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Topics - Nihilanthic

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The Troubled Teen Industry / New Seether song is program-o-matic!
« on: September 15, 2007, 07:19:04 PM »
Apparently someone in the band just got out of rehab.

Lets see if we'll pick up on what everyone else misses, shall we?

Who’s to know if your soul will fade at all
The one you sold to fool the world
You lost your self-esteem along the way

Good god your comin’ up with reasons
Good god your dragging it out
Good god its the changing of the seasons
I feel so raped
So follow me down

And just fake it if your out of direction
Fake it if you don’t belong
Fake it if you feel like a ?
Woah your such a fuckin hypocrite

And you should know that the lies wont hide your falls
No sense in hiding all of yours
You gave up on your dreams along the way

Good god your comin’ up with reasons
Good god your dragging it out
Good god its the changing of the seasons
I feel so raped
So follow me down

And just fake it if your out of direction
Fake it if you don’t belong
Woah your such a fuckin hypocrite

Oaah Oaah

I can fake with the best of anyone
I can fake with the best of em all
I can fake with the best of anyone
I can fake it all

Who’s to know if your soul will fade at all
The one you sold to fool the world
You lost your self-esteem along the way

Good god your comin’ up with reasons
Good god your dragging it out
Good god its the changing of the seasons
I feel so raped
So follow me down

And just fake it if your out of direction
Fake it if you don’t belong
Fake it if you feel like a ?
Oaah your such a fuckin hypocrite

Fake it if your out of direction
Fake it if you don’t belong
Fake it if you feel like a ?
Oaah your such a fuckin hypocrite

http://www.lyrics-celebrities.anekatips ... cs-seether

I'll embed the song if anyone requests  :-?

But anyway, uh... WTF?!?!??!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Its only OK if we do it!
« on: June 18, 2007, 10:42:00 PM » ... 6007.shtml


How to fix our programs would be sending our war veterans to tour them.

Armed, of course.  :flame:


No, koko, calm down, its not gorilla time. :(

Anyway, people get emotional and talk about rights, morals, etc about immigration, and quite frankly thats all a bunch of bullshit.

First, I will refute all the whiners, then give my plan to find a way to fix this.

Firstly, mexicans do not have any right to the USA. They're native MEXICANS. The native AMERICANS, that have rights (According to their logic) to the USA, are either exterminated or on reservations.

Furthermore, any group of people that own a land right now, invariably took it from someone who came before them.

ALSO, that "I'm native to this whole continent" argument doesn't work for Nicaraguans trying to get into Mexico, for example.

So, cry more.  ::boohoo::

Also, speaking out about how this nation benefited from immigrants and how all Caucasian whites here are immigrants... that may be true, but thats pretty much a bunch of emotional nonsense from the left. The big thing is poor immigrant groups have this nasty habit of making their own enclaves, keeping to themselves, having high crime rates, and generally not assimilating into the country as a whole for several generations.

That's bad.

Also, the mexicans moving in are drawing from social programs, aka "handouts", and that money can't just appear from thin air without inflation... er. whoops, not the right time for that! Also, infrastructure will be strained by a massive populatiin influx such as what we are seeing... roads, sewers, housing, food... you name it. Whereas, before we really had those new-deal programs, immigrants didn't get shit and didn't cost us anything!

That's bad... for us, and for them, respectively.

So, if we just let them run in for whatever reason, we have to pay for the shit so they can get around, not have crap pile up in their houses, have food to eat, electricity, running water to flush the crap down, education, etc, etc... right?


Either we have to cut all social programs (not a good idea) or just to them (that would piss them off and god knows we can't do that either) or raise taxes (and piss off whitie, and we know what happens when you do that...) or...



That way, we win the cheap labor, and we don't have so many swarm in that we end up having a net loss. Thats the everyone wins (except those who don't make the quota, sorry guys!) And just maybe we might attract some educated Mexicans instead of just poor ones.

NOTE: This sarcastic but rational post has been brought to you by Niles. If you have problems with it, post away, but prepared for me to not give a slightest fuck about emotions or subjective morality.

I'm sorry but people who care more about people in far flung places in a feel-good-about-myself-for-doing-it way, or people who care more about... furry little cute animals than human beings and children really piss me off.

Lets see..

PETA can go fuck itself. Seriously. They'd probably care more about a starving dog than the starving family that can't feed it. They'd care more about little puppies being abused than little kids.

They spam videos of chinese farmworkers skinning dogs and racoons and go raid labs that fuck with monkeys, but they won't put up videos of our kids being tortured or go raid a program that fucks with kids.

