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Copyright 2003 The Austin American Statesman
Austin American-Statesman (Texas)
November 6, 2003, Thursday

SECTION: Metro/State; Pg. B1
HEADLINE: Lawmakers to examine wilderness programs

A legislative committee will examine whether wilderness camps for troubled youths, such as the Hill Country camp [A Brown Schools facitlity with a terrible track record] where a Dallas-area teenager died a year ago, are properly regulated by the state, officials said Wednesday.

The use of physical restraints and their role in the deaths of 44 youths and adults in residential care settings since 1988 will be one focus of the Select Interim Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care, according to state Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, chosen Tuesday by House Speaker Tom Craddick to head the committee. The committee's charge overall is to study how well the Texas child welfare system is working.

"If you're hurting kids, we're going to be after you," said Hupp, R-Lampasas. "There have been a number of revelations in the media, not only cases in Texas but cases in the country, and that and complaints we've gotten, will be a part" of the committee's study.

In a series published this year, the Austin American-Statesman detailed how the use of improper physical restraints at centers for troubled teenagers had continued despite the deaths and how regulatory agencies in Texas and other states had done little to halt their use.

In citing the On Track program for multiple violations after the Oct. 14, 2002, death of Chase Moody of Richardson, Texas regulators alleged that an improper restraint was used, although a grand jury later concluded that no
criminal charges were warranted.

An example of the restraint occurs when a youth is held facedown on the ground, with pressure applied to the back.

The camp has since been closed.

According to Craddick's directive, the 11-member panel will examine Texas' child welfare and foster care system, with a focus on reviewing the licensure requirements and performance of "all types of foster care facilities, including
residential treatment facilities, wilderness camps and emergency treatment centers."

Part of that study will include how well state agencies communicate in overseeing foster care and other child protection issues.

Craddick specifically asked the committee to "explore other states' efforts that will promote 'best practices' and help identify program efficiencies with (the) Texas child welfare system." [Let's hope they don't use Utah!]

Rep. Elliott Naishtat, D-Austin, a committee member, said the study of restraints is important "so we can consider the application and administration of proper standards in this state." A bill to make the use of certain restraints a crime failed to pass in May.

Howard Falkenberg, Austin-based spokesman for the Brown Schools, owner of the On Track program, said the firm "supports the consideration of good licensing rules and strong standards that will improve our industry," even though it no longer operates residential treatment centers or the wilderness camp. [No longer operates RTCs? What do they consider their classification?]

He noted that the firm has supported tougher licensing standards in other states where it still operates programs.

Critics of physical restraints and lax regulations hailed the new inquiry.

"This investigation could lead to much better care and protection of the over 15,000 kids who are in the care of the state," said Jerry Boswell, president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Texas, an advocacy group that has
campaigned to outlaw the use of the type of physical restraints involved in the deaths.

"We applaud the speaker's decision to address these very important issues."

In addition to licensing and regulation issues, Craddick asked the committee to study how to remove barriers to placing minority children in foster care and how to encourage more minority adults to become foster parents, among other
improvements in foster care.

Gratia Hupp said she hopes the committee will begin its work in the coming weeks.

[email protected]; 445-1712

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2003-11-07 16:37 ]

The Troubled Teen Industry / Litchfield: Schools Are Doing the Lord's Work
« on: November 05, 2003, 11:49:00 PM »
From the LA Times- Sorry if this has already been posted. I don't remember it. ... 8961.story
For private ventures catering to troubled teenagers in America, business seemingly has never been better. Some 400 such educational enterprises ? which range from boot camps and wilderness programs to locked-door facilities ? exist in the United States, and the field is growing so fast it is often dubbed the "Wild West" of education. [Scarey thought!]

"There are more federal regulations governing the interstate transport of chickens than children," said John Lawrence, Democratic staff director of the House Education and Workforce Committee.

WWASPS schools are the "biggest kids on the block," says Lon Woodbury, an independent education consultant in Idaho who conducts an annual survey to determine the top-rated tough-love schools. "The criticism I'm hearing about WWASPS I'm not hearing to the same extent about the others," Woodbury said.

"They set it up so they are individual schools, but they all go back to Lichfield," said Sgt. Brian Williamson, a policeman in Bullhead City, Ariz., who looked into WWASPS when plans were being made to open a school in his city. After the city attorney reported that it appeared students were to be kept under restraint, the Bullhead City Council in 2001 unanimously scuttled a plan to convert a bankrupt hotel and convention center into a WWASPS school.

Lawsuits alleging abuse and neglect of students have been filed against WWASPS by families in Utah and other states. According to the clerk's office at the U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City, four federal lawsuits against WWASPS, member schools, Lichfield, Kay and other codefendants are pending. WWASPS and its codefendants have successfully defended themselves in one similar suit, and three others have been dismissed, court records show.

In California, Lichfield said, he has leased a building near Porterville in Tulare County that may become another WWASPS school, but the project has run into regulatory roadblocks.

The expansion shows how deep the need is for these kinds of facilities, he said, adding that the schools are doing the Lord's work at a time when America's moral fabric is fraying and its families are under increasing stress.

"We are here because teenagers today are faced with more problems than at any other time in the history of the world, in my opinion," Lichfield said. "We are dealing with things that are so unbelievable.... And these kids are lacking a central character model, character insights and character values."

Lichfield added: "Do I believe that God is interested in finding a way for them to get help? I do. Do I believe that Satan is interested in thwarting it? I do."

The Troubled Teen Industry / Provo Canyon -- Educated Commentary
« on: November 04, 2003, 07:37:00 PM »
It was tough to decide whether to put this in the "Lon on Scarcity" thread- it's such a reality check to his bs- or give it it's own thread. Rampant Talking. It seems like the momentum is growing and people are finding the available message boards. ... ID=8.topic

I am so glad to have found this place. I have been looking for an outlet for my experience for almost 8 years. I was incarcerated at Provo Canyon School for 14 months, from 1995 to 1996. I was not a drug addict, a prostitute, or a criminal. I suffered from depression, anxiety disorder, rape, and a broken home.

If I can just say one thing: KEEP YOUR CHILDREN AWAY FROM THAT PLACE!!!

I now hold degrees in both Human Biology and Psychology, and am a first year medical student at the University of Washington. So, I can give you not only my personal experience, but some educated commentary as well.

PCS runs a punishment based behavioral modification program. No, they probably won't beat or rape your children. But, their patients are subjected to an intense psychological abuse. Do some research and you will find that the literature shows no evidence that punishment techniques are positive or productive. Laboratory rats subjected to punishment in order to extinguish a behavior do in fact stop displaying that behavior. But in its place they show anxiety and fear reactions, overall neurotic behaviors.

If you have a child that always pulls the dog's tail, and telling him not to has not worked, every time he pulls the tail, try zapping him with a cattle prod. I guarantee he will stop pulling the dog's tail after not very many tries, but try to imaging what kind of psychological consequences that might have on the child's mental health.

