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Messages - missunderstood13

Pages: [1]
Elan School / Re: Tiffany Voisine
« on: March 10, 2011, 04:01:35 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
bag the short hair  ,, gotta have sumthing to pull on... but prolly better than 3/4 of your imaginary g/f's,, and a attitude to boot,,, yumm

Elan School / Re: Tiffany Voisine
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:50:28 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Damn, that bitch is fucking nasty. And she is a psycho.Dude above me "attitude"? No that is deffinately not the word for this girl. I was in the house with her, If you knew what a psycho skank she was you would NEVER think she was hot. I was a coordinator of SC when she was a new res and I had to read her guilt letter. She was about 15 years old and had already had fucked about 60+ guys. She couldn't even remember most of their names. One of those chicks that makes you glad you were in the mens groups. If I had to listen to the shit that girl did in her life I'd have nightmares forever. She also beat one of my friends heads in with a rock while she was trying to split, sent him to the hospital. He was one of the nicest cats in Elan, didn't even belong there, and she was tring to kill him cuz he was doing his job by trying to prevent her from splitting. This girl has serious issues. I would have hoped she got her shit together by now. She has to be about 24 now and she is obviously still whoring around. I really hope she is/gets sterilized.

thank you for your intellectually stimulating conversation. you seem to really know what you are talking about. thank you for making the world a better place by caring about people. the fact that you remain anonymous is hillarious. when you get your information correct then maybe you'll cease to remain anonymous. hve a nice life trying to ruin other peoples. just or the record i laughed, not cried! :roflmao:

Elan School / Re: Tiffany Voisine
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:42:51 PM »
i would like to here from the trash talkers personally. i see that those of you talking trash decided to remain anonymous. grow a set! your allegations are hillarious! so, i figure that with such intlligence and the ability to put words together so gracefully, you must be high class members of society whom never do wrong. when you say such things about people it says a lot about your character and how pathetic your life must be. i have nothing bad to say about anyone from elan, nor would i stoop to such an immensely low level. i feel sorry for you and i hope you find whatever it is you might be looking for. word of advice; you won't find a thing except for lack of respect from people who have good hearts and maybe a partner in crime. i want to thank you for showing me what great family and  friends i have and making me feel better about myself. the world is filled with  negativity, however, i have managed to stay above that. unfortunately, you have not. you have only made me stronger and happier. i'm sure your goal was to hurt me because after all, misery loves company. sorry, but you won't get a rise out of me... maybe a laugh though!  :roflmao:

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