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Messages - lucy

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Hyde Schools / Scary Larry back on campus!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 10, 2007, 12:19:16 AM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
I imagine that the sheer number of pages this thread contains may well be daunting, but this thread, among a few others, contains quite a lot of material not just about Larry's sexual proclivities, but also those of a number of other former Hyde faculty, etc, and is well worth the reading time invested.

To summarize re. your question:  Larry was a former Hyde student in the mid 70s who married another former Hyde student (Donna) and who both returned to teach at Hyde.  Several of the current Hyde administration knew Larry as a student, and some knew Donna as well, as some of them were students around the same time.

Larry was... shall we say... a bit too liberal in translating his "affections" for the (female) students into physical channels...  He was also in charge of the Dean's Area, and hence privy to student's required confessions of their sexual misadventures and transgressions, which he apparently took great satisfaction in hearing out in a most "thorough" manner.  

Hyde was well aware of this problem, as there had been complaints from students for years.  Eventually, as Hyde never did anything save make these girls feel pretty shitty for even opening their mouths about such a thing, one of the parents sued re. the sexual assault of their daughter.  

Apparently Hyde still did not see fit to alter Larry's circumstances, hoping that Larry "taking some time off to think about things" should suffice.  However, Donna is still employed at Hyde, and least two (I believe) of their kids still attend Hyde, so Hyde rationalizes that Larry's involvement with the Hyde community is necessary for "family reasons."  It is my understanding that the Dubinskys live in faculty housing, on or extremely close to the Woodstock campus.

How could Hyde take the risk of having someone like this on campus?  They must be out of their minds taking on this liability

If in fact all of this is true, why is Larry still hanging around Hyde?  What type of people would run a school that allows known pedophile on campus and even provides housing for them?

I do not blame Hyde for someone else's behavior but I do blame them for the way they ignore this very dangerous situation!  This is something to take very seriously and it is obvious from everyone posting that this is a man with severe sexual problems.  How can any parent send their child, (especially a female) to Hyde knowing the attitude of the faculty toward sexual harassment?

Hyde Schools / From One Cult To Another...
« on: August 10, 2007, 12:11:11 AM »
Could you please tell me what this has to do with Hyde School?  If we are talking about Cults and Hyde School why don't we talk about how much Hyde is like a Cult?  Joe Gauld is not doubt the spriritual leader of this Cult and is just as toxic as Jim Jones or any other Cult Leader.  Hyde has it's followers who are mostly weak and lost souls including the parents who attend.  I remember one family in particular who is so attached to Hyde in the most perverted and sick way.  They were trying so hard to turn their entire body over to Hyde if Joe Gauld would accept them into his arms.  Very sad case but very typical.  Not sure that Malcolm is any better but guess time will tell when the old man is gone.

Hyde Schools / Scary Larry back on campus!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: July 31, 2007, 12:59:41 AM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
I imagine that the sheer number of pages this thread contains may well be daunting, but this thread, among a few others, contains quite a lot of material not just about Larry's sexual proclivities, but also those of a number of other former Hyde faculty, etc, and is well worth the reading time invested.

To summarize re. your question:  Larry was a former Hyde student in the mid 70s who married another former Hyde student (Donna) and who both returned to teach at Hyde.  Several of the current Hyde administration knew Larry as a student, and some knew Donna as well, as some of them were students around the same time.

Larry was... shall we say... a bit too liberal in translating his "affections" for the (female) students into physical channels...  He was also in charge of the Dean's Area, and hence privy to student's required confessions of their sexual misadventures and transgressions, which he apparently took great satisfaction in hearing out in a most "thorough" manner.  

Hyde was well aware of this problem, as there had been complaints from students for years.  Eventually, as Hyde never did anything save make these girls feel pretty shitty for even opening their mouths about such a thing, one of the parents sued re. the sexual assault of their daughter.  

Apparently Hyde still did not see fit to alter Larry's circumstances, hoping that Larry "taking some time off to think about things" should suffice.  However, Donna is still employed at Hyde, and least two (I believe) of their kids still attend Hyde, so Hyde rationalizes that Larry's involvement with the Hyde community is necessary for "family reasons."  It is my understanding that the Dubinskys live in faculty housing, on or extremely close to the Woodstock campus.

