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Messages - stewball

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Halloween at straight??
« on: December 08, 2002, 11:21:00 PM »
did paula have red hair?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I feel like....................SIT DOWN
« on: December 01, 2002, 05:29:00 PM »
the fact that this whole thing evolved from a church is pretty funny -actually in a sad - ironic sort of way -

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfld Virginia straight
« on: December 01, 2002, 05:04:00 PM »
yeah i'm not surprisd byrd started as a chump -ass parent-am i to take what you said to mean that she is still envolved with straight down south? what a bitch! also, if you know anything about any virginia sibling rap leaders please let me know- i would love to find some phone #s or something for them- and how! hey, thanks for the info- and let me know whatever else you find out-i'm very interested in knowing everythiong there is to know-and also i m very interested in helping to bring that place down if i can help in some way -i'd love it. so, have you spoken to  byrd? what did she say? tell me. also do you know of the whereabouts of -or have any info on- any staff members from the 80s at all? lemmie know-

[ This Message was edited by: stewball on 2002-12-01 14:07 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfld Virginia straight
« on: November 27, 2002, 05:40:00 PM »
who was suzanne byrd? does anyone know? and how did she get in the position she was in? how about mel riddle?  were they the parents of some poor schmucko?   (i'd hate to have been stuck in that woman's house for a week as a newcommer-just imagine) suzanne byrd thought she was the 2nd coming- is there anyone on this site that was on staff at the virginia location during the eighties? if so, why not just speak up and let us confront you?- I think there are a few of us druggie slimeballs( or in my particular case "dry druggies") that would like to stand you up -- c'mon let's "get honest" you puke bastards-lets share some "feelins" i think i have a lot  of "feelins" i'd like to put you in touch with-i think i also have some "steps" i'd like to apply to your faces- like right to your face.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pysical Abuse
« on: November 27, 2002, 05:22:00 PM »
i don't know why i want to know i guess because i was almost  there-  tell me what else happened how in the hell did he pull off getting away with breaking your leg? what did he do? how did he explain it to people? i really want to see these people in trouble of some sort- brought to justice at some point in the near future like these child abusing perverted "priests" sounds like this guy is no  better and niether is any of the other staff-(i was a sibling in straight inc..)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I feel like....................SIT DOWN
« on: November 27, 2002, 12:26:00 AM »
thank you

