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Messages - Bleak Asher

Pages: [1]
Elan School / putting together pieces
« on: July 13, 2003, 01:12:00 AM »
my initials are AP

Elan School / putting together pieces
« on: July 13, 2003, 01:11:00 AM »
i just cant bring up my peers or overseers names.  or the name of my residence, only the brown haired boy who trusted me and that i was in the largest residence.  please help me but names to these places and faces, as good an idea it seemed at the time to make myself forget, im just lost now...

i was the one who never ate more than a bite or two but nobody called an eating disorder case.  i just kinda wasted away.  i was very proud of wearing child's small clothin by the end.

Elan School / i cant really remember
« on: July 13, 2003, 01:07:00 AM »
i cant recall any real specifics, all i remember was the brown haired by who confided in me, and that i was in the largest residence

Elan School / putting together pieces
« on: July 09, 2003, 09:19:00 AM »
After I left I declined into my first drug bender.  leaving me a good bit deprived of the thing i cherrished most.  my mind.  
.  I only attended for a year and a half and then i pretty much just fell apart.  seeing this forum gave me new hope to put together pieces.  specificly, im trying to place which two years i was subjected to my life changing "education" i know it was between 79 and 82.  thank god i have a beautiful and wonderful sister to get me help once i had a problem...real help.  i was stripsearched right off, which i handled poorly, and from then on i was very disconnected.  i was always in trouble for speaking too softly and because even though said what i had to for the raps, nobody seemed to learn anything about me. i probably came across as "that boring kid".  i also lived in total fear that i would be found out as i was coming to grips with my homosexuality at that point, almost asif to provide ironic counterpoint to my captor, Straight.   it all struck me as so absurd, so ridiculus, i was the one who was always giving half hearted chuckles when something terrible happened, since it had reached such a state of ridiculous horror. if you remember me at all, please respond.  im desperate to get in touch with this dark part of my past.

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