Another point, it you have a teenager who is mouthy and rebellious, and she calls you and @#%$, and you locked her in the closet for several hours as punishment, would you not expect child services to consider that abuse? That is equivalent to PCS's time out room: a freezing cold, concrete closet with nothing in it, not even a blanket. Yet, if an institution locks a child in a closet for mouthing off, it considered therapy. That's because PCS would be shut down if they beat or starved the children in their care, so they utilize isolation and sensory deprivation techniques instead.

This illustrates the philosophy of "treatment" at PCS. It is a behaviorist institution, and as such, it only cares about behavior. As long as your child conforms to the rules and doesn't swear or talk openly about non-mainstream religous or political beliefs, her therapists will report a progress and that the program is working. What they do not review is the broken psychological state of the child who has learned that she is powerless under her staff and must simply conform to avoid aversive situations. They will not report on the suppression of that child's personality, that what their school really seeks to produce is a herd of same-thinking, same-dressing, un-opinionated adolescents who will never question or challenge authority on any point.

As a last comment, I want to point out that PCS not only uses isolation in their concrete closet, but they also use physical and chemical restraints. Now, when a person is so distraught that they may attempt to hurt themselves or others, such restraints are sanctioned methods to keep everyone physically safe during the crisis. However, PCS uses these restraints not only in these situations. They will be used as a means of punishment for refusing to conform to the rules. In oder to restrain your child, they need a doctor's order. So, the nurse calls a doctor at home, says "I think this child is a danger", and viola, the child is restrained, without an actual review by a physician in person. I was once injected with Haldol. When I had an allergic reaction, which is very common with this drug, I was made to wait for two hours until they considered it "safe" for me to come out of the closet, before I was given the antidote, cogentin. It was excruciating pain, intense muscle cramping for two hours.

Please, feel free to email me.
[email protected]

Have you ever posted at Amazing Forums?
Might be a waste of time. The following thread was removed in the past week. I found it cached at Google.  Anyone know the poop on that board? Who runs it? Why they might censor important information?

Author  Topic:   Hidden Lake Academy  
Sally  posted 1/12/03 4:13 AM    
Does anyone have info or stories about Hidden Lake Academy in Ga?????????  

jm  posted 1/15/03 3:16 AM    

grad's mom  posted 1/15/03 5:11 PM    
Overall, I have a very positive opinion of HLA's program. Most of the (minor) things I didn't like were changed/improved during my daughter's nearly two years there. She is still corresponding with friends there and plans to go to their grad in May.  

jill (a graduate's mom)  posted 3/20/03 5:43 PM        
our experience at hla was life-changing. my 15 year-old son was a substance abuser, was failing in school, was diagnosed with conduct disorder and was not responding to individual weekly counseling. we enrolled him at hla and he graduated from the program about 22 months later. the first few months were so difficult, painful and arduous. then, he began adjusting to the program. hla staff are masters level counselors. there is no medication, no restraining, no lock up. the kids, through intensive individual, group, wilderness therapy learn self-control. the staff lives by their stated philosophy- there is no b.s. about it. the program is strict but the kids know exactly what the rules are and they learn the consequences. they know what to expect. i never could have provided the supervision and consistency hla provided. the family workshops helped us to bond again in healthier ways than we had before. we learned so much.
my son is graduating from our local high school this june(2003) with honors! has carried a 3.75 gpa throughout his highschool education! he was inducted into the national honor society! he has been accepted to ohio state u. and u. of delaware for next fall! now, he has an array of choices to make. i look at my son now- im so proud of him and happy for him, tears well up in my eyes- but they are the most joyful tears these days:) overall- i would say, the road to these positive changes was not an easy one, for my son or us(his family), but it was so worth it. hla is a first rate therapeutic boarding school.  

Kelly  posted 3/23/03 2:40 PM    
Thank you for your response.I have a child there and have been wanting to hear from the parents of graduates.It puts my mind at ease to know it's not like some of the other abusive schools I read about. This was the hardest decision of our lives. It's still a daily struggle for us and our teen. I'm encouraged though to hear it gets easier. Thanks again for posting your stories.  

mark taha  posted 4/11/03 3:31 PM        
I believe that boarding schools are unnatural.Those that don't allow their pupils to communicate with the outside world shouldn't be allowed to exist.Parents who agree to have their children deprived of all contact for months aren't fit to have them.  

JM  posted 4/11/03 8:39 PM        
I recently graduated from HLA (Dec. '02), and I highly reccomend the program. I found support and "tough love" (heavy on the love :smile: ), from many staff members, and although there were some negative things I would like to see the school change, HLA definitely has the right idea for helping adolescents. I rediscovered my own value as a person and completely turned my life around. Three months before I entered HLA, I wrote my will and had given up on my life. Now, almost three years later, and three months after graduating, I love my life. I graduated high school there, and I am now choosing between Vanderbilt on an almost full scholarship and UGA in the honors program on a Charter scholarship. My life and happiness amazes me and I enjoy it immensely. I love my family, and I cherish them. Sure, the road always been easy-going, but I am very grateful to my parents and the staff at HLA for helping me turn my life around. HLA is definitely a top-notch, caring school. Also, please feel free to email me with any questions. I'm quite honest - I'll tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly, but overall it's a great place. :smile:  

JM  posted 4/11/03 8:43 PM        
Sorry, clarification - I meant that it "has NOT always been easy-going." Sorry. :smile:  

Susan  posted 6/1/03 10:16 AM    
I'm thinking of sending my son there. We're visiting next week. He is at another school now and I'm relieved to hear positive comments about Hidden Lake. Thank you.  

Brian  posted 7/21/03 5:20 PM    
I attended HLA, I can tell you it is nothing but BS. It is a dangerous place where children are emotionally and mentally raped on a regular basis. I was able to escape the school if it can even be called that as the education they provide is lacking to say the least. I will say this though in its favor, if your child has a drug or gang related problem it probably would do him/her some good, anything other than that I would highly recommend you find another place. I had never done any kind of drug and was placed there, I hated every minute of my life there and when I got out I finished highschool and enrolled in college all my own. Just something to take into consideration.  

Kelly  posted 7/22/03 3:48 PM    
Brian, I hope you don't mind me asking, when were you there? How long were you there?  

Brian  posted 8/23/03 3:02 AM    
I was there during 98-99, it was the werst expiernece of my life.  

steve  posted 9/5/03 6:48 PM        
Alumni of pg 34, I stand here to say only one thing. Hidden Lake Academy was the most frodulent school I have ever been exposed to in my life. The PTSD i drew from that school has scarred me for the rest of my life. The "boot camp" based enviornment in wich i was starved for almost 18 months was horrific. I would never wis upon any human given birth to by god would never have to go there.  

