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Messages - chuckh

Pages: [1]
Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:18:20 AM »
I am very pleased that people here understand the mind controlled and dumbing down of the population as a whole. It is part of a grander scheme for control by the elitist. It is good that people start thinking for themselves and becoming their own master. Just listen to your gut feeling and when you yourselves have children, please teach in a positive way. As small children allow them to be with their imaginary friends and tell them they can learn from them. As children grow older have patience and understanding. Earth is nothing more than a school, an illusion where we come to learn lessons.
Teach them that mind control exits in all aspects of life from the statist controlled school system teachings and how the county is going towards fascism. This starts by putting the youth in mind controlled facilities such as the one I was placed into called the seed. Putting the youth on mind controlling drugs such as riddling. All this is for control and one world government. Parents are part of the problem because they have been brainwashed also. Please start thinking for yourselves. Look in the sky and see the chemtrails they are spraying us with. They keep so much from us. Project blue beam is another mind controlled project where radio frequencies are aimed at us constantly. There are weapons they have such as haarp where earth quakes can be generated at will. Television is such a farce where they tell us what they want us to know. Wake up people please. Send out frequencies of love toward the earth. We have all been incarnated at this time to grow and hopefully get past the negativity and evolve into a higher dimension. We have been here before but we must raise our consciousness.

Open Free for All / Re: Charles Manson
« on: February 27, 2009, 10:41:16 PM »
I believe Peter Levenda mentions Manson in his book, but according to him, this goes back before him.

Just some thoughts,
What this person is saying it true. Some other things, try not to drink florinated water, stay way from msg, try natual remedies rather than mind controlling drugs. Vaccinations are also laced with harmful poisons designed to harm and control us. Watch the weather and try not to go out when they are spraying the chemtrails.

I know this is kinda long but is enlightening

Let It Bleed / Re: Message to Scientology
« on: February 07, 2009, 02:28:00 AM »
mmmm, can't believe people buy into this shit but again, some of the sheep will buy into anything. OBTW I was in the seed 1975 to 1976. Been a while since I was here but decided to take a trip back here.

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