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Messages - dallastexas

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The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / "Intervention" Program
« on: December 12, 2007, 03:01:04 PM »
i just checked over my story and i did leave out that they drove some of the heavy items around in a truck and we swapped them out every once in a while. Only once or twice were we carrying all of the items at once. But what I did remember is Mark Kieth saying that was the hardest worst intervention they've ever done. I think it was so bad because we had all been to RCI at least twice. It was pretty bad.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / "Intervention" Program
« on: December 12, 2007, 02:49:10 PM »
getting into a few fights, smoking, running away and being on restrictions the whole time I was at HLA The last intervention was with 7 other boys and 4 of us jumped a kid and the other 4 were using drugs. I never did anything realy horrible but I was constantly in trouble. They kicked me out after I had been at HLA 13 months. I think I only spent about 1 month total not on restrictions or at RCI

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / "Intervention" Program
« on: December 11, 2007, 03:25:44 PM »
The funny thing is everything I said is completely 100% true. I went to ridge creek april 05, july 05, august 05, november 05 and january 06. I knew a kid who had been there I think 7 times. But I was sort of a record holder you could say. Mark Keith has hit kids before, and he did kick one of us that morning

i was in pg 74 and got moved to 76 in august 2005

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / intervention
« on: December 04, 2007, 02:56:32 PM »
i have been on two interventions. i was at hidden lake for 13 months from january 7 2005. i went to ridge creek about 5 times.

interventions are all different. Mark Kieth usually decides how hard or long the intervention will be depending on the situation. I will talk about one I went on in January 06 with 7 other guys. We spelt outside with four sleeping bags for the eight of us. We had only gym shorts and a Tshirt on. We were woken up by Mark Kieth kicking one of us in our sleep. We had to run barefoot around the "island", which is a gravely circle of pavement for about 4 or 5 hours. We hiked out of ridge creek with Iron Mike (a huge heavy Iron Pole), the "Anaconda" a huge hemp rope that gets heavy when it's wet, 5 gallon water jugs, a strecher, and a 200 pound dummy named "herman" made out of a water hose. We would hike about 20 miles a day. It snowed and sleeted a couple of these days. I remember the first night it rained and was so cold none of us slept. We only had a big tarp to pull over ourselves. The staff rationed our meals to 1000 calories a day. They gave us the worst components to the MREs. We would switch off carrying various heavy objects  I listed earlier and sometimes carry eachother or "Herman" on the strecher. We were also not allowed to talk to eachother the whole time. This lasted seven days. We were pretty delirious after this and we all lost about 10 pounds each that week. One of my friends got a hernia from carrying all that stuff, and another one got trenchfoot. Im pretty sure we all had a little hypothermia. We were given trashbags to wear when it was raining and sleeting.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / "Intervention" Program
« on: December 03, 2007, 03:24:33 PM »
i hope HLA goes down in this lawsuit because they deserve it. HLAs whole system revolves around punishment, and if the interventions wernt punishment then i dont know what could be

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