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Messages - MelissaR

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The Troubled Teen Industry / SCL DEATH
« on: November 08, 2004, 05:59:00 PM »
Hello, I haven't been around for quite some time, but college life is busy.

I was deeply saddened and angered by the recent SCL death. As some of you know I attended SCL for a year and a half... was removed from the program once, my family rep convinced my parents to put me back in.. then removed again at level 5 after my parents uncovered some dirty deeds of the program.

Anyway, does anyone know the girl's name that died? This is VERY important, as she is from where I am from (Outside of Denver, Colorado). I have a few tricks up my sleeve as I do have the credentials of a newspaper writer in Arizona, but this is a key piece of information I need.

If any of you know PLEASE email me at [email protected], thank you so much.

For those of you whom I know, I hope all is well and your crusades are successful.


You're not from Scottsdale, are you? Suede is fun too.. I was over there for awhile last night. Sanctuary is "closed", kind of but not really... they just did tons of remodeling and made it two clubs Myst and Ballroom... similar to the setup of Axis-Radius... two floors, four bars.. it's really nice inside. Axis usually has the largest crowds because its been there for so long. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...she didn't graduate...tabloids say she was at CEDU in California, but that's not true. One of my good friends was telling me that they heard that about her... and I had heard it too so I just pulled her aside and asked her. Being program alumni myself, I can be candid with others about that kind of thing. I was kinda scared to ask her because its a weird topic, but yah.

Axis Radius.. and then later at the James hotel, and no I didn't, I didn't think of it


The Troubled Teen Industry / Hey Everyone!
« on: January 06, 2004, 09:03:00 PM »
Hey everyone - I haven't been online in awhile becuase my computer has been down, butI'll be going to school in Arizona next week where I'll have a new computer. So I'll talk to you all soooooon! Ciao

The Troubled Teen Industry / Post on Amazing Forums
« on: November 26, 2003, 08:38:00 PM »
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute... is that Joyce, like Joyce Joyce.... the one that is a facilitator!??!?!?

Anyone that is familiar with WWASP knows who I'm talknig about.

The Troubled Teen Industry / An unfortunate case...
« on: November 22, 2003, 10:41:00 AM »
Good one, you really got me..fucking loser

The Troubled Teen Industry / An unfortunate case...
« on: November 21, 2003, 05:30:00 PM »
Excuse me, were you referring to me as a mental patient? You subhuman whore.

The Troubled Teen Industry / An unfortunate case...
« on: November 18, 2003, 01:11:00 AM »
In a hasty attempt to study for an AP Anatomy and Physiology quiz... here are the answers to your questions, Anon...

1. Obviously I'm not asking you to single-handedly whisk away the facilities. Get real. I was simply saying that I was offended by RICHARD, because he truly knows nothing of the subject, and he is unwilling to learn from those who have had first hand experience. Maybe you saw the last episode of "Rich Girls" on MTV, the one where they visit Nantucket, and become entralled with the fact that there are children in Ethiopia starving to death. I was enfuriated by these girls.. and what they were saying, their tone, demeanor and attitude about the situation in Africa. They truly had no idea what they were talking about, and offending people who have dedicated their lives to helping those in need. This is very similar to how I was offended by Richard. I have dedicated lots of time to this cause, and I can smell a phony from a mile away. At this point I have decided that the only people capable of genuinely fighting against harmful treatment centers are those that have been there. The survivors. They aren't looking for money, they aren't looking for revenge, they simply know in their heart that the way they were treated was wrong, and want to do something about it. Granted, there are exceptions... i.e. Ryan Fraidenburg. Actually, that is the only exception I can think of.

2. Yes, the conditions are that bad in some places. Talk to survivors. I found a tooth in my food on 2 occassions during my stay at Spring Creek Lodge, in Montana. It sounds outrageous, but it's 100% true.

3. Relative wealth, no. I was referring to his threats to locate everyone's IP who was baiting him. He was crying to his mommy, as far as I'm concerned. He was trying to push people around with irrelevant computer jargon, not to mention weird psychological jargon as well. I am not one to be intimditated by things I don't understand. I set out to understand them, rather than let ignorance be my weakness.

I hope that satisfies your need. By the way, try not to take things on such a literal level.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Temper tantrums!!
« on: November 17, 2003, 05:07:00 PM »
This one goes out to old Ricky Titsch...

 Come on out and play Richard! No need to take down your website, silly goose! No temper tantrums necessary....

