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Messages - humorme

Pages: [1]
Quote from: "none-ya"
Don't you see it?
We’re probably the only ones who read the thread whatsoever. Or, view this all as anything but grist for the “things you said on the internet” Grudge Mill that's clearly so popular on this forum
Quote from: "none-ya"
Look che,I'm not attacking his sexuality.But I am commenting on him constantly using it as a running thread through everything he writes. Don't you see it? First it was Danny acussed my of being gay.(turns out Danny was right).And when that didn't garner enough outrage,it became Danny raped me. In his other book,and on the radio show he claims to have been raped by is psychciatrist(?) And here is a quote from his gangster story,
I downed my drink. “Maybe it’s my boyish good looks.” I regretted saying it until he laughed.
“That’s it,” he said. “I’m queer for you.”
Did you read where he wrote he’d make up a sex crimes accusation to “get” this Danny person if he needed to? I can't find the statement now--that offended me enough to comment against my better judgement.

Wayne Whoever is now doing similar to you to scare you off "exposing" his dubious credibility. He levied false accusations of “shameful” things(drug addictions, child rape jokes) then escalated aggressions when that didn’t get results. Now he’s threatening to seriously injure you & post your IP.
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
 if I ever find out who you are I will come see you and I'll shove that computer straight down your throat.  And make sure I never find out who you are or I'll show you exactly how sick I really am
I don't think he assassinated Paul Castellono or was at Elan. I do think he's "sick."
Wayne, would you please mind answering?  Were you really asked to drive John Gotti over to a steak house to assassinate Paul Costellano or was that a lie?

2 ... opic=15927
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Two years ago I got the idea of being published, so I wrote A Life Gone Awry: a memoir. The story was good, but the problem was that I didn't know how to write. After a year of studying, I wrote The Driver: A Hell's Kitchen Story, the book that we have subbed out.

The Driver is a story about the streets of New York in the 1980s, and my involvement with Jimmy Coonan and a group of neighborhood gangsters that the media dubbed "The Westies." I wasn't one of them, I was a confused kid who drove a NYC taxicab and got in with a bad crowd. After I separated myself from them, Jimmy asked me to do a job for him, a simple pick up. The problem is that the man who picked me for the job was John Gotti, the guy I picked up was Richard 'the iceman' Kuklinski, and the job was the execution of Gambino crime boss Paul Castellano. (good story, huh?)

Quote from: "wiki"
Within two weeks of Dellacroce's death, on December 16, Castellano and Bilotti were shot to death outside Sparks Steak House in Manhattan on the orders of John Gotti. They had been lured there supposedly to a meeting with Gotti in order to iron out their differences. The hit team included Vincent Artuso, Joseph Watts, Salvatore "Fat Sally" Scala, Edward Lino, and John Carneglia, with backup shooters positioned down the street including Dominick Pizzonia, Angelo Ruggiero and Anthony Rampino. Gotti and Gravano observed from a car across the street.

Pretty amazing if true, as he claims.

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 09, 2011, 10:59:59 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
. I do find it interesting that Danny is blathering away on fornits in yet another ID.

Are you saying I’m Danny? This Wayne, whoever, whatever, person spammed the net with this feud. That’s how I’m aware of the subject. You?

After reading the threads I was linked to, I find the situation outrageous. That Wayne character emailed this Danny person and told him, among with other incriminating revelations, that he’d secretly write a book describing “what really happened” for Danny even though that will “discredit his own book” if Danny would please give him the same amount of money he was going to give “rach”.

Is that the sort of letter you write to your alleged rapist and brutalizer that you're terrified of?


This is also outrageous:

The Driver is a story about the streets of New York in the 1980s, and my involvement with Jimmy Coonan and a group of neighborhood gangsters that the media dubbed "The Westies." I wasn't one of them, I was a confused kid who drove a NYC taxicab and got in with a bad crowd. After I separated myself from them, Jimmy asked me to do a job for him, a simple pick up. The problem is that the man who picked me for the job was John Gotti, the guy I picked up was Richard 'the iceman' Kuklinski, and the job was the execution of Gambino crime boss Paul Castellano [/b]

What is the likelihood that Wayne Kernochan is an accomplice to the assassination of famed mafia boss Paul Castellano?