How could Hyde take the risk of having someone like this on campus?  They must be out of their minds taking on this liability

Not exactly novel behavior on their part.

How could Hyde take the risk?  Very easy answer.  Number one, Hyde's arrogance is beyond anything you have ever experienced, and number two there are always desperate parents out there who play into all this B.S. and are weak enough to worship J Gauld.  Most every adult who is involved with Hyde has deep deep issues even after spending years and years at Hyde.  Truth is, that none of them ever truly "get it" or they would move on!!

Hyde Schools / Scary Larry back on campus!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 27, 2007, 05:54:01 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
I can't imagine a meeting like that doing anything but making it worse.

If I were that kid, I'd probably take comfort in the false sense of equality and sympathy created by that seminar. But as I said, the seminar was ineffectual in solving his problem. Based on two years of empirical observation, I contend that those seminars do not solve anyone's problems. What seminars do achieve is the transfer of information from the individual to the group. And because that information is essentially one's selfhood, that information is power. When an individual relinquishes information to the group, in the form of public confession, he relinquishes a share of his power to the group. A seminar weakens an individual while, at the same time, it strengthens the group's hold on him. My hypothesis is that those who really believe in Hyde and give themselves over to it are those who get torn apart after graduation.

Very intelligent take on the whole Hyde philosophy!  You made me take a step back and look at what bothered me so much about Hyde especially the seminars.  It is true about the hold they have on people who speak about their personal and private matters.  I believe this is the reason most families don't look back once they leave Hyde.

I think that potential parents should think very carefully before they commit to joining this Cult because this is exactly what it is, a Cult.

Hyde Schools / I lost my virginity at Hyde.
« on: April 13, 2007, 09:31:58 AM »
Quote from: ""billy procida""
to the original poster:
thanks you for sharing that with us, although you shared this long ago. i read this as one of the first threads i read on fornits. i was saddened. i even emailed it to mr. bragg b/c maybe he could remember the incident and you and know you weren't lying and if you were ever brough up in conversation as a liar, he could say something. another senior at bath i met happened to read this too, he had done the same thing that i had done.
i don't like the whole battling out atmosphere on this site. i wish it could just be a place to share your experiences, good and bad. b/c it is a therapeutic thing to do. i hope others are able to post something as difficult and hate-enducing as this memory was without trying to bash hyde.

Part of the original post.......

If I didn't have my father...
I would have ended up in foster care, and the foster care system here--at least from what I've heard of it, from what I understand--is, to put it lightly, hell. My father HAD to get me into SOME kind of school program, quick, or he was going to lose me... Like I'm sure most parents do, he did a lot of searching, consulted some people, blah blah...and decided on Hyde. I do believe that he wanted the best for me, and Hyde looked the best to him...but

he couldn't afford it... SO
he went to court to get the life-insurance money (left in my name from my mother dying),
to pay for Hyde.

That said...

Hyde put me back on grade level as a freshman. For that, I am extremely thankful.


Did I get the help I needed? No. At that point in my life, (I can admit now that) I was a pretty disturbed individual. I had no desire to do anything. In the morning, I didn't want to wake up; I wanted to sleep forever, and I physically couldn't sleep at night without six or seven Xanax, minimum.

I needed serious psychological HELP. Instead, I recieved MORE psychological DAMAGE.

At Hyde, I picked up the habit of cutting myself, a practice I learned from fellow students. My reality became even more distorted. I was made to feel inferior. I was isolated, and, at the age of 14 (through 15) utterly ALONE, an object... I did not feel human. The Xanax was taken away cold turkey, with no kind of therapy at all. Food became my replacement for this; at mealtime I would eat as much as possible, because it was all I had to comfort myself, and then I was made to feel inferior/disgusting about my body (mostly BY STAFF); I eventually developed a mild eating-disorder which, chances are, would NOT have developed in a HEALTHIER environment.

