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Topics - Therion

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Underground America
« on: February 23, 2004, 06:57:00 AM »
Muahaha 13 steps lead to nowhere********

Put in position to wage teenage mayhem
A common affair for the ones who are juiced
If it is weakness that grants us the power
We thrive on what's stronger than most of the world

Glass breaks/the dimming lights/sweat, heat and profane debate/
the smart ones stay on the outside/while drunken heads and
arms erupt/centered man swings a punch, spits a tooth, postures
odd/a punk rock escapade/five bucks a head to be king dick in the crowd

We are the ones who must sport the position
cheap beer/trendy clicks/lesbian love is accepted and right/
shaved heads meet hair in the mix/blending the 80's and 90's
with hate

Shows on/dates canceled/kicked out for reasons that seem so
unfair/skin crusts against the cops/a foregone conclusion that's
tired and beat
Ringworm,crabs and lice/V.D. ,ECSTACY, SPEED and HORSE /a
heaven/of unmatched importance/an honor of sex to be stuck by the punk

Rich homes/with money and food/abandoned for the bums on the
street/a lifestyle that's unexplainable/don't try and save what is
all meant to be

If it is free/from (a) family that's seen/you can just keep it
if you must beg/it's better instead/you must follow the etiquette / FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE!

You know when it rains you're in your bed at home
You act so real when you are alone
You better not let the mohawked crowd see
Give it five years, you'll retire your piercings
You must admit that you mimic the weaklings

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / To Mega Therion Thread
« on: February 22, 2004, 04:30:00 AM »
This shitbag old lady is unbelieveable!!
Wonder what theyd say if I took her out in the yard and fucking worked her sorry old ass with a bat!! Fucking cunt! Jesus my ass!

OK I wouldnt do that...but I would like to see her tied from a tree and give all the kids she beat sticks and beat her like a fat bloody pinata..
After all HER bible does say eye for an eye!!!!

Armageddon, days of darkness
Judgment day, who's to judge
Antichrist, the beast of mayhem
King of kings, death of the world

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-22 01:42 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-24 00:47 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ATTN
« on: February 20, 2004, 06:23:00 AM »
Hey someone made another The Angel Therion
3 days after mine was registered and is spamming LIFE aint me..

 So if you see any The Angel Therion posts it isnt me as I am no longer using it..

 Mine was registered on the 16 of 2 the imposter was registered in the 18th or 19th..

I know most folks hate my real posts so I apologize in advance for any bullshit..
Im not here to spam..but I do have racing thoughts etc and Its like I have all this random shit I wanna say...then it comes out just looking stupid and people bitch

 But I guess whoever did it feels threatened by me and wants to discredit me by calling me homo etc etc ad nauseum..


I cant be the hero anymore..
I spit upon my plate and then I turn and walk away.
I spit up on my plate and I disrupt the family
I spit up on my I sever the entity...sperate..seperate...seperate..seperate

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-20 04:03 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Wow are people writing
« on: February 17, 2004, 04:54:00 AM »
songs about Straight..and how it caused addiction...or am I going nuts? Suuure is hot in here!!!

"Internal Primates Forever"

Got provisions ...feed my addictions mistakes I made then
I opened up the holes and they crawled in,
Now when it's time for the feed they won't let me forget,
They ride upon my back and they'll fuck me with their need,
My invisible enemies all my monkeys

Their coming they're coming their coming they're coming to take me

Disgusted with my position so submissive I am the only way we get
away is give in sharpen up the razors stab the needles into pipes to
kill cravings so sick of this in me can't stand the want to need
can't get free always got a grip on me

There's no use to fight this wrenching tourniquet of deprivation
obedience subservience leads to substance

Do you want more??? give it to me!give it to me!

Leave my motivation to chemical dependency no room for patience
Don't want it need it come on right now

Everything I've become now is everything I didn't want to be

Every time I try to run away I fall on my face they drag me back
Every time I try to run away I fall on my face
Help! They won't leave me alone

If I would have known back then what I know now I 'd take it back
If I would have known back then what I know now I 'd take it
I'd take it back I'd take it all fuckin' back

Stay away stay away
Hold me I'm shaking violently
Pull me out of my covering
Mold me into a new man
Lull me into a deep sleep

There's no use to fight this wrenching tourniquet of deprivation
obedience subservience leads to substance

Even if you want you can't stop!

