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Topics - starry-eyed pirate

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Let It Bleed / Can you recommend any vinyl ??
« on: December 15, 2006, 01:55:50 AM »
RTP, what's the best BOC ??  How shall I slake my bloodthirst ??  I'm lookin' to cut to the chase here some.  I'm goin to the flea market to hunt up some vinyl on Saturday.

I had always enjoyed the emotocons before this new format, but ever since the change I can't get to'em.  See, if I click on to "show more emotocons" the screen will come up, but as soon as I click onto the first emotocon I want, the screen disappears and I can't get it back. Therefore I've basically lost access to all my favorite emotocons.  However, I have noticed that as I'm closing my windows and logging off the last screen I see underneath everything else is that damn emotocon screen sittin' there lookin at me like a tease, I just can't ree-each.  Is there any remedy ??

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What night is...RTP
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:43:30 AM »
So I told ja I'd let ya know the end of the story about whether I ever recieved my $tr8 file in the mail ??  remember, about...what ??...

About a year ago. I sent a firm but polite registered letter, full of manners and such niceities to the DFAF down in FLA requesting that they give me my file...

I've heard nothin back.  I know I'm real slow but see all this time I been a-thinkin' on it.  Ever'day that damn file don' show I get a little more meaner and a little more focused on it.  I got their signed receipt layin around on the tables in my livin room remindin me ever' damned day that they continue to be disrespectful.  They should at least send me an explanation of some kind.  Don't cha think ?!?!

 I start to think I'm gonna have to send them another registered letter... But I can see that aint gonna do it, maybe I'll have to go down there in person and walk right into the place and ask for it.  And refuse to go away.  I'll just be cool.  I'll just walk up to the receptionist or whoever I see that looks like someone to deal with and introduce myself and ask for my file.  I made personal arrangements back in like '86 with Tim Kelleher who was on executive staff at the time.  He told me if I ever graduated he'd give me my file and we shook on it.  I wanted to see my file back then.  That's my fuckin file! Fuck them for invadin' my space.  That is a crime!  

Some folks might ask:  Why do you want your file so bad aint worth your time or energy...just for-get it.  I ask that question of myself.

But see theres somethin about it...because I helped create it.  It is a coded message to myself really, just like all the poetry and notes that I wrote to myself that they threw away cause they wanted me to need them in my confusion.  They wanted me to be submissive to them, wanted my dependence on them.  They are in fear.  $tr8 is the manifestation of their nightmare.  They are the weak.  

Maybe I'll just take a drive on down to ol' FLA, That's about the last state in the lower 48, that I yet gotta see...  Maybe I'll just go on in there real cool like and refuse to leave without my file.  If it gets rough.  I won't be overtly threatenin'.  I'll just hold my ground and insist that they deliver it to me.  If they want me to leave without it they'll just have to throw me out, but I'll come back and I'll stand outside their damn building and ask for my file until they give it to me or give me some explanation.  

Just to make 'em face me.

What night is ladies night RTP ??  ::bandit::

Web forum hosting / Yet Another Question for the Fornits Tech. Team...
« on: September 15, 2006, 05:03:59 PM »
Howcome even when I'm logged in the screen doesn't change to blue and gray anymore ??

I wish Steve Irwin was our president and George Bush had taken the sting of the ray through the heart.  Bush makes the world a darker place.  Steve was a light of life... Steve charmed poisonus snakes and made the world a nicer place...Bush hoodwinks his own people and couldn't charm his own cock.  Bush uses fear and intimidation to accomplish his goals.  Steve was full of love for deadly sentient beings. Steves' death leaves the world a lesser place, but Bush's death would only have let more light shine on the garden of our Earth.

R.I.P Steve Irwin.  You are sorely missed by so many...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Some highlights from "Help At Any Cost"
« on: September 05, 2006, 11:45:58 AM »
I read the book a couple weeks ago.  There were a few paragraphs that I thought were particularly poignant so I thought I'd post 'em here.

These highlights are all from Chapter 9, which is where Maia finally cuts to the chase after building her case outta individual stories in the previous 8.

