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Messages - Robert Moore

Pages: [1]
Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Open your eyes
« on: December 01, 2005, 09:22:00 PM »
On 2005-11-30 18:06:00, Anonymous wrote:

"hey robert, FUCK YOU"

if ur going to talk shit why dont you email me with your name instead of being a pussy who would get his ass beat. what, are u scared? my email is [email protected] you dont have to email me, just be happy living your life knowing you are a coward

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / insiders view on abuse.....
« on: November 24, 2005, 07:34:00 PM »
that whole thing about having to stand there whithout being able to sit is bologna. i dont know who made that lie, but i remember all the times we had to go graze the horses, it was because they needed to be grazed and i can remember all the times i went to graze, i laid down and relaxed in the grass. you could take a nap too if you trusted the horse wouldnt step on you.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / insiders view on abuse.....
« on: November 24, 2005, 07:07:00 PM »
that whole thing about having to stand there whithout being able to sit is bologna. i dont know who made that lie, but i remember all the times we had to go graze the horses, it was because they needed to be grazed and i can remember all the times i went to graze, i laid down and relaxed in the grass. you could take a nap too if you trusted the horse wouldnt step on you.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / SMALL CLAIMS DECISION
« on: November 24, 2005, 06:59:00 PM »
Laeysa Sudweeks is over the age of 18.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Open your eyes
« on: November 24, 2005, 06:56:00 PM »
I AM TIRED OF EVERYONE PROVING JUST HOW BIG OF A CRUSTED SHUT PUSSY THEY REALLY ARE BY NOT POSTING THERE REAL NAMES LIKE ME. IF are going to attack someone, do it like a man to their face, not from the shadows.

If we do not hang together, surely, we shall hang seperately. - Benjamin Franklin

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Open your eyes
« on: November 24, 2005, 06:55:00 PM »
yes i was sent because i counterfeited money and a bunch of dumb stuff. there was nothing wrong with my misadventures prior to lake powell. and no one ever beat me or even placed a hand on me when i first arrived at lake powell. The only real punishment i received was having to carry potatoes off the boat, onto the house boat, and collect firewood. Something EVERYONE was volunteering to do anyway, so it wasnt really that bad of a punishment. I still got food and everything and a place to sleep so chill out already.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Open your eyes
« on: November 24, 2005, 06:51:00 PM »
no i am a junior in highschool right now and by scared i meant he was scared to deal with real life and so he was stuck in a comfort zone of self medication and self deceit. why cant you just talk like a grown up instead of shoving in some sort of side comment. why dont you email me with your real name instead of using a disguise?

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Open your eyes
« on: November 24, 2005, 06:49:00 PM »
THERE IS THIS amazing feature that allows me to review what has previously taken place. hey what is your real name? if your not ashamed deep down to be saying it, then why use a disguise. if i knew who u were it would be so much easier to talk to you.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Open your eyes
« on: November 22, 2005, 02:18:00 AM »
Alright this is like the first time I have ever been to fornits, and NO i was not "secretly instructed" by Cheryl or Bernie, that is just ridiculous. I was just surfing the web with nothing do and for some reason, I had the urge to see if anyone was still wasting there time by talking smack on the imfamous fornits website. And I just about had a heart attack from laughing so hard. I went to the Whitmore for year. I came on the 15th of October in 2004 and left on the 15 of October in 2005 and the Whitmore has helped me overcome depression, obesity and overall just find a focus in life. I am living in Caldwell, Idaho now, enjoy life, just waiting for any one of you "tough" guys on the internet to state your real name.

1. I am in no way shape or form brainwashed in the least bit, I still have the same opinions as I did when I first came to the Whitmore. I have simply conditioned myself to stay away from self-destructive behaviors which most certainly would have led to a suicide or an overdose.

2. I hope that this is the only post I make and that I do not become addicted like the many scared pathetic pussys who hide behind screen names or "annonymous".

3. For all you who are going to rebute this post with you comments like, REALLY NICE, YOU FOLLOWED CHERYLS ORDERS! Grow up. Get a life. Im going to try to spare using the word ridiculous a 1000 times, but that is just exactly what you are... Pathetic too. Cheryl doesnt know I'm doing this, no one does because it was a random act of integrity.