SW  posted 9/6/03 12:58 AM        
I am interested in the good, the bad, the ugly, and the great about this school. I live in Dahlonega, and have considered employment there. I have worked in residential settings for over 15 years and have seen good and bad. What are some of the specifics in regards to HLA? Please feel free to e-mail me directly - please use HLA as the subject line, so I don't get it confused with all the Spam I get!

SW  posted 9/6/03 1:00 PM        
Seems the e-mail address doesn't show in the post - [email protected] I look foward to hearing from you...did you say you had a child at HLA??  

Emily  posted 9/15/03 8:10 PM        
Mike- I left in Jnuary of 2003 shortly after my 18th birthday.."beat your face" was what they scream at you when they wanted you to get down and do push ups. Any other questions you can email me at
On 27 June 01. My son has been home for a little over a year now. I will post another message at a later time explaining my observations of the ?changes? they made in him. It will not be positive. HLA is not a ?school? by any stretch of the imagination. My son returned from this $5K/mo college-prep TBS, five (5) credits behind his peers.
My son's father enrolled him at Hidden Lake Therapeutic Boarding School in Ga, Nov 00. They registered with the state seven years ago as a private school but advertised to the public as a TBS. This appears to be fraud, deception at the very least, and common practice for such facilities to avoid protective regulations.
My son was not labeled ODD before his placement.
This label is growing in use largely, in my opinion, to "justify" the need for and to bring profits to the recently booming mulit-million dollar "Teen Help" industry; which includes: wilderness programs, boot camps, therapeutic boarding schools, transitional schools, ed consultants, and transport services.
I am appalled that many such facilities are operating in a gray area without proper licensure. For all intents and purposes they appear to be Residential Treatment Facilities with Academic components, which require licensure. While licensure is not a guarantee, it could provide minimal protection for the teens in their care. If they are on the up and up, then why avoid regs?
I attempted to enforce Xmas visitation in Dec 00, one month after XXX was enrolled. My ex told the court that if XXX came home he would be dismissed from the program and he would consequently loose the $110,000 he had pre-paid for tuition. HLA's Dir. of Counseling validated this under oath via phone, which influenced the judge's ruling that he would stay. I am now in possession of their tuition policy that all pre-paid tuition will be reimbursed whether a child is dismissed or withdrawn.
The Interstate Compact Law was ignored. This law exists to protect against the rushed and/or unnecessary placement of children in out-of-state facilities. My son did not receive a psych evaluation before enrollment. Had my ex or the Ed Con complied with this law, I am certain that the evaluation would've shown that this placement was too drastic.
The first 6 weeks he was allowed NO phone contact with his parents. Then came a period of three-way calls with the counselor interrupting frequently. For the next few months, only XXX was monitored for content. Any negative comment about the facility were labled "manipulation" and consequenced. The teen has no outlet to report abuse or neglect...a violation of most state laws. Currently, our calls are back to three-way and I was told that this could be indefinite. I suspect that it was a reaction to a call to Ga ORS which resulted in an investigation of the facility.
XXX told me that he didn't feel like he was getting enough time with his counselors. I asked his counselor to give him the opportunity to talk about this. Instead he was talked to for 2 hours about how much time they spend and how many kids they have to take care of. He was then "consequenced" for "lying" to me. As a counseling student, I lost all trust and confidence in their ability to be effective counselors and was sure to never repeat anything XXX had said to me. XXX's counselor cut me off when I confronted her about violating my confidence in this matter....stating that they expect the child to always be "in agreement". In agreement....doesn't that mean that the other person has "agreed" to something? And their stated goal is to build trust....
I saw XXX for 36 hours in Mar. He was thin, pale, and he'd had diarrhea for 3 days. He was extremely anxious about making mistakes,very self-critical, couldn't make eye contact with people in public, avoided making decisions when given the opportunity. This was not my son. And what really broke my heart was when he asked me not to show him love or was "too confusing". We both cried.
XXX had been on "restriction" for a month prior to the visit. Due to the rules and procedures, a child could be on restriction the majority of the time spent there, and parents are warned to expect this. While on restriction he is isolated from his peers except when in school. He is given work detail to fill his free time and can't enter the dorm until 9pm. He is fed a semi-starvation diet that consists of: 2 boxes of dry cereal for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner- a white bread and cheese sandwich, a cup of soup, and a piece of fruit. That's 1220 calories and the USDA recommends 3-4000. More with physical exertion. The headmaster told parents in Mar that while "sparse" the Health Dept had approved this diet. Not so. I contacted the HD and they refuted this, stating that it is not within their scope to approved such diets. My nutritionist warned that a teen should not receive this diet for more than 24 hours. Period. Then referred to the movie Oliver regarding starvation used for submission.
We had been looking forward to his first trip home for 4 days in July. His father was trying to prevent this, but finally relented when he realized he needed a court order. One week later HLA called to notify me that XXX had been referred to their wilderness program; which made him ineligible for his summer visit. In order to refer him to the WP they skipped a step in their written procedures. A child is referred to pre-wilderness, then wilderness if necessary. They have since changed the written policy for referral.
The student that gave XXX's friend the cigarette followed behind them, and banged on the door to attract night security. They are encouraged to "fall out" on each other to receive less punishment. Where did this kid get a cigarette to begin with? What was his punishment? I didn't receive an answer to those questions and they were put off that I would have the nerve to ask. The teens are never unsupervised, even when walking around campus; radio communication is happening to ensure that a student arrived at their destination. It's 15 miles to the nearest little town. I have since learned that tobacco and drugs can be had in these facilities, and some violations are "overlooked". So much for 24/7 security. Although it is not mentioned in the parent manual, it is reported that strip searches are becoming common, particularly after home visits.
The rep that testified in Dec told me that according to the Director of the program, wilderness programs were not required to be licensed. I was transferred to the voice mail of someone else who never returned my call. I placed 2 more calls to the directors of both campuses. No responses. She then sent a scathing letter to my ex's attorney who forwarded it to mine, grossly exaggerating the situation. She accused me of harassing the staff of both facilities at home and work, and of speaking adversarialy to the staff of both facilities. I spoke to her respectfully, but asked questions she did not want to answer. I have yet to speak to anyone at the "boot camp". I can't call HLA, all communications must go through their corp. attorney. This has resulted in many missed phone calls. The Headmaster accused me of searching out his home email address, when in fact I had responded to an email sent from his home. HLA's attorney has threatened a lawsuit if I don't cease and desist "making negative comments" about the facility.
The staff told me not to tell my son that he was going to boot camp and had lost his summer break. He knew, as they all do, when he was ordered to take a physical...the dreaded sign. To avoid out-right lying to him, I told him the truth, that I was asked not to discuss it with him. This is not helpful or effective therapy. It damages the parent/child relationship which should be based on trust and honesty. They justify this by claiming that they are attempting to avoid any acting out before the teen leaves.
ORS has determined that their Wilderness Program must be licensed as a Therapeutic Camp. Their brochure emphasizes that they are not a "boot camp"...then why ex-military with no credentials (Educ or Exp working with youth).
ORS is "negotiating" with HLA regarding their status. Last communication was that they appeared to be a Residential Care Facility. It also seems that HLA will successfully avoid sanctions by claiming that they began as a private boarding school and later became a therapeutic facility. I found web advertisements back to the year they opened promoting themselves as a TBS.
These are the people who are "treating" my son; in fact, abusing him in the name of therapy. The one's who are "consequencing" him for any minor infraction or what they ignorantly perceive as manipulation, or lying, or avoiding communication. It's black and white, and no common sense employed. No matter what the teens diagnosis or problem, all stay a minimum of 18 months. Individual needs are not taken into consideration and apparently a diagnosis is not required for acceptance.
I spent 1000 dollars to travel to the required parent workshop in order to see my son for 36 hours. I expected a workshop. What I got was a 5 hour sales pitch for the facility. The headmaster first bonded with parents by allowing them to vent their fears and grief. Then relieved them of all guilt....reminded and ensured them that they had made the right decision....encouraged them to do what they had to do to keep their child there, even resorting to using the college funds (which they might not use otherwise)....that parents can't watch their "troubled youth" 24/7, but the school and their security could... The rest of the time was taken with a tour of the nicely manicured and well kept campus.
The "Teen Help" industry is based on profit before people. It's a job, and they will defend their livelihood at all cost. They are self-regulating, power hungry, business people whose employees receive no "consequence" for treating people with absolute disrespect.
Any program is only as good as the personnel. I encourage every parent to do thorough research. Ask difficult questions. Check with state agencies for complaints and appropriate licensure. Your child deserves this. Answers will provide some information, but it will not give you insight into the psyche of the person(s) who will be spending time with your child. That takes time. A degree in Psychology is not a guarantee. I was reminded recently that the highest suicide rate among professionals, is psychiatrists. And as so many people here have said, Children don't live in a bubble. Even if the program happens to be a good one, and there are gains made; the dysfunction in the family unit remains. I believe this why many of these facilities encourage parents to place their teen in another residential environment after the program. No chance of the family issues coming up again, which provides a nice illusion that the program was successful.
I am thoroughly disgusted by the whole industry and feel great empathy for parents who feel so desperate to place their children in these "psuedo psych facilities". We need to stop pretending that the problem doesn't involve parents as well. People possess respect for self and others when they have received respect.
I don't believe that isolating a teen from their family, subjecting them to questionable Behavior Mod techniques (heavy on punishment and shame), limiting calories and social contact with peers and the outside world are respectful or effective methods for dealing with so-called "struggling teens". These traits are more common to harmful cults. What exactly are these teens learning?
I would like to hear other parent's and student's experiences with HLA, and particularly from those who would like to see reform or closure of such facilities.