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I feel like....................SIT DOWN
« on: November 25, 2002, 11:41:00 PM »
:em: i am trying to figure out how kids was related to straight- did it come before or after- were the same people responsible? my brother was in straight inc., and i had to go to these damn sibling "raps" they called them- what they really were were mental torture sessions- but i know that "kids" had some connection just because of what i have gathered so far- does anyone know and if so - talk to me - reading this stuff brought it all back all of a sudden and  i am about to explode- i had to go and put up with that shit every friday night (straight springfield va) for 7 hours-drive with my mom back home to baltimore (1.5 hours) and then get up the next morning and, instead of watching bugs bunny and roadrunner, which was about the only drug i was on at the time- i had to go to sibling rap again for another 4-5 hours and then on monday again with the open meeting and sibling rap crap for another 7 hours or so sometimes until 2 am on a school night- getting home at 3-4 in the am--thats real constructive- that place litally drove me to drink. i probably would never have even thought about any substance experimentation if they hadn't gotten my curiosity churning- i figured anything that they thought was bad must be good- i don't drink ect.. now but i am really surprised that i don't considering all that bs. i am so glad it is over i never thought it would be- he was in that place for 2+ yrs what an entirely F***ed up place that was.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / intake
« on: November 24, 2002, 02:59:00 PM »
what was rad? you said you were sent to the rad what does that mean? and they tried to get you to admit more than what you were guilty of too? imagine that! - i wonder what kind of pay bonus they got- or maybe they were just sadistic as hell; period- i think maybe they got off on inflicting  torture on children- or on their peers as the case  may be -i know that there were staff members there that would take you aside if they thought you had the wrong kind of look on your face - if you looked at them wrong, it would start some serious shit. they were just like the thought police in 1984 by george orwell- as a mater of fact, when i read the book (after straight),i found so many similarities to straight it was unbelievable- it was straight  on a national international scale like, if the western hemisphere turned into straight that is what it would be- (if Suzanne Bird or Mel Riddle- or maybe that staff member Dean that looked like a Ken doll became president ). my parents would be in parent rap and i'd be about to go into siblings and all of a sudden, there i'd be - in one of those plastic chairs with some staff members trying to find out something from me-like why i was wearing mascara - or why was i playing "eye games" with one of the male staff members which i may have done, but so what? what else was i supposed to do for fun on a friday night when i was stuck in this stark white place surrounded by lame ass geeks- what? - what the hell was it that they were trying to find out and why wasn't my lawyer there with me? why didn't I have a right to remain silent? did i walk in there- in those stupid dreadful doors  and suddenly be completely stripped of any civil rights? when i think about it, i really shudder at what would/could  have happened if i had so much as just said the wrong wordsdisplayed a little too mush free will or individual thought-(thoughtcrime)--and if they had put me in there, i would be dead because that is what they would have had to have done to make me join in with any of that bullshit they were into in group- i used to have night mares about being put inthere and it would always end with me spitting in someones face and running out into braddock road and over to the hardies bathroom-   sometimes in siblings i would actually spit on people except i used to disguise it as a sneeze- i would let someone get into to yelling real close to my face and then "sneeze" making sure that i had some of the contents of my tonsil area in it-then at the end of the night on the way home if my mom was'nt in the car, i would tell my dad and he would laugh his  ass off--  fun fun fun!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Introductions
« on: November 23, 2002, 11:33:00 PM »
please tell me what happened during either your intake or give me a for instance if you don't care totell me about yours in particular i understand- - i was in siblings in the eighties because my brother was in the program- staff had just enough dirt on me to justify harassing me and my parents with the goal of putting me in the program- i always wondered if  the almost weekly "meetings" that i had one on one with various staff members were pre- intake or something leading to that- it seemed that they backed off as soon as they knew for sure that i would not be going in- they got real relaxed all of the sudden about whether or not i was even present fat the raps -thank God-and so i eventually escaped going to open meeting and sibling rap except for once a month- this indicates to me that staff was really just concered with getting me in group and getting a little bonus for it- or whatever they had as incentive-and as soon as they realized that my dad would not allow it they gave up.  - i want to know because i came so close to it. let me know if you would, ok? thanks

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / intake
« on: November 23, 2002, 08:54:00 PM »
:question: what did they do to you when they had you in there- what would make a person in intake take longer than another and what did they do to break you down - i just want to know because i always wondered i went to a few other web sites and saw pictures of the open meeting room in VA and it really freaked me out - just seeing the picture of the  room and aoll those people motivating- i had to turn it off and walk away

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lets talk about the real assholes
« on: November 21, 2002, 05:04:00 PM »
and -who could forget-"we're a rainbow made of children- we're an army growing strong- theres no weapons that could stop us- straight's luuuooov is mouuuuch taoooo strrawong-" You know you got to throw in that ol' Verginny accent! All that stuff  just brings back some  of the lovliest memories don't cha know!  I had for gotten about zippity doo oh yeah- move over uncle remus- here come the straightlings-- I must  recall another asshole who's name is kim- she was a staff member--she did my sibling interview when i first started coming to straight-i never knew what i was in for- if she is out there, he is a little message for HER-- I've met a lot of people in my life but never have i met anyone that would actually be able to define -just by their existence- the word trashy b*tch - even clean and straight without " puttin' off any images she may as well have had "cheap b*tch
wreitten across her face. she asked me questions about sexual  things and she described them to me and then accused me of doing these things - and no warrented reason for asking at all- i think that was how she got her thrills- i was in that room for hours being asked questions over and over- and she would accuse me of lying- when i said that i wanted to see my mom she said that my mom told them to ask me this stuff that she approved it-- which was a lie- they were so so f**ked up- I'd love to see them all get in trouble-

