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Messages - kellyfromdallas

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Merging Programs
« on: September 19, 2002, 01:13:00 PM »
I was in Dallas when the CA people came. I think my parents pulled me a few days later. I remember them suggesting more limiting rules in some cases. Like when you were talking about doing a certain drug, they weren't allowed to say the name of the drug. And they imposed that on us and the staff members ate it up.

As a group, we were all so conditioned to follow these very specific rules. I completely understand them saying, "that's not the way we do it." I mean, I deal with that at work every day from people who have come from other companies. It's just sad that we were compelled to impose and enforce idiotic rules on ourselves.

Hi. Kelly Williams here. I was there in '89 or '90. I was 12 and my sister Denise was there, too. I actually just found this website yesterday.

I remember you, Chad. Didn't Texas Monthly feature you in an article about Straight?

I think I remember Carmel. Nice tan...dark, curly hair?

And Leslie Marie...light skin, short hair, very kind?

Here's my update. I'm doing well in spite of Straight. Up until college, my happiness was questionable. But somehow things worked out and now I love my job as an advertising copywriter, I have a great group of friends and a wonderful boyfriend.

How is everyone else doing?

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