andrew M  posted 9/26/03 5:42 PM        
Abuse by any other name is still abuse. It doesnt matter if these people call it therapy, in god's eyes it's abuse. I was a wwasp student, which was far worse than this sounds, but I still think your a sickly person to do this to your kids. It's their heads. You're fucking with their minds. Look up BRAINWASHING in a psychology book.  

CW  posted 9/27/03 9:00 PM    
My son has been there now for about 5 months and the early changes are striking and positive. If we had not sent him there or a similar place he would be dead or in jail. I suspect that many of the students horror stories are the products of drug riddled minds that are potentially beyond rehabilitation. I suspect that the elaborate parent's story is the product of a beyond nasty divorce that everyone needs to move forward from. So far so good on our end, good luck and God's help to anyone facing the thankless need to make decisions related to sending an out of control teen to any similar establishment.
We will only know the worth fo the program in 3-5 years when he has had a chance to really be out and choose his way through early adulthood but at least we are on a track consistant with at least living long enough to make those future choices.  

Deborah  posted 10/1/03 5:47 PM        
CW I have to wonder if you?re really a parent with a child at this facility or someone with a vested interest in defending it. If you are a parent, is it not enough to share your ?good? experience without attempting to discredit me or my son? I resent your comments:
?I suspect that many of the students horror stories are the products of drug riddled minds that are potentially beyond rehabilitation. I suspect that the elaborate parent's story is the product of a beyond nasty divorce that everyone needs to move forward from.?

For your information, my son did not have a problem with drugs. And while my relationship with my ex was less than perfect, that is not the issue here. Had it been perfect, it would not have altered the facts about this facility or the events that occurred- it would not have changed the fact that the facility wasn?t licensed, that they lied to the state and to parents, that they lied to the court to keep my son there, that they interfered with my parental rights and violated my son?s rights, etc.
You may continue to have a good experience, provided you never challenge or question a policy or decision they make regarding YOUR son. You may be comfortable with this form of ?treatment? and with abdicating responsibility, that is your prerogative. The fact remains, you do not know what is happening there on a daily basis. My ?elaborate story? apparently contradicts what you need and want to believe, I can assure you it is factual. Disregard it if you choose, but refrain from insinuating that I am lying or fabricating the story based on a ?beyond nasty divorce?. Would you care to explain why as a parent happy with the program you chose, you feel the need to come onto a public forum and say such things about another parent?s experience? Why are you so defensive? Have you confirmed that they are now licensed? Or is that important to you?
Having your son incarcerated 24/7 is not insurance that he will not hurt himself or be hurt physically or mentally, or that he will not have access to drugs, tobacco, dip.
It only ensures that he is no longer your problem.
And, to the ex-WWASP participant, I didn?t do this to my son. I did make every attempt to get him out. The program assisted my ex in ensuring that he would stay.

SHANCHEZ... R.P. -- 33  posted 10/4/03 4:57 AM        
I attended HLA, i was in peer group 33. This place is insane and NOTHING but hell. I was a post graduate... it was an absolute terrible place... TBC  

CW  posted 10/7/03 9:17 PM    
My message remains and I stand by every word. We will be seeing him in the next couple of weeks for the 2nd time and I will file an update.
DO NOT accuse me of abdicating responsibility.....! We made an ugly decision to do that which was necessary to preserve our son's life and give him a fighting chance to grow up without a drug problem or criminal record. It is not an ideal place, but it sure beats jail or the morgue!!  

Deborah  posted 10/8/03 1:09 PM        
I don't know another term that describes a situation in which a parent turns their child over to strangers and has no say in what happens on a daily basis or knowledge of what's actually happening.
Oh, DO NOT accuse you of doing what you have done, but you feel justified in accusing me of fabricating my story?
That's rather a double standard. You probably won't have any problem with the program- they operate much the same way- but the shoe may not feel so great when it's on the other foot.  

