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Messages - glider

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Bill Maher deals with truthers
« on: October 20, 2007, 03:59:59 AM »
Similar to the tasered guy at the Kerry speech, Bill Maher has to use building security to deal with 9/11 trurthers. Great quote from Bill when speaking to security dealing with truther: "Don't be gentle with him. Ass kicking is what is called for!". You go Bill!

Tacitus' Realm / Patroleum Substitues and Kerry
« on: December 04, 2005, 06:55:00 PM »
Tar sands, shale oil, and synfuel made from domestic coal is like getting an ATM card for a bank account you didn't know you had. Massive amounts of fuel right in our backyard! So with this ATM card, you have $2 million dollars in the bank but there's only one small problem: you can only withdraw $15/day and you currently have a $200/day spending habit. The key point to understanding Peak oil is not to ask "how much oil is left and how long will we be pumping it?" but rather to ask "How much oil can we produce on a per day or per year basis?"  Although the Canadian tar sands possibly have a trillion barrells, it is unlikely that production levels, once massive infastructure is in place, will ever surpass 2 million barrells a day, certainly not enough to meet our energy needs. This is why this energy source will likely last us 200 years.

Tacitus' Realm / Patroleum Substitues and Kerry
« on: December 04, 2005, 06:13:00 PM » ... _arguments ... tions.html

Bio fuels (ethanol, bio-diesel, thermal depolorizatioin) aren't real replacements of petro fuels. Think about it, we use Natural gas based fertilizers to grow the corn (Fertilizers have doubled in price in 2004 and again in 2005 because Natrual gas peaked in North America in 2003), We use diesel driven machines to grow, harvest, and process the corn and then ship the fuel in diesel trucks. B20 and B100 fuels are more expensive than petro diesel and ALWAYS WILL BE, no matter how much diesel costs rise because the INPUTS of these fuels are on the rise, its forever a moving target. Likewise, you cannot separate the cost of building hybrid and electric cars, nuclear power plants, and wind turbines from the cost of oil. When Oil production peaks and the price sky rockets, so will the costs of building a Prius, a Wind Turbine, a dam, the costs of mining coal, our Food, and most other goods and services.

« on: September 26, 2004, 03:22:00 AM »
I can't wait for the exciting news.

I'm a Herman Hesse fanatic and wondering where you got his quote,(any of his books?) it's fantastic.

What a great post.

When I went into Straight, I was obsessed with Led Zeppelin. I was 17, had just recently discovered joys of sex, the magic of pot, and the miracle of good music and good friends. Life was good.  I was confronted endlessly in Straight for holding on to druggie friends and druggie music.  Ironically, when I came home, my mother said to me "You know the 2 things we have missed the most? We miss your friends and we miss your music"  Well, so did I. I discovered Led Zeppelin in about '86, much to late to have seen them.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Timmy , Val, Chris and Todd
« on: April 07, 2004, 05:26:00 AM »
Concerning Jennifer Loar,
During my incarceration at Straight, Jennifer was downright mean to me and I could get specific as I remember it like yesterday. But I proclaim to all of you, and especially Jennifer, that I have 100% closure with her and forgive her fully. In fact, its people like Jennifer that is precisely the reason I came to this site. In fact, I pray for her (in a way as i dont' believe in God) that she is able to forgive herself and live a life free from the haunting of Straight, the same thing I am searching for. If I didn't provide that peace of mind for her, and myself, then I'm the same asshole I was while in Straight, when my character was at its worst in terms of integrality, kindness, and on down the list. Jennifer, you deserve to live a life without being terrorized by your memories of Straight, as do I and I hope that we have both taken a step in that direction which I think we have. God Bless you.

Concerning Steven Brooks,
Most hardened criminals are still nice to their family and friends, its the rest of society that they don't have a problem fucking over and that?s why we lock them away. We don't need to go out of our way to have him locked up, he is doing that just fine on his own. He is exactly the kind of person prisons were built for and precisely the person that Anne Petito, Lori Means, Amy Cameron, Ms. Reily promptly promoted as representing a senior staff member for his cruelty and disregard for his fellow man, a perfect Straight peer staff. I'll allow room in my heart for his potential to change into a decent human being but I don't foresee that happening nor do I see that happening with the likes of Executive staff however it would be highly meaningful for me if they did and I will do everything I can to facilitate that change.
I want the nightmare to end. I want it to end for me, I want it to end for those of you who are reading this message, and I even want the nightmare and the insanity to end for those I hate most, the executive staff, Miller Newton, and the Semblers for they only spread cruelty and hate and my goal is to stop the abuse and stop feeding the hate that?s haunting me for far to long.

