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Messages - TigerLily68

Pages: [1]
The Troubled Teen Industry / Cupid?? Are you kidding??
« on: February 02, 2004, 10:11:00 PM »
I've seen others that do similar things, supposedly to release inhibitions, although it does raise a question about the real motivation.  I know that my folks never believed what I tried telling them, because it was simply "unbelievable".  WHich is how they can get away with it.  Make the parent think the kid is going to say anything to get out, and you can do whatever you want to a kid, because who'd believe them?

Tacitus' Realm / ANYONE BUT BUSH
« on: January 29, 2004, 04:50:00 PM »
I won't post anonymously, and I'll stand behind my choice to vote for George W. in 2000.  I felt at that point like it was the lesser of two evils. (And yes, I'm one of those politically conservative southern Christian people that everyone seems to despise so much.  Sorry to break it to you.)

This time around, I doubt what I vote for Bush.  Not because I disagree with the war with Iraq, I think it was coming eventually, whether it was now with GW or later on with someone else.  I don't agree with the way that it was handled, and multiple other things that have happened, especially since 9/11.  And I think that John Kerry or John Edwards would probably do a good job of cleaning up the mess that's been made.  I'm vehemently anti-Hillary Clinton for a multitude of reasons, that are too numerous to go into here.  But I'm voting for the Democratic candidate myself most likely this time around.

I've considered voting Independent, or Green Party, but like someone mentioned before, basically all you do with a vote there is to make a statement.  If enough people that honestly believed the principles of the alternatives did vote their consciences, there might be a worthwile purpose.  But for me, for now, I'll just continue to choose the lesser of two evils, until something comes along that pushes me into another way of thinking.

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