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Messages - lostnfound

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I need more information
« on: September 04, 2007, 09:14:02 AM »
Quote from: ""str8h8er""
Do you remember the persons name of the 12 year old? Or if they were male of female? Where were they from, etc?

I know it was years ago. If your memory is like mine, you probably won't remember. But any information would be better then nothing.

Thank you for your posts!!!

There were two 12 yr olds when I was there - one was a guy, the other was a girl.  She was a sibling and if I remember correctly (which sometimes I don't - there has been a lot I forgot, some on purpose) it came out in a sibling rap that she had smoked pot w/her older brother and did mushrooms once.  She would get confronted regularly because that was the only drugs that she did and must have been BS because no one goes from smoking pot once to doing shrooms.  I cannot remember if she graduated - I think she did.

I don't remember much about the 12 yr old guy that was in though.  I can barely picture his face - I think he had brown curly hair. That's as much as I can remember about him.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I need more information
« on: August 30, 2007, 08:05:47 AM »
Quote from: ""str8h8er""
So in your file you say there was not much of any "pertinant" information. What about your intake records? Were those included in your file?

Let me ask you this, although I probably already know the answer...Where you administered a drug test prior to being admitted to the program? Was their a record of that?

My mother tells me that they advised her I tested positive for drugs at my intake. BULLSHIt. Although, skeezin bitch may be lying about that too.


Yes, my intake records were there - the one that the two 3rd phasers wrote up.  Was I given a drug test prior to intake - no, but my parrents had it on tape that I was tripping the night before they locked me up.  I was given a test after being in there for about 2 mo, and guess what - I'm not an alcoholic per the test.  But then they were able to get away with this crap because they were a "family treatment center" not a drug rehab.

When I said that there was no pertinant information - I was refering to information about the abuse.  If you would like to see what is in a client file, I would be more then happy to show you mine.  It would not provide you the information that you are looking for, but perhaps it would spark something that might help.

Don't misunderstand me.  I am not proud of the person that I was when I was on staff, nor am I condoning what straight did or was all about.   I'm was in straight with you, though I'm not sure that I know who you are.  I remember there were a couple of 12 yr olds in there when I was in, but gone once I was on staff.  I did pull one of their files and it did state in there that they did not have a drug problem.  

I don't think that the frustration or anger will ever go away.  We were wronged and abused and no one is held accountable.

I was there from 85-87

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What night is...RTP
« on: December 22, 2006, 05:42:02 PM »
Quote from: ""starry-eyed pirate""
...Or what if we made a production out of it ??  In the style of a Michael Moore documentary.  Frank or Rtp, can either of you work a film camera ?? We'll probably need 2 cameramen.  One to film the interviews and one to film the one filming the interviews.

Perhaps we could walk into their offices, unannounced, with the cameras runnin' and the mics on, and tell them we are doing a documentary about $tr8 Inc. and are interested in the relationship between DFAF and $tr8 and that we'd like to know more about the history of the relationship between the 2 cults.  Any chance Mrs. Sembler is around ??  We'd love to ask her some questions.  

We could get some guy to dress up like and impersonate Michael Moore as part of the gig(for some straight faced comic relief).  He would accompany us into the DFAF offices to help direct and get the lighting just right and so on.  The Michael Moore parody character wouldn't be the main character, but would be like a side kick, like Ed McMahon, like we know Michael Moore, he's our friend, and he's graciously agreed to help us with our low budget amateur documentary about $tr8!  

If you are interested in playing the Michael Moore character or can otherwise contribute to the production pm me.  


Hey Pirate, been a while.  

I like this idea.  This would probably be the best way for you to get any answers - answers that you would be able to share with everyone.  

Seriously though, what do you think they would say?  What would you ask them?  What do you want them to say? (I'm not being sarcastic here - these are legit questions) I'm sure in their own twisted way they probably believe the bull shit that they say/said.  They probably believe that they were helping us - either that or I just refuse to give up on the human race.  I would like to think that people out there really don't intentionally, maliciously hurt kids.  If course on the other hand, look at all the child molesters (my father included).

I have my file - probably the only perk of being on staff.  I pulled it out about 4 or 5 months ago hoping for an answer to something, though I'm not sure what the question was.  I really didn't find anything, at least nothing that would make my stay make any sense.  I did find that after I copped out, I was "groomed" to be on staff, as was my mother to being on parent staff.  The hand writing that I was able to read (and Tim Kelleher's was one of the worst, right up there with Will Knisley) didn't tell me anything about why I was there.  There were writings about the BS issues that I made up such as seeing my druggie friends when on 3rd phase, and the "insecurities" about the 1st outing with  BOYS (oooooo).  What they wrote about was the same shit that they made us say, you know - the good ole "I feel, About, Because."  

I was trying to remember when we (staff) use to have to write the treatment plans.  Most of them were simple bull shit.  We would listen to what the kids would say in group and write what they said.  Here is the problem, here is how the client feels about the problem, this is what the client plans to do to fix the problem.  That's it.  

I think that you probably hit the nail on the head.  It's not really your file that you are looking for, but rather answers as to why they would do this, what did they think that brain washing us was going to accomplish.  

I do believe in karma.  Think about it this way - they will be depending on us when they are sick and old to take care of them.  They will be depending on the social security system to retire, which will be non-existent.  So who will take care of them?  Us?  I don't think so.


Quote from: ""dragonfly""
Thanks  going out to Pirate and to my many new friends...

Thanks goes out to you!
It was good to see you again!

Quote from: ""Guest""
does this mean we get to into the building...I wonder if it still smells the same...I must admit that when I first read about this I wanted to it just scares me...I don't know if I could go in that building is BIG deal when it comes Striaght

No, we will not be able to get in to the building.  I think that a lot of people would probably end up trashing the place if we did!

