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Topics - animals all of us

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Posting Anonymously
« on: December 09, 2003, 01:13:00 PM »
Why do I post anonymously ???

I am certain this topic might have been discussed in earlier posts before I ever came onto this site.  If it has, well, here it is again.

Several survivors do know who I am by way of phone calls and survivor convention and other.  I feel the need to post without giving up my legal name because of several reasons.

Those who do see my little posts or replies or 'spam' may think 'it would be cool to put a name to the words' or something like that, I can say that it hasn't been easy, like many others probably feel, to speak about these sour emotions and the horrific and traumatic abuses that go with those feelings.  I sense that these feelings are NOT who I am, and I know that before Straight Incorporated I was someone entirely different, someone more capable of easier maturing and self education.  Hell, if I didn't need to talk about this shit I wouldn't come here at all probably.

Sometimes I am paranoid, which is totally okay, and wish I hadn't met any survivor and given my legal name.  This is not because finding others who have had similar experiences is good for me.  It is a gut reaction sense that perhaps wonders if any of us who do come here are against, or hindering in some ways, a revolution that everyone knows is eventually going to cause our perpetrators to have to fully pay for their actions.  I am certain that I, and you, would want to protect this goal of reparation and punition from any hinderances.

As I look back on this post I see how silly being anonymous really is.  What was the first and most important rule ???  Hey, its no secret by now - I WISH my enemies death.  I have cried at times when I think of myself taking on the roles of what others have done to me.  I understand most easily that Yes, I am better than they are.  I am no child molester.  I am no murderer.  I am responsible for my misconducts.
I would not incarcerate anyone for three years of their life without serious provocation to do so and especially not on the say so of other's myths or need to have 'group think' pressure.  

So, obviously the main issue is trust.  Then, in a more lightened manner, I ask me - what the fuck do I care if someone comes to this site and sees sincerely what I wrote about M. Sembler and his husband Betty; or that I have not been able, yet, to fully forgive and move on from my parents and their misinterpretations.

Where does all their responsibility end and where does mine begin ???  Well, I think it comes from talking about it all.  I suppose one can't take credit for something without taking credit for all of it.  That's like saying that you ran a very succesful national institution that housed 50,000 or more children back twenty years ago and then used it on your resume', and then tried not to take on the full gamit of the professional elusive fallacy of a succesful, abusive, molesting, smoke and mirrors chopshop as in the example the perfect example of Straight Incorporated.

I have said some pretty mean shit and posters have said, why don'tcha put your name next to you so we can know who said that filthy smak ???

If it's not trust then my final reason for not putting up my legal name is that I just don't care to.
With all that said I intend no disrespect toward you, dear survivor.

Very truly yours,
Anonymously Anonymous.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Whatever...Tired and Bored
« on: November 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »
I come on this site hoping to hear about legal revolution.  I come to this site and volunteer ALL of any of my efforts to start that revolution against people who operate under the guise of the laws that helped them to exploit children and they are still doing it now.

There IS NO LAW IN THIS.  Just like there is no law in FEAR.  

I come here and see a lot of healing and mostly talking about people who didn't know, back then, what their rights were - and they were just trying to breathe.

But coming to this sight is alot like my enjoyable experience with my computer.  I have to back up off the motherfucker alot of the time or otherwise it will drive me crazy.  I bought this new computer hoping it would play games, print, scan, and communicate and educate me more for the outside world.  I don't know if you would believe all the extra time and money I have had to spend just to get this kind of shitty experience with this fucking computer.  I was really gung ho about my computer at first.  But now I am still, after all my pulling out my hair and yelling and even kicking the damn P4, going to wind up fucked cos the fucking thing always needs attention.

So, I am tired and bored of it.  Nothing seems to have a solution.  I always read up on all the events surrounding PumpGate but they just seem to be rewrites of all the fucking things I read two months ago.  I have tried to follow others and find attorneys, even ones we claim to be using, and get shut down whenever I open my mouth about what I am doing - even shut down by fellow survivors.  Its these same survivors who tell me I should find forgiveness and start living, that come here and post about how mad they are at their enemies and how hard it is for them to forgive when noone pays mind to the wrong(those enemies are mine, too)  Hmm.

I am not asking for ANY advice about any of this, I a merely stating that nothing is EVER done, in my life experience, unless I do it on my own.  

I hear a lot of preaching about forgiveness, but I do not see it being demanded.  I hear a lot about getting EVEN and collecting compensatory, punitive, and injuctive damages - but I do not see it being ACTED on.  I hear a lot about the enemy eventually going to fall, and plans for the FUTURE, the far future, but don't see any actions now that will achieve the motions more quickly toward this "intention".  The two don't seem to be related here, even: intention and motion.

So, at best I think that coming here for me is just going to be talking shit and talking more shit.  I have offered my services physically, publicly, anonymously, and in several other ways.  I am told to wait or that I am going about things the wrong way.  You know I am not and I know I am not.  

I guess I am Irish like that.  But I don't have to be any nationality to see that a change of true bodily physical action should become unified in order to happen.

I forgot the exact words and who said them, you may remind me if you know...
"Any government that ceases to be governed and ruled by all its people will fall."

  "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny imposed upon the mind of man" - Thomas Jefferson.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Whatever...Tired and Bored
« on: November 30, 2003, 03:16:00 AM »
I come on this site hoping to hear about legal revolution.  I come to this site and volunteer ALL of any of my efforts to start that revolution against people who operate under the guise of the laws that helped them to exploit children and they are still doing it now.

There IS NO LAW IN THIS.  Just like there is no law in FEAR.  

I come here and see a lot of healing and mostly talking about people who didn't know, back then, what their rights were - and they were just trying to breathe.

