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Messages - Dr. Frank'nFurter

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Let's Do It For Joe Mama!
« on: February 05, 2007, 01:57:36 PM »
Riff Raff!  Magenta!  Do you have a fix on her location?

Riff Raff } "Yes Master, she is now traveling south on a surface of crushed creosote and sand in a primitive vehicle that uses the controlled explosion of petro-chemicals and is badly in need of a tune-up."

Magenta }  Dr. the hu-man fe-male has now stopped at a structure housing the superior mammals we observed in our last encounter.  The structure we tracked her from is known to the hu-mans as a
Library.  There they can obtain information transferred onto sheets of processed plant fiber, or use the more advanced electrically stimulated devices known as computers.  They are allowed to exit the building with the volumes of plant fiber based on a promisary agreement with the head superior known as the Librarian.

Great Scott!!  Can you reveal what "paperback" she may have taken from this "Library" based on the promisary agreement?

Riff Raff }  It appears to be a story written by a Human known as Ken Kesey.  The title of the information plant fiber is called "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

Ahh!  it appears that the mind beams are working, she is looking for answers from what appears to be a legitamate source.  Keep the Sonic Transducer on standby for now.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Welcome to the Sonic Transducer Beth!
« on: December 28, 2006, 01:31:58 AM »
Riff Raff, Magenta!!! Do you have a lock on her?

Riff Raff:  She is on the eastern side of the land mass which is called North America sitting in front of a primitive machine the earthlings call a "computer."

Magenta: She is being held captive by 4 superior mammals.

"How did you reach that conclusion?"

Magenta: She serves them food and opens doors for them and earlier today, she collected one of the members bodily wastes with a sheet of petroleum by-product and disposed of it.

"Hmmm this may be a way of avoiding detection by the so called "stalkers" she mentioned earlier."  "Perhaps the superior mammals use their feces as a means of identification and communication?"

Riff Raff:  Master, I grow tired of this planet, when can we return to Transylvania?  This is all just a bunch of shit, if you'll pardon my speech.

"Patience Riff Raff, I feel something interesting may happen soon, so prepare the Sonic Transducer, and step up the reactor THREEEE MORE POINTS!!!!!!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / For The Lost Girl With The Vanload of Dogs
« on: December 28, 2006, 12:59:25 AM »
If I knew the way I'd go back home
But the countryside has changed so much
I'd surely end up lost
Half remembering names and faces
So far in the past
On the other side of bridges that were burned once they were crossed

Tell me where
Where does a fool go
When there's none left to listen
To a story without meaning
That nobody wants to hear
Tell me where
Where does a fool go
When she knows there's something missing
Tell me where
Where do I go from here
Where do I go from here

To get back home
Where my childhood dreams and wishes still out number my regrets
Get back to a place where I can figure on the odds
Have a fighting chance to lose the blues
And win my share of bets

Tell me where
Where does a fool go
When there's none left to listen
To a story without meaning
That nobody wants to hear
Tell me where
Where does a fool go
When she knows there's something missing
Tell me where
Where do I go from here
Where do I go from here

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Free Your Sphincter, Turds Will Follow
« on: December 27, 2006, 10:04:08 PM »
Hmmm, lessee here folks, (by the way sorry for being away for so long, but I do live in the galaxy of Transylvania) we got someone signing in as Brian Dodd, yet they spout religious gibberish.  Sorta makes me wanna grab up my trusty ole Mossberg and do me a little "coon-or-is-that-Kune-hunting?"  That "Dodly" post really "Pierced" my heart with it's flowing intensity.  Ya know, posts like that may seem to come from a "Powerful Attitude" but I think its more like those charming, strapping young lads on your wonderful old show called Jack Ass.  If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.

I surely hope that this is not the case, that a mentally duranged ex-Tampa boy with a daddy boy Camaro is actually masquerading as Brian Dodd.

Captain Willard-  It says here "destruction of municipal property" now where did you think that would get you?

Lucas Jackson-  I guess you could say I was'nt thinking cap'n.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Send More Niggers
« on: December 06, 2005, 01:57:00 PM »
How about giving Mike Tyson a few rocks to smoke, giving him a pizza, and telling him that the cracka that answers the door turned Robin Givens against him all those years ago?  (sorry forgot my password, I swear it's been ages, but I'm still here)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Straight" the movie
« on: May 17, 2004, 06:45:00 PM »
The movie starred George Segal as the father, and would you believe it?  Vivica Davis, a Helen Hunt lookalike played the little druggie girl!!!  No twister or Paul Riser to come save her ass though, the movie was simply abysmal.  If you are a glutton for punishment, or simply weird, I checked and they actually have 5 copies for sale at this very moment.

Almost forgot, Stockard Channing played the wailing wimpering mother.  Many of you would remember her as "Rizzo" the bad ass juvenile delinquent bitch in the movie Grease.