While it smelled different, there was still an underlying "Straight" smell.  The current occupants probably never even notice!

It was very creepy to be sure!

When I was driving up, and still on I495, there was a huge knot in my stomach.  When I was getting ready to turn into the front parking lot, I though I was going to hurl!

I'm not sure what it's going to be like in a couple of weeks knowing that I'm going to see people that I use to know and spent so much time trying to forget.

Quote from: ""Valhalla""
What is Ferguson's?

Ferguson's is a Plumbing supply company - one of the largest in the country.  They are the current occupant's of the building.

The folks at Ferguson's would like to know if we have any idea as to how many people we think are going to be there.  Do we have a count or an approximate count?

Quote from: ""starry-eyed pirate""
Oh! And L'n'F what was that you were saying about some public property near Great Falls that aint part of the park ??  Would it be conducive to a sunset candle-light vigil/gathering(assuming that no-one got drunk and fell into the river) ??  If it's not under the authority of the Fairfax county parks and rec. dept. then what authority would we have to approach to find out about it ?? Would you be willing to look into that a little more so we can try to figure this out as soon as possible ??


I actually already went by there today.  Apparently, the memory is not quite what it use to be - either that or the county bought that piece of land too as it is now part of the park authority.

What about the reflecting pool in DC?

Quote from: ""dragonfly""
Also, I'm wondering what folks want to happen at the service.

Flaming Zambokas shots!!  
Lighting the flame of those who's flame is out and shining a light for those hurt & lost!

Burke Lake Park closes at dark (all regional & national parks do).  I think there are a few places near Great Falls that are public property & not a part of the park.  However, that sort of worries me (this is the mom in me) about people possibly drinking near a rapid running river.  I see bad things happing there.  However, if we did this at a park, we could do it during the day time and not a night/6pm after the sun has gone down.  

I for one would love to NOT do this at the building.  Being there last time when talking to the Fergesun people was rather creepy.  If that's where everyone decides to go, then so be it - I'll be there.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Invisible
« on: August 25, 2006, 04:42:03 PM »
Quote from: ""51 7""
Yeah and who says that the war vet's "welcome back" is ~always that great anyway..? Gimme a break....

WWII vets got a better reception the Vietnam vets.  There will always be the people that are totally against any war.  But what kind of welcome home did you get when you got out of straight?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Invisible
« on: August 25, 2006, 09:32:12 AM »
Quote from: ""Eudora""
Excuse me, but I'm not so sure we're paranoid so much as prescient when it comes to wondering and worrying about what people might be thinking of us. I think the thing that sets us apart from most other Americans and makes it hard to find any understanding or resonance about this is that most people haven't been held captive and tortured for years based on their neurotic parents' and other allegedly responsible adults' highly unpleasant flights of fancy and gossip about them.

In other words, what they thought of us and the fact that they found support for their fantasies among ther fellow toughlove hategroup members. Sometimes, people act on those thoughts. Ask any jewish person who's family came over from Germany before or during WWII if it's irrational to worry about what people think of you.

No, I don't think that it's paranoia.  My grandfather was a POW in Germany for 8 months (until the end of the war).  While he was a POW, he became disabled physically - he had dislocated his shoulder and the Germans didn't pop it back into joint so all the mussels in his arm died.  He lost 100% use of his hand. It looked like a dead limb just hanging on his body.  He spent a lot of time during my child hood keeping to himself (gardening; rock gardens, veggie and flower gardens; they were amazing!!).  He was a vary private, non-"sharing" kind of man.  But at the same time, he didn't let his concerns about what other people thought about him stop him from doing what needed to be done.  As a result, he died a successful man with 7 patent in his name, his family by his side and a lot of friends around him who loved him.  

However, I think that what we went through was a little different.  He volunteered for duty - We did not.  He came home to a warm, unconditional loving welcome - we did not.  Most of us continued for some time to have to live by the same rules as when we were in straight.  If we did not, we would be ostracized all over again.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Invisible
« on: August 25, 2006, 09:12:09 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Yeah, funny thing about that.  My dad took absolutely no responsibility for how I "turned out" (according to him) but when my oldest went through her crazy-scare-the-shit-out-of-mom stage it was completely my fault, according to him.   Then when she got through it and was fine, I had absolutely nothing to do with that, according to him.[/quote

I was in the complete opposite position - my father took responsibility.  He's spent more time in therapy then I have - still goes twice a week!  It makes him almost bearable to deal wtih.  Of course, I still don't trust him & will never leave my child alone with him!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Invisible
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:00:39 PM »
Quote from: ""starry-eyed pirate""
I was talkin' to an old friend yesterday, explaining to him that it aint that I'm lazy or don't wanta do the work, but that I'm just real uncomfortable with the idea that the homeowners may be inside their house watchin me work.  I don't even feel like cutting the few lawns I still have left, here in the neighborhood.  I don't trust any of these people and I don't want them to see me.

My neighbors houses are only about 20' from mine.  Lotsa times I don't even want to walk around in my backyard because I fear someone is watchin' me.  Lookin' outtta their windows, observin' me.

Sometimes, I wish I could go be a hermit and live in a cave on a mountain somewhere. Too bad it's not practical.

And if they see you, what are they going to do - set you back?  Hell, flash them.  Walk around your back yard naked.  Bet they stop watching you then - either that or they will watch you more. LOL

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Invisible
« on: August 24, 2006, 06:53:56 PM »
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""

Makes perfect sense to me.  The paranoia and feeling like a complete failure in life I think were the worst lasting effects for me.   I bought for a long time that I was just a fuck up and selfish for "putting my family through so much".

....and if we go by psychology, the whole reason we were in straight & doing drugs/having behavioral problems was because of what our parents did to us.

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