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Messages - pamwoodger

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there is a group on yahoo that can connect you to people in the same situation, and there are a lot of girls on there that had to give up their babies, so chekck it out, i wish you all the luck and i hope you find your mom

jessica m.,
 When you talk about the gir who scratched her back with the coat hangar and you knew she did it herself why didn't you defend me when the macs accused me of it, and whipped me for it? I know a lot of you "Helpers" knew about it, but not a single one of you even stood up to tell the truth, that is why i can say that place was horrible, you guys were all looking for a scape goat and found it, so you need to look at what was really going on there, and who was really being hurt, cause it seems to me that you and a couple others were babied.

i wsn rebekah, it was cruel what they did to us as well so i understand your pain

i was in the rebekah home in 2000 please tell me that there is someone here who remembers me and can get back to me. i am trying to connect with friends from those days.

I was in the rebekah home in 2000, my name is pamela if anyone here remembers me or knows me from the home please email at [email protected] i am hoping to connect with some old friends, i am especially looking for modesto girls if you know jessica martinez or jamie brown please email me

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