Internal primates forever

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Brad the game
« on: February 17, 2004, 03:13:00 AM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Oxycontin welcome to 2nd phase!!!
« on: February 16, 2004, 05:02:00 AM »
no seriously DEA is pushing to make Oxycontins schedule II

February 14th, 2004
DEA takes aim at painkillers, including Vicodin
WASHINGTON ? The Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, is working to make one of the nation's most widely prescribed medications more difficult for patients to obtain as part of its stepped-up offensive against the diversion and abuse of prescription painkillers.
Top DEA officials confirm that the agency is eager to change the official listing of the narcotic hydrocodone ? which was prescribed more than 100 million times last year ? to the highly restricted Schedule II category of the Controlled Substances Act. A painkiller and cough suppressant sold as Lortab, Vicodin and 200 generic brands, hydrocodone combined with other medications has long been available under the less stringent rules of Schedule III.
The DEA effort is part of a broad campaign to address the problem of prescription drug abuse, which the agency says is growing quickly around the nation. But the initiative has repeatedly pitted the agency against doctors, pharmacists and pain sufferers, and it is doing so again with the hydrocodone proposal.
Pain specialists and pharmacy representatives say that the new restrictions would be a burden on the millions of Americans who need the drug to treat serious pain from arthritis, AIDS, cancer and chronic injuries, and that many sufferers are likely to be prescribed other, less effective drugs as a result.
. If the change is made, millions of patients, doctors and pharmacists will be affected, some substantially. Patients, for instance, would have to visit their doctors more often for hydrocodone prescriptions, because they could not be refilled; doctors could no longer phone in prescriptions; and pharmacists would have to fill out significantly more paperwork and keep the drugs in a safe. Improper prescribing would carry potentially greater penalties.
The DEA says the change is necessary because hydrocodone is being widely misused ? with a 48 percent increase in emergency room reports of hydrocodone abuse from 1998 to 2001. The drug, a semisynthetic chemical cousin of opium, produces a morphinelike euphoria if taken without a medical purpose but generally does not produce a similar "high" in patients with severe or chronic pain. Hydrocodone was one of several prescription painkillers that radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh acknowledged last year that he was addicted to.
"Hydrocodone is one of the most abused drugs in the nation," said Christine Sannerud, deputy chief of the drug and chemical evaluation section of the DEA. "The agency thinks it would be wise to move it to Schedule II, because that would help a lot in terms of reducing abuse and trafficking."
DEA officials would not say when they might begin the process of changing the schedule, but other federal officials said they understand that the DEA wants to act soon.
Under the federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the DEA places all narcotic or mind-altering drugs into one of five "schedules," and the medications are more or less available based on the potential dangers they pose and benefits they provide. Morphine-based hydrocodone, when combined with aspirin, acetaminophen or other common analgesics, has been a Schedule III drug since the act went into effect.
The DEA effort comes as the agency is already embroiled in a dispute with many pain specialists over the use ? and alleged overprescribing ? of another powerful painkiller, OxyContin. Scores of doctors have been arrested on felony charges of conspiracy, drug trafficking and even murder in connection with their prescribing.
Although the agency says the prosecutions are needed to shut down "pill mills" and stop unscrupulous doctors, many pain specialists say that the agency has become overzealous and that some doctors are refusing to prescribe needed painkillers because they fear DEA investigation.
"Rescheduling the drug will bring more hoops and barriers to getting access to the drugs, and it may prevent some minimal amount of abuse," said Richard Payne, president of the American Pain Society. "But my concern is that it will come at the cost of denying access to thousands of patients."
Susan Winkler of the American Pharmacists Association said her organization is concerned that the "ripple effects" would be substantial and negative.
"Our members and doctors would have increased liability if (hydrocodones) are rescheduled, and that will inevitably reduce prescribing," she said. "We urge the DEA to make sure their decision is based on science and will make the situation better, not worse."
Reflecting the complexity of the issue, the Florida legislature tightened rules on hydrocodone in 2000. At the request of state enforcement officials, lawmakers made the same change that the DEA wants. But in 2001, after patients and health care providers protested loudly, Florida repealed it.
The process of changing the classification of a controlled drug is cumbersome and time-consuming and involves a formal review by the Food and Drug Administration, a listing in the Federal Register and a public comment period. The DEA, however, has the final authority.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Therion.. magnet for gay Pakistanis
« on: February 14, 2004, 11:08:00 PM »
Due to sheer borredome I have been checking out some chat rooms...and this pakistani dude starts talking to me (Its a music related room so...)
 I find out hes a guy and say "Im a dude" and he says something like "Ahh yes I know" so I say "Im a straight dude, do not like guys" ...he persists so I ban him...he logs in as diff user and starts in..I get an invite to view a web cam and like a dumbass *I click yes...and sure enough its some dark skinned (pakistani?) dude jerking off...I quikly close the box and send him an "eat shit you fucking cunt" type message and ban him again..

