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Elan School / Dave Lorch
« on: July 08, 2007, 12:30:11 PM »
Oliver Urena. What happened to that sour little butterball? I don't remember seeing that kid smile unless it was at food, softball or someone else's pain. Bet he's a Yankees fan now.

How about Jeremy Dean? Rich Iavarone? Ken Schinke? Mike Demuth?

Wish most people hadn't disappeared off the radar. Oliver posted on here and if he's less of a self-serving prick all the time, I wouldn't mind hearing from him.

Elan School / Did Pete Moore really fuck his Sister?
« on: July 03, 2005, 10:32:00 AM »
Alright, so you start off making fun of Pete and then move on to Maren. These were people I lived with. How about you cowards post your names so we can expose your issues to the world?

I knew both Pete and Maren, both with some fucked up shit in their lives, and both having made improvements. Oh wait, isn't that why we're talking on this board? I'm pretty sure if you are not and have never been fucked up, you don't belong here.

Hell, I remember my first semi-normal conversation at Elan. After the 4 guys who picked me up to take all my crap and watch me shower were done, I went and sat in the dining room and started talking to some kid with no laces in his shoes. His name was Shane. He told me about some truly fucked up stuff he'd done before he got there. I was freaked out.

If you went to Elan and believe you aren't currently and never were fucked up, i'll have some of whatever you're smokin'.


Elan School / Marc Rosenburg????
« on: July 03, 2005, 10:15:00 AM »
Marc was a good guy, and i'll have words with anyone who says otherwise. I agree with Chrysta, knowing him personally makes a huge difference. Most of the people I know who went to Elan, graduated or not, don't have anything nice to say about him unless they worked with him on a regular basis. Honestly, I kinda miss him, but i've given up on trying to find him. Getting to have a conversation with someone at Elan is enough of a pain, extracting personal information about former directors is pretty much impossible.

As far as time stayed, I was there for about 30 months. I find it funny that people on these boards accuse others of lying about the time they've spent there. Obviously shit changes over time. The reasoning for it is beyond me. I happened to see both kids leaving after 15 months (and going back to being fucked up) as well as people who were there for 3 years.

Time to go set off some fireworks. Happy 4th.


Elan School / Chrysta and Kelley
« on: December 12, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »
And who else lives in MA?

Yup, me. I live smack dab in the middle of Kenmore Square, a couple of blocks from Fenway. I got together with Kelley and a couple of others way back when but i'd be down with another get-together if you don't mind me taggin along :smile:

I think i've also met Jon before, if i'm thinkin of the right one. Used to work @ a club near the corner of Brighton & Harvard?

Kelley knows how to get in touch with me if need be.

~ Dave[ This Message was edited by: croleva on 2004-12-12 09:50 ]

Elan School / Dissing Marc Rosenberg?
« on: December 12, 2004, 12:38:00 PM »
I was there for Drew, Mitch, Chrysta, and way too many other people who came and went. I've kinda given up on trying to figure out why people rip on Marc. He was tough to get along with and hard to understand. If you could figure out why he did the things he did, you could realize how much he actually did give a shit. That's what caused us to become such good friends.

Drew, I never got to talk to much. When I did, it wasn't usually for very long, but I always appreciated it. Drew was the kinda guy who (it seemed to me) like to remain as laid back as possible but would unleash hell when forced to.

As far as the guy who split on Drew, I too have a speculation...

Drew was a staff, this kid was a student, Drew became friends with him and believed he would have a better chance at success with a home visit as was probably stated by the kid. When he split, he screwed Drew not because Drew would've gotten in trouble or because Drew was his SP, but because Drew had kinda trusted him as a friend and the kid had screwed him in that way.

I was sad to see Drew go and am happy to hear he's doing well. Coz, I haven't talked to you in forever, where are you and how are you doing? Chrysta, I haven't talked to you since you left, what're you up to?

I'm still tired and hung over from camping outside Fenway for opening day tickets... time for a nap.

~ Dave

Elan School / Dave Lorch
« on: December 12, 2004, 12:19:00 PM »

Elan School / croleva
« on: October 02, 2004, 12:56:00 AM »
Hey, thanks Mike. Good to see someone's paying attention. I appreciate it.

~ Dave

Elan School / Dave Lorch
« on: May 24, 2004, 02:58:00 PM »

Elan School / PRICEY POT
« on: May 23, 2004, 12:44:00 PM »
On 2004-05-22 05:03:00, Anonymous wrote:

"all you people that smoke pot of take any other illegal narcotic are LOSERS!!!!!

Why wonder you people have gone no where in life, bunch of brain dead druggies."

And what about those of us who are gainfully employed and somehow still manage to smoke pot for fun once in a while? Those of us who haven't "gone nowhere in life"? Those of us with jobs, wives/girlfriends, houses, cars, and everything else that we pay for on our own? (This before the age of 30... still smoking pot. Amazing!)


Elan School / Dave Lorch
« on: May 23, 2004, 12:35:00 PM »

Elan School / Dave Lorch
« on: May 22, 2004, 01:13:00 PM »

Elan School / Elan (corporation/school)
« on: March 04, 2003, 12:05:00 PM »
I never said you offend me with your posts about how Elan treated you. I simply expressed that I didn't share the same experience. I said that I hope you can move on, not that you should move on. Allow me to explain my point of view a little further. I simply wish that the older residents who had a bad experience realized that the more recent residents didn't. I understand that you don't want to send your kids there. Hell, I wouldn't either. I would never want to subject anyone I love to a place like Elan and my mom still apologizes to me once a year or so for sending me there. Then again, I can't condone all the immature (and likely 100% false) posts like those about Clare.

You asked for a name, I gave you mine. Please don't take my words the wrong way. I feel for your experience, I have no desire to belittle it, I just didn't share it.


Elan School / Elan (corporation/school)
« on: March 04, 2003, 12:50:00 AM »

Elan School / Elan Alum guest book entries
« on: March 04, 2003, 12:33:00 AM »
Personally, I know there's a crapload i don't know about web programming. I do know how to steal a script though :)

Without looking at the weather site or the WWF homepage, here's what i'd do to steal something like that off another page.

I'd write a (pretty simple) javascript to read the info off the server that serves it to the weather site as frequently as that page does it (probably each time the page gets reloaded). If i wanted to be careful, i'd then copy the data to some encrypted file on the WWF server and display it using a separate javascript. Of course, being that i haven't examined either webpage, i could be 100% off, but once again, i feel the need to stick in my 2 cents where they don't belong.


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