Can you meet me at the coffee shop on Monday at 10? Do you live in NW?  I live in SE but I have some lab work to do at the University so thats not too far out of the way. Let me know if you can make it Monday

You're right that what I sited is suspect at best and I readily admit that all references happened after Jesus's death. But just as theres no real proff of his existence, certainly nothing disproves it either.  I do feel a little vindication however in that the website you sent me to does say "The vast majority of historians and theologians have always believed in the reality of Jesus' life" but that doesn't mean it should be accepted as merely common knowledge...
I'll keep digging :smile:


Well, there isn't much historical evidence outside the bible of Jesus, but there is at least some:
1. The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus wrote about Jesus in 115 A.D.
2. Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote about Jesus prior to his death in 97 AD
3. The Jew Suetonius wrote about the crucifixion of Jesu in 52 A.D.
4. Pontius Pilate made 2 references to Jesus
5. The Talmud, a Jewish text, refers to Jesus, written prior to 135 AD
Admittedly, this is only circumstantial at best, all written after Jesus? death,  but if you think about it, the bible itself could lead one to believe that Jesus actually existed.  The New Testament was written by many different authors and began to be written around 60 A.D. and it seems the Christian religious movement was already well underway at that time. So that begs the question, Who and how did this religious movement begin other than by Jesus? Maybe a conspiracy to undermine the Jewish authority? I am open to ideas.

The Psychology of Totalism and Evolution vs.  God


I?m talking about black and white thinking, either or thinking.  I?m talking about imagining a mutually exclusive relationship between two concepts where no mutually exclusive relationship actually exists.

For example:

Either a person displays NO signs of drug or alcohol abuse, OR they are an alcoholic doomed to death, prison, or insanity

I believe in God, therefore evolution is B.S.

I believe in Evolution, therefore, God is B.S.

I believe in God, therefore the Earth cannot revolve around the sun (think clergy versus Copernicus)

I don?t believe in God, therefore Jesus never even existed

The bible is either 100% true or its 100% false

I?m against intravenous drug use; therefore making legal access to needles is not in the interest of public health and safety even though the surgeon general, American Medical Association, the American Bar association, and the World health association insist that it is in the interest of public health and safety based on 100?s of studies.

my own politics aside, I think you understand what I'm getting at...


People will probably misread my main point here.  I?m not trying to merely  convince you that you SHOULD accept evolution, but if you don?t accept evolution, to do so out of integrity and intelligence rather than ignorance and reactionism. The same goes for anything.  If you don?t believe in God, don?t say Jesus never existed out of ignorance and reactionism but say he never existed on  its own merits.  Historians, whether they believe in God or not, mostly accept that Jesus of Nazareth existed, being the son of God or not is a whole other topic ENTIRELY. Most Christians, and indeed the pope himself, accept evolution. This either/or thinking about God OR Evolution is primarily an American phenomenon.


On a personal note, my own prejudiced and personal opinion is that I don?t believe in God, however, I truly enjoyed Mel Gibson?s The Passion of Christ and was deeply moved by Jesus?s message of peace, love, forgiveness, and personal sacrifice. I?ve just been blown away by peoples comments on how they reject evolution(believers) or  reject the entire idea that jesus ever existed(nonbelievers), etc purely based on their personal religious views and not accepting or rejecting those concepts on its own merits. What do you think?


This is an excerpt from Evolution For Beginners

There are huge and wide-varying debates and real flaws over the THEORY of evolution among scientists but there is no serious debate among the scientific community over the FACT of evolution.


But its ?just a theory?


This is such a common complaint about evolution that it deserves a page of it's own.  This comment is born out of misuse of the word theory.  People who make statements like: "But it's only a theory; it's not a scientific law," or "It's a theory, not a fact," don't really know the meanings of the words their using.

Theory does not mean guess, or hunch, or hypothesis.  A theory does not change into a scientific law with the accumulation of new or better evidence.  A theory will always be a theory, a law will always be a law.  A theory will never become a law, and a law never was a theory.

The following definitions, based on information from the National Academy of Sciences, should help anyone understand why evolution is not "just a theory."

