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Topics - Carey

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Carey are you not accusing those of "child abuse" who use qualified escorts to take their children to credible facilities?

First, can you show me where I said that?

Second, what is your definition of a qualified escort?  What makes them qualified?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Huron email address
« on: October 06, 2003, 07:38:00 PM »
Could someone give me the correct email address for the Huron contact.  I have some things I would like to share with them.

Sue, Jeff, Karen could one of you forward it to me please.  I think they need to hear everything and not just bits and pieces of what is true and what is not.

You can just post it here, no need to have any personal contact.


Do you know why teenagers use drugs?  THEY USE DRUGS BECAUSE THEY WORK!

They use drugs to get high, to "feel good."  They use drugs because they have emotional issues and they are in pain.  The drugs help to cover up the pain so they can "feel good" again.  They use drugs because they are bored with life and the drugs take away that boredum making they "feel good."  They take drugs because their friends take drugs and they want to fit in and feel like they belong and are accepted by their peers making them "feel good" about themselves.  THEY TAKE DRUGS BECAUSE THEY WORK.

Does the fact that teens take drugs because they work, to make them "feel good," make it right?  Of cource not.

Why did you send your child to a "behavior modification" program?  YOU SENT THEM THERE IN ORDER TO CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR BECAUSE IT WORKS!

The program used deprivation to change your childs behavior because it works. The program isolated your child from all forms of emotional support and this caused a change in their behavior because it works. The program controlled your childs diet to the point that it induces changed behavior because it works.  The program restricted your childs movements ie. like crossing his/her leggs, limiting eye contact, limited talking and other types of movement restricitons until a certain level is reached which helped to change his/her behavior because it works. The program used manipulation of your childs mind through coercion (domination and restraint) to change your childs behavior becuase it works.  THE PROGRAM USED THESE FORMS OF BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION BECAUSE THEY WORK!

Does the fact that these types of techniques work to change behavior make them right?  Of course not!

[ This Message was edited by: Carey on 2003-09-27 09:17 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Carey on 2003-09-27 09:17 ]

One of my boys came home this evening and told me he met a boy who went to Tranquility Bay.  The boys name is Alex.  He just got out 2 months ago and told my son he had been at TB for about 7 months.  My son told me that they only were able to talk for a short time, but he seemed to have had much the same kind of experience as my boys had.  

Its a small world afterall......

The Troubled Teen Industry / PURE/SUE/BOZAK
« on: September 01, 2003, 12:22:00 PM »
Subj: [Trekkers] IECA Conference  
Date: 10/12/02 2:14:57 PM Central Daylight Time
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Independent Educational Consultants Association Conference. Nov. 7-9 in Washington, DC.  Let's pray the sniper situation is resolved by then.

It is open to all in the Industry.  One day is all Boarding Schools and the other day is all Specialty Programs.  I plan on meeting many that I have spoken to and represent. I have been in this industry, going on 4 years now, and placed over 100 children successfully, as well as visited over 15 schools.  That is what qualifies me as a CEP.  Certified Educational Planner.  Huh!  Donna had this planned for me and I am doing my best.  

Steve Bozak, an IECA member, actually told me personally, I am a more qualified CEP than many of the IECA members!  And I know parents think so.  Steve has continually asked me to move to NY to work for him, but I love PURE and I love Florida!  As I was having my new cards made up for our new address, and BBB status, Steve told me to be sure to add CEP.  He is truly the only EC that I would ever trust.

Anyway, Lon Woodbury, Tom Crooke and all the stuffy IECA members will be there, but I am going to meet all the schools and programs.  I am bringing 2 other representatives of PURE also.  So I won't be alone in this bee's nest!  BTW:  WWASP always sends a rep too....can't wait to see who that is....

Is there a connection?

Is this how one becomes a Certified Educational Planner?  Hate to tell ya, I would trust other parents with kids in programs more than I would trust the likes of individuals such as this.  (However, it would take more than just other parents testimonials to convince me a program was safe and providing what my kids may be deemed to need.)

Interesting don't ya think!

Don't we all think parents need to be aware of the so called expertise these individuals profess to hold.  I do!

Subj: Class Action Lawsuit against WWASP  
Date: 12/31/02 4:02:07 PM Central Standard Time
From: SLS1262
To: xxxxxxxxxx

2003 will be the year that the class action if finally forming.