Seriously, I think its about time we had some HUMANIST activists out there, but unfortunately, the only people who CLAIM to care about kids and families are politicians using it as a party line... and basically only that. Its not like a politician can legislate anything to make it better for a kid for a family - though they could improve our stability both as far as economy and security goes... but they wont, becuase without a crisis they can't do the shit they always do.


So yeah, fuck you people who care about Africans but not our own citizens, fuck you people who care more about animals than kids, and fuck you do-nothings who don't even care about anything at all.


Open Free for All / Try Another Castle playing mario's lost levels!!!
« on: April 25, 2007, 10:41:06 PM » ... part1.html

Damn, didn't know you were so hardcore!  :rofl:

I noticed where I work (was just transferred to... I didn't just now notice something that was there c/o Fnords :P) has some bullshit posted up on the walls care of an assistant manager who went to some seminar.

Its "Winners vs Losers"

Shit like....
The Winner says let me do that for you, the loser says its not my job

The Loser always has an excuse, the winner always has a program

The winner is always part of the answer and the loser is always part of the problem

The winner sees an answer to every problem and the loser sees a problem with every answer


Um, wtf? It really made me just blink and go "well, damn, this shit has infested the business world" but yesterday another assistant manager liked the fact that I have a critical nature and said its a good thing, especially that I know its not a 4-letter word  :rofl:

Yeah, this one will probably make a few people facepalm.

Oh boy  :roll:

Basically, someone ruined an online "concert" by spamming a sound of a woman screaming. It sounded to me like she was acting, but everyone else was freaking out saying it sounded like a rape.

Naturally, that lead to two thoughts:

a) I'm damn sure someone here knows what the screams of torture are like  :-? ugh

b) The fact that such a thought would occur to me, that shes an actor (or a 'faker') made me have to take a step back for a minute! I've only heard accounts of these places, through their own apologists and their survivors... and been an advocate for over 3 years now (another April has come...) and I'm thinking such a thought.


I think its a sign of something bad when an activist starts getting mind fucked just by his or her own conscience and the accounts of others dealing with this. I'm not sure if this is PTSD c/o my own life for the past 10 or so years (which I'm not going to go into... you either know me personally, or you don't) or Staff Personality Disorder manifesting itself in a weird way.

Hell, that I'd think to ask what its like is kind of fucked up. I'm pretty sure you know it when you hear it, and I can imagine, but I try to tell my brain "NO, STOP IT" but it won't. Ugh.

Open Free for All / I figured it out.
« on: April 15, 2007, 12:01:45 AM »
I figured it out!

Why I can't get any!


I'm too good.

Yes, I'm serious, bear with me.

I'm too good. I'm the lean on, go to guy who you wanna dump your shit on... that nice guy who deserves this and that, who is SOooooOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOooooooo great, bla bla bla bla bla. Dont ruin what you got, why risk it by fucking?

Thats my problem. I'm too nice, too good to people, too supportive, and not sexually attractive enough.

So, how do I turn into an asshole who women go to for sex and emotional abuse? I'm sick of being the friend that women go to while they fuck someone who is, quite literally, their DICK, and about ready to say "Either you bounce on MY dick tonight or I'll tell all your friends that shit you dump on me" but I don't know if I can muster enough gall to go through with it.

Also, while I'm bitching here, why do fags love me so god damned much?

This occurred in AIM with a long time friend of mine.

Names changed to avoid her being harassed... but mine is in my profile.

(00:10:31) my_friend:  bri and derek picked me up at school so i cut the last 15 minutes of class
(00:10:46) my_friend:  and got stuck in the gate trying to get out
(00:10:53) me: uh, how do you get stuck in a gate
(00:10:54) me: lol
(00:10:57) me: closed on them? haha
(00:11:07) my_friend:  it was locked and i had to squeeze through
(00:11:14) me: jeeze
(00:11:27) me: no offence alisa but that kind of terrifes me that schools have locked gates and you cant LEAVE
(00:11:31) me: I can understand not letting someone in, but jesus.
(00:12:09) my_friend:  because kids ruined it by skipping and getting caught all the fucking time
(00:12:24) me: Literally locking you in there like a fucking prison is fucking stupid, wrong, and scary, and that its tolerated is really scary.
(00:12:32) me: You read a lot... you know what fnords are?
(00:12:47) my_friend:  i honestly don't care

Jesus Christ, man!

The worst part, she used to be different, she used to care about this shit, then she just kind of gave up, got religious and... well, what can I say? I wont go into any personal shit, its not my place, but... wow.

 :cry2: What the fuck is wrong with everyone? Why do we let ourselves be slowly conditioned to accept this bullshit??!?!

And they're actually tied in with my work.

I won't go into detail because I don't know what I can and can not say, so I won't. All I know is apparently they have a lot of vehicles and do more than just LGATs in public schools.

