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Elan School / To current and former prisoners
« on: December 28, 2004, 12:18:00 PM »
Current and former prisoners of abusive treatment programs (and your allies such as friends and parents):

There may be time limits on several things in your state or county. I would suggest that you obtain any documents that pertain to yourself as soon as possible, before their required storage time runs out. Records that may be helpful to you are complete school records, complete medical records, and complete psychological records. In the case that you are not able to get the complete psychological records, I would suggest that you find a sympathetic psychological professional to request them for you.

If you experienced or witnessed anything in your treatment program that you think might be a crime, I would suggest that you report these things to the police and/or the FBI. It is my opinion that any allegation of child abuse ought to be taken seriously, so if you find yourself not being taken seriously by anyone in law enforcement, talk to a different person. There are statutes of limitations that vary from state to state and from crime to crime. These statutes may also differ with regard to civil vs. criminal suits. It might be helpful for you to look at the code of law in your state.

I am not a lawyer, I am a former prisoner of Straight in Virginia. Please take or leave my advice on your own best judgment. It might be best if you found a good lawyer to help you understand the law and what your options are.

Current and former prisoners of abusive treatment programs (and your allies such as friends and parents):

There may be time limits on several things in your state or county. I would suggest that you obtain any documents that pertain to yourself as soon as possible, before their required storage time runs out. Records that may be helpful to you are complete school records, complete medical records, and complete psychological records. In the case that you are not able to get the complete psychological records, I would suggest that you find a sympathetic psychological professional to request them for you.

If you experienced or witnessed anything in your treatment program that you think might be a crime, I would suggest that you report these things to the police and/or the FBI. It is my opinion that any allegation of child abuse ought to be taken seriously, so if you find yourself not being taken seriously by anyone in law enforcement, talk to a different person. There are statutes of limitations that vary from state to state and from crime to crime. These statutes may also differ with regard to civil vs. criminal suits. It might be helpful for you to look at the code of law in your state.

I am not a lawyer, I am a former prisoner of Straight in Virginia. Please take or leave my advice on your own best judgment. It might be best if you found a good lawyer to help you understand the law and what your options are.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / To current and former prisoners
« on: December 28, 2004, 12:15:00 PM »
Current and former prisoners of abusive treatment programs (and your allies such as friends and parents):

There may be time limits on several things in your state or county. I would suggest that you obtain any documents that pertain to yourself as soon as possible, before their required storage time runs out. Records that may be helpful to you are complete school records, complete medical records, and complete psychological records. In the case that you are not able to get the complete psychological records, I would suggest that you find a sympathetic psychological professional to request them for you.

If you experienced or witnessed anything in your treatment program that you think might be a crime, I would suggest that you report these things to the police and/or the FBI. It is my opinion that any allegation of child abuse ought to be taken seriously, so if you find yourself not being taken seriously by anyone in law enforcement, talk to a different person. There are statutes of limitations that vary from state to state and from crime to crime. These statutes may also differ with regard to civil vs. criminal suits. It might be helpful for you to look at the code of law in your state.

I am not a lawyer, I am a former prisoner of Straight in Virginia. Please take or leave my advice on your own best judgment. It might be best if you found a good lawyer to help you understand the law and what your options are.

The Troubled Teen Industry / To current and former prisoners
« on: December 28, 2004, 12:00:00 PM »
Current and former prisoners of abusive treatment programs (and your allies such as friends and parents):

There may be time limits on several things in your state or county. I would suggest that you obtain any documents that pertain to yourself as soon as possible, before their required storage time runs out. Records that may be helpful to you are complete school records, complete medical records, and complete psychological records. In the case that you are not able to get the complete psychological records, I would suggest that you find a sympathetic psychological professional to request them for you.

If you experienced or witnessed anything in your treatment program that you think might be a crime, I would suggest that you report these things to the police and/or the FBI. It is my opinion that any allegation of child abuse ought to be taken seriously, so if you find yourself not being taken seriously by anyone in law enforcement, talk to a different person. There are statutes of limitations that vary from state to state and from crime to crime. These statutes may also differ with regard to civil vs. criminal suits. It might be helpful for you to look at the code of law in your state.