One of the most mind-bogling moments of the movie is when they let George and Stockard into a "rap" and the kids start flapping their arms like drug crazed "Se-gulls" and he asks increduosly just what the hell it is they are doing.  The pretty young staffer bitch then explains 'motivating' to him as he stands there all slack jawed.  It was one of the funniest moments of the movie.  This happened right before they put the girl in the program I think.  It is rather strange that the movie came out at a time when Straight was facing it's harshest criticism.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Latest on Sembler Vs. Bradbury
« on: May 12, 2004, 09:42:00 PM »
Let me show you around, maybe play you a sound.....

You seem like you may have once been pretty groovy.

We can try something visual, that's not too abyssmal, like maybe the new Reefer Madness DVD movie?
Because your brains have gone flat (how 'bout that?) but listen coward, don't get too pissed.
By the end of the night, it will all be alright....
I'll get you a qualified THERAPIST!!!!!

Cuz around here you're a hit, always talking your shit.......
Trying to cause doubt and dissention.
And I find you amusing, just what drugs are you using?  It is'nt helping your Anal Retention.
Well now I'll leave you alone, to jack on your ANONYMOUS bone, which you probably do all the while when you read......
You better spring for some lotion, to go with the motion, before your pathetic weiner starts to bleed!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pretense of piety in the wonderful USA.
« on: January 07, 2004, 11:22:00 PM »
Damn straight (oh god, I used the word!) there Ms. Morli.  I can almost sense that you have seen the Micheal Moore film BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE.  There was a triumphant scene where he interviews Marilyn Manson and Manson goes into a tear about how it's all about fear and consumption.  It was one of the most gripping parts of the documentary.
If any of you have not seen this eye opening film, I urge you to do so.  It is available at almost any Video Rental Outlet such as Blockbuster, or Hollywood Video and the price has come down on it as of late.  I absolutely LOVED the film myself, and own a copy.  I personally feel that the so called "Flu Epidemic Scare" we had this year was a bunch of bullshit aimed to create fear and panic, and to bolster the coffers of the American Pharmaceutical Conglomerates.  I can recall that in 1989, 53 folks died of influenza complications and there was hardly a stir, whereas this year, only 47 people died of this so called "Killer Flu."  The only difference in my humble opinion was the widespread media coverage that created a sense of panic that resulted in "shortages" of the flu vacciene much like the "shortages" of gasoline in 1978 and '79 that led to gasoline permanently rising above a dollar a gallon.  God Bless George Bush, Hallejullia, pass me some more BBQ pork!!!

Hello everyone, I know it has been awhile, but something has caught my attention and so I felt compelled to share once again.

I have noticed that with the encroachment of any type of Holiday that requires a gathering of friends and family of any kind, that there is a direct correlation of hostility and venting on the various forums.  I find it quite fascinating and refreshing to witness from a comfortable distance.  These forums provide a valuable service in giving people an outlet for whatever ails them, and like my boys who crashed that 727 into the side of a mountain on their 1986 breakthrough album......."YOU BE ILL'N ! ! !  :skull:  :skull:  :skull:

Another thing to consider is that many of us have come to grips with our own personal mid-life crisis's, having gone through the programs in the late seventies and now I get to see how deplorably you early to mid eighties Straightling/Thought Reform victims are handling your own mid life re-evaluations.  Just remember this........ all those nifty things that you are "discovering" on your road of life are made up of little bits and pieces of junk that were tossed aside by someone else traveling that same road years ahead of you.

[ This Message was edited by: Dr. Frank'nFurter on 2003-12-09 08:10 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Penis Pump Wars...................
« on: October 25, 2003, 05:01:00 AM »
Yes I am sad to say that Senator Graham has dropped out of the presidential race and faded from the scene much like Obi-Wan Kenobi did in the first movie, but let us hope that he is now behind the scenes and may become more powerful than ever.

I am however monitoring the festive events you Earthlings call Halloween to see what kind of spin the evil Sembler Empire may derive from them in the coming days to spew forth their durision and fear, especially, the events that will unfold during Guavaween in the Tropical Town of Tampa Florida.  It seems that fear is what the current spin feeds off of the most now is'nt it?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Penis Pump Wars...................
« on: October 03, 2003, 07:36:00 AM »
EPISODE IV -  A New Hope

While enroute to Earth after a well needed vacation on the planet Transylvania, I intersepted the most amusing newsclip from Action News WTSP beamed from the tropical region known as Tampa Bay Florida.  I have also watched with great interest the goings on of politics from the other side of your land mass of the United States of America.  It seems that a muscle-bound man by the name of Arnold wants to run for Governor.  How charming, that a man as big and stupid as Rocky can be given the keys to all that power just based on his popularity and prestige.  It makes me sad really, when I see that the current President is a complete buffoon and should be placed in the Deep Freeze with Eddie so that a more fitting man can take his place.  