I'm thinking Ill go tomorrow (my day off) and find out some about them by... well, just asking! They seem proud enough to tell me, dunno how much they'll let slip though.

At any rate, what should I ask? What should I look for? What can I actually do productively? Causing a scene would just get me fired and ruin shit for my co-workers, which I do not want to do.

Also, fuck! I was hoping this would stay out of my personal life... c'est la vie!

Let It Bleed / Do you ever just think: we ARE better than them?
« on: February 25, 2007, 03:18:53 AM »
By them I mean people who see reality through their ethnic/political orientation/religion colored glasses, those who don't think, or act like ostriches, those who censor, obviously programmies, program parents, and their ilk, stepcraftians, most politicians, and that jerk who can't drive who cut you off on the highway.

I'm actually being serious though! Most people never think, never PERCEIVE anything, just see it... again, through their "ME ME ME" colored glasses with their own comfort-oriented false hopes and spin doctoring filtering it before whats left of their rational self in their brain actually gets any of it.

Some things that really get to me is that those assholes have much more collective sway in the direction this government goes than smart people in general do, or people who have actually seen the worst of a lot of what we try to warn everyone about but who turn a deaf ear upon us.

I won't even go into struggling tards, just mention them... 'nuff said.

But honestly, has anyone ever sat and just thought that, and actually fought the urge to say "No, that would be arrogance!"?

And, uh... how do you feel after that realization? More depressed, or a little liberated? Or both?

I guess I'm 'both'...

« on: February 21, 2007, 10:41:05 PM »

Basically, nightmare before Christmas on acid meets 8bit and some animation. My "insane" friend Olivia shared that with me.

Do enjoy :D

The Troubled Teen Industry / How I got some faith in humanity today.
« on: February 20, 2007, 10:39:56 PM »
I work retail.. an auto parts store no less. So, someone came in wanting a battery. No surprise... until I take his name for the warranty.

"Last name sir?" Goering... *BLINK* "Any relation?" (stupid question...) Yes.

Wow, something else right there. But that's not the end of the story.

His battery, you see, was fine. This fresh one completely did in his old starter, frying it. It was toast. So, we got him a new starter, but he lacked the skill to put it in. His wife was sick with liver cancer at the Mayo Clinic, he was busting his ass as a carpenter (oh, the irony and coincidence... wow) to get by. He had blown tons of money on homeopathy before settling for chemo, after talking his wife into not caring about her hair over her life.

Anyway, he was... fucked, until the rare honest mechanic happened to come by, and offered to help him for free. A black man, no less.

I didn't speak a word, I would have mortified that man, and given the average person here, probably have just made them go "WHO?" if I had brought it up, but I was frankly beside myself for quite a long time there. The man was in tears and saying out loud he had lived 50 years and never been helped like that before... I patted the big ole mechanic on the back and said he did good. Too bad I couldn't speak of the quiet signifigance of what he had done, sadly. I suppose that's between me, Goerring, and the inventory computer.

But yeah, how about that, a black man, an honest mechanic to boot... donating hours of his time to safe someone down on his luck, and one who wears the stigma of the name of an evil man on top of all of it.

I think about 20 angels got their wings today... and if MLK's up in heaven he probably shed a tear or two. Thankfully James Brown was up there to make it a party worth having... and my bitter self down here actually smiled for once in a long time.

Just... wow. What a story... what a set of coincidences!

And now, you can talk about the time niles, a nazi and a honest mechanic walked into an autoparts store sometime when you're sharing stories around a bowl of TBPITW.

The Troubled Teen Industry / OFFICIAL WELCOMING THREAD!
« on: February 20, 2007, 01:47:08 AM »
:silly:  :wave:  :wave:

Howdy boys n girls! Welcome to fornits!

Need specifics, think we're all lying, wanna call us full of crap or say we're just disgruntled we were made to get off drugs or any other bullshit? Wanna hit on CCM girl? Here's the place!

Anyone new is welcome to post here... and anyone whose been here is welcome to leave some love for the newbies.

Enjoy your stay! Just don't learn too much that you don't want to know if you can't handle it, mmmkay?

Open Free for All / The pitfalls of being chronologically buffered.
« on: February 19, 2007, 11:51:44 PM »
By that, I mean I'm not that attractive to people who are within the age of 18 to 35... and I am 22.

I mean, its flattering and kinda cute when jailbait likes me, but obviously that is a no-go! Its really nice when I meet MILF-aged women, but the age difference, and sometimes (of all things) insecurity on the part of me or the woman I've met can ruin things.

Anyone know a way to uh... make myself known to the nice little slice of womanhood between the age of consent and their 30s?  :) That sure would be nice to know.

Also, does anyone know why there might be a REASON For that?  :roll:

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