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Messages - aleesha

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / drug addiction
« on: January 15, 2012, 05:56:05 AM »
What are the implications of believing drug addiction results from lack of will power? This is my psychology homework I need to write a small paragraph or two about drug addiction and will power. Need some ideas, thank you.
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How do I help my addiction to the computer? I am absolutely addicted to neopets! And I always tell myself that I am going to spend only like 1 hour on the computer that day, but then I just go ahead and waste the whole day on the computer! And I need to read some books in about a month if I want to go to the Ice Cream Party at my school with my friends, but I never read because I'm too busy playing on the computer. Even at school, because me and my best-best-best friend are so advanced the teachers just tell us to read or get on the internet.

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