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Messages - Pamelakimbrel

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I was reading back through...not maple syrup, honey.  My my that was one of my best memories!  I tried it when i got home...NOT the same.  Still have not heard from anyone during my time.  I guess i was not that memorable.  I sure would like to talk to some folks from my time...73-74, 77-78.

I sat here today and read all 83 pages of this forum.  I am disgusted, but not surprised at what I read.  My experience was perhaps different, but maybe the early years had something to do with it.  I also was under the Camerons and the Barretts.  I myself did not suffer any abuse.  When my husband and I spoke about it, we decided that perhaps I found out what was expected and did it to avoid problems, especially the second time.  The only memories I have are positive ones...pnut butter pancakes with maple syrup, Friday fish dinners, oranges/grapefruits on the porch.  Food, it always seems to be food.  I guess that was the focus when you had no other.  I left (for the last time) in 1977.  I moved out from my parents home quickly to avoid going back (who knew what mother would do?)  While I do not remember the abuse per se',  I have really blocked out about 1.5 years of my life....why would that be?  I am not sure I can explain why I do not remember 2 separate trips to the Rebekah Home for Girls.  I do believe the first time was under the Camerons (73) the second under the Barretts (76-77), but really?  I am guessing.  I honestly do not remember.  Alzheimer's or repressed memories?? I am not sure.  What I am sure of is that even though I may not remember you, I would love to hear from girls (women) from my time.  I would like to know what went on and other girls they knew.  I signed up on, but it does not seem to generate much traffic, or at least vocal ones.  Hope everyone is well.  Pam Chapman (Kimbrel)

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