First I'd Like to say, my name is Robert Moore. I live in a house on the corner of Horshoe Drive. In Caldwell Idaho... I dont know my zip code yet. my address is 15189. That is just for all you scared little fags who come on under "annonymous" just to take a cheap shot at Mark and Cheryl. I bet you feel like a revolutionist fighting back at the oppressors of france or something. Well if what your doing is so "right" and "true" then whats the big deal with putting your name? I think it is because you just want to take some cheap shots at Cheryl for letting you see yourself for who you really are. I really think that if you are going to "inform the world" of what supposedly went on at the Whitmore, then you should back it up with at least a name. Well anyways I would give my cell, but I really dont know who you are anyways. Just thought I'd get that out there for all those pussys(if u have a problem with me calling you a pussy, tell me and we will settle it like gentlemen, not scared children)

Ok, well lets see. All the allegations are bologna. And maybe you should know a little about me first. I came one day before your sacred little Joey came, and that topic is so overly exagerated, that Im going to end it right now with this, Joey, wherever you are man, I hope you find something that gives you a passion for life because I know the things that haunt you, and Im sorry.

Ok, when I first came to the Whitmore as most of you remember, I had long black hair and I was fat and I dressed like a goth and I never really showed it, but I was a very dark and depressed kid. I lived in fantasy worlds that I created for myself when I was high and I no longer had a control over my life.

Well Im in control now, no dont take this wrong, Cheryl isnt whispering to me through a walkie talkie what she wants me to write, as I am sure you were so desperatly hoping for. I wold like you to just stop and take in my testimony without finding some sort of totally ridiculous excuse for why I am so "pro-Cheryl"

For the longest time I hated Cheryl and her whole family. I dreamed of the day I would be "set free" and I could reunite with my pals and get high again. I didnt see the point of waking up early or exercising or self help or anything of that stuff and to tell you the truth I still cant stand self help books. I didnt believe in god and I still dont, but im searching for my own answers. I used to think with my head and never my heart. One thing I do find strange, is how much the "numbers" thing really works. It is too exact to work for anyone and only people who go to the Whitmore know what Im talking about. 40/4's REPRESENT!!!
I dont think that I would have even tried to see Cheryl in a different way, had I not expressed my built up resentment towards her by exploding and storming out. Some hours later, I came back to Cheryl and I finally, after almost a year, opened up to her and that is when I saw that Cheryl is not some crazy machine, she is human, trust me, and she hurts just like the rest of us.
It was only shortly after I left that I got the real picture of what Cheryl does and how it helps us in the real world. Few are able to see how much it directly effects their lives, and I will tell you if you would like to talk. Email me [email protected]

Cheryl has nothing but pure love for all of the kids who come to the Whitmore. I was in trouble probably about 70 to 80 % of the time I was there, and because she didnt give up on me, I some how succeeded and I am confident, happy, wise, and I feel so much more of life than ever before. I live by my heart and allow so much more love than ever before. I needed to be yelled at, over and over again. Someone told me that the harder you hit the trampoline the higher you fly. Although you might not enjoy the hit, we can all agree that the fly is really worth it. At the Whitmore I found a way to enjoy life without self medication. I can dress like a pirate and attack some helpless vitim of my hedge collection in the back yard and have a blast. Its all about imagination

LOL ok this has really wandered off cause im getting a bit tired but I just want to say, that all of you stupid pathetic wimps who are annonymously fighting below the belt, be a man, or a woman. And let me guess your all going to go, YAH A PERSON WHO DRESSES LIKE A PIRATE KNOWS WHAT HES TALKING ABOUT. Yah, its called having fun without worrying about the neighborhood gossip turning on me. and WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY... BLAH BLAH BLAH. And if you cant find something to cretique in here, then I am sure you will come up with the tradtional, well, just another one of Cheryl's kids. Hey if you want to call me "Cheryls little brainwashed weirdo" then Ill make up some kind of ridiculous nick name for you. But i wont because I have this thing called a "life" which you are all without. You guys are like this. Life : Fornit Losers  as Vampires : Sunlight.

I love Jordan, I love life, I love everything and I try to keep my head up and avoid self destructive habits such as spending to much time on the internet UGH LIKE THIS RIGHT HERE. Im signing out before I write to much more, if any of you have even gotten this far.

Robert William Newton Moore
email me u dang little girls :rofl:

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