Post-traumatic stress? Instead of recovering from that, or even reckognizing that I was suffering from it, I got traumatized again...cold bathroom floor and all the words that followed... Instead of healing, I got fresh wounds. Every day I felt trapped, hopeless, abandoned and misunderstood. Most of my peers (majority of which were rich, much older kids, coming from a totally different culture) looked down on me and abused me. Most of the staff (though one or two did genuilely care/make attempts at helping me without really knowing how) stopped ignoring me ONLY to chastise and humiliate. (My already-unhealthily-low self-esteem became almost non-existant.)

I do believe that (though many succesful Hyde students are simply good actors, caught in a sadomasohistic script)...Hyde does work for some people...the keyword there being "some". There ARE certainly a FEW kids who have actually been helped by it. But that isn't enough to justify the damage it has done (and continues to do) to others, to kids like me. It has taken me years of therapy just to understand and begin to get past this, to be able to write about it now.

To the "Guest" who originally posted her trauma at Hyde,

I want to tell you how sad I feel for you and how much I can relate to this.  I would like to correspond with you in a "private message" if that is ok.  I think that maybe we can help each other.  I get the feeling you don't know how to set up a way to do this.  You need to sign up for a name.  You do not have to use your name.  You can call yourself whatever you want.  No one will be able to get in touch with you outside of this board.  You can check for private messages whenever you want to sign in.

You did NOTHING WRONG at Hyde. You were innocent, naive and a part of you wanted and needed the attention you thought you would get from this guy who took advantage of you.  You then were made to feel shame.  The shame is with Hyde for accepting you into their program to begin with.  For knowing your father had to take your trust money to pay for this so called character school. This is not your father's fault.  Hyde told us that they could help our daughters self esteem and instead they destroyed it.  It is great that you are writing about your experiences here for the sake of other girls who might be considering Hyde and come to this board.  Unfortunately I don't have high hopes that Hyde will try to change.  They have never taken responsibility for the wrongs they commit.

PLEASE sign up for a name on this board so I can then private message you.

As far as Billy, thank you for bringing this to the attention of the person at Hyde who had something to do with this.  I hope he doesn't come back to you and just slander the poor girl which would be typical of Hyde.  Point is that Hyde has emotionally damaged many people.  Whether these people already had problems or not is not the point.  It is wrong to take in kids who need psychological counseling and put them in Hyde's seminars.  It is downright dangerous and detrimental to them.

Hyde Schools / Billy Procida re Hydes Finances
« on: April 11, 2007, 12:16:20 AM »
Quote from: ""bill procida""
anyone's allowed to post. no one at hyde is not allowed to post. some kids know about the site, but they ahve better things to do. i make some time to put my two cents in. no one is forbidden to post. no one assigns me to post. no one says i have to post. i found this on my own back in august while googling the phrase "i hate hyde" after reading stupid posts on myspace/facebook by kids that used to go here that have nothign better to do then bash a school. so i was curious what else was out there
and i try not to answer questions i don't know the answers to. sorry, but i'm not in the "finance meetings". so i really couldn't tell you. i just don't know. and it's not on the top of my to-do list.

Kids have better things to do???  Whoooaaaah!!!  Finances not on the top of your list?  You seem like a nice enough guy, but u really need to think about the honesty in these comments.  I want to believe you are smart enough to know that most of the kids at Hyde fear what might happen to them. It ain't too nice being on 2-4 especially in the winter time.  As far as the finances, I think you DONT WANT to look at this because your bubble might burst should u open ur eyes to the lack of truthfulness on Hyde's part.  Then again maybe it doesn't mean anything to u because u have never had to worry about money? I started supporting myself recently and it makes a big difference in how u look at life.

Bottom line is that u r still drinking from the same koolaid many of us drank from.  I want to see how u feel in another five or six yrs. I hope u don't fall into the trap of sticking around Hyde for years like the the War---k family has.  Nice people, but definitely drank too much koolaid. More followers of Joey. U seem to b too smart for that. I wish u well Bill.

Hyde Schools / dry bones
« on: April 09, 2007, 10:12:54 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
by choice or by "design?"

  I think it a false dichotomy.

Everything is meaningless and full of meaning at the same time.  There is an emptiness at the center of things that defines everything that it is not. There is somethings that you just can name and it is better that way.