This Wayne Kernochan guy also threatened, on the internet, where everyone could read it, to make up sex crimes accusations if he "needed to" in order “get”  the danny person, after the Danny guy started pointing out factual inaccuracies in his novel.
Was Wayne Kernochan even @ Elan or the Costellano hit? That's my last comment, on something I shouldn't have commented on in the first place.

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:59:30 PM »
Wayne Kernochan....looks to be a con artist. None of my business, assuredly. But, pretty horrible to witness the destruction of someone's reputation, nonetheless. ... iew_topic/
Wayne Kernochan Joined: July 24th, 2010, 4:56 am
Re: Lies Told by (Wayne K) that went Awry of Elan!
Postby DannyB II » Yesterday, 9:30 pm Here is some interesting PM Wayne sent here. I think they speak for themselves. I can't make this shit up.
Re: Wayne
Sent: September 19th, 2011, 10:38 am From: Wayne Kernochan To: DannyB II
I don't mind that you're writing a book, what made me suspicious is that you didn't ask me to write it. I have news for you, Go Go Rach is in with the self publishing people on my Face Book page, she never would have gotten you published, I would have
Program people will never let you out from under this shit, but there's the other 99.99% of the world to consider. Lets erase the shit from fornits and start over. But, let's not friend each other right away.
Send me what you have from before you went to Elan. I'll give you a first chapter that you'll like. I'll even (as a ghost writer) discredit my own book.
I'm editing the next book for my publisher, then if you want, I'll write a book about you that will make these people understand what really happened
You're famous for all the wrong reasons. I can fix that. I'm good at this. I'll friend you after it's on Amazon and B&N. I can't guarantee people will buy it, but I think they will.

I want whatever you gave Rach for this. I'm not a crack head and I need help, if you want to be friends, help me, I'm not these things you think I am. I am worth helping out
I'll call you tomorrow morning if you're inclined to do this. Its not a game, I have a lot to lose if I did something hurtful. Writing is all I care about right now, I wouldn't jeopardize my reputation for money.

Wayne ?June 22Danny Bennison Your Book I don't mind you promoting it on our site, Wayne. Really!! It may make you feel uncomfortable and I have thought of this. But I have really put some brain into this and I keep coming up with that if we are to reconcile then we must first acknowledge together the truth. I just wanted to put this out there for some careful consideration. Your friend Danny

Re: Wayne
Sent: September 19th, 2011, 4:17 pm From: Wayne Kernochan To: DannyB II Your biggest mistake is that you think I'm trying to hurt you. I get angry and say fucked up things, but I've apologized and tried to be a good friend.

Listen, if you tell the world I'm writing your book these people will do everything possible to ruin it. They will succeed because we know how to push each others buttons, and we're dirty motherfuckers when we want our way.

My wife just told me at the dentist's office that she thinks a book about you would be a big seller. I'm intrigued by the idea. You can put my name on the cover for all I care, I just don't need the bullshit while I write, and there will be bullshit

All the things you said in your post can be written in. I have no doubt that you're not this angry guy on the internet, but Go Go was right to say "Stay away from the internet"

BTW, reread that Dingbattery thread and you'll see I didn't say anything bad about you, I wasn't making a joke at your expense, the girl asked if the picture was me. Your message came out of left field and it hurt me. I didn't do anything wrong

And, since you can't read between the lines, it bothered me that you asked someone else and not me to help you write it

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:16:41 PM »
This Wayne K. person spammed reddit with his accusations. They're none of my business. But out of morbid curiosity I wonder: can anyone provide proof W.K. was even at Elan? His story reads as entirely or partially fabricated...

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