 Perhaps this is the norm and I have, thus far been to the nature of the web..

 I myself would not want to do something like that unless the recipiet actually asked me too....and even then I wouldnt..

 I did see his face and will be hitting in the jaw every similar looking Pakistani I see from now on...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Powder Vs Liquid and the BBB
« on: February 14, 2004, 07:06:00 AM »
Was wondering if its harder for a powdered medication to get across the BBB (Blood, Brain, Barrier) *Or known as the great wall to us junkies* than a liquid med?

My clinic was closed and I had to drive out of town to get dosed..

 I usually take the Methadose wafers 170 mgs..
They just had the liquid methadone syrup (wgich I actually prefer)

Usually after about an hour and half I get a warm glow and feel fixed...and slightly euphoric..

 The liquid hit me in 20 minutes and I felt it voice even changed to that "Heroin drawl"(ever heard a heroin addict from Texas talk?haha)  and I strated rubbing my face and nodding out in my car on the highway (always fun to wake up 800 yards ahead of where you were when your eyes closed...doing 100 mph on ice)

 But it was the same dose that I have taken daily for a long time..

 So...does liquid convert thru the BBB better than powdered meds?

Its in to use the slang
Outbreak of drug roulette
The cross leans to the side
Will prove the damndest yet
13 Steps lead to nowhere

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-14 20:37 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Suicide notes I and II
« on: February 14, 2004, 06:53:00 AM »
** I **

Cheap cocaine, a dry inhale, the pills that kill and take the pain away
Diet of life, shelter without, the face that cannot see inside yours and mine

When I'm hiding, when I need it,
it lets me breathe,
for our handle on this life, I don't believe
this time

Would you look at me now?
Can you tell I'm a man?
With these scars on my wrists
To prove I'll try again
Try to die again, try to live through this night
Try to die again.....

Forever fooling, free and using,sliding down the slide that breaks a will
Mothers angel, getting smarter, how smart are you to regress unfulfilled?
It's a damn shame, but who's to blame?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / TherionPics
« on: February 12, 2004, 11:05:00 PM »
Hey people I posted my pics on the Alumni Board
to scare you ladies off....
 So if your curios...Or if you remember me you can go look..
 ... nc_Alumni/

You've gotta just trust me to hold your hand
throught it all..
And then I turn and walk away..
Spit upon my plate, push everything away

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-12 21:45 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Webcam!
« on: February 11, 2004, 12:00:00 PM »
Woot I finally got a webcam..Serveral of you had asked me for a pic...PM me if you want one..

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sound Farmiliar?
« on: February 11, 2004, 09:00:00 AM »
What do you think of this? Its on the FAQ's page for parents thinking of enrolling a teen in a certain center..this is info given to the parents..

Q What is the most predictable variable that accounts for positive and/or negative outcomes?

A You are. The single most important variable for treatment failure or mediocre outcome is a parent who is not committed to the process. This, inevitably spells disaster and is a waste of money and other resources.