  In greyhound racing, after a dog catches the mechanical rabbit, they say the dog will never race again.

 The future is uncertain and the end is always near.

Very intersting, but what does this have to do with Hyde?  Maybe you guys want to go dance on another board?

Hyde Schools / Burnside's Piece on Mr. W
« on: April 08, 2007, 05:41:31 PM »
Quote from: ""JoeSoulBro""
Does Hyde still operate that way?  

  There must be a syndrome name for the scapegoating purges.  Hyde is not the only organization in which I have had the displeasure of witnessing this behaviour.  It kind of roils around in cycles. I think you could come up with some differential equation model to predict it.  They can't possibly still be doing that ... can they?

 I was always waiting for Jesus to come and "Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone"  Unfortunately Hyde is closer to Life of Brian ... with out the humor.

"No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle!"

Yes Soulbro, Hyde is exactly as Mr Burnside describes in his paper!  No changes from my experience in the late 1990's.


Quote from: ""Ursus""
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
This has been a collaboration of many!!  Keep up the good work!

Hyde School (Bath)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hyde School is a character education high school in Bath, Maine.

Hyde was founded in 1966 by math teacher Joseph Gauld. Mr Gauld was interested in providing education based on character development rather than academic achievement. Since its inception Hyde School has had the reputation of being a "turn around" school. The organization, based in Maine, also includes national parenting workshops and wilderness experiences. Outdoor activities are incorporated into the educational scheme and a Outward Bound like experience is provided to many if not all students. That is a place where well to do families can send their children who are having difficulty in other educational environments. Some of these children have behavioral abnormalities, others are underperformers. In addition many students are there because their parents believe in the educational theory of character before performance. Thus there is a mix of the more traditional prep school crowd and nontraditional "turnaround" children. Because of this mix many who start there do not finish and it is not uncommon for only 6 or 10 from an original freshman class of 50 remain at the school for the entire 4 years.

Although Hyde is typically categorized as a college preparatory schoolthe school administrators regard their primary purpose as preparation for life. Hyde helps students learn, embrace, and adopt a character compass that will guide them for the rest of their lives.

Emphasis is placed on performing arts and sports. Participation in athletics is mandatory and sports are often assigned to students in order to balance the schools teams and provide for as strong a school showing as possible in as many sports as possible. Performing arts is also mandatory. Singing, acting and dancing are seen as critical steps in the development of all students. These students often perform in shows designed to attract other potential families to the school. Academics are provided but not emphasized and those who are talented at school work are enlisted to teach those who are less able. There are the typical high school classes and academics and most if not nearly all who complete school there gain access to colleges and universities.

Group counseling sessions are mandated several times per week and run by non-accredited counselors. Students are encouraged to council each other both inside and outside of these sessions when they consider another student's actions or thoughts to be in discordant with the schools philosophy. These sessions focus on the individual students and their current issues and problems faced at the school. Students are encouraged to share intimate secrets, insecurities, doubts and regrets about them selves and their families. These amateur psychology sessions are extended to parents. The parents are incorporated into local groups based on region where they too are exposed to the school doctrine and counseling methods. The purpose of these sessions is to indoctrinate all involved into a sequestered and intimate social structure. This limits behavioral problems and helps the school with the behavioral reform aspect of it's mission. In addition it helps the school close the loop on the behavioral problems many of their students have by addressing the problems, fears, shortcomings and insecurities of the parents. In juxtaposition to the parents involvement in their own counseling, they are encouraged avoid over involvement with their children while at the school. When children are having difficulty at the school parents are instructed to stay detached from the student and to focus on their own physiological issues, while allowing the schools programs and counseling methods gently bring the child into the philosophical and cultural fold of the enclosed society of the school.

Students are encouraged and regimented to recognize and address the faults of their peers and to communicate these perceived character flaws to them in a terse manner in the "brothers keeper" line justification. "I am saying this because I care about you" is the rationale for what could be perceived as demeaning verbal encounters by outsiders. These encounters are believed to play an integral role in the improved character growth and development for all involved as espoused by the school leadership.