I am not a lawyer, I am a former prisoner of Straight in Virginia. Please take or leave my advice on your own best judgment. It might be best if you found a good lawyer to help you understand the law and what your options are.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I don't know what I'm doing
« on: December 27, 2004, 09:44:00 PM »
I am just researching as much as I can. I am also calling police and FBI to report the crimes that I experienced and witnessed. I feel that I have to do for myself rather than wait for someone else to do it. This is not to say that anything that I do alone will make a difference, but I wonder what will happen if I sit around and wait forever for the laws to change or for a brilliant law firm to take up the fight.

What I experienced in Straight was physical and emotional abuse and mental torture. Crimes were committed that must be brought to justice in the courts of law.

I cannot report everyone's crimes, and there are many far worse than what I saw. Please keep in mind what I found out in talking to the District Attorney in Fairfax County, VA the other day: there is no statute of limitations on felony crimes in Virginia. Were there felony crimes committed at Straight VA? Since I am not a lawyer, I cannot speak to that. If you think you witnessed or experienced crimes at Straight VA, you can call the police to report these crimes. (My experience has been that while one detective may not be easy to talk to, another will take you more seriously. These are not the easiest phone calls to make.)

Does anyone know the names of the doctor(s) and psych- person(s) who worked at Straight in Florida?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Excellent idea from Reagan Youth
« on: December 23, 2004, 11:39:00 PM »
QUOTING REAGAN YOUTH from 2003-09-25 06:44:00 "You gave me some good ideas.  I would like to support George Bushes "Leave no child behind act." I am preparing a list of Midland straight survivors to take to the Midland Independent School District.  I am going to challenge them to show me ONE diploma received by any of us.
25.085 Compulsory school attendence requires persons 6-18 to attend school.
EXEMPTIONS  25.086  There are many, but the one that applies to drug treatment states (physical or mental condition of a temporary and remmediable nature, AND holds A CERTIFICATE FROM A QUALIFIED PHYSICIAN.  I was withdrawn from school without a doctors statement. MISD supported straight, allowing the withdraw of several students knowing that the program prohibited education on 1st and 2nd phases and that they would remain out of school for an indefinate amount of time. Under current law Straight practices would be in violation of the education code.  This code has been amended since my time at straight.  I have not been able to find the code from 1986, but I'am still looking.
There is also a federal code which I plan to research.  
I am asking everyone to research the education code of the state they lived in during their straight time.  And ask the school district that withdrew you for your records, specifically withdraw documents.  If you find violations, file a federal suit for sure and a state suit if your state allows it.  When hundreds of school boards across the country start facing civil rights violations, light will shed upon our cause and we will help President Bush to "leave no child behind."  "

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Who worked at Straight
« on: December 23, 2004, 11:08:00 PM »
Has anyone already compiled lists of Straight employees?

I can't find them in any searches.


You might have noticed that I am posting legal research on this forum. I am doing this in the interests of pooling efforts in this direction. Do you think it would be better to have a separate Legal Forum for this purpose? I have contacted Antigen who would like to know if there would be support for such a forum. I hope people will respond with an opinion or a vote one way or the other.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / A Point of View on Criminal Prosecution
« on: December 22, 2004, 01:03:00 PM »
from the following link:

[NOTE: I believe that Michael, whose posts I have pasted below, is from Canada.]

Editorial:                         Tips                         from Micheal.                          The                         Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre in Calgary, Canada (AARC)                         was to be Miller Newton's first foray,  as far as                         we know,  outside of the United States.  Dr.                         Newton never opened AARC,  but Dr. Dean Vause,                          a man trained at his KIDS' facility in New Jersey, did                         open AARC and continues to operate it today.  The AARC                         Discussion Forum is a forum of former AARC                         clients.  In January 2002 an anonymous poster named                         Micheal made a series of postings to that discussion                         forum which we think might be of interest to our readers                         and so we snagged those posts and reprinted them here.                          As of April 6, 2002 we do not know who Micheal is and                         what his qualifications are, other than what he proffers                         in his postings.  We do not necessarily agree with                         the statements put forth by Michael.  They are                         provided for educational purposes only.



