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Messages - woodchuck

Pages: [1]
The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Valley View School Abuse
« on: May 18, 2010, 09:18:12 PM »
The person who posted such an unfounded attack on Dr. Spiva should be ashamed. Valley View, under Dr. Spiva's leadership and guidance has helped countless young men find their way in a world that seemed totally against them. Is the program tough? Yes. Does it ask a lot of the boys?Yes. Does it teach them tolerance, resposibility, respect for themselves and others? Yes And how to cope in the world? Yes.
I personally know several young men who probably would not be in this world today if not for their experience at VVS and who are doing very well in their lives.  To insult the program and especially Dr. Spiva with such despicable accusations can only be the actions of a malicious person who failed to learn the valuable lessons avaliable to them while at VVS.  Dr. Spiva you have my total support.
A parent of a successful VVS graduate.

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