Whew, what a kook!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Candid Camera on Carey
« on: November 16, 2003, 11:00:00 PM »
Well okay, Anon, if YOU say there's a lawsuit, then there MUST be a lawsuit.

I'll be waiting for it... just as I longingly await Tupac's resurrection,a woman president, Jesus's return, and the rebirth of acid wash jeans.

Ya got me all excited now! Shucks!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Candid Camera on Carey
« on: November 16, 2003, 10:29:00 PM »
With the Carey emails...

Um, Ginger... whatever Carey tells them (WWASPS)just gives them that much ammo to back themselves up with when time comes in court. Either that or putting together a hefty countersuit in some situations.

Either way, it sounds like a bunch of baloney threats to me. Similar to how my parents threatened that there were monsters under the bed, or if I kept mouthing off I'd get sent to boot camp...oh wait, that one really happened.

I guess the little boy who cried wolf quit bitchin... and everyone is just imagining this wolf because they heard about it.

Ain't no lawsuit comin', not now, not never.
Unfortunate... but that's the truth I think. A whole bunch of hogwash.

Whatever happened to that fraud Ryan Fraidenburgh? Hopefully you can pick his Coldwater up where you  get those free CD's for AOL.. like sometimes they have them at Burger King, or tucked inside the junk mail... His lackadaisical story didn't go anywhere either.

As for the covert "unknown source," who received their information from another "unknown source," does ANYBODY know ANYTHING these days? Come on, it's the National Enquirer, not the bible!

Best advice --- do your own thing, the courts ain't coming to rescue us anytime soon.

The Troubled Teen Industry / An unfortunate case...
« on: November 16, 2003, 10:01:00 PM »
Whoops, forgot to type in name and password. That was from me...

The Troubled Teen Industry / An unfortunate case...
« on: November 16, 2003, 08:59:00 PM »

I'm a little confused about your post. Are you trying to figure out who I am? I think I have made it pretty clear who I am, and I guess I kind of have to assume the risk in this situation to get any kind of respect. Yes, I am 18, still in school, and I spent 17.5 months in Spring Creek Lodge. I have done a lot of work since I've been home, mostly working with reporters and parents. I post here pretty often, it's a good source of information.

Richard, again, I drew no "initial blood," you have to remember I've been around a long time, and worked with WWASP people for ages. I can smell a rat easily. I just think that your venomous insults towards survivors are not indicative of commitment or caring about the cause. This isn't about Ginger not liking you, and therefore you should leave... you just need to consider what you are getting into, and tread very lightly, because there are many of us that are very sensitive and skeptical. It is not easy for us to form bonds with people not involved with programs, or having a past history of programs. I can meet someone who was involved with straights 15 years ago, and quickly have an intense bond with them. Just because someone visits Auschvitz does not make them a Jew, just as visiting Tranquility Bay does not make you a victim. We need someone like you around, but not with this approach. I would suggest that you identify yourself as someone who is interested in learning about these facilities, rather than a crusader. Your being a "crusader" is offensive to me. You can sit at your fancy computer, the TV blaring in the backround, sipping on a drink and having a snack thinking "Oh, those poor kids," while there are kids that are gnawing on an old goat bone wishing they were dead. I've been there. I've had to make the decision while looking at a bottle of bleach,wondering if drinking it would send me to the psych ward, and out of WWASP's care. Unfortunate, yes. Sick, yes. True, yes. You can throw whatever "diagnosis" you like at me. Truth is, I'm a victim of incarceration and you better believe it, I've got a real fucking thick skin. I'm looking at a future in marketing and advertising at Arizona State University, or perhaps writing.  Regardless of where I go, or where my ambitions take me, I carry a scar from the time I spent under WWASP. Since I am such a righteous person, and I am well aware of my rights, and the rights of others, I have taken a personal interest in assisting others. If nothing else, spread information. I have seen nothing from you but opinions, arguments, and a half-assed webpage. I'm glad you know how to work a search engine, but that certainly does not make you a crusader.

The Troubled Teen Industry / An unfortunate case...
« on: November 16, 2003, 08:03:00 PM »
Good Riddance? Out of words, Richie Rich? Eh?  I just had one question... how am I a nobody who isn't doing anything to contribute to society? Just a question. No, I'm not Nelson Mandela.. But I am an 18 year old still in school...

I'd like to cordially invite you to kiss my ass, and save a piece of the pie for ISAC. Don't you eat my asshole all at once, pookie! There is plenty to go around! :wstupid:


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