A scientific law is a description of an observed phenomenon.  Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion are a good example.  Those laws describe the motions of planets.  But they do not explain why they are that way.  If all scientists ever did was to formulate scientific laws, then the universe would be very well-described, but still unexplained and very mysterious.

A theory is a scientific explanation of an observed phenomenon.  Unlike laws, theories actually explain why things are the way they are.  Theories are what science is for.  If, then, a theory is a scientific explanation of a natural phenomena, ask yourself this: "What part of that definition excludes a theory from being a fact?"  The answer is nothing!  There is no reason a theory cannot be an actual fact as well.

For example, there is the phenomenon of gravity, which you can feel. It is a fact that you can feel it, and that bodies caught in a gravitational field will fall towards the center.  Then there is the theory of gravity, which explains the phenomenon of gravity, based on observation, physical evidence and experiment. Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity replaced the less accurate gravity theory of Sir Isaac Newton, which was the first complete mathematical theory formulated which described a fundamental force.

There is the modern theory of evolution, neo-darwinism. It is a synthesis of many scientific fields (biology, population genetics, paleontology, embryology, geology, zoology, microbiology, botany, and more). It replaces darwinism, which replaced lamarckism, which replaced the hypotheses of Erasmus Darwin (Charles' grandfather), which expanded the ideas of Georges de Buffon, which in turn expanded upon the classification of Karl von Linne.  (see also:  Darwin's Precursors and Influences)

So there is the theory of evolution.  Then there is the FACT of evolution.  Species change-- there is variation within one kind of animal. There is a predictable range of genetic variation in a species, as well as an expected rate of random mutations. Creationists readily admit that a "kind" (an ambiguous, non-scientific term) can develop into different species (i.e. a dog "kind" can evolve into wolves, coyotes, foxes, and all types of domestic dogs) but they insist that it must stop there.  They never give any reason for this fabricated limitation-- they just deny that it can happen.  They just can't accept macroevolution, because it contradicts the "truth" of their dogma. But in reality, there is no limit to the degree that a species can change. Given enough time, a fish-like species can evolve into a amphibian-like species, an amphibian-like species can evolve into a reptilian-like species, a reptilian-like species can evolve into a mammalian-like species, and an ape-like species can evolve into the modern human species.

The process (simply stated) involves the genetic potential of many different types of individuals within a species, the birth of a great many individual organisms, and the deaths of those individuals whose characteristics are not as well suited to the total environment as other individuals of the same species. The deaths of these less well suited individuals allows for the increased reproduction of the better suited ones, which initiates a shift in the appearance and function of the species. Without limitation.  There is more genetic stuff to it than that, but that is basically how it works.

Yes, evolution is a fact, as real as gravity. The fact that all species alive today have descended from a common ancestor can be denied, but not refuted. We know it happens because we can observe it directly in short-lived species, and for longer lived species there is genetic and fossil evidence that is unambiguous. There is no other scientific explanation for the diversity of living species.  Evolution is a very well established scientific concept with a massive amount of physical evidence for support.  It is not a guess.  Evolution is the basis of modern biology, and  universities and laboratories across the world are engaged in research that explores evolution.

You don't have to 'believe' in evolution. You can trust that the thousands of scientists who study this phenomenon aren't morons, or Satanists. You can accept the general idea that life propagates with modifications, and those modifications can lead to improved survival, and that as those modifications are passed over time, many modifications can lead to a species that looks very different from its predecessor. Is that so hard to accept?

I have no faith at all in evolution. (I also have no faith in algebra, chemistry or astronomy). Evolution either stands or falls by the strength of the evidence used to substantiate it. Evolutionary biology relies on factual data, physical evidence, molecular experimentation, and it goes hand in hand with geology.


It's true that not every theory withstands the test of time and goes on to be considered a fact by nearly all of the scientific community, but evolution is one that has.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Yorba Linda
« on: January 29, 2004, 04:44:00 AM »
I'll send you a complete list in a few days (too lazy to do it right now) but off the top of my head, these people were in Yorba Linda Straight:
C*st*, Trina
R**z, Bob
R**z, Sam

Mike S.,
Please send me an email or IM me,

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Bill Maher & HBO
« on: January 24, 2004, 05:19:00 AM »
That's a great idea! I was thinking awhile ago that if we could get on the Oprah show or have Michael Moore inculde us, it woul be a great thing. bill Maher has has a great perspective and it would behove us to be part of one of his shows.  Good Job!

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