very good read on the cruelity of little girls - and how it can color their world for decades after: ... 55&s=books

Cat's Eye (Paperback)
by Margaret Atwood

I tend to agree with the reviewers who say the book looses steam toward the end, as Elaine the adult becomes the focus. Even so, this is one I'll keep and read more than once as the years pass by.

For an excelent little book on the scheming of the powers that be: ... s&v=glance

New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (Paperback)
by William T. Still

Yes, it is written from a Christian perspective - but please folks - don't let that keep you from reading it. The information is most fascinating no matter what your personal beliefs may be. It is more or an overview, than a comprehensive work - but that makes it more readable, IMO. It is well documented - no matter what the critics might say.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Atomic Ant's bowling buddies
« on: September 30, 2005, 12:58:00 PM »
Post URL: ... 160#136290

Atomic Ant -

I agree with your bowling buddies. I have oft made the same argument, tho in different words.

Its possible to take that argument and expand it to become a dandy conspiracy theory - and I personally think there may be something to it.

I also think the fairly dramatic switch in society from home cooked meals to fast food diet is a factor.

I think it has affected our mental health as well as our physical health - as a society.

And again - this is a result of the two income family.

I remember what it was like when my kids were little and I was working - I'd come home exhausted and have a meal to cook and clean up after, and laundry to do and all the other various duties of a wife and mom. It is natural and inevitable that families gravitate to fast food - it cuts down on so much work.

Certainly, I understand why women fought for equal pay for equal work - and indeed, the right to work and be respected on the job - but over, all I think we were brainwashed to think we "should" work outside of our homes - and that we "needed" the extra income, and that raising our children was not worth while or interesting or of value to our families and society.

A "housewife" is still looked at as something not much better than something to be scraped off the bottom of a shoe.

And too - the role of men in the family has been greatly de-valued in recent decades.

The value of family in general has been under constant attack for many years now and as a result families are crumbling.

So, next time your out with your bowling buddies - toss one back for me in a toast of agreement.

*[ This Message was edited by: BuzzKill on 2005-09-30 10:01 ]

Whats the deal with taking down the BBS?
You program parents - tell me - what do you think about this? Is it really gone?

Found this on a Blog site.

WWASPS/Teen Help - Utah, Montana, New York, etc...

In one of the most communistic moves to date, the General Discussion Forum on the parent's BBS has been deleted.

Not just sanitized of any posts that might raise concerns among half-baked parents - it's completely GONE.

There had been LOTS of chatter on the forum about Academy at Ivy Ridge not being accredited, being fined by the state of New York and being declared "education fraud" and my guess is that whomever cleans off those posts every day couldn't keep up and decided to just get rid of the problem altogether.

I can understand that.

I'm sure the LAST thing WWASPS/Teen Helps wants is for all 2,500 or so families involved to find out that the accreditation is worthless, the diplomas are junk, and they are being financially exploited.

posted August 24, 2005.

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