But coming to this sight is alot like my enjoyable experience with my computer.  I have to back up off the motherfucker alot of the time or otherwise it will drive me crazy.  I bought this new computer hoping it would play games, print, scan, and communicate and educate me more for the outside world.  I don't know if you would believe all the extra time and money I have had to spend just to get this kind of shitty experience with this fucking computer.  I was really gung ho about my computer at first.  But now I am still, after all my pulling out my hair and yelling and even kicking the damn P4, going to wind up fucked cos the fucking thing always needs attention.

So, I am tired and bored of it.  Nothing seems to have a solution.  I always read up on all the events surrounding PumpGate but they just seem to be rewrites of all the fucking things I read two months ago.  I have tried to follow others and find attorneys, even ones we claim to be using, and get shut down whenever I open my mouth about what I am doing - even shut down by fellow survivors.  Its these same survivors who tell me I should find forgiveness and start living, that come here and post about how mad they are at their enemies and how hard it is for them to forgive when noone pays mind to the wrong(those enemies are mine, too)  Hmm.

I am not asking for ANY advice about any of this, I a merely stating that nothing is EVER done, in my life experience, unless I do it on my own.  

I hear a lot of preaching about forgiveness, but I do not see it being demanded.  I hear a lot about getting EVEN and collecting compensatory, punitive, and injuctive damages - but I do not see it being ACTED on.  I hear a lot about the enemy eventually going to fall, and plans for the FUTURE, the far future, but don't see any actions now that will achieve the motions more quickly toward this "intention".  The two don't seem to be related here, even: intention and motion.

So, at best I think that coming here for me is just going to be talking shit and talking more shit.  I have offered my services physically, publicly, anonymously, and in several other ways.  I am told to wait or that I am going about things the wrong way.  You know I am not and I know I am not.  

I guess I am Irish like that.  But I don't have to be any nationality to see that a change of true bodily physical action should become unified in order to happen.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Whatever...Tired and Bored
« on: November 30, 2003, 03:15:00 AM »
I come on this site hoping to hear about legal revolution.  I come to this site and volunteer ALL of any of my efforts to start that revolution against people who operate under the guise of the laws that helped them to exploit children and they are still doing it now.

There IS NO LAW IN THIS.  Just like there is no law in FEAR.  

I come here and see a lot of healing and mostly talking about people who didn't know, back then, what their rights were - and they were just trying to breathe.

But coming to this sight is alot like my enjoyable experience with my computer.  I have to back up off the motherfucker alot of the time or otherwise it will drive me crazy.  I bought this new computer hoping it would play games, print, scan, and communicate and educate me more for the outside world.  I don't know if you would believe all the extra time and money I have had to spend just to get this kind of shitty experience with this fucking computer.  I was really gung ho about my computer at first.  But now I am still, after all my pulling out my hair and yelling and even kicking the damn P4, going to wind up fucked cos the fucking thing always needs attention.

So, I am tired and bored of it.  Nothing seems to have a solution.  I always read up on all the events surrounding PumpGate but they just seem to be rewrites of all the fucking things I read two months ago.  I have tried to follow others and find attorneys, even ones we claim to be using, and get shut down whenever I open my mouth about what I am doing - even shut down by fellow survivors.  Its these same survivors who tell me I should find forgiveness and start living, that come here and post about how mad they are at their enemies and how hard it is for them to forgive when noone pays mind to the wrong(those enemies are mine, too)  Hmm.

I am not asking for ANY advice about any of this, I a merely stating that nothing is EVER done, in my life experience, unless I do it on my own.  

I hear a lot of preaching about forgiveness, but I do not see it being demanded.  I hear a lot about getting EVEN and collecting compensatory, punitive, and injuctive damages - but I do not see it being ACTED on.  I hear a lot about the enemy eventually going to fall, and plans for the FUTURE, the far future, but don't see any actions now that will achieve the motions more quickly toward this "intention".  The two don't seem to be related here, even: intention and motion.

So, at best I think that coming here for me is just going to be talking shit and talking more shit.  I have offered my services physically, publicly, anonymously, and in several other ways.  I am told to wait or that I am going about things the wrong way.  You know I am not and I know I am not.  

I guess I am Irish like that.  But I don't have to be any nationality to see that a change of true bodily physical action should become unified in order to happen.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Got a Real Good Job !!!
« on: November 24, 2003, 09:03:00 PM »
I just got a real good name involved with the DFAF.  I got it with a false name and identity.  I will gather all the information I need to bury these motherfuckers finally and for good since they seem to thwart me at every turn.  Also, I have maintained a friendship in Canada where this person has created a false believable identity and has found a job at one of these treatment facilities descended from Straight of old.  He has promised all the dirt he finds and sees.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Comforting Government
« on: November 17, 2003, 01:13:00 AM »
At the risk of being full of shit, I believe that adults should perhaps no longer have so many rights to their children, or at least that children should have more legal rights.

Im not saying this is an answer, but this Could give adults no more excuse to say 'Well, I dropped them off into a well advertised drug institution because I didn't know how to handle the burden - so this makes me a 'good' parent.'

From seeing and experiencing the way-outrageous number of parents who dumped off their kids to the more-than-accepting, fund-needing, city and state government institutions 'cos the adults of the family were just kids themselves, I think more rights for children over their own decisions and/or less certain legal right along with less fear of the unknown by parent/adults could help along the cause for ending child abuse.

How do I get there ???  Unfortunately I am no murderer and damn that I am no enthusiastic shmoozing public speaker.  

It hurts me to think of the murdering public speakers and the messages they have gotten across.  People like Hitler and Sembler who have no trouble with hurting a few hundred thousand or million to send across a message of false eutopia and 'being rid of the enemy'.