Truth is emphasized over harmony and students are rewarded for turning in their peers for transgressions against the Hyde School code of ethics. Students who have difficulty with following the rules of the school are put on work duty where they perform maintenance jobs and lawn care for the school during the wee hours of the morning. The idea behind the work crews is to "earn" acceptance by the group, and work back into the good graces of the school.

In recent years, Hyde has received national recognition. In 1993, Joseph Gauld’s experiences were published in his book Character First: The Hyde School Difference. Television shows, such as ABC’s 20/20, CBS’s 60 Minutes, and NBC’s The Today Show have aired full segments on Hyde, and the Hyde character concept has been featured in publications such as Education Week, Insight, The New York Times, USA Today, The Boston Globe, and The Wall Street Journal.

The Hyde of today continues to uphold its Five Words as the core values on its boarding campuses in Maine and in Woodstock, CT, as well as in its public school initiatives in New Haven, CT; Washington, DC; and the Bronx, NY. These schools are presently run by the extended Gauld family and all Joesph Gauld’s primary children and several in-laws hold the key leadership positions with in the school consortium.

I don't agree with this.  Hyde does not uphold it's "Five Words."  They are hypocrites!!  Also this post indicates Hyde has gotten national recognition recently.  Show me one national program Hyde has been on in the last five years?  Maybe I am wrong but I believe those shows highlighted Hyde years ago when they didn't know what a toxic place it was

Hyde Schools / gauld admits hyde is a fraud and quits
« on: April 08, 2007, 06:09:27 AM »
Quote from: ""JoeSoulBro""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""

Emil Nitrate, I don't know what your story is. You change your tune as often as I change underwear! The cutsy names don't impress me. You like Hyde, you don't like Hyde. You agree with them, you don't agree with them. No offense meant, but please make up your mind.

  My mind constantly changes,  my opinions change.  Said I like two people.  IF you can like people you disagree with you don't belong in a Republic with democratic elements. Go to North Korea.   My view of Hyde is pretty settled.  It could change  ... again.  What are 1)you doing?  Picking sides for dodgeball?    

 As far a Identification I have said enough to identify myself to Hyde or any one else with a half decent memory of the time I was there.  It doesn't really matter to me.  My concern is that when people google my name they see press about my current life and not that I went to a bizarre school in Maine with a bunch of crazy kids.


No problem calling yourself Emil.  I completely understand this, but stick to Emil rather than signing other names to your posts.

Not picking sides for dodgeball. I know what Hyde is and I stand by the fact that it is a dangerous place that should only exist if there was a change of the guard/gauld.  Hyde certainly should not house children.

    I think one of the most dangerous things at Hyde was Joe.  Under certain conditions he could be very damaging.  He had no compunction ripping a family apart to prove a point, or back handing people for random things like "lack of personality" or screeching at emotionally vulnerable children. I think Billy P stipulated to that point in a recent post.  At this point he is mostly a titular figure.  

With out some psychological professionals on staff  they are playing with fire.  They clearly have the funds for it. It is just dumb luck they have not had another incident like the summer of '75


Yes it does seem they have the funds for better teachers and professional counselors, but no ethical professional would work at Hyde.  It would go against most everything they were taught and would probably be an ethics problem

Why do you think Hyde has not had another incident like summer of 75?  Just because it is not public knowledge does not mean they haven't had more incidences.  Hyde is great at settling many of these cases so they go away and no one will know about them

Hyde Schools / Billy Procida re Hydes Finances
« on: April 08, 2007, 06:01:15 AM »
Quote from: ""billy procida""
simply because i dont' know much of anything about the financial stuff at hyde. i also don't mind much since money is not what the school is about. that has nothing to do with character.

You couldn't be more wrong Billy.  It is ALL ABOUT CHARACTER!! Lies, and more lies, and you say this isn't about character?  I am not sure about you, guy!  

Hyde gets up on the podium crying and begging for money from many already struggling parents and you say this is not about character?  You are very naive.  It proves that the "family" is all about MONEY, not CHARACTER!!!