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lets talk about the real assholes
« on: November 20, 2002, 06:03:00 PM »
let's see- i'm thinking of a straight sibling asshole- i am terrible with names but she had braces and glasses and she always feathered her hair back which was always greasy as hell, and wore ribbed sweaters- she smelled like B.O.- that was a given-and she was always giving me shit and making herself look like a real flaming idiot by getting real emotional and yelling screaming and crying like a maniac-all the while spittng as she yelled --damn, I wish i could remember her name i would love to think that i got a fair shot at her finally-any siblings out there that might recall any such of a blow-hard -she was a  sibling who enjoyed "sharin' her feelins'" about a lot of things that she "could relate too-" which was just about every single topic under the sun, aside from how big her bowl movements were that week --or how many times she had to wipe on any given day- for a while becky had her calling me on the phone-she sort of assigned her to me-  my sibling-oldcomer  so to speak- i think because she sensed the special dislike that she had for me and/or visa versa- i think her name may have been laura or something similar- yeah- laura i dunno maybe- she used to like to call me and tell me how  i was "sittin' in my crap"  God- how i wanted to just tell her to get f***ed and slam the phone in her ear- i just can't even begin to describe the anger and pure frustration of it-and self control that i hd to exercise- the things i would have- should have said to all them- i hate them to this day- that is the only thing i learned at straight -what real hatred and contempt  felt like -which i had never felt until my  enriching experiences with the little sibling rats- having to listen to all those stupid expressions over and over- "I FEEL hurt--ABOUT the fact that my sister was set back today --BECAUSE I'm PISSED OFF about it" --then they would all motivate-- waving their arms around like a bunch of fools --motivate-some of them were so gung ho that looked like they had bugs crawling on them and they were trying to shake them off - oh then there was the matter of the m-i's i had to write the m-i's or my ass was done. oh- i had a god damn school paper i had to write ? too f***ing bad-- get those mi's done first or else you get to sit up on front row -mine were never right- they were actually downright shitty. Serves me right for not applying my program and admitting that i am powerless over drugs-never mind,of course,that I had hardly ever touched any at that point)  and come to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity-oh, lets not forget the serenity prayer-God grant me the serenity to accept the bulls*it in my face blah blah blah- how about "I'm on my waaaaay to the freedom land --to the freedom land--HEY!!! Some real jammin' tunes those were -i must say!  How bout' that stupid ass Helen Ready Adaptation -"I am straight" I am straight watch me grow or whatever the hell- who am i kidding i know every god blasted word of that song-god help me- someday i'll get hypnotized and hve it all wiped out of my head-- later

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lets talk about the real assholes
« on: November 20, 2002, 04:34:00 PM »
so put that in your pipe and smoke it-(im not talking to anyone specific or anything)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lets talk about the real assholes
« on: November 19, 2002, 06:24:00 PM »
i am i to take this to mean that you won't be bringing your minced meat pie for dessert on christmas??  
seriously alex, as soon as i started posting stuff on this web site you started lecturing me --i don't know how to attch the little exerpt from it for reference like you do, but your exact words of conclusion to the whole bossy toned paragragh were "ok, now that  i am finished lecturing you..." case and point (ithink big brother was watching) so see ya on christmas right? bring some happy pills-(and that concludes this episode of "as the small world turns")

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lets talk about the real assholes
« on: November 18, 2002, 05:51:00 PM »
yeah, thanks for that trish,- I hate to say anything about anyones family but i think it is appropriate seeing as how you had the misfortune of actually having to live with that maroon. I guess i had to read what you wrote to me last week to realize this, but it seems that if there are any existing autocratic/totalitarian tendancies in a person, straight inc. awakens them like f-ing gangbusters. I know, because my brother alex, was in the program- along with you- (who i do remember by the way, you wore glasses and had short brown hair if memory serves me), and boy did old alex take his little fifth phase licence and run with it-he got pretty bossy with me and i was afraid to act any way but cooperative because my parents were threatening me with the hell pit. he still tries to pull that shit with me. he's probably reading this right now- god bless him-hi alex! (and, if I can think of anything else that you can tell joe G. that we said about him we'll give you a call and let you know- love ya a lot-proud of your talk)

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