I guess the U. States history is raught with World Wars and the adults who grew up with this kind of fighting couldn't wait to get their hands on some new unwary enemy.  And how the government played on people's fears.  Damn.  

How do I get the message across that I want to end child suffering and that equal rights for all humans includes women, men, AND children and everyone else ???  I am no murderer, I am no kidnapper, no rapist, I am no eccentric terrorist like Mel Sembler or his kind.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Foregiveness
« on: November 13, 2003, 01:36:00 PM »
I talk to my counselor every week about certain issues.  Its only been a couple of months since I started going.

I cried bitterly when we uncovered my time at Straight Incorporated.  Sure, something has always sat wrong in my stomach about my time in there.  I graduated on my eighteenth birthday prematurely.  They tricked me yet again and I bought it.  I had attended a survivors conference a year or so ago, even then I had not realized what was done to me - I kind of thought the convention would be more about discussing issues of how to make better treatment facilities.  But in the last couple weeks we, me and my psycho therapist, are able to see that my PTSD and depression are a direct result of time spent at Straight.

And in yesterday's session I spoke more about confrontation and yelling at my peers.  I talked about the times (which was actually All the time) when other patients stood up it was basically my job to punish them ending with an 'I love you'.  If the tears did not seem genuine (it was my job to make sure they weren't) I would tear into the person.  That was counseling; to punish or be punished by way of yelling or restraint or other - without cause, and to find vulnerability and CRUSH the damn shit.

I've said in other posts that it has been hard for me because these enstranged traits that I soaked in and habitualized for three years are not good sociable traits.  If someone today tells me something I don't want to hear or its sounds out of whack it is my compulsion to punish them.  I want to punish everyone who has ever done anything to me or anything that I have perceived that they have done to me.  I have had the law called on me for trying to confront others and others confronting me, I have lost many relationships that definitely would have been different if those traits had not been instilled in me, and lost much otherwise valuable family time not understanding how to reconcile my time away from the family.  So, it is obvious now that I had developed a great Compulsion to act out on these habits of punishing others.

I used to drink Coca-Cola everyday at least three litres daily.  I recently found some root beers at the health food store that not only have fizz but they taste good, too.  They don't have caffeine, they don't fuck up my immune system, even if they cost a little more they don't taste weird like some alternatives do.  You can say I have found a perfect difference against my coke habit.  About my habitual compulsion to punish others; is there some healthier alternative for this ???

In my compulsion to punish others I must attempt to find some other way of acting.  I think what I might be looking for here is forgiveness.  I am not one hundred percent certain what that word means, but I don't think it means letting others take anything from me.  In no way do I think that the society I live in means for me to forget what has been done to me and that it is now somehow unpunishable by law.  The same would be done to me absolutely if I had abused 50,000 kids or more.  Maybe forgiveness is doing unto others with forgiveness what would be justifiably done me.

I hear that forgiveness is the key to happiness.  If giving is receiving and if I give to another as I would give to me, then I might receive my forgiveness back as I lent it.  Hmm.  Sometimes this psychobabble gets over my head.

But I can take it as I want to.  I harp alot on vulnerable issues especially when I desire to feel sad or hurt about the loss of my identity, the loss of friends and family, and other important issues.  I want to protect myself and make those vulnerable feelings go away to protect me.  

For now forgiveness could just mean to find something good in everyone.  It could mean that I do not have to protect myself anymore against my own vulnerability.  For now forgiveness may just be to allow myself the brevity to breathe and be human for more than just a couple seconds; to feel the world around me as it is.  To feel the sweet sadness of a new clear day, brought from yesterday's passing.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Statute of Limitations
« on: November 10, 2003, 09:45:00 PM »
I did have this attorney who had been expressing his interest for the case against Straight Incorporated.  
I made waves like so many before me have.
I gave him the silver bullets he asked for.  I gave him several cases of exact similar abuse.

He came back with the reply that Lulu Corter' case was much different because she had sustained so many years of the abuse.  Holland and Knight wont' do it cos they have their heads in Mel's ass, or at least they claimed to have them there.
Blackard won't do it 'cos it's so long and drawn out and money consuming and the statutes are so many years ago.

So many other cases, even Group cases where victims have filed together against bulk rehabs., have been pushed out of court because the abuse is 'just not substantial enough'.  Not to hurt a cause when I say that not even Bradbury's attorney will speak to anyone one of us as victims without charging a very large fee just to say hello.  Alot of people were saying that he would be sensitive to these issues.

My girlfriend was driving a day ago and a young man runs a fucking stop sign. He passes the DUI test.  

The incriminating evidence was there but he got off with a ticket for running a stop sign.  I hate this fucking joke ass hypocritical state.  It just seems if I were an insensitive shit talking Bubba with no mind that I would do so much better here.

The guy had whiskey on his shirt sloppped onto him as he was driving.  The large glass had fresh whiskey in the bottom of it.  He admitted to drinking.  My girlfriends' car has to get a check up because she slammed on her breaks.  Another woman brought the young man's broken outside mirror from where he left it back at the trashcan he knocked over.

I am not suggesting that punishment be allowed to exact anything.  I am suggesting equality of punishment.  The dumb bitch admitted that he was drinking and he admitted knowledge that his brake's were having problems.  As we drove back around we saw him hi-fiving his little buddies so they could all go home and finish the watching game.

Rehab people made so many thousands of children who did not have drug problems give up their lives so the wharehouses could stay open.  The wharehouses are eventually shut down for this, and the punishment is that they open in Canada or in some other naive area of the world under new names but with the same principles of psychological murder.

If I had a gun ..........

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Weresquirrel
« on: November 09, 2003, 02:38:00 PM »
In Greek the name for my disease is skiurothropy.