Page 249:

"...The atmosphere in the programs - in which emotional attacks are unrelenting, privacy is non-existent, sleep and food deprivation are common, and the person has little if any control over his environment - is exactly the type that research has found most likely to produce PTSD.

The more researchers learn, in fact, the greater the evidence becomes that being put in any kind of situation of total powerlessness for a significant length of time has the capacity to produce lasting damage to the brains' stress system, especially when it happens to a young person.  This damage has been linked not only to PTSD, but to increased risk for depression, addiction, other mental illnesses, and even immune-system disorders and cancer..."

Page 251:

"...Kids report simply being thrown into the programs'daily activities with no opportunity to process what has happened.  Their perfectly rational anger, hurt, and desire to escape are framed as pathological 'denial,' which must be broken down until they reach 'acceptance' and come to praise their captors and keepers..."

My comment: Psychological whiplash!!!!  This is where the trauma all started for me. Right on day 1.  Sometimes I still feel like I'm in shock.  I think that's part of what PTSD in a state of constant emotional shock.

Page 252:

"...tough love programs impose greater restrictions and limits than most parents would set for grade-schoolers.  Such a developementally mistimed intervention is unlikely to foster healthy familial connections and emotional growth, even if the child complies..."

Page 253:

"...for teens in these programs, there are no opportunities to begin to explore romantic relationships: contact with the opposite sex, let alone dating, is barely allowed.  Friendships are impoverished by the constant pressure to 'turn in' ones' fellows for misbehavior, and the depth of the betrayal that can result when secrets disclosed in confidence are used to advance a 'friend' at your expense.  Tough love participants are left behind to play catch-up in almost every life area.  They are also socialized to behave in ways that aren't conducive to relational health.  For example, as Kyrsten Bean described it, the WWASP program made her so hard on her friends that they became afraid to turn to her when in crisis because she was so judgemental and blunt.  In the outside world, most people don't believe that it is appropriate or helpful to prod people in their emotional sore spots -- but tough love participants are taught that this is an act of love for which they should be thanked..."

My comment: God damn!!!  I can totally relate!!!  This is exactly what I've been tryin' to explain for years, to my friends, who can't understand why I struggle so much.  $tr8 was so fucked up in so many ways.  They made me sick.  I mean just when I was about to enter manhood and seek my place in the world and in society they completely and totally removed me from it, spent years brainwashing me into socially unnacceptable and socially stunted behavior and then released me back into the world just at the age when I should have been self-supporting and independent.  I mean it's crazy to me that they even expected me to be able to function socially at all, after everything I'd been through...WTF was I supposed to do ??  I was homeless and semi-homeless off an' on, but mostly on, for about a decade after $tr8.  Even now I live on the fringe of society.  While my friends went to high scool and college and dated girls and got married and started famillies and kept jobs I struggled just to understand why I couldn't keep a job or otherwise relate...And not to say that I would have necessarily wanted all those things, but it would have been nice to have had the choice and not have my circumstances dictated to me by the abuse I suffered at the hands of $tr8.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Invisible
« on: August 20, 2006, 11:05:50 AM »
The effects of $tr8 can be so overwhelming and yet so subtle.  I haven't been workin' lately.  It's been almost 2 months since I've worked.  I'm not so much lazy, although I'll have to admit to havin' a lazy streak, but I've mostly been a laborer all my life, that is, when I'm not hidin' out wishin I was invisible or somethin'.  

I was talkin' to an old friend yesterday, explaining to him that it aint that I'm lazy or don't wanta do the work, but that I'm just real uncomfortable with the idea that the homeowners may be inside their house watchin me work.  I don't even feel like cutting the few lawns I still have left, here in the neighborhood.  I don't trust any of these people and I don't want them to see me.

My neighbors houses are only about 20' from mine.  Lotsa times I don't even want to walk around in my backyard because I fear someone is watchin' me.  Lookin' outtta their windows, observin' me.

I asked my friend out loud: "Why do I feel so uncomfortable ??  What is it that's bothering me ??"

