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Topics - Mister Pink

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Elan School / ELAN HAS CLOSED DOWN!!!!!!!!!
« on: March 21, 2005, 12:48:00 PM »
for me, anyway...  :grin:

Elan School / To: Staff
« on: February 23, 2005, 01:15:00 PM »
I was brushing up on my Orwell the other night -
did anyone in anyone in the elan-concept bureau realize that they named the first person to indoctrinate you into the program directly after Big Brother from 1984? Is that just co-incidence, or did the corner use to be called Room 101?  :wave:

Elan School / Succesful Iraqi Elections
« on: February 01, 2005, 11:55:00 PM »
I think we can all agree that it was a good thing.

Elan School / what I miss
« on: January 19, 2005, 03:15:00 AM »
I miss that really bad infestation of trolls that used to be on the boards. I mean, sure they were annoying when they were here, but where else could you get a cheap laugh? Besides standing downwind from a phish show, who are sadly no longer playing. not that I really loved their music, but now my front yard is infested with smelly hippies... who, now that I realize it, are sort of like passive, grass-smoking trolls...

Elan School / Anyone want to SP my home visit?
« on: January 18, 2005, 03:05:00 PM »
I gotta warn you, i'm liable to split.  :lol:

Elan School / Today.
« on: January 18, 2005, 03:02:00 PM »
I am buying another car this weekend. a 1991 Toyota Celica GT4 (in addition to my beautiful 1990 Celica GT).
we're talking All-Wheel Drive and a
3S-GTE engine making 300+HP with
factory turbo.
and the guy wants.... you won't believe how much he wants. plus he throws in a hood scoop and body kit.   :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Elan School / wow, these rat bastards.
« on: November 16, 2004, 12:13:00 AM »
dear god, the animals have taken to the streets and began to multiply. I come back to headquarters and find the whole godamned place has turned into a circus. "such hideous violence" I thought to myself. auras, paranoia, surround the whole  of my head and I recall sensing it was the time for action. It was sometime after midnight on november the fifteenth, and we went out to work on a massive fireworks display that we were planning to explode in the morning to scare the snot out of the neighbors. They know me as a gentle, fun-loving boy with a goofy sense of timing, but they would never in their darkest dreams expect to be blasted out of bed before sunrise for no good reason at all. Only a vicious imbecile would do a thing like that, and they knew I was not an imbecile.
It was the late janitor, who turned me into a bomb junkie, and I have never forgiven him for it. He was a genuine swine whenever explosions were mentioned. he never saw a fuse that he didn't want to set on fire, regardless of where he was in the world or who might be standing nearby. He lovedexplosions and he didn't mind admitting it. On the other hand, that went out with those creepy bamboo cages they used to have in Calcutta, where blonde slave-girls were auctioned off to savage Asian bandits, and never seen again.
Ah, but we stray into Racism, eh? But not really. No. It is just another way of wondering out loud how I came to be at the same school as some of these rat fucks. Ah, we should be ashamed of ourselves. And I am. Sorry, we got stupid for a minute. It won't happen again.
What I'm really thankful for is complete and utter the failure of John Kerry's bid for the presidency. that and those microwaveable burritos, but that will come in time. It happened a second time, for this I am sorry.
Jesus babbling Christ!
thats where we were, it was the worst single event in the history of the state of maine, including Pearl Harbor, the San Francisco earthquake and probably the Battle of Antietam in 1862, when 23,000 were slaughtered in one day.
Many things have happened since last week -- many weird things, radical things, savage 180-degree swings between totally opposite poles like Joy and fear, wild passions and violent rages, sudden love and sudden hate. ... I have known them all, and I fear I have come to like them too much. I am an Addictive Personality, they say, a natural slave to passion -- and many Doctors have warned me against it. I am a High-risk Patient. But not all of those doctors are still alive today. Two committed suicide, and two others had their Medical licenses lifted for abusing Hospital drugs. Another misdiagnosed his own wife's Cancer case and was forced to retire from Medicine. After that, he went into the psychiatric business and destroyed the mental health of a whole family by convincing all of them, one at a time, that they were fatally Dysfunctional and probably Insane. Their only hope, he said, was to have each other committed to long-term, fearfully Harsh and impossibly Expensive private Insane Asylums. ... The children got the most painful sentences. One spent two years in the lockdown ward of the Menninger Clinic in Kansas; another was put in a straitjacket and turned over to the notoriously cruel Cocaine Addict Wing at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Kansas city, which is not in Kansas proper, where "Isolation Therapy" is mandatory for the first nine months. Justice is expensive in America. There are no Free Passes. ... You might want to remember this, the next time you get careless and blow off a few Parking Tickets. They will come back to haunt you the next time you see a Cop car in your rear-view mirror. Or if you notice your teenage daughter hanging out with a rotten-looking Skinhead. ... There is no such thing as Paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment. ... What happened to Lisl Auman can happen to Anybody in America, and when it does, you will sure as hell need Friends. ... Take my word for it, folks. I have Been There, and it ain't Fun.

Elan School / Get in the car Gary, I don't want to fuck your mouth.
« on: October 25, 2004, 01:43:00 PM »
anyone seen Team America yet? not as good as South Park, but better than Fahrenhype 911.

Elan School / Michael Skakel vs. Predator
« on: October 25, 2004, 01:37:00 PM »
Hey mikey, get to the chopper!
you know the drill; rock the vote, to the death if possible, or at least until it starts bleeding and whimpering.

Tacitus' Realm / will liberals stop whining when bush wins again?
« on: October 03, 2004, 03:23:00 AM »
i doubt it.....

HILLARY IN 2008!!!!

Elan School / Dusk Till Dawn
« on: October 03, 2004, 03:10:00 AM »
any tarantino or rodriguez fan who has not seen this movie should go out and rent it, then buy it. you will understand.

Elan School / Toyota Supra vs. Tania Morrette
« on: October 03, 2004, 02:58:00 AM »
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

A colleague of mine (Mister White aka. Snow King, some of you may know him), has been arguing with me for several months now about cocaine. He says that coke is the best drug out there. obviously, this is not the case, but it *inspired* me to do another poll.

So, there will be no multiple choices here, just vote for your favorite drug. Sound pretty easy, huh?  :exclaim:  :exclaim:

Elan School / and now for something completely different
« on: September 30, 2004, 12:36:00 AM »
Given the overwhelming demand for another multiple choice poll on this forum, I've decided to bring to you this gem. In the past, we've come together as a family to express our opinion on such things as 'Heroin: too expensive?', 'Polar Bear vs. Kodiak Grizzly', and 'who the fuck cares?'..

Given the choice, rank (in descending order, best to worst) what you believe to be the highest quality cannibus out of these three.

A) Nepalese

B) Charas

C) Kashmir

Now of course, some people are going to claim they don't care (but will take great pains to voice this apathy), some are going to profer names of better pot (there are reasons why 'snowflake triple white hash' isn't on this list) and a handful of people will actually give informed opinions on this matter. anywho...

-Mister Pink  :wstupid:

« on: August 26, 2004, 01:25:00 PM »
god didn't do that, you did that, you're a fucking narcotics agent.

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