If any of you are interested in joining, please let me know and I will put you in touch with the attorney that is preparing the affidavits.  

With a class action lawsuit, you will not have to keep involved.  I know many of you want to forget much of it, however all that is needed for now is your sworn affidavit. After that, it will be a while before it ever goes to trial or if it goes to trial.

If you are an ex student and are 18 years or older, you can file on your own with our attorney.  There is no fees for any of you.  The Attorney is preparing a file to give to a very large law firm.

I fully respect any decision you make.

Happy New Year to all of you.

Sue Scheff

The Troubled Teen Industry / FBI Investigating Robery
« on: August 08, 2003, 02:22:00 PM »
Former Dundee Mother Charges Burglary
  By Tim Rogers
  Tico Times Staff
  (August 8, 2003)

  The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office in St. George, Utah confirmed
  yesterday that it is looking into allegations of telephone death threats against the
  mother of a former Dundee Ranch Academy student and a recent burglary of her
  home in Dundee, Oregon.

  Robin Crawford and her son Cody are the primary witnesses of alleged abuse at the
  former tough-love facility in Costa Rica, closed May 24 following two government
  interventions that resulted in rioting and students escaping (TT, May 23, 30).

  A FBI spokeswoman in Salt Lake City told The Tico Times yesterday that the FBI
  in St. George was contacted by Crawford and now is looking into her allegations.
  Crawford, meanwhile, claims the St. George office made first contact with her Aug.
  4, following a telephone call she made two weeks ago to the Salt Lake office to
  inquire if the FBI was investigating the Utah-based WorldWide Association of
  Specialty Programs (WWASP), the umbrella organization with which Dundee Ranch
  Academy was affiliated.

  WWASP, an affiliation of eight behavior-modification programs in the U.S. and
  abroad, is headquartered in St. George.

  Crawford came to Costa Rica last June to pick up Cody, who escaped from
  Dundee Ranch Academy during rioting at the facility May 20 and was taken in by a
  Costa Rican family (TT, June 6). She and her son spent the next month in Costa
  Rica giving court testimony of abuse and mistreatment allegedly suffered by Cody
  while at Dundee.

  Upon returning to her home in Oregon June 30, Crawford claims she received
  several telephone death threats from an unidentified male caller who told her he was
  stalking her and was going to kill her.

  Two weeks later, on July 14, Crawford, who lives with her 14-year-old daughter
  Ashley, says her home was burglarized while she and her children were visiting her
  father, some 60 miles away. She claims the robber(s) stole two cameras and a large
  plastic bag that contained WWASP documentation, contact information of other
  Dundee students and parents and the criminal complaint she filed against Dundee
  with Costa Rica's Judicial Investigative Police (OIJ).

  To the casual observer, the bag of documentation, kept in a Tupperware box,
  looked like "a bag of junk," and no other valuables ? including computers, DVD
  player, TV and expensive artwork ? were stolen, Crawford told The Tico Times
  during a phone interview from Oregon. The home?s security system showed the
  intruders were in the house for less than four minutes.

  "I have no idea what this is about," Crawford said, adding that she had never
  received any threats before her trip to Costa Rica.

  Meanwhile, a U.S.-based activist organization called the International Action
  Survivors Committee (ISAC), a non-profit group dedicated to exposing abusive
  behavior-modification centers, claims its offices were broken into last month and
  WWASP research stolen. ISAC research manager Joe Imler claims his Arizona
  home office was broken into July 12 and 10 CDs marked as WWASP research
  material were stolen. No valuables, including jewelry and computer equipment, are
  missing, according to Imler?s wife.

  "We pissed some people off, we were expecting this," she said. Both Crawford and
  ISAC say they have backup copies of the stolen documentation.

  Meanwhile, Cody?s troubles did not end with his 10-day Costa Rica odyssey.

  The 16-year-old was arrested in Oregon July 18 and placed in state custody for
  allegedly attacking several juvenile department staff members and a sheriff's deputy
  in a courtroom after being asked to take a urinalysis test for marijuana, according to
  The News Register newspaper in Oregon.

  Cody had to appear before the Oregon judge who had agreed to send him to
  Dundee as an alternative form of punishment, following his arrest last April for
  attempted burglary, trespassing and theft. The urine test ultimately proved positive
  for marijuana use and Cody was placed under state care while arrangements are
  made for foster care, according to the news report.


