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Messages - Pelta

Pages: [1]
The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Hearing Scheduled
« on: January 27, 2007, 04:13:50 PM »

Holding my breath.

Yo, say HLA would we make a claim?

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Please forgive me
« on: September 22, 2006, 05:07:09 AM »
This year has certainly had a lot of ups and downs. Please forgive me for anything I may have done or said to insult you.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / HLA FAQ
« on: April 23, 2006, 11:31:00 AM »
Hm...maybe Fornits' should have it's own HLA FAQ. You know, like a bulletin at the top of the page.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Got to admit...
« on: March 11, 2006, 05:43:00 PM »
PS That means, "When Adar (this month) comes, we should be extremely joyful!"

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Got to admit...
« on: March 11, 2006, 05:42:00 PM »
It's important for a man to admit when he's wrong and not to leave the impression that there's a divergent opinion.

To all my fellow yidden here, by the way:
Misheh Nichnas Adar Marbeem B?Simcha!!!

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Got to admit...
« on: March 11, 2006, 05:27:00 PM »
Wow, legal action, huh? Got to admit I was wrong. You guys really are doing something.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / HLA COMPLAINTS
« on: January 04, 2006, 04:35:00 PM »
It was "let the anonymous gnats buzz happily in their sunny meadows" (at least in the English translation). JFW | T@lk 14:44, 28 December 2005 (UTC)


The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / HLA COMPLAINTS
« on: January 04, 2006, 04:26:00 PM »
why isn't HLA on the watch list.

By the way, if you guys want to inform people about HLA, I added a Wiki article awhile back.

But if it's not neutral, the Wiki people will lock it up. You could have a "Controversies" section though and put "Students at the school are often noted for complaining. While staff say it's because of this, the students think that that..." sort of thing.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Idea
« on: January 02, 2006, 10:19:00 PM »
"Let the anonymous gnats buzz happily in their
sunny meadows. I certainly do not wish to disturb them."
-R' Samson Raphael Hirsch.

"To 'know thyself' must mean
to know the malignancy of one's
own instincts and to know, as
well, one's power to deflect it."
-Karl Menninger

I'm neither your ally nor your opponent, Bruce; I think you realize that. I have another battle I'm beset with. But it seems to me such a waste that to utilize your intelligence on a battle such as this one. You've also demonstrated an almost religious stubborness with this issue, so I'm sure I can't dissuade you from it. But there are much more efficient ways to fight than from here and focusing your efforts on getting big psychological/law/medical names to support you openly would probably be more efficient. I realize that you have outside sources to back you up, but a board of anonymous cursing teens and a medical expert shouldn't really convince anybody.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Idea
« on: January 02, 2006, 03:52:00 PM »
I'm leaving for Israel soon G-dwilling, so I thought I'd check up on the board again, despite myself and my old post saying I wouldn't.

I'll share my experience with HLA: done. I didn't enjoy it. I don't know how much HLA helped versus rebellious staff members who may have been more helpful. I can't tell you how much HLA twisted my brain vs. cleared it. I think it was a confusing mix of all of these things.

I can tell you one thing I learned at HLA though: there are definately things in the System worth searching out and fighting for.

If you think fighting HLA is your battle and that that's the most noble crusade you can go on, I really don't care. But don't take it to a tiny message board. Take it to lawyers. Take it to medical specialists. Compose a case. Maybe start an organization for the publicizing. Make a documentary. OR SOMETHING! If you want to do this thing, do it all the way.

Otherwise--and this is probably the better way to go--find a battle with more worth to pursue with your life.

With all due respect, what are you accomplishing? You're getting people who are angry at each other more angry...

insulting me and questioning my character so as to dispove reasons that I can...what, suggest you find better ways to spend your time than arguing back and forth about how helpful or evil HLA was? G-d forbid! I for one am not going to come here any more (so if you reply to this with another insult, despite how manly it'll make you look, I'm not reading it) but just wanted to give y'all a heads-up...


Oh, yeah, and for future reference...cursing at people gets your point across really well and changes your acquaintences' minds. It also makes you look like a bigger person.

1. If you hate HLA and think it's worthless, ridiculous, etc., the parents and staff and anybody who really matters in changing HLA (i.e. improving it or not sending kids there) could really care less what you post on this board.

2. If you think HLA is some miracle that saved you and could've saved all of these people you may deem less mature, nobody cares about you posting here either. You're getting the above mentioned people pissed and that's all you're accomplishing.

Reminisce if you want, but arguing about how helpful HLA could have been isn't going to change anyone's opinions.

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