This lack of commitment is manifested in different forms. Some parents are consciously aware of how they might stifle the process, while most parents, unconsciously feed into maladaptive patterns under the firm belief that they are doing the best for the child. Let us briefly address some of these patterns.

Making a Deal under the Table is a self-defeating pattern for both parent and child that inevitably comes to roost after discharge. Motivation for such a ?deal?varies but sabotages treatment and renders the Center powerless in bringing about lasting change with the child. Let us give you some examples:

The parent is pressured by the child into coming home for a visit without the treatment team's approval and recommendation.

A parent is persuaded by Mr. Manipulation to come home for good as soon as he achieves the ?Impact? status without consultation with the treatment team.

You can readily see the pattern. A parent, feeling guilty for the ?pain?the child has to go through as part of the treatment process, feels compelled to ?throw the child a bone.? Holding a ?carrot? in front of the child is well and good, but not without the inclusion and discussion of the treatment team. The result of this type of misplaced reward or poor attempt of behavior modification inevitably spells disaster. The child is coached to put on an act in order to gain a short term reward without internalizing a genuine change.

Inevitably, every year a small handful of parents fall into this trap. When we become aware of this ?secret deal making?, we ask the parent to withdraw their child from the Center as we simply are rendered powerless to bring about genuine change in the youngster.

?Enmeshment?or Blurred Boundaries between the role of Parent and Child ? is a problem that is particularly difficult to rectify as many parents who are enmeshed with their child are ?blind? of the situation. Without rehearsing a number of psychiatric and psychological terminologies, let us give you a few examples:

Even though the rules are that a resident on ?Orientation? Status is restricted to one phone call home per week, and the therapist has a weekly phone session with the family, the parent calls the Center every day, inquiring of anybodyshe can get a hold of, about the general well being of her child.

On a phone call home, the child tells his parents that he is depressed, and doesn?t know if he can make it through the rest of the week without ?blowing up and losing his level.? He states that the teachers don?t give him any help in school, and his houseparents pick on him, expecting more from him than any other kid on his team. The parents respond to the child by sharing their frustration about this and reassure him that they will take care of it. They call and ask that the therapist be pulled out of a session for an urgent call. Once on the phone, they state that they?ve just talked to their son, and he seems desperate. They ask that the therapist meet with him right away to prevent him from blowing up. They share their concern that the child is not getting the help he needs, and that until he does, he should not be accountable for his actions. When a child shares her disappointment with her father that she was denied a level she applied for, he immediately contacts the center, demanding to know the reason why. He suggests that this disappointment is not helpful to his daughter?s self-esteem, and that perhaps the expectations placed on her are too high. During a family therapy session, a child?s therapist confronts him in front of his parents about his recent aggressive and bullying behavior towards several of his teammates. She outlines the hurtful impact of this behavior, and establishes a further consequence should this behavior continue. When she asks the parents how they feel about this, his mother, clearly upset, states that she is uncomfortable with the stern tone of voice used by the therapist. She suggests that maybe before the therapist singles out their son, she should find out what her son?s teammates may have done to provoke him. A child is placed at Island View by her parents for drug dependency, oppositional defiance and depression. In family therapy, her parents disclose that they have had marital problems for many years. Her mother also shares with the therapist that she was not as supportive of sending her daughter away to Island view, but that he was adamant about placing him. Together, they acknowledge that they often use their daughter as a buffer to avoid dealing with their relationship problems. They agree to see a marriage counselor at home to address these problems. After five months of treatment, the mother calls her child?s therapist and tells him that she is pulling her daughter from treatment. She states that her daughter has cried nonstop during the last three phone calls, and she feels she is losing her spirit. She states that she will arrive at Island view by the weekend to pick her up. When the therapist asks if the child?s father feels the same way, the mother states that they are separating with the intention to divorce. She decides to rescue her daughter and bring her back home to live with her.