Micheal                                                       (1/18/02 2:02:26                                                       pm).   Another                                                       point of view - a matter                                                       of justice.  I                                                       have observed that there                                                       are many on this board who                                                       are interested in stopping                                                       the abuse at this                                                       facility, which I have                                                       heard a lot about. It is a                                                       familiar story to me:                                                       powerful connections, many                                                       reported abuses, etc.,                                                       etc. 
                                                       I want to share some                                                       experiences with you in                                                       the hopes that they may be                                                       helpful, not as a victim                                                       but as a justice officer.                                                       I have worked on many                                                       cases involving addiction                                                       and other similar mental                                                       health facilities across                                                       North America. I have                                                       encountered every type of                                                       abuse and fraud known to                                                       man and have successfully                                                       assisted law enforcement,                                                       the media and others, to                                                       bring about exposure and                                                       justice for those                                                       involved. 
                                                       The first experiential                                                       piece of information I                                                       would like to relay is                                                       that ONLY criminal                                                       prosecution has long term                                                       benefits. Civil                                                       prosecution, which when                                                       successful is usually                                                       covered by liability                                                       insurance, is as much of a                                                       deterrent as a parking                                                       fine to an automobile                                                       driver. They just pay it                                                       and get back to business. 
                                                       In cases where the                                                       prosecution becomes                                                       serious, the corporation                                                       is liquidated and all the                                                       assets are transferred to                                                       another which is                                                       controlled by the same                                                       interests. This is done                                                       through what is called                                                       Nominee Shares. These                                                       represent an ownership                                                       position taken by party                                                       that wishes to remain in                                                       the background. The party                                                       in question goes through                                                       an attorney, who then                                                       purchases the stock                                                       through a financial                                                       institution and this                                                       ensures anonymity. In this                                                       manner key players protect                                                       their assets. 
                                                       Another technique is to                                                       have a separate                                                       corporation from the                                                       operating company own the                                                       property, which is then                                                       leased to the operating                                                       company at an exorbitant                                                       rate. There are many more                                                       techniques. 
                                                       Payoffs to political and                                                       other connections are very                                                       hard to track. One                                                       technique - and, again,                                                       there are many - is to                                                       take out a credit card on                                                       a Cayman Island bank                                                       account and then simply                                                       provide the card to the                                                       party in question. Any                                                       purchases made with the                                                       card are paid for from the                                                       account and no money                                                       enters or leaves the                                                       country. 
                                                       However, when there are                                                       criminal charges everyone                                                       connected suddenly wants                                                       to leave the country as                                                       they do not want anything                                                       to come their way.                                                       Moreover, an official                                                       criminal investigation can                                                       take within its scope far                                                       more territory than any                                                       other. The most obvious                                                       benefit is that the                                                       perpetrators have a chance                                                       of landing jail time - and                                                       that always tends to                                                       change things permanently:                                                       licenses are revoked,                                                       legislation is passed or                                                       changed, regulations are                                                       stiffened, etc. 
                                                       The kinds of things you                                                       want to look for are                                                       persons who have more than                                                       one position, usually with                                                       more than one corporation.                                                       There is also a tremendous                                                       amount of money to be made                                                       in referrals, where                                                       patients or                                                       "clients" are                                                       referred to other                                                       facilities which turn bill                                                       a health insurance plan. 
                                                       I also want to point out                                                       that fraud, for one, is a                                                       difficult crime for law                                                       enforcement to                                                       investigate. It is                                                       different that any other,                                                       because in a typical                                                       crime, you have the crime                                                       documented and are looking                                                       for the perpetrator. In                                                       fraud, it is backwards:                                                       you have the suspected                                                       perpetrator and now you                                                       have to find the crime.                                                       And finding something that                                                       initially is not there can                                                       be, for some, a daunting                                                       task. 
                                                       I don't know what all is                                                       happening at this                                                       particular facility and I                                                       am not familiar with your                                                       laws up there, but it                                                       would appear that, at the                                                       very least, an                                                       investigation is long                                                       overdue. 
                                                       Good luck to all and                                                       remember: tenacity is not                                                       everything, tenacity is                                                       the only thing.


Michael (1/21/02                                                       12:35:11 pm) Yes, this is                                                       an interesting board.                                                        Thank you Velvet. I have                                                       added this board to my                                                       internet shortcuts and                                                       have discussed it with a                                                       number of colleagues, at                                                       least one which said that                                                       he was going to check it                                                       out. 
                                                       I am impressed at your                                                       perseverance, all of you.                                                       I would very much like to                                                       see a similar thing happen                                                       with other facilities. The                                                       light of truth does                                                       amazing things.
                                                       I had a thought: Is anyone                                                       sending any emails or                                                       faxes to government and                                                       other decision makers                                                       about this board? It might                                                       be an effective tool to                                                       get more people to view                                                       it.
                                                       I continue to post if I                                                       feel I can be of help.
                                                       Good luck.