Hyde Schools / Billy Procida re Hydes Finances
« on: April 07, 2007, 12:13:41 AM »
Quote from: ""bill procida""
the lying bit was kind of sarcastic. the 99% acceptance rate was true, actually. i know this year, we have 2 kids going on to do P.G. years, and almost everyone has gotten in, but there are still some waiting to hear back. i know one may not get into schools due to a credit thing and will enter next spring...but i think it's now like 97-98%. that's actually true. at least in my past 4 years. they post all the seniors and what schools they got into and continuously update it as we hear back. if you're a former student, what were the statistics for your class? what i've said applies to the woodstock campus only. i don't know stats for bath. and as for the hyde d.c. school, seniors can't graduate there until they are accepted into a college. that might change, but they have a 100% acceptance rate, obviously due to that criteria for graduation. the other questions asked, you can call up and ask admissions yourself from 9-4 monday through friday. i don't need to do research you can do yourself. it's P.A. time.
next question....
- Bill Procida '07

Hi Billy.  Thanks for your very insightful and honest posts.  I have been very disturbed reading about those 990's which are the IRS forms for non profits like Hyde.  Did you ask your friends at Hyde about this?.  How come Joey gets up in front of the parents at family weekends and literally begs for money when he doesn't need it?  He gets a little carried away with what bad shape the school is in and how they need this money to improve the facilities. I don't understand how he can ask in good concience for money from kids who can barely buy clothes.

Please let me know what you think about this whole thing with the forced donations

Hyde Schools / History question
« on: April 05, 2007, 07:29:42 AM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""billy procida""
we both thought of the same post too: the "i lost my virginity at hyde" thread. we even reacted to it the same way after we had read it: we both emailed it to mr. bragg. idk where i'm going with this.

Could someone fill me in on who Mr. Bragg is and his relevance to the "i lost my virginity "thread?  thnx

Look at the Hyde website under faculty and look for Mr Bragg.  It appears to me that Billy is talking about a staff member.  Unlike many other boarding schools, Hyde only lists the names of the staff, not anything about their credentials or how long they have been at Hyde.  My guess is that these stats would not be very impressive.  The average teacher/staff usually stays one to two years at Hyde.  As soon as many of them find out the truth about Hyde, they get the hell out of there.

Hyde Schools / Re: Student Enrollment
« on: March 30, 2007, 05:54:35 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Whats interesting about these figures is the amount of turnover in students. If the above figure is correct there were 312 students enrolled at some point at Woodstock.  Woodstock only has around 200 students which means there were 112 students who didn't make it through for one reason or another.  That sure is a lot of $$$$ Hyde got to keep!!!

This would be well over 3M dollars just at the Woodstock campus and this is conservative!!  Although another poster said that Hyde refunds tuition, this is NOT SO!  Hyde makes you sign a contract at the beginning that entitles them to keep the tuition.  I know of one family who took a second mortgage out in order to send their kid to Hyde and then lost the money when it didn't work out.  How sad!  And how incredible that these Gaulds stand up on stage begging for more dollars from parents who cannot afford it.  If I remember correctly it "was your duty to help support the school above and beyond the tuition."  

Unbelievable how much is spent on fundraising!  I think the media ought to look into this whole thing with the Non profit schools.  It is definitely profiting someone and it isn't the parents!  This is an unbelievable business.  I think I want to go into it, but problem is I have integrity which is something I cannot say for the people running Hyde School.  WHERE IS THE TRUTH, HYDE????

Below is taken off of the Hyde Schools website.  There is a section about "giving."

When you make a gift to Hyde Schools, you're helping us retain and attract top-notch teachers, as well as provide professional development. Your generous contributions also help us grant financial aid and embrace diversity, purchase classroom materials and strengthen academic programs, maintain and enhance our historic campus, and stay up to date with the latest computer equipment and technology.

You can give in a number of ways: gifts by check or credit card, matching gifts, appreciated securities, gifts of property, charitable lead trust, charitable gift annuity, or charitable remainder trust. Making a planned gift to Hyde includes you in the Sumner Hawley Society. Use our online Giving form to give to Hyde Schools now.

As an independent school and non-profit organization, we need your help to meet our promise of providing the highest-quality education. Tuition covers some of our expenses, but not all. Furthermore, the costs associated with providing our unique family-based character education that has made Hyde such an extraordinary school, increase every year.

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