    Include original text in reply.

The Troubled Teen Industry / A Personal Request
« on: August 08, 2003, 08:48:00 AM »
Carey, we have "talked" now for a lot of the 9 months my grandaughter has been incarcerated at Casa by the Sea.  This is my personal, fervent, non-anonymous plea to back off Teen Help at fornits.
You have your sons back.  They have had harm...possibly irrepairable harm...done to them, but they are surviving.  You responded personally to me when I "stood up" for you on Bridge to Understanding.  I need a pay-back.  This is the most heart-felt communication I can make directly to you.  Please please please don't continue destroying the voice of Fornits!
In the greater scheme of things, the world doesn't really give a damn about Sue Schepp or PURE or Coldwater.  We can hardly get the world to give a damn after they read Tim Weiner's reports, or the London Observer.  The small stuff...the details, as it are fighting about, really don't mean squat to the average Kansas cattle rancher or the soccer mom in Florida.  The only way to stop this proliferation of "programs" is to make it illegal to do some of the basic things they need to have done:  illegal to intercept mail, illegal to halt communications with the outside world (this applies to WWASP as well as all those other "legitimate" programs at, illegal to make untutored packets the only form of education, illegal to cut off communications, news, independent and inquisitive learning, illegal to isolate in solitary confinement, illegal to withhold everything from food to letters from home to break spirit, illegal to get full control of a growing, maturing mind and tell it that the parents hate and want to off-load this particular problem for a lot of $$$$.
Get the hell off Fornits for one day and read voyfourms.  There are kids, full of swearing and tears, foreigners appalled at what we Americans are allowing to be done to our kids, relatives innocently wondering if Casa may be something bad, something harmful that a brother-in-law has done to his daughter.  These people don't give a crap about PURE and the subtrefuge, the hidden/dual personalities, the false postings, the anonymous bickering.  You appear to have lost sight of the forest for the trees.  You continue to try to focus all these folks in the entire universe on a very small technical issue that The World doesn't want to know, doesn't care to know, and wouldn't think twice about if it did know.  
I really for the life of me cannot imagine what motivates you in this crusade.  Yes, your kids were hurt.  So are others, including mine...the grandaughter who lived with us as a "daughter".  We have lost her to a cult, to a cult who preys on mentally-unstable parents like our oldest daughter who was always looking for someone/something to bail her out of one mess after another.  Are you after revenge?  On WWASP?  On your ex?  On the anonymous posters promoting WWASP on Fornits (who pretty much shoot themselves in the foot whenever they open their mouths)?  No matter.  Your crusade is injuring countless the least, the 2200 children still in WWASPS, at the most the decent people who abhor injustice, abuse, and want every human to have a warm nuturing path to adulthood. Somewhere in between are the parents caught in the middle, those who, for unknown reasons having to do with stupidity and looking for an easy way out, paid big bucks, got their kids hurt, and will live with guilt, shame, and anger the rest of their lives.  
Allow all these people to do their work.  They need to have it done.  Your agenda of proving you are right and PURE is wrong pales in comparison to what is at stake.  Please don't continue this.  If I believed, as some on Fornits, that you have gone over the edge, that your mental accuity is hampered, I wouldn't be writing you.  I think you are sincere in your hatred of this evil thing.  You can't win this fight alone.  Let us all work together, each with his own strengths.  Please don't destroy the Fornits forum, which, after all, is called "Teen Help", not Carey's vendetta to lead us all on the only way to salvation.

This was in my personal email this morning.  There are just a couple of things I want to say about it.

First, if I were to take this request to heart then I would be buying into to the idea that I have to follow "the program," maybe not WWASP's program but that of another groups.

Second, all those posting under anon I can not take responsibility for.  I have always posted as who I am.

Third, "the people who are doing all of this work"  if they are not connected in any shape or form to PURE then how am I am hurting them?  If they are connected then they are wasting an awful lot of their own time.

Forth, Dundee would like for me to have taken my boys and gone home too.  But I didn't.  I knew things were wrong there and so I spoke out about it.  It made a difference.  Now people are beginning to see that PURE too is harmful, my speaking out about that too will make a difference.

Fifth, It does mean squat or else you would not be so upset about it.

I have not been posting anonymously.  No need to!

Let me share the names of those wearing the bags!