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2005-08-27 14:26 ]

The Troubled Teen Industry / De Sisto's Controversial Leader Dies
« on: November 03, 2003, 09:17:00 PM » ... h%2B.shtml

A. Michael DeSisto, founder of school for troubled youth
By Emma Stickgold, Globe Correspondent, 11/3/2003

About 25 years ago, A. Michael DeSisto created a place where some of the nation's most troubled youth would be turned into success stories.

Now located on 275 rural acres in Stockbridge, the DeSisto School offers rigorous therapy programs to work with troubled students, some of whom begin attending just after their release from jail.

On Saturday, the school's controversial founder died from a cerebral hemorrhage after undergoing a kidney transplant at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He was 64 and lived on the campus with his wife, Margie Bullock.

Mr. DeSisto, a Boston native, ''was not philosophizing about education and then sending people to go do his work,'' said Adam Mastoon, a teacher at the school. ''He was in the trenches working with kids, teaching them, opening their eyes to new things, and helping them revision their lives into new and better ways.''

The boarding school, which vows that no student will be expelled, was both loved and reviled for its methods of handling difficult students. The school does not punish students who step out of line, Mr. DeSisto told the Globe in a 1981 interview. Instead, they face ''hours,'' which often means manual labor on the school's farm.

''We tell them they'll never be expelled,'' he said. ''We say they can't do anything horrible enough to make us abandon them. Of course, they are going to test us.''

In addition to twice-daily dorm meetings to discuss student behavior and emotions, weekly group therapy, as well as regularly scheduled parent-to-student therapy, are required in addition to regular classes.

''We try to `scare them nice,' to let them know that they can stretch to do things that they've never done before, to live nicely, to take care of themselves and accentuate the positive things they do,'' Mr. DeSisto said in 1986.

One of the more controversial elements of the school's methodology was the practice of forcing some students who break the rules to face a wall until they confess to their wrongdoing. Until recently, the transgressors were not permitted to eat until they admitted to their misdeeds. Refusal to face the wall often resulted in physical restraint.

''These are acting-out kids,'' Mr. DeSisto said. ''What we do is very, very benign. You're not going to `corner' someone unless they've really been a pain in the neck.''

Envisioning a national chain, he also started a DeSisto School in Howey in the Hills, Fla., that includes a two-year college.

Although some have called the DeSisto School a ''therapeutic boot camp,'' Mr. DeSisto insisted the description was too harsh.

''You're not supposed to want to be there,'' he said in a 1983 Globe story. However, he added, ''The more they're here, the more they want to be. They begin to experience feelings they never had in their lives. It's scary.''

Mr. DeSisto was always on call, Mastoon said.

''He worked 168 hours a week,'' Mastoon said, adding that Mr. DeSisto's cellphone rang ''literally 100 times a day,'' with calls from students, parents, and staff.

Mastoon said Mr. DeSisto was considered by many at the school to be an effective leader because he showed students how he had dealt with his own problems to demonstrate what they themselves could do. After joining Overeaters Anonymous, Mr. DeSisto would often talk to students about the discipline it took to lose 200 pounds.

He admitted that not everyone admired him.

''It depends on where the kids are at a particular time,'' he said. ''Some like me, some hate me. Hating is also a form of liking. It doesn't matter to me. I don't want to sound callous, but if a kid needs to be angry at me, it's part of my responsibility.''

The school's unusual methods occasionally brought lawsuits, and it was investigated by the state Department of Social Services, which upheld a neglect complaint in 1996 against the school. Last year a Suffolk Superior Court judge ordered the school to obtain licensing from the state, in addition to the license it held from the local school didstrict.

In the early 1990s, Mr. DeSisto published the book ''Decoding Your Teenager: How to Understand Each Other During the Turbulent Years.'' In it, he wrote, ''A real talking relationship with a teenager always begins with caring.''

Mr. DeSisto grew up in West Roxbury and earned a bachelor's degree from Stonehill College in 1962. He was director of the Lake Grove School on Long Island for 11 years before he was dismissed and created his own school.

In addition to his wife, Mr. DeSisto leaves a sister, Jacque; and many nieces and nephews.

A memorial service is being planned.

© Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Lon on Scarcity
« on: November 03, 2003, 07:44:00 PM »
Need a good laugh? Here we go- Lon attempts to justify the deprivation so common to TBSs/RTCs/WPs, as a form of therapy, but inadvertently reveals their true MO. Instill fear by employing the Scarcity philosophy. Scarcity of food; sleep; genuine relationships; contact with the outside world, parents, siblings; privacy; individual identity and thought. Basically a scarcity of love, proper care, and respect.  Lon wins the Deception award of the week, hands down. ... rcity.html

By Lon Woodbury
Every successful emotional growth or therapeutic school or program uses scarcity as an important tool. This is not deprivation of basic needs like food, water or shelter; that kind of scarcity usually backfires and creates fear, resentment and what is called "an underground."  An underground is where students reluctantly do only what they have to in order to just get by, and there is usually no positive change in their thinking. Instead, I have in mind a scarcity factor where beyond the necessities, students must earn what they receive. If they do not make any extra effort, they get only the basics. It is up to each student to decide what he or she wants badly enough to work for. Actually, virtually the whole discipline of economics is based on the existence of scarcity in the real world.

When the structure of a school or program is well constructed, this scarcity factor extends to relationships with peers. That is, in a well-structured school or program, the students even find it difficult to make ongoing friendships until they can learn how to make them based on trust, honesty and respect. Easy friendships are not satisfying, because they are usually based on a lowest common denominator, like drugs, hanging out, etc. These easy friendships demand little, but provide little in return. However, when a child makes the effort to earn respect from peers through honesty, responsibility and the like, the resulting friendships are much more satisfying, and well worth the effort. Even when making good friends, the scarcity factor applies, just like it does in the adult world in which the students eventually must enter.

Children must be raised with enough scarcity in their lives to learn the lesson that they have to work for what they want. If given "stuff" freely, without learning the lessons of work and earning their own way, we often get children who feel they are entitled to all the good things in life. Without learning this lesson about the scarcity factor, their future is problematic. Adults who have successfully supported themselves or supported and raised a family, know that it doesn't come about without a lot of hard work. Trying to raise and support a family by assuming it just automatically happens is a formula for great disappointment, and often disaster. The scarcity factor applies in family building also.

The scarcity factor is an important consideration for parents to keep in mind for their children. The modern tendency for parents to give their children "all the material advantages" very well could be a major explanation why so many teens are not emotionally capable of handling the responsibility of college, or work, at least initially. We see many young adults with a turbulent start to their adulthood as they learn the hard way that the world does not consider it owes them anything. The turmoil comes from the young person having no clue about the scarcity factor that requires earning something by working for it.

