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Messages - ddexxters75

Pages: [1]
Let It Bleed / Re: The silent scene
« on: July 26, 2010, 06:51:29 AM »
I just watched The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1921) for the first time in many years the other night. What a trippy movie! I happened to notice it on the shelf while browsing at the library the other day and picked it up. Aside from its truly weird, non-euclidean stage set, the plot itself is great: a demented doctor and his sideshow "somnambulist" perpetrate a bunch of murders on an unsuspecting town. Good film score, too.
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Whooter has it a bit inversed - the vast majority are appalled by a post on another site by 1-2 others. (At least one not being a program survivor.) Hopefully, M's parents were able to make an informed decision. In any event, I think we all hope that Morgan is emotionally, physically, and psychologically safe ... and free.
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