[ This Message was edited by: Carey on 2003-08-06 19:32 ]

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carey Signing Off
« on: August 06, 2003, 11:20:00 AM »
The case against WWASP will be lost.  Those who are fighting so hard to take them down are associated with PURE, Inc. and Sue Scheff.  

This has been a crusade by her to save her ass.  She is using people to fight her fight. Her attorney's are working with the California law firm to bring this case to court. The sad thing is that kids are going to be hurt because of it.

When this case goes to court it will be PURE, Inc. vs WWASP.  You, all of you, you know who you are, watch and see.  WWASP's attorneys will only need to make the case against PURE, Inc. and then make a connection between the parties involved and the seed of doubt will have been planted.
What little bit of belief that may have been left will then be lost by the FICTION movie.

The reason my words anger so many of those individuals is because they know it is the truth.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Class Action Crashing
« on: August 05, 2003, 08:16:00 AM »
The class action law suit will crash if the survivors and their parents support Sue Scheff and Coldwater.  YOUR personal creditabilty will be lost.  All they need is to cast a shadow of doubt on the judge and the jury.  Both the movie and those connected to Sue will cause just that to happen.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Anon Postings
« on: August 04, 2003, 12:15:00 PM »
There is no creditability in anonymous postings. It is the person and their identity that gives validity to a statement.

Anon, is not an identity and the person who posts as Anon is saying by posting in that manner that they are either not telling the truth or that they are afraid to say who they are as they already know they are less than creditable.

Stand up for yourselves. Let it be know who you are and what you stand for.  Who knows someone might actually listen to what you have to say.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Byran Grant
« on: August 01, 2003, 08:44:00 PM »
I have been gathering information on Byran Grant and Dr. Chappuis.  There have been kids coming forward who claim Chappuis had knowledge of what Grant was doing to them.

If there are any others out there, please contact me.  [email protected]

The Troubled Teen Industry / Ken Kay's Statement
« on: August 01, 2003, 05:25:00 PM » ... t-pg.shtml

"Other criticism of the organization came earlier this year from a company executive KEN KAY shortly after he temporarily left its staff.

"These people are basically a bunch of untrained people who work for this organization," Ken Kay told the Denver Rocky Mountain News in an interview  before he rejoined Teen Help as a vice president. "So they don't have credentials of
any kind. ... "We could be leading these kids to long-term problems that we don't have a clue about because we're not going about it in the proper way. ..."How in the hell can you call yourself a behavior modification program -- and that's one of the ways it's marketed -- when nobody has the expertise to determine: Is this good, is this bad?"

?Statement by KEN KAY, now President of World Wide Association of Specialty Programs-

The Troubled Teen Industry / Chris/Ryan/Tim...Coldwater
« on: July 27, 2003, 11:19:00 AM »
I wanted to start a new thread because I believe my topic was lost in some of the other discussions on the other Coldwater thread.

I believe that the media attention that Ryan recieved was sought in order to help to sell this movie.  

I have asked Tim why he went to Casa to do an article on Case and he told me:

"I found out about Casa when a mother having a moment of doubt called me and asked me to find out about the welfare of her son."

Why is there nothing in his story about this mother and her son?  Tim told me she wanted to remain anonymous.  Well, ok, seems to me that she could have remained anonymous and he still could have reported on the purpose of his trip and on what happened with her and her son.  But he did not, instead he focused on Ryan...and by the way Ryan's story mirros Chris's son's story.

It should bother all of us that our "two lead plantiffs" are endorsing a fiction movie. And, it should also bother all of us that the media may have been pulled into this in order to help to sell this movie.

Everyone who endorces this movie is hurting our fight.  People have to know that we know the difference between fact and fiction.  If our stories are not real enough or dramatic enough to make a real movie about, then we have big problems.  

By the way at one time Sue asked me if she could put my statement on her web site.  I told her sure...but then she asked me if I could spruce it up a little more, make it a little more sensational.  I told her no.  So, she never put it up, it was not "fictional" enough or "dramatic" enough for her.  This was one of the many times in which the real Sue started showing through and I started to doubt her motives.  I see this movie in quite the same way.  WE DO NOT HAVE TO SELL WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THESE PLACES WITH A FICTIONAL MOVIE.

Chris, if I do not spell everything correctly, please forgive me and focus on the real issue.

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