Most days I find myself in parks.  I wake up in trees with twigs and leaves gathered around me.  Somedays I wake with Acorns that I have to pick out of my teeth, and the acorn shells are all around me.

I'd been traveling around for some time in the mists of Ireland old.  I found the one shaman woman who could tell me what had happened and why I tick and chirp sometimes when I am on the job (I haven't worked in several years because I haven't met an employer who could let me relocate to a nearby park).

As she put me into a trance I was drawn back to a sunny day at my favorite shadey hangout.  I was lazily peering into the trees when a rabid squirrel leapt suddenly across my public bench.  The pain I felt in my left arm as the squirrel scratched me became unbearable while the shaman had me hypnotized.  I do not remember much and I do not know how the lil', cute motherfucking scratcher squirrel had become rabbid in the first place.  In the trance I chased it to a dank hole in a tree.  That was the last I saw of the rabbid squirrel.

When the shaman brought me to real awareness I began to have nice flashbacks of visits to the doctor for shots of rabbies.  My blood had been tested and the doctor tried to find the horrible scar the mfing r. squirrel made.  To our surprise the scar was gone.  I got my rabbies shot to be sure.

I paid the shaman five thousand pounds and she tried to give me a rope with a bell on it.  Hmm.  I declined the offer.

I went home and began to do research on skiurothropy.  Haven't found anything to this day.  I couldn't turn myself in to the police because I hadn't commited any crimes (yet).  For now, I would have to hope for the best and be sure that the parks I transformed in were all too big for me to get out of.  Other times I would just lock myself in my apartment and bolt the doors, and windows.  

I don't know if I can speak English when I am a squirrel but I am certain it would be neat if I could, mostly I dont' see what's happening when I am a squirrel.  My transformation takes place, I have discovered after months of testing, during midday when the sun is most high in the sky.  

After several years of this confusing predicament I have found a person who likes cuddly creatures.  Although it took me several weeks to approach her and tell her my dark secret, I finally told her.  

I could hear her screaming faintly as I turned into a squirrel.  She nabbed my large clothes and then she attempted to pick me up as well.  Upon grabbing me - I nibbled her forearm and scratched her skin.  She liked it.  She petted my soft fur and my bushy tail.  Unbeknownst to her she would soon be like me; turning into a squirrel with no sense of direction other than to look timelessly cute, being mfing wild and rabbid, and hastily gathering food for the winter while clicking and sqeaking at the other squirrels.

Be careful when you come to my park.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sexual Intercourse with Melvin Sembler
« on: November 08, 2003, 02:55:00 PM »
Back when I was buying Gerbils and pipes for Melvin, he wasn't so bad.  I used to fuck him in the ass with flashlights and bowling balls.  It was all for the good of the public you know, but that was all back when Melly was still being open about his sexual confusion.  He was my boy then.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / It hasn't been easy.
« on: November 06, 2003, 03:20:00 PM »
The worst decision I ever made was to come and visit old mah' in La Florida.

I've spent my whole life identifying with mom, and her lack of taking care of herself rubbed off on me. So, like her, I began young looking for others to watch after me.

She dumped me off in Straight and I didn't get out until I was 18. After graduating she told me, 'You stayed in there to rebel against me' and 'You didn't do what you were supposed to do'.

A couple years later when my younger sister was out fucking the city and staying crazy high on all kinds of drugs I narked her out to my mom. Mom told me 'It's not right to incarcerate another human being'.

IT should be obvious that my mother has always had some type of sick issue with expecting men to take care of her. I have another younger sister who used to physically fight with my mom, my mom never called the police or tried to punish her in some destructive manner.

Today, years later, my mother has decided she wants to 'talk' and that Perhaps some abuses did happen in Straight Incorporated.

Most children were dumped off and forgotten in Straight Incorporated and the parents thought - well this place will naturally help me take care of a burden I don't want to handle and they will take care of our family.

I see that the problem started for me long before I went into Straight. I mean if parents were not to blame as well - why would someone like Lulu Corter be allowed to Stay in a fucking institution for THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS, or why would I be allowed to stay in some programm without my parents asking EVEN ONCE 'Hey, son, what is going on in there that you are not telling me'.

Now I understand why my father will not speak to her - person to person.

I have seen time and time again how women do very, very strange things to their children to punish them because they have sour issues with the father or other men, and also that the law allows women to have more control (for now) over the birth and rearing of the child. Ultimately men have no say so when it comes to whether or not a child should come into this fucked up world, nevermind if you can afford to feed the damn thing - some women just FEEL that it is not right to abort what is 'part of themselves'.

Sooner than later, I know many people sense that the 'mysogonistic egg' that we have been waiting to hatch for a long time actually will crack open - and EQUALITY will be equal with the sexes. No more, 'he's a dead beat dad' or 'I was an accident'. Nope.

For other reasons this was not the issue I am trying to discuss here. I think the responsibility for something so great as institutionalizing those damn kids that they didn't want to take care of lies on both parents. My father never put forth any earnest true effort to get me out of their or to understand why I got put there and he never really made effort to get in touch with me while all of us child patients were motherfucking brainwashing each other. I am absolutely certain my other parent enjoyed telling my father, 'You can't talk to your son'.

Fortunately my parents have half paid for their mistakes. I fought with both of them even more after I got out of Straight, dumb fuckers didn't even register what they had done to me. I have come really close to actually buying a gun and factually killing them; so I feel that they are lucky that they don't have to feel the full effect of what they created. Hey, lots of people kill their families for lots less.

Buutt, I guess I am lucky, too. Opposed to that worst decision I ever made coming to Florida I would have to take all the heinous shit that has happened to me over time and realize that the best decision I have made based on those shits is to get a counselor.

Helps me to realize a number of things. Where does the responsibility with my parents end and where do mine begin ???

