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Messages - FormerTeacher

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Education Levels
« on: January 31, 2006, 08:24:00 PM »
To the OP -- I started teaching at CEDU within weeks of graduating college.  I did want to be a teacher, and did go on to get my teaching credential.  I wasn't qualified to teach when I got there, and I realized pretty quickly that no one really cared about that.  It's part of the reason why I left.  Real teaching wasn't really being done.

I found CEDU to be pretty cult-ish, and I wasn't even really exposed to the "Emotional Growth" side of things.  I'm assuming that's more or less what this thread has turned into, and I'm sorry I don't have the time to read all 12 pages of it!

Hmm, anonymous, so whining about how Son of Serbia was wrong is better than whining about how much CEDU sucked?

Thanks Son of Serbia.  My original intention for posting this was just to let former students know that not all of the teachers at CEDU were "the bad guys."  After I left, my friends continued to work there, and only then did I really piece together all the stuff that went on.  I guess I was pretty ignorant to what exactly was entailed in the 'emotional growth' part of the program -- I honestly believed that parents knew what went on and that's why they paid for it.  Only after I left did I put it all together -- again, fresh out of college, and like Son of Serbia said, they were looking for young recent college graduates to corrupt and who they could hopefully get to perpetuate the destruction.

Anyway, even though I said I don't feel like I deserve to be 'chewed out,' I understand the anger toward anyone who used to work there, in whatever capacity, and I'm fine with that.  In my heart of hearts, I know that I tried my best to be myself and I sincerely believe that no one there is worse for being my student.  I call myself a 'former teacher' at CEDU, which is pretty funny because 'CEDU teacher' is pretty much an oxymoron.

I wish you all the best.

BTW, I'm a 'she,' not a 'he.'

I didn't post this because I feel I'm to blame for anything.  I didn't buy into the program.  I started in May and was out of there by December.  It wasn't for me.  The "therapy" going on was screwing things up more than it was helping.  I didn't have to go to raps to know this.  The kids told me.  My last week there I was pretty honest with my students and how I felt toward the school.  There were even a couple of kids that ran away and I saw them in the town and told them they could come stay at my house if they wanted.

No one needs to 'chew me out.'  I didn't do anything that was worthy of being chewed out.  I thought perhaps if the one student that I recognized here had her chance, she might be angry with me because I think she's pretty angry with CEDU, and for a short, short time, I represented the academic part of the CEDU program.  And what a joke it was.

Imagine being two weeks out of college, no teaching experience, thrown into a 'classroom' with 8 kids of all different ages and asked to teach them all different things.  Impossible.  I didn't live in the mountains, and had no knowledge of what went on at CEDU before getting hired there.  My friends didn't tell me about the 'therapy' going on there.

Now I teach in the public schools and have been doing so since I left CEDU.  I'd take the gangbangers and shithead I run across there over CEDU "therapy" any day.[ This Message was edited by: FormerTeacher on 2005-12-19 09:23 ]

I taught English and Social Studies, but for the NPS program.

I taught there in 1998... mostly high school, but some middle school too.  I remember Pam Abell, but I can't say I knew her well.  Like I said, I avoided raps -- I think I attended one and never went through propheet... thank god.

The friends that 'lured' me there (I say this jokingly because they didn't really do much to bring me there other than pass along the info about me being a young, recent graduate) were teachers also, but did get more involved in the raps and other 'therapeutic' aspects of the school.  Neither of them are particularly gullible or cultish, so it still puzzles me as to why they got as involved as they did.

Anyway, I hated that place, just like most of you all did.  There was a dark cloud that hung over the whole damn school.

I do think about my former students from time to time and wonder how they are.  I also wonder if they look at me like just another evil bitch... I am still a teacher and I think the "evil bitch" thing is tough to get away from, no matter how cool/understanding of a teacher you are.

Based on the info I've just given, I think the one student I recognize might be able to figure out who I am.  If not, that's probably just as well.

Somehow I got lured into coming to CEDU to teach by friends.  When I got there I quickly realized something weird was going on and made it very clear that I would not participate in raps since I had no formal training as a psychologist or therapist.  Turns out no one did, eh?  They hired me right out of college and tried to feed me their B.S.  I only taught there for 9 months or so, and I still haven't forgiven my friends for helping to lure me there.  We now refer to it as the "School from Hell."

I recognize at least one person here as a former student.  I'm not sure how she feels about me, and it's probably best if I just stay anonymous.

I just wanted you all to know that not everyone that was employed there bought the therapy stuff and believed in the school.  Looking back I really realize how terrible that place was and I'm sorry for all the shit you all got put through.[ This Message was edited by: FormerTeacher on 2005-12-14 20:24 ]

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