It can be argued that this need for a child to learn how to deal with scarcity as part of growing up is in our genes. Except in the late 20th and early 21st century in industrialized countries, human groups have lived consistently on the verge of disaster. There was no room for slackers and every person in the community had to pull his or her own weight. Often, the consequence for someone who broke the rules, or didn't contribute to the tribe's survival, was extremely harsh by today's standards. The human race evolved under conditions of constant scarcity and out of necessity everyone was required to learn the vital lesson that they had to work to contribute for survival.

It doesn't make sense that that the human trait so universally required in the past, no longer applies. Much more sensible is the suggestion that even in times like our current abundance, for emotional health, a person still has to learn to earn what they get by struggling with scarcity. Besides, for most adults, the world still enforces that need to work for what you get, though not as obviously as in the situation of a wandering tribal group subsisting off the land. Despite the complexity of modern civilization, the scarcity factor is still as important as ever.

A quality school or program recognizes it is an important part of the student's learning to deal with scarcity. Wise parents would do the same when raising their own children, not being too generous about providing cars, personal phones, credit cards, or full college expenses with little effort spent by the child to earn this abundance.

Remembering the scarcity factor is important in order for a school or program to be successful with teens. And, parents who want to give their child a true advantage would do well to provide good lessons about the scarcity factor for their children.

On Scarcity and Economics
The question I have been asking is very simple: What are the shadows of the Great Mother archetype? I'm proposing that these shadows are greed and fear of scarcity. So it should come as no surprise that in Victorian times - at the apex of the repression of the Great Mother - a Scottish schoolmaster named Adam Smith noticed a lot of greed and scarcity around him and assumed that was how all "civilized" societies worked. Smith, as you know, created modern economics, which can be defined as a way of allocating scarce resources through the mechanism of individual, personal greed.

If a society is afraid of scarcity, it will actually create an environment in which it manifests well-grounded reasons to live in fear of scarcity. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy!
 Also, we have been living for a long time under the belief that we need to create scarcity to create value. Although that is valid in some material domains, we extrapolate it to other domains where it may not be valid. For example, there's nothing to prevent us from freely distributing information. The marginal cost of information today is practically nil. Nevertheless, we invent copyrights and patents in an attempt to keep it scarce.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Report/Opinion on TB
« on: October 22, 2003, 10:53:00 PM »
A post from We've Been There ... D=33.topic

Early this year (2003) I vacationed in Jamaica. I had heard the stories and had spoken to some press that were investigating the issues. My curiosity was somewhat peaked, and since I was staying in Jamaica for about a week, I decided to hire a driver and see, for myself, what this facility looks like. My experience and the pictures I personally took of the facility are available for the asking. For those interested in an abridged version - - here it goes:

First and foremost, you must understand that this place is in the middle of nowhere. It's a shock to travel Jamaica's countryside to begin with, because driving in general is so dangerous, away from the resorts (I happened to be staying in Ocho Rios) and the poverty is omnipresent. The city (Treasure Beach) is as remote as it gets, and when you arrive and ask where Tranquility Bay is (or to it's local folk the "Olde Warf Hotel"), you are outrightly lied to -- they say they don't know exactly where it is. Once you arrive in town, past the Motorcycle merchant, look for an old Jamaican (looks to be 300 or so) sitting on a rock, for it is at that dirt road you have to turn and follow a path about a half-mile long to the rather un-glorious "Tranquility Bay".

My first awareness that I was in the right place, was that I saw 10 or 20 boys riding on the rim of an old Pick-up Truck in front of us. They all looked unkempt and the ride looked dangerous. They were allowed inside the gates (the children and the dilapidated truck) and I had the driver stop so I could take in this nightmare, that I had only previously read about or had seen by way of very unclear pictures on the internet.

It's bad -- the first thing that catches your eye is that all of the windows (99%) have been "boarded-up". It hales from something out of a Hitchcock movie. The place has an odor and it is not pleasant at all. The beach could never be utilized because it looks as though the sewage is emptied on it regularly. If that's not the case, then a blanket statement that the beach is in horrible and unusable condition for whatever reason is a completely fair assessment of the situation.

The place has guards; it's ominously quiet (it was while I was there). Even if you did manage to escape, I don't know where any of its "guests" would run to. The trip just to the main road (if you could call it that) would wind even the most fit athlete, and the townspeople are rumored to get rewards for turning run-a-ways in. Remember that many Jamaicans work for the facility and even if the reward does not exist, they have a stake in making sure the "guests" stay imprisoned.

Obviously, I could not go inside, but I snapped many pictures and they clearly illustrate, that the place is a broken-down second-rate motel from the past, and should have been leveled many years ago, and that any beauty that the structure or the beach on which it sits may have once possessed is gone. It's a frightening site (and this is just from the outside). Notably, there is garbage in large cages outside the structure and I did have the feeling that something or someone, other than it's intended contents, may be placed in there from time-to-time.

Interestingly, I was not approached, although I was taking pictures like crazy (and my presence was somewhat obvious).

Another important fact, for people to keep in mind, is that this "hell-hole" is hours from both Kingston and Montego Bay Airports -- it's a drive you will never forget and it runs upwards of $300 round-trip.

Truly, all of this is moot, because the Headmaster (and I use this reference loosely) has no credentials at all which justify his position of management over this facility. The parents are bad parents -- plain and simple -- for taking part in this plan. An inquiry about this program by any parent, by itself, should result in a parent being jailed with no due process for the rest of their life.

Eventually, the United States Government will have to deal with this mess -- hopefully by invading Utah again -- it is time for that (government intervention) -- they have short memories from the last time (The Invasion of Utah.) Utah's inhabitance (and others) need desperately to come to terms with the fact that troubled children are a part of normal life and that having them kidnapped by paid morons (mostly because the parents are too cowardly to do this themselves)and then surreptitiously smuggling their child/children off to a foreign country to be tortured indefinitely is contrary to the mores and values of a civilized society.

Do not send your kids to this place! It's awful to look at, the manager is unqualified and all your doing is stuffing the bulging coffers of the nuts and religious fanatics that run these torture chambers.

Richard R. Titsch, III

The Troubled Teen Industry / Texas PRS Survey
« on: October 22, 2003, 07:22:00 PM »

This survey is for Texas Dept of Protective and Regulatory Services, this state agency is
supposed to oversee and protect children in the the Texas state system. Child Protective
Services, Residential Treatment Centers, Foster Care and Adult Protective Services are all supposed to be watched and audited for safety and effectiveness by TDPRS. They don't.

If anyone out there has had first hand experience with TDPRS then please go and fill out
this survey.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Limbaugh- Double Standard in Drug War
« on: October 18, 2003, 11:47:00 PM »
For release: October 16, 2003
America owes talk host Rush Limbaugh
a debt of gratitude, Libertarians say

WASHINGTON, DC -- The entire nation owes radio broadcaster Rush Limbaugh a debt of gratitude, Libertarians say, because his ordeal has exposed every drug warrior in America as a rank hypocrite.