Don't get me wrong - I am in no way excusing Straight Incorporated for its severely numerable crimes against anyone. What I'm doing here is just shedding some hard light on my pathetic existence.

Alot of children did benefit from Straight Incorporated, and add up quintuple the number of succesful graduates and you would have maybe closer number to the dysfunctional families who put their oh so prized children away expecting them children to make the whole family better. 'We're depending on you Billy'. Aah, bullshit.

It is I guess healthy for me today to focus on what my responsibilities are now. And reconcile and deliniate with the folks back home where their responsibilities are at. I have spent an awful long time looking and feeling like I want others to take care of me against the things that have happened or even perceived or felt injustices to me - and then attempting at punishing others when they wouldn't do what I needed them to do, just like my parent who I completely identified with, or being oblivious to those around me, like my other parent, and not putting forth effort.

Unluckily this therapy is not what I thought it would be. I thought I would go in to see that counselor and speak about some things that happened to me and my life would change and I would feel better. Nope.

Its never easy reliving the things that have happened to you and wanting to punish the people who did it to you. I am no cold murderer or rapist like my enemies, but it certainly doesn't feel fresh having enemies in family that I've had to go back and ammend some shit that they did to me and etc.

The latest venture is kind of looking at post violence and how it continues violence. My parents were silent and violent long before Straight helped them to be that way. And I became that way, Straight merely honed it and solidified its drive home for me. I still have urges to yell at others, especially those I want to punish for doing me wrong, to release my anger. I have found myself with restraining orders because of it. Nobody wants to be called a piece of shit and told to turn themselves in for crimes. The parent who put me in Straight wanted me to be violent because of the jealousy against my other parent. I became that. I trained in it all day for three years. I spit on others, they spit back in the name of counseling, too. That shit doesn't fly in public. If you find a person to tolerate that - you might not be far from their relatives who were in Straight as well. I reckon punishing others is not okay unless you are some god or a judge or the police, or a teacher. heh heh heh.

Luckily and fortunately I don't have to be in counseling all day and get honest all day and be pleasing all day getting belt looped to the restroom when I need to go. I can take it as I will.
I can do these things by myself without others tricking me to do it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / It hasn't been easy.
« on: November 06, 2003, 03:12:00 PM »
The worst decision I ever made was to come and visit old mah' in La Florida.

I've spent my whole life identifying with mom, and her lack of taking care of herself rubbed off on me. So, like her, I began young looking for others to watch after me.

She dumped me off in Straight and I didn't get out until I was 18. After graduating she told me, 'You stayed in there to rebel against me' and 'You didn't do what you were supposed to do'.

A couple years later when my younger sister was out fucking the city and staying crazy high on all kinds of drugs I narked her out to my mom. Mom told me 'It's not right to incarcerate another human being'.

IT should be obvious that my mother has always had some type of sick issue with expecting men to take care of her. I have another younger sister who used to physically fight with my mom, my mom never called the police or tried to punish her in some destructive manner.

Today, years later, my mother has decided she wants to 'talk' and that Perhaps some abuses did happen in Straight Incorporated.

Most children were dumped off and forgotten in Straight Incorporated and the parents thought - well this place will naturally help me take care of a burden I don't want to handle and they will take care of our family.

I see that the problem started for me long before I went into Straight. I mean if parents were not to blame as well - why would someone like Lulu Corter be allowed to Stay in a fucking institution for THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS, or why would I be allowed to stay in some programm without my parents asking EVEN ONCE 'Hey, son, what is going on in there that you are not telling me'.

Now I understand why my father will not speak to her - person to person.

I have seen time and time again how women do very, very strange things to their children to punish them because they have sour issues with the father or other men, and also that the law allows women to have more control (for now) over the birth and rearing of the child. Ultimately men have no say so when it comes to whether or not a child should come into this fucked up world, nevermind if you can afford to feed the damn thing - some women just FEEL that it is not right to abort what is 'part of themselves'.

Sooner than later, I know many people sense that the 'mysogonistic egg' that we have been waiting to hatch for a long time actually will crack open - and EQUALITY will be equal with the sexes. No more, 'he's a dead beat dad' or 'I was an accident'. Nope.

For other reasons this was not the issue I am trying to discuss here. I think the responsibility for something so great as institutionalizing those damn kids that they didn't want to take care of lies on both parents. My father never put forth any earnest true effort to get me out of their or to understand why I got put there and he never really made effort to get in touch with me while all of us child patients were motherfucking brainwashing each other. I am absolutely certain my other parent enjoyed telling my father, 'You can't talk to your son'.

Fortunately my parents have half paid for their mistakes. I fought with both of them even more after I got out of Straight, dumb fuckers didn't even register what they had done to me. I have come really close to actually buying a gun and factually killing them; so I feel that they are lucky that they don't have to feel the full effect of what they created. Hey, lots of people kill their families for lots less.

Buutt, I guess I am lucky, too. Opposed to that worst decision I ever made coming to Florida I would have to take all the heinous shit that has happened to me over time and realize that the best decision I have made based on those shits is to get a counselor.

Helps me to realize a number of things. Where does the responsibility with my parents end and where do mine begin ???

Don't get me wrong - I am in no way excusing Straight Incorporated for its severely numerable crimes against anyone. What I'm doing here is just shedding some hard light on my pathetic existence.

Alot of children did benefit from Straight Incorporated, and add up quintuple the number of succesful graduates and you would have maybe closer number to the dysfunctional families who put their oh so prized children away expecting them children to make the whole family better. 'We're depending on you Billy'. Aah, bullshit.