As soon as I asked him those questions out loud I realized how I had absolutely no privacy in $tr8.  Especially on first phase, which I spent 10 months on.  I mean really it's no wonder I don't want to be seen or watched or observed by anyone.  How many times have I been systematically humilliated and degraded, especially in the bathroom, and when I was on 'consequences' it was especially bad because I had to ask for each square of toilet paper seperately with the words: "By the courtesy of your humble host-home may I please have a piece of toilet paper" !!!!!!!!!!  How fuckin degrading and humilliating!!!!!!!

I told my friend about $tr8, which he had heard a little bit about before, so he was somewhat familliar with the place, and even explained to him how I had no privacy in the bathroom and even told him about how I had to ask for each sheet of toilet paper with those words.  He sympathized with me but couldn't help laughin a little at the image of me bein' such a pussy.  I almost regret tellin' him, but fuck it, maybe he will understand a little better why I'm "different".

I've always had trouble keepin' a job.  For the last 10 years I haven't even applied for a "real" job.  I've been self-employed, as a ditch-digger/landscaper type guy.  I don't have the mental stability to be the kind of man who shows up to the same job with the same people everyday.  Eventually I get freaked out and stop showin' up.  I try to force myself to go.  That's the advice I get from the 'regular' people who all seem to be able to keep a steady job, but my aversion to people is so strong...that even the need to make money can't over-ride my psychology, and it's weird because I am actually quite capable of sustaining deep and intimate friendships, but I am extremely selective with the people who I choose to be friends with.

Anyway my point was that all the humilliation and degradation I suffered in $tr8 is like a dirty secret that I don't even want to address,  but if I don't I am left wondering: "what's wrong with me ??  Why am I so fucked up ??  Why can't I go to work ?? " and so on.  It really helped me a lot yesterday just to admit out loud to my friend all the trouble I have.  As soon as I asked my questions out loud in front of him the answers came to me.  It's really a huge problem because not working means no money.  I've been struggeling like this all of my adult life.  I'm tired.

It's just so strange to think that I understand the obvious crimes, the serial mind-rape, that I suffered in $tr8 and yet am puzzled by my inablity to function consistently in society.  It's not that I can't work at all but that it fucks me up just enough to keep me in trouble.

It's really even a lot more than just that.  The scars and unhealed wounds I carry from the humilliation and degradation are just one aspect of the overall trauma.  I exhibit many of the emotional and psychological symptoms of a rape victim.  I have been told by my psychologist that I show signs of PTSD

What a fuckin' mess.

Sorry, I don't even know if this is making sense to anyone.  I wish I could be invisible.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The stillness of being copped out...
« on: August 15, 2006, 11:25:16 PM »
...When I was copped out from $tr8, hiding out in the woods, listening to the birds in the trees, following the path of the stream.  The Sun seemed to shine so nice.  I was completely alone.  Mostly I never sat still.  I covered about 10 miles a day just movin' around.  Runnin' in the narrow stretches of woods between sub-divisions that connected what little forest was left at that time around Fairfax and Burke.  I couldn't take the chance of bein' seen so I never came out of the woods during the day.  I shoplifted to eat.  The police were looking for me.  Sometimes they would question people I knew and I would hear about it later or one time the police investigator who was chasing me gave me a message through a friend to call him.  I called him from a pay phone.  It was a brief conversation.  I didn't tell him anything and hung up quick and got movin' again, in case they had traced the call.

The stillness I am referring to was in my mind.  I had very few possessions.  My mind was very focused.  I was undistracted by anything.  I kept very little company.  I hardly ate.  I slept in various places.  I was a tramp.  

How can I even describe the sense that I had at that time ??  The one I can never forget or even seem to leave behind ??  It's like certain doors were opened to me because I had travelled so far to get to that point.  I had left the world behind.

I had no home.  No Family.  No money.  No shelter.  I knew I was bein' unjustly persecuted and with only the clothes I wore, a sleeping bag and a knife, I felt fine, in my alone-ness.  I felt strong and independent.  My mind was my own.  My mind was still.  I was comfortable with myself and who I was.  

I learned something from livin' like that.  $tr8 had severed all of my mental attachments and then I severed myself from $tr8...I had nothing and wanted for very little.  There was a certain strength and peace of mind that I had.  The only thing I feared was capture.