"One thing we don't hear from American politicians very often is silence," said Joe Seehusen, Libertarian Party executive director. "By refusing to criticize Rush Limbaugh, every drug warrior has just been exposed as a shameless, despicable hypocrite. And that's good news, because the next time they do speak up, there'll be no reason for anyone to listen."

The revelation that Limbaugh had become addicted to painkillers -- drugs he is accused of procuring illegally from his housekeeper -- has
caused a media sensation ever since the megastar's shocking, on-air confession last week.

As the Limbaugh saga continues, here's an important question for Americans to ask, Libertarians say: Why are all the drug warriors
suddenly so silent?

"Republican and Democratic politicians have written laws that have condemned more than 400,000 Americans to prison for committing the same 'crime' as Rush Limbaugh," Seehusen pointed out. "If this pill-popping pontificator deserves a get-out-of-jail-free card, these drug warriors
had better explain why."

Given their longstanding support for the Drug War, it's fair to ask:

Why haven't President George Bush or his tough-on-crime attorney general, John Ashcroft, uttered a word criticizing Limbaugh's law-breaking?

Why aren't drug czar John P. Walters or his predecessor, Barry McCaffrey, lambasting Limbaugh as a menace to society and a threat to
"our children?"

Why aren't federal DEA agents storming Limbaugh's $30 million Florida mansion in a frantic search for criminal evidence?

Why haven't federal, state, and local police agencies seized the celebrity's homes and luxury cars under asset-forfeiture laws?

Finally, why aren't bloviating blabbermouths like William Bennett publicly explaining how America would be better off if Limbaugh were prosecuted, locked in a steel cage and forced to abandon his wife, his friends, and his career?

The answer is obvious, Seehusen said: "America's drug warriors are shameless hypocrites who believe in one standard of justice for ordinary Americans and another for themselves, their families and their political allies.

"That alone should completely discredit them."

But there's an even more disturbing possibility, Seehusen said: that the people who are prosecuting the Drug War don't even believe in its central premise -- which is that public safety requires that drug users be jailed.

"The Bushes and Ashcrofts and McCaffreys of the world may believe, correctly, that individuals fighting a drug addiction deserve medical,
not criminal treatment," he said. "That would explain why they're not demanding that Limbaugh be jailed.

"But if that's the case, these politicians have spent decades tearing apart American families for their own political gain. And that's an
unforgivable crime."

And let us not forget the preferential treatment to the nephew of Attorney General-designate John Ashcroft, who received probation after a felony conviction in state court for growing 60 marijuana plants with intent to distribute. ... index.html

The president's niece accused of trying to use a forged prescription to buy Xanax and then was accused of having crack cocaine in her shoe while in drug rehab. ... bush_x.htm

The Troubled Teen Industry / Bomb Threat at Rocky Mt Academy
« on: October 10, 2003, 10:22:00 PM »
"Karma"?  "I am responsible for the results in my life"? How might they have "created this reality" for themselves? ... 2402.shtml

RMA bomb scare a hoax, students allowed to return
Oct 9, 2003, 14:25
Boundary County emergency services personnel, with assistance from a BATF bomb-sniffing dog from Spokane, cleared Rocky Mountain Academy and Boulder Creek Academy and allowed students to return at about 9 a.m. today after a bomb threat forced evacuation at about noon October 8.

According to incident commander Bob Graham, about 100 students and 40 staff members were evacuated immediately after the call was received; first walking to the nearby Paradise Valley Fire Station and later being transported to the Bonners Ferry National Guard Armory and the Memorial Hall at the Boundary County Fairgrounds. Students, provided sleeping bags by the Forest Service, remained away from the school overnight and are only now returning.

After the call, made to a telephone in the kitchen of Rocky Mountain Academy that is kept in a locked box and has an unlisted phone number, roads leading to the two schools were blocked. The only person allowed to go onto the property, Graham said, was a school nurse who needed to retrieve medications needed by several students.

Much of Wednesday afternoon was spent trying to locate a bomb-sniffing dog and it was late evening before one was located with assistance from the Spokane County Sheriffs Office. According to Graham, the dog was sent through common areas in each of the many buildings on campus, and found no trace of an explosive. Late last night, staff members were allowed to return, and with emergency services personnel they conducted a thorough walk through of the buildings and found nothing overtly out of place.

According to Graham, the call was placed by a young female, and an investigation is underway to gain the identity of the caller. Graham said that because phones are closely controlled at both schools, it is unlikely that the call was placed by anyone on campus.

Someone at We've Been There did the leg work and provided contact info for reporting abuse and non compliance in Idaho. ... D=19.topic


These are the people who license and regulate Boarding Schools and Regional Treatment Centers in Idaho including CEDU, Boulder Creek Academy, Rocky Mountain Academy, and Northwest Academy

They can all be reached at:

Rural Treatment Center Licensing (for children and adolescents)

Ed VanDusen
[email protected]

Steve Green                                All Can Be Called At ? 208-334-5534
[email protected]

Hold them Accountable to do their Jobs ? If they don?t call the state Attorney General

Brat Camp / More on 20/20--UK
« on: October 01, 2003, 08:56:00 PM »
This very interesting message was posted at "We've Been There" under Warnings and Red Flags ... D=24.topic

Registered User
Posts: 1
(9/24/03 12:31 am)

This summer an English TV company recruited 30 sixteen year old volunteers to spend four weeks of their school holidays experiencing ?1950?s style boarding education?. During this time they were forbidden to have any contact with the outside world.
As it happens, I was at boarding school in the 1950?s and could recognise that the regime they were subjected to was a complete sham. It was just an excuse for subjecting a group of naïve and vulnerable teenagers to assaults, abuse, malnutrition and humiliation.
I have lodged a complaint with our TV regulators about this programme but no-one seems interested. I think I must be the only one who feels that assaulting and abusing teenagers for entertainment is wrong.
However, now the company, ?Twenty Twenty? and the broadcaster ?Channel 4? intend to move on. They intend to send six ?troubled teenagers? to a ?leading American therapy camp? for six weeks at the end of October. The vestigial details they have provided can be found at
I have written to ?Twenty Twenty? and ?Channel 4? appealing to them not to do this but received no reply. When I posted a warning on the Channel 4 website it was quickly removed and I am now prevented from making any further posts. This means that the TV people know full well what these places are like and still intend to send vulnerable English kids out to them and also that they do not want the kids warned before they go.
I have been trying everything to get this stopped without any success; it?s like banging my head against a brick wall.
Is anyone out there able to help? Firstly by deluging ?Twenty Twenty? and Channel 4 with emails and secondly, by finding out where the camp is that they are being sent to.
Please help if you can; I am really most concerned one of the kids will come home in a box.
If you wish to contact me my email is ... index.html

We are looking for teenagers to participate in a Channel 4 series that will see them take on a tough, exciting and maybe even life-changing challenge.