It is I guess healthy for me today to focus on what my responsibilities are now. And reconcile and deliniate with the folks back home where their responsibilities are at. I have spent an awful long time looking and feeling like I want others to take care of me against the things that have happened or even perceived or felt injustices to me - and then attempting at punishing others when they wouldn't do what I needed them to do, just like my parent who I completely identified with, or being oblivious to those around me, like my other parent, and not putting forth effort.

Unluckily this therapy is not what I thought it would be. I thought I would go in to see that counselor and speak about some things that happened to me and my life would change and I would feel better. Nope.

Its never easy reliving the things that have happened to you and wanting to punish the people who did it to you. I am no cold murderer or rapist like my enemies, but it certainly doesn't feel fresh having enemies in family that I've had to go back and ammend some shit that they did to me and etc.

The latest venture is kind of looking at post violence and how it continues violence. My parents were silent and violent long before Straight helped them to be that way. And I became that way, Straight merely honed it and solidified its drive home for me. I still have urges to yell at others, especially those I want to punish for doing me wrong, to release my anger. I have found myself with restraining orders because of it. Nobody wants to be called a piece of shit and told to turn themselves in for crimes. The parent who put me in Straight wanted me to be violent because of the jealousy against my other parent. I became that. I trained in it all day for three years. I spit on others, they spit back in the name of counseling, too. That shit doesn't fly in public. If you find a person to tolerate that - you might not be far from their relatives who were in Straight as well. I reckon punishing others is not okay unless you are some god or a judge or the police, or a teacher. heh heh heh.

Luckily and fortunately I don't have to be in counseling all day and get honest all day and be pleasing all day getting belt looped to the restroom when I need to go. I can take it as I will.
I can do these things by myself without others tricking me to do it.

The Seed Discussion Forum / It hasn't been easy.
« on: November 06, 2003, 03:11:00 PM »
The worst decision I ever made was to come and visit old mah' in La Florida.

I've spent my whole life identifying with mom, and her lack of taking care of herself rubbed off on me. So, like her, I began young looking for others to watch after me.

She dumped me off in Straight and I didn't get out until I was 18. After graduating she told me, 'You stayed in there to rebel against me' and 'You didn't do what you were supposed to do'.

A couple years later when my younger sister was out fucking the city and staying crazy high on all kinds of drugs I narked her out to my mom. Mom told me 'It's not right to incarcerate another human being'.

IT should be obvious that my mother has always had some type of sick issue with expecting men to take care of her. I have another younger sister who used to physically fight with my mom, my mom never called the police or tried to punish her in some destructive manner.

Today, years later, my mother has decided she wants to 'talk' and that Perhaps some abuses did happen in Straight Incorporated.

Most children were dumped off and forgotten in Straight Incorporated and the parents thought - well this place will naturally help me take care of a burden I don't want to handle and they will take care of our family.

I see that the problem started for me long before I went into Straight. I mean if parents were not to blame as well - why would someone like Lulu Corter be allowed to Stay in a fucking institution for THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS, or why would I be allowed to stay in some programm without my parents asking EVEN ONCE 'Hey, son, what is going on in there that you are not telling me'.

Now I understand why my father will not speak to her - person to person.

I have seen time and time again how women do very, very strange things to their children to punish them because they have sour issues with the father or other men, and also that the law allows women to have more control (for now) over the birth and rearing of the child. Ultimately men have no say so when it comes to whether or not a child should come into this fucked up world, nevermind if you can afford to feed the damn thing - some women just FEEL that it is not right to abort what is 'part of themselves'.

Sooner than later, I know many people sense that the 'mysogonistic egg' that we have been waiting to hatch for a long time actually will crack open - and EQUALITY will be equal with the sexes. No more, 'he's a dead beat dad' or 'I was an accident'. Nope.

For other reasons this was not the issue I am trying to discuss here. I think the responsibility for something so great as institutionalizing those damn kids that they didn't want to take care of lies on both parents. My father never put forth any earnest true effort to get me out of their or to understand why I got put there and he never really made effort to get in touch with me while all of us child patients were motherfucking brainwashing each other. I am absolutely certain my other parent enjoyed telling my father, 'You can't talk to your son'.

Fortunately my parents have half paid for their mistakes. I fought with both of them even more after I got out of Straight, dumb fuckers didn't even register what they had done to me. I have come really close to actually buying a gun and factually killing them; so I feel that they are lucky that they don't have to feel the full effect of what they created. Hey, lots of people kill their families for lots less.

Buutt, I guess I am lucky, too. Opposed to that worst decision I ever made coming to Florida I would have to take all the heinous shit that has happened to me over time and realize that the best decision I have made based on those shits is to get a counselor.

Helps me to realize a number of things. Where does the responsibility with my parents end and where do mine begin ???

Don't get me wrong - I am in no way excusing Straight Incorporated for its severely numerable crimes against anyone. What I'm doing here is just shedding some hard light on my pathetic existence.

Alot of children did benefit from Straight Incorporated, and add up quintuple the number of succesful graduates and you would have maybe closer number to the dysfunctional families who put their oh so prized children away expecting them children to make the whole family better. 'We're depending on you Billy'. Aah, bullshit.

It is I guess healthy for me today to focus on what my responsibilities are now. And reconcile and deliniate with the folks back home where their responsibilities are at. I have spent an awful long time looking and feeling like I want others to take care of me against the things that have happened or even perceived or felt injustices to me - and then attempting at punishing others when they wouldn't do what I needed them to do, just like my parent who I completely identified with, or being oblivious to those around me, like my other parent, and not putting forth effort.

Unluckily this therapy is not what I thought it would be. I thought I would go in to see that counselor and speak about some things that happened to me and my life would change and I would feel better. Nope.

Its never easy reliving the things that have happened to you and wanting to punish the people who did it to you. I am no cold murderer or rapist like my enemies, but it certainly doesn't feel fresh having enemies in family that I've had to go back and ammend some shit that they did to me and etc.