Michael (1/29/02                                                       9:57:25 am) LACK OF                                                       CRIMINAL CHARGES.  There were two postings                                                       since last time I checked.                                                       I will responding to the                                                       first at this time.
                                                       THE QUESTION OF LACK OF                                                       CRIMINAL CHARGES: 
                                                       High level connections are                                                       usual when it comes to                                                       health facilities, as                                                       there is a lot of money                                                       involved. I have                                                       successfully initiated and                                                       concluded criminal                                                       investigations and in the                                                       course of my duties have                                                       dealt with many entities                                                       that had "high level                                                       connections." There                                                       is some truth to this, but                                                       for the most part it is                                                       merely one block on the                                                       investigatory trail.                                                       Believe me, when a                                                       criminal investigation is                                                       in the wind most of these                                                       "high level                                                       connections"                                                       vaporize. 
                                                       This leaves the question                                                       of how do you do it. Here                                                       is the answer: 
                                                       There is a concept in law                                                       called Mes rea. This is a                                                       Latin term meaning,                                                       literally, "a guilty                                                       mind." One legal                                                       definition of Mens rea is                                                       "The state of mind                                                       required to constitute a                                                       particular crime; the                                                       mental element of an                                                       offence." 
                                                       On other words, the intent                                                       to commit a crime. Under                                                       typical circumstances this                                                       is difficult to prove and                                                       is the primary reason why                                                       criminal investigations                                                       are rare. To the police,                                                       this is called the                                                       "motive." 
                                                       Law enforcement agencies -                                                       especially the Royal                                                       Canadian Mounted Police                                                       which is the equivalent to                                                       state police in the U.S.                                                       in Alberta - are very                                                       powerful entities and most                                                       police officers are good                                                       people. They became police                                                       officers to uphold the law                                                       and many have not                                                       forgotten those ideals. 
                                                       However, in order to get                                                       that power to act in the                                                       form of an official                                                       investigation, you have to                                                       fulfill a specific                                                       criteria known as                                                       "probable                                                       cause." This means                                                       "Reasonable grounds                                                       for belief that an accused                                                       person may be subject to                                                       arrest or the issuance of                                                       a warrant." Probable                                                       cause consist of two                                                       things: motive and                                                       opportunity. It is the                                                       former that is typically                                                       more difficult to show;                                                       the latter is easy. 
                                                       Now, you do not have to                                                       actually do the                                                       investigation; that is the                                                       police's job. But you have                                                       to supply enough                                                       information, at least                                                       initially, to get the ball                                                       rolling. After all,                                                       convincing the police that                                                       a crime was committed is                                                       just half the job. Next                                                       the police have to                                                       convince their bosses in                                                       the justice department,                                                       who usually have to give                                                       them the green light to                                                       start an investigation,                                                       that there is merit to the                                                       case. There a number of                                                       factors to be dealt with                                                       here, the topmost being if                                                       there is a possibility of                                                       prosecution. If the case                                                       cannot be prosecuted a                                                       district attorney cannot                                                       ethically waste taxpayers'                                                       money pursuing the case.                                                       (This is where your media                                                       pressure comes into play,                                                       but that is a different                                                       matter.)
                                                       Money, as one example, is                                                       a good motive, one that                                                       the police and everyone                                                       else can understand. The                                                       financial crime that has                                                       received the most media                                                       attention, at least in the                                                       U.S., is fraud. A useful                                                       definition of fraud is                                                       "A deception                                                       deliberately practiced in                                                       order to secure unfair or                                                       unlawful gain." 
                                                       The ways and means that                                                       this can be done are                                                       virtually endless. Health                                                       care facilities usually                                                       have to have agreements                                                       with state (and in some                                                       cases federal) regulatory                                                       agencies and health                                                       insurance providers in                                                       order to receive monies                                                       from those entities. In                                                       some cases these                                                       agreements are falsified,                                                       in most the parameters of                                                       the agreements are simply                                                       not met. In some instances                                                       providers have agreed to                                                       provide specific services,                                                       which they do not (for                                                       example). 
                                                       There are administrative                                                       reporting requirements,                                                       for example, to regulatory                                                       and other bodies, that are                                                       not met by some                                                       corporations: reports are                                                       not filed or reports are                                                       falsified. After all, no                                                       one in his right mind is                                                       going to note in the                                                       clinical record that the                                                       patient was physically                                                       abused. 
                                                       Some of the largest                                                       criminal and civil                                                       settlements in U.S.                                                       history have been for                                                       health care fraud. Many of                                                       the corporations involved                                                       provided addiction                                                       services. It appears (and                                                       you probably already know                                                       this) that your facility                                                       may have some connections                                                       with facilities that were                                                       investigated/prosecuted                                                       states-side. Two links I                                                       found after doing just a                                                       quick search are:

