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Messages - Son of Ottawa

Pages: [1]
CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: For Your Information
« on: September 07, 2006, 04:57:08 PM »
Um... what gave it away?

Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Son of Ottawa""
Because of her, I know what a woman wants. With her step-by-step instruction, I can please a woman of any age. Surely, my mother has done more for me than has YOUR mother.  know that my mother is not sexually involved in animals. She has made this clear to me.

I don't know about the animals.......But It's pretty obvious that your mother fucked you!!!!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / For Your Information
« on: September 07, 2006, 05:48:57 AM »
I resent this poll, I really do. My mother does not love moose cock, and I am greatly offended that you would post something as vulgar as this. My mother would never engage in bestiality. You people are sick and you need help. I will pray for all of you.

My mother has shown me more love and acceptance than any of you could ever understand. Nothing she wouldn't do to help me. Nothing she wouldn't sacrifice to support me. You pitiful people spending your time posting here are throwing away your energy, your time, and your intelligence - on what? On an online forum? What benefit is there? Why do you do this?

You can't know true loving support unless you have a mother such as I do. Not only has she shown me the Better way of living, she sacrifices all for me. No mother has done more for her son.

You are all incapable of understanding her gentle ministrations. You are unable to appreciate her compassionate and gentle teachings. You say she "loves moose cock." This is offensive to the extreme. My sweet mother has instructed me, as any good and loving mother should, in the relationships between men and women. Because of her, I know what a woman wants. With her step-by-step instruction, I can please a woman of any age. Surely, my mother has done more for me than has YOUR mother.

I know that my mother is not sexually involved in animals. She has made this clear to me. You are offensive and ignorant and I have printed out all your posts so she can take them to her attorney. You can expect to hear from him soon.

Have a nice day!!!   :wave:

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / too tired
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:36:24 PM »
Sorry, Dude. I was too tired to be funny. Should have waited. I do have an appropriate avatar, though, don't you think?

Quote from: ""Guest""
I thought satire was supposed to be funny...

You all don't appreciate the unique perfection of my mother. She offers knowledge and help and you all don't want to accept it. Fortunately, when she opens her own school, you can enjoy the perfection I do. I expect to be just like my mother some day. She never has made a mistake in her life. Although I made some mistakes, I almost never do now - but when I'm not sure about a decision, I ask her. She always has the perfect advice and I am very lucky to have a perfect mother.

You should always listen to her and you can go to her school to learn to be perfect like she is.

Hello, I am Ottawa's perfect son. Since RMA taught me all I needed to learn, I have been perfect, just like my mother. I know you all are jealous of me and you want to attain perfection. But you can't - not unless you could go back to RMA. So you are out of luck.

The only hope for all of you is that you go to my mother's school when it's open. You've all seen her flawlessness. And wasn't she wise to bring my little sister to these boards? Doing that, she can help my sister understand how bad it is to not do everything Mother says. Mother is a saint, a goddess, complete perfection. You don't listen to her, so you can't know the complete happiness in following all of Mother's guidance.

But if you decide to enroll yourselves into her school, you will understand the happiness, the joy, the deep satisfaction in knowing that you are never going to go wrong again. I urge you to do so.

Who R U too Critisize my Mother? Shes the Won Who Helpd me bye sinding me too RMA and I got Helpd their. Yoo R so stoopid beecaus yoo dont no how too be helpd bye enywon.

Yoo shud grow up.

Quote from: ""Guest""
Who is Anne Hall's son?  Does anyone here know his name?
I know that he is ( or at least was) attending University of Minnesota, and that he spent a year in Amsterdam studying aborad.  He is apparently  studying medicine.   According to Anne/Ottawa/Gentiana/crazy bitch, her son graduated from
RMA.  She never specified which year, but I would guess that
he graduated sometime between 1998 & 2002, judging by
where he is in life right now.

Remember that Anne's son is from Minneapolis, MN.
Also her son was addicted to heavy drugs, and this was the
main reason she sent him to RMA.  According to Ottawa
herself, her son has a younger dyslexic sister (see "ottawa2")
who he beat the shit out of regularly, and this is the 2nd
reason why he was sent to RMA.  If this is true, I'll bet that
beating on his sister while on Coke was a frequent cop out
 that he made!

If this sound familiar to anyone, and you know whoAnnie's
son is, then stop holding out on us!  Tell us his name!  
What is her son's name name?!

I cant bileeve how disrespekful you people are. My Sainted Mother is a Queen. She is so Wondurful and Luving and no one has ever Bin as Kind as She is. You Refuze to Lisun to her and you all will Suffur the Consekwenses. If you won't Except the help that these Wondurful Skools offer, Yur all sick and hopelis.

Im in Meducal Skool studying to be a Vokashunul Nurs. Yur all missing out on the Satisfakshun of no-ing how 2 Emptee a Bed Pan like a Profeshunl.

Yoo R all Terruble and I no Ur Sik ina Hed.

Okay, asshole! The gloves are off now! You've crossed the line! Screw you!


On 2006-01-09 13:36:00, Son Of Serbia wrote:

"And you are a fucking coward, with no balls or a spine.  Try signing your name next time you insult someone, tough guy."

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