The latest venture is kind of looking at post violence and how it continues violence. My parents were silent and violent long before Straight helped them to be that way. And I became that way, Straight merely honed it and solidified its drive home for me. I still have urges to yell at others, especially those I want to punish for doing me wrong, to release my anger. I have found myself with restraining orders because of it. Nobody wants to be called a piece of shit and told to turn themselves in for crimes. The parent who put me in Straight wanted me to be violent because of the jealousy against my other parent. I became that. I trained in it all day for three years. I spit on others, they spit back in the name of counseling, too. That shit doesn't fly in public. If you find a person to tolerate that - you might not be far from their relatives who were in Straight as well. I reckon punishing others is not okay unless you are some god or a judge or the police, or a teacher. heh heh heh.

Luckily and fortunately I don't have to be in counseling all day and get honest all day and be pleasing all day getting belt looped to the restroom when I need to go. I can take it as I will.
I can do these things by myself without others tricking me to do it.

The Troubled Teen Industry / It hasn't been easy.
« on: November 06, 2003, 03:08:00 PM »
The worst decision I ever made was to come and visit old mah' in La Florida.

I've spent my whole life identifying with mom, and her lack of taking care of herself rubbed off on me. So, like her, I began young looking for others to watch after me.

She dumped me off in Straight and I didn't get out until I was 18. After graduating she told me, 'You stayed in there to rebel against me' and 'You didn't do what you were supposed to do'.

A couple years later when my younger sister was out fucking the city and staying crazy high on all kinds of drugs I narked her out to my mom. Mom told me 'It's not right to incarcerate another human being'.

IT should be obvious that my mother has always had some type of sick issue with expecting men to take care of her. I have another younger sister who used to physically fight with my mom, my mom never called the police or tried to punish her in some destructive manner.

Today, years later, my mother has decided she wants to 'talk' and that Perhaps some abuses did happen in Straight Incorporated.

Most children were dumped off and forgotten in Straight Incorporated and the parents thought - well this place will naturally help me take care of a burden I don't want to handle and they will take care of our family.

I see that the problem started for me long before I went into Straight. I mean if parents were not to blame as well - why would someone like Lulu Corter be allowed to Stay in a fucking institution for THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS, or why would I be allowed to stay in some programm without my parents asking EVEN ONCE 'Hey, son, what is going on in there that you are not telling me'.

Now I understand why my father will not speak to her - person to person.

I have seen time and time again how women do very, very strange things to their children to punish them because they have sour issues with the father or other men, and also that the law allows women to have more control (for now) over the birth and rearing of the child. Ultimately men have no say so when it comes to whether or not a child should come into this fucked up world, nevermind if you can afford to feed the damn thing - some women just FEEL that it is not right to abort what is 'part of themselves'.

Sooner than later, I know many people sense that the 'mysogonistic egg' that we have been waiting to hatch for a long time actually will crack open - and EQUALITY will be equal with the sexes. No more, 'he's a dead beat dad' or 'I was an accident'. Nope.

For other reasons this was not the issue I am trying to discuss here. I think the responsibility for something so great as institutionalizing those damn kids that they didn't want to take care of lies on both parents. My father never put forth any earnest true effort to get me out of their or to understand why I got put there and he never really made effort to get in touch with me while all of us child patients were motherfucking brainwashing each other. I am absolutely certain my other parent enjoyed telling my father, 'You can't talk to your son'.

Fortunately my parents have half paid for their mistakes. I fought with both of them even more after I got out of Straight, dumb fuckers didn't even register what they had done to me. I have come really close to actually buying a gun and factually killing them; so I feel that they are lucky that they don't have to feel the full effect of what they created. Hey, lots of people kill their families for lots less.

Buutt, I guess I am lucky, too. Opposed to that worst decision I ever made coming to Florida I would have to take all the heinous shit that has happened to me over time and realize that the best decision I have made based on those shits is to get a counselor.

Helps me to realize a number of things. Where does the responsibility with my parents end and where do mine begin ???

Don't get me wrong - I am in no way excusing Straight Incorporated for its severely numerable crimes against anyone. What I'm doing here is just shedding some hard light on my pathetic existence.

Alot of children did benefit from Straight Incorporated, and add up quintuple the number of succesful graduates and you would have maybe closer number to the dysfunctional families who put their oh so prized children away expecting them children to make the whole family better. 'We're depending on you Billy'. Aah, bullshit.

It is I guess healthy for me today to focus on what my responsibilities are now. And reconcile and deliniate with the folks back home where their responsibilities are at. I have spent an awful long time looking and feeling like I want others to take care of me against the things that have happened or even perceived or felt injustices to me - and then attempting at punishing others when they wouldn't do what I needed them to do, just like my parent who I completely identified with, or being oblivious to those around me, like my other parent, and not putting forth effort.

Unluckily this therapy is not what I thought it would be. I thought I would go in to see that counselor and speak about some things that happened to me and my life would change and I would feel better. Nope.

Its never easy reliving the things that have happened to you and wanting to punish the people who did it to you. I am no cold murderer or rapist like my enemies, but it certainly doesn't feel fresh having enemies in family that I've had to go back and ammend some shit that they did to me and etc.

The latest venture is kind of looking at post violence and how it continues violence. My parents were silent and violent long before Straight helped them to be that way. And I became that way, Straight merely honed it and solidified its drive home for me. I still have urges to yell at others, especially those I want to punish for doing me wrong, to release my anger. I have found myself with restraining orders because of it. Nobody wants to be called a piece of shit and told to turn themselves in for crimes. The parent who put me in Straight wanted me to be violent because of the jealousy against my other parent. I became that. I trained in it all day for three years. I spit on others, they spit back in the name of counseling, too. That shit doesn't fly in public. If you find a person to tolerate that - you might not be far from their relatives who were in Straight as well. I reckon punishing others is not okay unless you are some god or a judge or the police, or a teacher. heh heh heh.