                                                                                                                      ... nician.htm ... hts-fc.htm

[Ed.                                                                                     These                                                                                     links                                                                                     have                                                                                     moved                                                                                     to:                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                  ... nician.htm ... hts-fc.htm]





I                                                       cannot vouch as to the                                                       veracity of the data, but                                                       it does paint a familiar                                                       scene. 
                                                       I have worked with                                                       numerous governments and                                                       there are cases upon cases                                                       like this. Studying them,                                                       even briefly, gives one an                                                       idea of what is going on                                                       and what to look for.                                                       Cases include: Hospital                                                       Corporation of America,                                                       Columbia Healthcare,                                                       Columbia/HCA (which                                                       resulted from the merger                                                       of the two), Community                                                       Psychiatric Centres,                                                       Charter Behavioral Health                                                       Systems, Magellan Health                                                       Services and many others. 
                                                       I will leave you with a                                                       September 1 , 2001,                                                       article excerpt: "In                                                       December 2000, DOJ                                                       reported that the nation's                                                       largest for-profit                                                       hospital chain, HCA-The                                                       Health Company (formerly                                                       known as Columbia/HCA)                                                       agreed to pay $840 million                                                       in criminal and civil                                                       fines and penalties to                                                       resolve allegedly unlawful                                                       billing of federally and                                                       state funded health care                                                       programs." 
                                                       You can read the entire                                                       article here:
                                                       I hope this helps. 




                    [ This Message was edited by: N.I. on 2004-12-22 13:57 ]

1. Call the clerks? office at the State Corporation Commission of Virginia: 1-804-371-9733, select option 3 for records.
2. To get a plain copy of the articles of incorporation of Straight, Inc., send a letter of request, giving name, address and phone number to State Corporation Commission, Attn: Clerk?s Office, P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, Virginia, 23218-1197. A plain copy costs $6.50.
3. For The Straight Foundation, Inc., a plain copy costs $10.
4. For The Drug Free America Foundation, a plain copy costs $6.50.
5. Certified copies cost more.
6. For $2 per year you can also request by letter (send to the same address), the Annual Report for each of the above. The Annual Report contains a list of officers and directors, but no financial information.
7. The years Straight, Inc. filed Annual Reports: 88-92  (a ?foreign? corporation, i.e., not a VA corporation).
8. The Straight Foundation: 82-88 (a ?foreign? corporation, i.e., not a VA corporation).
9. The Drug Free America Foundation: 91-94 (a VA corporation).[ This Message was edited by: N.I. on 2004-12-22 07:42 ]

Does anyone know the name of the physician?

Does anyone know the name of the psych- person?

(Was it psychiatrist or psychologist?)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Mental Torture
« on: December 21, 2004, 09:53:00 PM »
[United Nations] Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman
or        Degrading Treatment or Punishment

At this link:
Article        1        
1.          For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by          which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is          intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from          him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an          act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having          committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any          reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering          is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or          acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official          capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from,          inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.          

2. This          article is without prejudice to any international instrument or national          legislation which does or may contain provisions of wider          application.

see this link:

I have barely started looking through this one, anyone with further information on federal crimes as related to Straight, please post.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Texas Law?
« on: December 20, 2004, 11:00:00 PM »
Has anyone contacted a lawyer or district attorney in Texas to find out what the statute of limitations is, for both civil and criminal cases, misdemeanors as well as felonies?

"Resources" can be found at the following link at the bottom of the page: ... #txb040900

"The Texas State Bar Association can provide additional information on the process of a lawsuit in Texas.  The Bar Association is located at 1414 Colorado Street, Austin, TX 78701, or can be contacted at P.O. Box 12487, Austin, TX 78711-2487, (512) 463-1463 or (800) 204-2222, fax (512) 463-1475.

For more information on the criminal process in Texas, contact the Texas Criminal Justice Department, Public Information Officer, P.O. Box 99, Huntsville, TX 77342, (409) 294-2101, fax (409) 294-2123."

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