Well my friends, I have found such a man.  He has been in the shadows all this time, but I am sure that if he realizes how much we all need and want him to be our next President, perhaps he can find the mustard to build up a good head of steam and gain the needed support to run the course of a sucessful campaign.  This man is Senator Bob Graham.  After viewing many of the other leading candidates, I can see no others with the integrity and focus and out and out caring that this man has shown during his political career.  He entered politics as a wealthy man with a law degree, yet took it upon himself to establish what was known as "work days" whereby he stepped into the shoes of the average common man for a day and worked the occupation of his choice for that day.  

How fitting it would be if the kind Senator could do a "work day" as a front row newcomer in SAFE, of Orlando Florida to get a fact finding account of what really goes on, but alas, it would all be bullshit, unless of course he sent in a decoy.......hmmm.....the outcome of that would be quite delicious don't you think?  Well anyway, I sent a transmission to his office expressing my concerns and voicing my support, and his people acually replied!!!  Here, I will let you read what was said.........

Thank you for contacting my office with your ideas and opinions.

I am pleased to find so many Floridians concerned about our laws, our
state, and our country. As your Senator, I am always mindful of the fact
that I am here in Washington, D.C. to represent the people of Florida.
Therefore, it is vital that I understand the viewpoint of Floridians like

The Senate will be considering legislation of great importance to Florida
and the nation over the coming weeks and months. Your input on this issue
is a valuable resource and has been recorded and referred to my staff. I
encourage you to continue to monitor legislative developments by visiting
my website's weekly update on Senate business at

Please be assured that I will have your views in mind as I work with my
colleagues in the Senate and House of Representatives toward the passage
of legislation that reflects our shared priorities.

Again, I appreciate having the benefit of your thoughts. If you would like
further information on a specific legislative issue, or have additional
questions, please contact my office in Washington, D.C. at 202-224-3041,
or my office in Tallahassee toll-free at 866-418-9569.

I urge the same dear people who wrote to the filthy rag called The St. Petersburg Times to take the time to write to this esteemed Senator who I am sure is would love to hear from you and is right now probably starting to!!!!!!!!!!  Ciao,  Frankie

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The mission was a failure.............
« on: September 08, 2003, 04:02:00 PM »
I checked with my 'contact' lady at the law library, and they did indeed have a policy in the seventies and early eighties whereby if a juvenile keep a clean record to the age of 18, his records were taken out of general circulation.

There may still be a record SOMEWHERE, but it would be filed away deep in the archives building, sorta like how they did with the Ark at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie.

The computer system that the records are kept on is so old, it is'nt even Windows 95.  I think it is MS DOS 2.5 or something. I'll just have to keep coming up with new angles.

Lastly, my trusty Time Warpers, I would much rather come to the forum and see someone else who may have obtained their own records, parents tax records, or anything viable instead of traipsing off onto some useless debate.  This is all very simple really, like those strapping young men who dive off the cliffs in Alcapulco Mexico.  You are either, "Wow that was pretty good!" or you are "EEeewwww look at that stuff on those rocks!"


Bob Graham is a damn good choice.  I am pretty sure that he is running for president.  If we can all behave ourselves and get his attention, we might stand a fighting chance at getting some recognition.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The mission was a failure.............
« on: September 06, 2003, 04:18:00 PM »
I saw Tom McGowan on Tuesday Sept. 2 and he urged me to obtain my Juvenile Records from the Court Records Annex in mid Pinellas County.  I visited the facility on Thursday and guess what?  They have absolutely no record of my being arrested for breaking into a chemical storage yard and stealing toluol, having it in my possession, or inhaling it, all which I went to court over.  There is no record of my being placed on a years probation, or the subsequent Court Order placing me in the program for violating my probation.  As far as I can tell, it was all an elaborate hoax.

But be just and fear not, for there is still the ancient and decrepit County Archives Building in downtown Clearwater, but it may prove to be an excersize in futility as well.

For all our inebriated guests who need things to be spelled out for them, what this means is........NO FANCY PAPER FOR THE GOOD LAWYER-MAN to wave at THE BAD LAWYER-MAN, but it's not all bad now is it?  On the up-side, my mother has agreed to making a statement and having it NOTARIZED giving sworn testimony on how the Straight Officials fooled her into a court ordered program, which would cost her 3 times the standard fee, what with me being such a "hard case" and all.

Okay my darling Time Warps, in order to view the video, or quite a few from any source, it is always wise to install as many video drivers as possible.  This ABC news video will only run on the RealPlayer format. You must first install the Real Player format.  Failure to do so is like going to a restaurant and demanding a free sample of the Lobster you ordered before they even cook it.  Other times videos will not play because they are on the apple QuickTime format.  If you use Windows Media Player as your default system, please make damn sure that you check the box that says NO to QuickTime or RealPlayer becoming your default media player and you should be good to go.

Oh Rocky!!!, speaking of good to go, I still have to make the courthouse before 4pm and there is a nasty looking afternoon storm coming up.
Chiao my silly little freaks!!!!........Frankie

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