Luckily and fortunately I don't have to be in counseling all day and get honest all day and be pleasing all day getting belt looped to the restroom when I need to go. I can take it as I will.
I can do these things by myself without others tricking me to do it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / It's hasn't been easy.
« on: November 06, 2003, 03:03:00 PM »
The worst decision I ever made was to come and visit old mah' in La Florida.

                         I've spent my whole life identifying with mom, and her lack of taking care of herself rubbed off on me.  So, like her, I began young looking for others to watch after me.
She dumped me off in Straight and I didn't get out until I was 18.  After graduating she told me, 'You stayed in there to rebel against me' and 'You didn't do what you were supposed to do'.
A couple years later when my younger sister was out fucking the city and staying crazy high on all kinds of drugs I narked her out to my mom.  Mom told me 'It's not right to incarcerate another human being'.

IT should be obvious that my mother has always had some type of sick issue with expecting men to take care of her.  I have another younger sister who used to physically fight with my mom, my mom never called the police or tried to punish her in some destructive manner.
Today, years later, my mother has decided she wants to 'talk' and that Perhaps some abuses did happen in Straight Incorporated.

Most children were dumped off and forgotten in Straight Incorporated and the parents thought - well this place will naturally help me take care of a burden I don't want to handle and they will take care of our family.

   I see that the problem started for me long before I went into Straight.  I mean if parents were not to blame as well - why would someone like Lulu Corter be allowed to Stay in a fucking institution for THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS, or why would I be allowed to stay in some programm without my parents asking EVEN ONCE 'Hey, son, what is going on in there that you are not telling me'.

   Now I understand why my father will not speak to her - person to person.

   I have seen time and time again how women do very, very strange things to their children to punish them because they have sour issues with the father or other men, and also that the law allows women to have more control (for now) over the birth and rearing of the child.  Ultimately men have no say so when it comes to whether or not a child should come into this fucked up world, nevermind if you can afford to feed the damn thing - some women just FEEL that it is not right to abort what is 'part of themselves'.
   Sooner than later, I know many people sense that the 'mysogonistic egg' that we have been waiting to hatch for a long time actually will crack open - and EQUALITY will be equal with the sexes.  No more, 'he's a dead beat dad' or 'I was an accident'.  Nope.

   For other reasons this was not the issue I am trying to discuss here.  I think the responsibility for something so great as institutionalizing those damn kids that they didn't want to take care of lies on both parents.  My father never put forth any earnest true effort to get me out of their or to understand why I got put there and he never really made effort to get in touch with me while all of us child patients were motherfucking brainwashing each other.  I am absolutely certain my other parent enjoyed telling my father, 'You can't talk to your son'.  

   Fortunately my parents have half paid for their mistakes.  I fought with both of them even more after I got out of Straight, dumb fuckers didn't even register what they had done to me.  I have come really close to actually buying a gun and factually killing them; so I feel that they are lucky that they don't have to feel the full effect of what they created.  Hey, lots of people kill their families for lots less.

Buutt, I guess I am lucky, too.  Opposed to that worst decision I ever made coming to Florida I would have to take all the heinous shit that has happened to me over time and realize that the best decision I have made based on those shits is to get a counselor.  

   Helps me to realize a number of things.  Where does the responsibility with my parents end and where do mine begin ???

   Don't get me wrong - I am in no way excusing Straight Incorporated for its severely numerable crimes against anyone.  What I'm doing here is just shedding some hard light on my pathetic existence.  
   Alot of children did benefit from Straight Incorporated, and add up quintuple the number of succesful graduates and you would have maybe closer number to the dysfunctional families who put their oh so prized children away expecting them children to make the whole family better.  'We're depending on you Billy'.  Aah, bullshit.

   It is I guess healthy for me today to focus on what my responsibilities are now.  And reconcile and deliniate with the folks back home where their responsibilities are at.  I have spent an awful long time looking and feeling like I want others to take care of me against the things that have happened or even perceived or felt injustices to me - and then attempting at punishing others when they wouldn't do what I needed them to do, just like my parent who I completely identified with, or being oblivious to those around me, like my other parent, and not putting forth effort.

   Unluckily this therapy is not what I thought it would be.  I thought I would go in to see that counselor and speak about some things that happened to me and my life would change and I would feel better.  Nope.

   Its never easy reliving the things that have happened to you and wanting to punish the people who did it to you.  I am no cold murderer or rapist like my enemies, but it certainly doesn't feel fresh having enemies in family that I've had to go back and ammend some shit that they did to me and etc.

  The latest venture is kind of looking at post violence and how it continues violence.  My parents were silent and violent long before Straight helped them to be that way.  And I became that way, Straight merely honed it and solidified its drive home for me.  I still have urges to yell at others, especially those I want to punish for doing me wrong, to release my anger.  I have found myself with restraining orders because of it.  Nobody wants to be called a piece of shit and told to turn themselves in for crimes.  The parent who put me in Straight wanted me to be violent because of the jealousy against my other parent.  I became that.  I trained in it all day for three years.  I spit on others, they spit back in the name of counseling, too.  That shit doesn't fly in public.  If you find a person to tolerate that - you might not be far from their relatives who were in Straight as well.  I reckon punishing others is not okay unless you are some god or a judge or the police, or a teacher.  heh heh heh.  

   Luckily and fortunately I don't have to be in counseling all day and get honest all day and be pleasing all day getting belt looped to the restroom when I need to go.  I can take it as I will.  
I can do these things by myself without others tricking me to do it.

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