On a phone call home, a child tells his mother he is confused about a recent intervention, and voices frustration about how to handle it. His mother, having just heard from the therapist the purpose of the intervention, wants to help her son feel better. She tells him why they are doing it, and what emotion they are trying to illicit from him. She suggests to her son that if he just gave his staff what they are looking for, they would probably get off his back.

All of these case examples have the same underlying flaws of a parent-child relationship. What is it they all share in common? Parents who use the child to deal with their own problems or parents who fail the child by not allowing the adolescent to deal wi th the consequences of his or her behavior.

While it is normal and to a degree expected for a parent to protect a child, some parents literally Òprotect their childÓ into profound psycho-social pathology. How do they do it? By mitigating, rescuing and ?red-crossing? the child from experiencing the natural consequences for maladapticve behavior Ð often, the very behavior for which the parent is seeking treatment for the child.

Now, that the child is in treatment where these issues are being addressed in a fashion that is increasingly ?manipulative proof,? the parent ?doesn?t have the stomach? to assist the treatment team to bring about significant changes. Why? Because many parents are so insecure that they perceive that an unadulterating coalition with the treatment professionals is some type of abandonment of the child. Such parents feel that if David is uncomfortable or experiences pain (the pain of true change) or perceives some injustice has been done, the expression of sympathy is the only acceptable response. This type of thinking is fueled by the devastating misconception that if ?I don?t sympathize, my child will reject me forever. And since I ? don?t have a lot of money in David ? bank, I do not want to gamble away the last thing I am holding on to.
Nothing could be further from the truth. By chronically giving in, placating the child by removing all discomfort and struggle, parents sacrifice their own child at the alter of personal insecurities, guilt and a distorted sense of intimacy and closeness. That?s enmeshment.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Angel Therion Descends
« on: February 11, 2004, 03:10:00 AM »
1:00 am phone rings in the Therion cave...
 Hmm dont recognize the number and its a mobile phone..local area code..I usually dont answer strange calls unless they are good late night strange calls if you know what I mean.
ME "Hello" I say expecting a drunk and sultry ex girlfriend or something..(they always come back usually doesnt...but the list makes me feel better..

 Nah dude arent you glad you were always cool to me? And I answered the phone? I damn near didnt.
 And didnt I just tell you last week youre gonna get a DUI??!! Damn man

 You know people of the Addict pedigree do not ever go out for 1 beer..if you know you are gonna get shitty make plans beforehand to spend the night where you are drinking or get a ride..

 You are so fucking lucky man!!! Damn you would shit if you knew what little minor shit I have been arrested for (throwing a cigarette but out my car window) Mabey its Tattoos ...I dunno..Im a nice enough lookin person  other than that..
 I feel like a parent or something ( so glad Im not your Dad dude...or even worse mine for that matter)
 Be more careful next time d000d :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Why would you help anyone who doesn't want it,
doesn't need it, doesn't want your shit advice
when a mind's made up to go ahead and die?
What's done is done and gone, so why cry?

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-11 00:12 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Urine Tests
« on: February 10, 2004, 02:49:00 AM »
Is there any place of employment that doesnt give urinalysis anymore?
Strated my job hunt today..I may have to quit smoking..which sucks because I cant drink..
Guess Ill just have to go bone dry sober.
 Which isnt good..some of you know how wierd I get even when Im pot regulated..I start really tripping when Im sober.
 Its cool Ill life goes thru a major upheaval in the next 3 weeks. If all goes well I will be employed full time..and saving $$..
 After speaking with Holly, I guess I may move to Little Rock...Im not thrilled about Ar.. but Midland Tx is a dead end place...Im just thankful Im divorced and dont have kids..what a fucking drag that would be..

If I hit bottom and everythings done..
In the great Mississippi please drown me and run..

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-10 11:58 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / EverQuest
« on: February 10, 2004, 01:49:00 AM »
Grats My guild On Killing Solusek  Ro..Rallos Zek the warlord...and Tallon Zek tonite..

Thats 3 gods ...requiring a combined force of 72 people...Welcome to the Elemental Planes CV

 Solusek Ro

If I hit bottom and everythings done..
In the great Mississippi please drown me and run..

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-09 22:57 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-09 22:59 ]

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