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Messages - Anonymous Artist

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Broken...?
« on: October 07, 2008, 12:58:15 AM »
I ALWAYS knew the things that happened at CEDU were wrong.  I’d ended up at CEDU because a computer predator had made me his target and my parents got some bad information from a shrink on what to do about it.  I fought the program tooth and nail for months after my arrival in July of 1994.  Eventually, they sent me to Ascent for splitting and I BEGGED my parents to not return me to CEDU in letters that were ultimately never sent to them.

When I did arrive in Running Springs again, I was pretty grateful for having my 5-minute shower everyday and something resembling a warm bed.  For a little while, I received some small amount of positive reinforcement from the staff/students and reacted like a caged animal that had been thrown a bone.  I was even willing to play the game, lay low, not get in trouble and point a finger if it meant saving my skin at someone else’s expense.

Once the false indictments arose again I remembered why I knew I didn't belong there.  Then, over a period of 6 months in a series of very lucky events (some planned by me, and others that had to be divine intervention) I managed to get pulled out.  I spent a total of one year at that hellhole.  Did I break?  No.  I still have myself.  That will never change.  However, it's now my responsibility to glue together the broken pieces of my strange history.  I’m an adult now; it’s my job to care for myself.  They didn’t break me, but they did do some serious damage.  Repairs are in progress.  Unjust? Sure it is.  Such is the nature of the human condition.  I suppose I'm lucky to still have my sanity and what's left of my intelligence.  Still, I wonder what I could have accomplished if CEDU hadn't imprisoned the plaintiff.  Death would have been a kinder fate.

Not too long ago I had a nightmare that I was in the propheet building at CEDU doing one of those horrid bioenergetic attack therapy things.  I had to sit naked in a big clawfoot bathtub while everyone in my peer group got in and bathed, using the same water.  The water became more and more dirty, and the staff was all in my ears telling me about how filthy I was and that now everyone elses dirt/scum was getting on me too.  It was disgusting, my skin was crawling and itching, then I woke up sweating and shaking.  That dream was actually what prompted me to get back in touch on these forums.  I seriously need to do some more healing work around all this crap.  Gawd, I hate those people for treating us like lab animals.  They have no idea how deep the f#*king trauma went.

CEDU stands for Charles E. Dedrich University (not See-Do, which is what we had been told as inmates).  Dedrich was the founder of the Church of Synanon: a very famous cult in California.  You can read all about it by doing a Wikipedia search for Synanon.  One of his key hunchbacks, Mel Wasserman, founded CEDU.  I think that's about as close to a cult as an "emotional growth" school can get.  I wouldn't be surprised if the entire CEDU staff had been comprised of Synanon members.

With that being said, I don't feel there's any contest to see who endured the most cult-like abuse.  We were all brutalized, so it doesn't matter whether your school was a 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation CEDU clone.  They're all evil.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: NEW CEDU SITE..soon
« on: October 03, 2008, 07:04:13 PM »
There has to be a way for us survivors to get together and file a class action lawsuit against that bastard.

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