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Messages - 1eleven

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Yeah pass that crack pipe this way! So have you always felt this way or was it later in life you realized that conformity was easier then trusting one's self? What part of Victory was so wonderful for you? No let me guess, hmmm oh I got it, it saved your life, if not for VCA you'd be dead or high on drugs right? Have you ever met a parent that sent a child there that didnt use that same quote? Did you stay so long and have such a weak mind that you found yourself unable to come back to reality? Did you take all of that "wonderfulness" it gave you and apply it to your life today?  Are you secretly wearing your jeans in the closet and wondering what happend to that little girl that got locked up so long ago? I'll forgive your comment that it was "too good for me" because I'm well aware that some (no matter how hard they try) are just too weak to come back after being brainwashed and losing themselves. Some people are sick and unable to identify when abuse is happening and often unable to allow it to re-surface. I hope someday you're able to get help and will be able to deal with the ghost of your past.
Former VCA prisoner

What do you mean "think twice!" Or what? No I dont think so, see we arent there any more and our thoughts and words can be said freely. No one here will double check what we write and only let positive things be said unlike while at the school where all we could say were positive things true or not. Nothing will happen to any of us here if we speak the truth. We can freely say that it was HELL, that it caused more damage then any help it ever couldve. No one will stop us from voicing the realities that we lived. Not you Stephanie and yeah and I know who you are and not any one else. This is reality, this place messed up alot of lives so maybe its you who ought think twice before standing up for this place that does so much wrong all in the name of God.

How was it for you? How long a year?

No, its not a valid concern at all. She's an adult woman, she hasnt displayed any thing to give anyone even slight reason to believe that she's a child preditor. It doesnt matter if she wants to do things on her time, its not at school so why is it a valid concern? Its not with children but with other consenting adults, again not your or anyone elses concern. If you thought about it you'd see that there are actual preditors all over and it would be a worth while cause to go ahead and see why they are still allowed to be in contact with children, live in our neighborhoods and what not instead of coming here and picking someone apart. Of course you might not be able to be anon. doing that and maybe thats an issue for you.

Who are you???? What one earth made you want to come on here anon. and start talking trash???? You have something personal against her or what? No I dont know why this came up and yeah I see it was a few weeks ago but couldnt let it go. Really, I mean come on. You have it on good authority????? Please!You are nameless and you are claiming to know things yet dont want to disclose how you might know or who you might be. For all anybody knows you're just some advocate for these schools who cant bear the thought of facing the reality of damages that they cause. Who cares if she wants a 3some, who cares what she does. How does her sexuality make okay being victimized? Thats a really sick thought process youve got.....

I was there in 92' - 93'

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