If you?re 16/17 years old and everyone says that you?re out of control and over-indulged but you want to prove them wrong, here?s your chance.

If you?re a parent who?s tried everything and still your teenager is going off the rails, then this could be just what you?re looking for.

The series will follow six 'troubled teenagers' as they travel to one of the leading therapy camps in America. They will undergo a course, devised by the camp?s expert team, that includes mountain trekking, outdoor survival, and psychological counselling.

For four to six weeks the group will live a basic outdoor existence between the desert and the mountains. The natural surroundings are beautiful; but this is no holiday camp. The teenagers who go will face a physically tough and emotionally demanding regime. The camp is not a boot camp either; discipline is strict but there is no military-style screaming and shouting.

There is nothing like this currently available in the UK, and the series will offer a truly exceptional opportunity to those who take part. If you or your teenager would like to participate, then fill in an application form for either parents or teenagers and e-mail it to [email protected].

Application forms will only be accepted by e-mail; if you don?t have access to e-mail then call Tom Coveney or Catherine Milne on 020 7284 2020.

The Troubled Teen Industry / WWASP-Bribes, Deception, and Division of Family
« on: September 29, 2003, 08:38:00 PM »
Is this an example of a WWASP "bribe". They tried to pay these people to return to a seminar. When that failed they W became hostile and attempted to divide the family. Bizarre web. Haven't they heard that you can't FORCE personal growth? Doesn't work that way. ... nlile.html

3. When we brought our concerns about the TASKS seminar we attended, we were not believed or responded to in a professional manner by the Teen Help family of services. Instead of addressing the problems and answering our questions about the safety of our child, we were threatened by irate Teen Help parents and called by a therapist who tried to persuade us to come back to a seminar and stay for all three days so that "we would be desensitized and see things clearer." Then we were offered over $12,000 by Jean Schulter, CEO of Teen Help and other businesses if we would attend another seminar and threatened with legal action if we did not attend the seminar. Our concerns have not been addressed nor our questions answered to this date. We continue to find this irresponsible behavior of a highly questionable sort.

4. When we decided not to complete the TASKS Seminars, several efforts were made to divide us from our child. The program proved to be entirely inflexible when we didn't adopt the Seminars whole-heartedly and they had no provision for helping our family if all family members didn't participate in all the Seminars. Several staff developed hostility towards us and showed it openly to our daughter. Duane Smotherman, the facilitator of our seminar mocked us in a seminar two weeks later at Tranquility in front of our daughter and all the other teens. These behaviors were quite shocking. We have been able to manage some family unity despite all of this, but the strain put on our family by the program's behavior was great. We have talked to other parents who had an even more difficult situation than we did. In many cases they were divorced. When one parent attended the seminar and the other did not it was reported to me by these parents that staff and peers in the program tried to prejudice their child against the parent who did not attend the seminar. As far as we have seen, there is no program which helps families to reunite and resolve family programs when only part of the family members attend all the seminars.

5. Our investigations led us to discover more than 27 businesses that were all owned by friends and family members of the same three people. Although this in itself may not seem alarming, we found that the setup and operation of these businesses was used to evade responsibility and accountability when we started asking questions and voicing our concerns. In addition, we discovered that the education and treatment of our child was primarily handled by businesses we had not checked out or researched because their names were not revealed to us. It took much painful discovery to unravel this complex web. It is extremely important for us to know the credibility, reputation and track record of anyone we do business with. When it comes to the safety of our child, this is even more important. I asked many questions and was told things that deliberately obscured the ownership of the businesses I attempted to research before signing the contract.

8. We read the reports of the Utah Health Department's two years worth of citations against Brightway Hospital (another Teen Help run facility). These reports showed the same patterns of deception, inferior care and standards, insufficient oversight and "one size fits all" approach that we discovered from our own investigation with other Teen Help programs. This confirmed our belief that our experience was representative of a pattern of behavior, not just a few isolated incidents. Among other things, two teens were sent out of the country, one to Tranquility Bay and the other to Paradise Cove with positive TB tests without reporting it to the appropriate U.S. Health Department as required by law.

The Troubled Teen Industry / WWASP - Web of Confusion
« on: September 26, 2003, 10:55:00 PM » ... 1142linkto

Who owns the seven behavior-modification programs that are marketed jointly by several Utah umbrella companies? Good luck figuring it out.

?It?s quite a web,? says Dick Baldwin, a licensing officer with the Utah Department of Human Services. ?They?re constantly reorganizing. It?s a game trying to stay on top of what they?re doing. They don?t want to divulge anything.?

Confused about who owns what? So are Utah licensing officials. ?The one thing I do know for a fact, because I?ve seen the papers, is that Bob Lichfield owns the buildings [that] Cross Creek Manor?s in.? says Baldwin of the human services department. Lichfield declined to be interviewed.

"They don't want to divulge anything."
Confusion is understandable, but isn't it the state's job to untangle the web? There are ways to force them to divulge everything. The problem seems to be no enforcement on the state's part.

The Troubled Teen Industry / A New WWASP Program, Or One That's Closed
« on: September 26, 2003, 10:24:00 PM »
What's the story on this program? Never hear it mentioned.
Sun Rise Academy also provides an atmosphere for teens struggling with self-esteem and emotional growth. Sun Rise Academy is located near Yuma, Arizona. The program is situated on a beautiful campus. The youth experience a mixture of Old SouthWest courtesy, Spanish heritage and American nostalgia. Many of the students are court ordered to attend this program and young adults also attend. Seperation of under aged students is maintained, this is one of the private specialty schools for the worst youthful offenders used by the court systems. If you have a teen in trouble with the law you might want to suggest this program rather than public systems. Each student follows a vigorous daily schedule and a firm set of rules. A merit system is used, requiring each student to earn his status and privileges through a standard program using a multi-level system based on positive behavior. As students advance, each level offers additional privileges motivating the student to work harder. The program becomes the testing ground to ascertain each student's level of commitment toward changing past behavior.
Parents IMMEDIATE Assistance! Jane Hawley Cell 1-(435) 229-1255 any time,(7X24), day or night, you need help please call.

Ask about our NEW Student Loans, starting as low as $200 per month in many cases!

In the Next 24 hours
1,439 teens will attempt suicide
2,795 teenage girls will become pregnant
15,006 teenagers will try drugs or alcohol for the first time
3,506 teens will run away from home

It's not advertised anywhere except on 4 of Jane Hawley's numerous websites, who refers exclusively to WWASP.
(check out the names used for the facilities)

And these...too much !!

I stopped there. A search for Jane Hawley brought back 5 pages at Google...all were her sites, so at 10 per page, 50 some sites. Are websites cheap?

For every ONE promoting a program, there should be 2 telling the truth.

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2003-09-26 19:43 ]

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