I had been completely on the outside.  Livin' there.  

In a lot of ways I'm still there.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ...This idea...
« on: August 05, 2006, 05:37:22 PM »
...but I don't know if you'll like it or not... LOL...

Hey! What if people who wanted to remain anon just created a user name for each seperate thread ??  Like when you first come on a thread if you want to remain mostly anon but still understand the need for some continuity in the discussion then you could indicate a thread name...

Dig ??

Like if someone wants to give me a hard time or something they could be "Fuck you pirate, you straightling 5th phaser asshole", but then they might want to just go as "FUpys5pA".  Anyway this would alleviate much confusion, sharpen communication and heighten the intensity, if you can stand it...LOL!

Feed Your Head / $tr8 survivor would like a used copy of Maia's book
« on: August 04, 2006, 07:20:26 PM »
Who wants to sell me at half price or give me a copy of Maia's book, "Help At Any Cost" ??  I don't have much money, but I want to read it and I will pay half price for a used copy.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / missing threads
« on: July 25, 2006, 12:15:15 PM »
It looks to me as though at least 2 threads have been deleted since yesterday that had nothing to do with spam.  The one was a real long auto-biographical post by Sammiegirl, although she was not logged in under her username.  The other contained a parody of Stillahippie, as stillastraightling...

The stillastraightling post may have been a little harsh on our friend Hip, but I don't think it should have been deleted.  It was actually pretty damn funny and the author of it made some very good points through their humor.  

What is the reasoning behind the deletion of these threads ??

Web forum hosting / Questions for the tech team
« on: July 24, 2006, 03:08:23 AM »
Dear Tech team'

What is "GMT" time ??  You know it says down in the corner of the board: "All times are "GMT"  I can't figure it out  :lol:

Also, how-come when I click onto an emotocon after clicking onto the "view more emotocons" I can only click onto one(on that screen) and then the screen disappears and I can't get back ??  This kinda sucks, cause I really liked all those silly emotocons.  Thanks.

... :skull:...

See what I mean...?? I tried to click onto the skull and then the dove but once I clicked the skull the screen went away and no matter how many times I patiently tried to click back to it, it won't come up. Uhh, I really was kinda into the skull AND the Dove.  

Piracy and Peace.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The $tr8 life...
« on: July 22, 2006, 12:26:30 AM »
I didn't go to high school.  Not really.  I went to $tr8 instead.  I was pulled out of the middle of 10th grade and basically didn't see the light of day for about a year an' a half or so!  I copped-out 4 times, including once off 'a' 1st phase on my 64th day, but they always hunted me down and brought me back.

No charges, no representation. just imprisonment and mental distress.

Never was able to be friends with my old friends again.  By the time I got out of $tr8 for good they were all gone and I was way too fucked up anyway.  

I remember how angry I was, about day 15 or so, as I sat on front row fully comprehending the betrayal by my parents, and my country.  The rage that had no where to go.  The loneliness that overwhelmed me as I began to realize that no-one was going to help me.  

America, land of the law, not of the spirit.

Tacitus' Realm / signs of the times
« on: July 21, 2006, 02:55:27 PM »
Slippery Rock township, Butler County, PA...

Some way cool cat has been goin' round spray-painting a large number of the road signs in northern Butler county.   The cat must a spent an entire night spray-paintin' every sign he/she came to.  You can drive for miles around Slippery Rock township and you can't escape the message!  "Stop" signs now read "Stop War" and the sign that formerly read "Watch Children" now reads "War Watch Children Die".  Righteous man.  If I knew who this anti-war activist was I would shake their hand and smoke a big ol' fatty with them.

End War!!!  Create Peace!!!

Let It Bleed / Annual Rock Falls Mid-Summer Music Fest
« on: July 18, 2006, 11:18:32 AM »
A pretty good time for $20.00.  I go just about every year.  

Hip and Ginger, I thought you were close enough, you might come, but everyone is invited.

And Hip, good to see ya around again.  Bring your guitarist and your harmonica.

Check it out!

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