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Messages - ross

Pages: [1]
The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: cunts
« on: July 10, 2009, 03:33:02 PM »
stack, stACK you got a lot of rage and so do i mine is more impersonal than yours it seems but watch out man trust m.e.  ,  there is evil everywhere and in many guises may i make a suggestion or two  one, the first skill you must learn in the woods is listening, two observation second, three patience and persisitance is never unrewarded, go forth, for the heart cries for justice.. yeah? make sense?  guest, but not that one

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: Class Action Filing
« on: July 05, 2009, 08:10:13 PM »
yyes i am interested! let us know how to proceed.. i am personally aware of documentation that exists which would be of benefit  post contact information here soon... also i thank god for stack i too was in tropical park, and it was a different operation than others i've read about.... hey stack remember the metro-dades responding to bomb-calls there? i do.  let's move on this as this heart at least cries for justice!     LET'S ROLL, GRIGSY!

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