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Messages - Saber Tooth

Pages: [1]

When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving me advice, you have not done what I asked.

When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me that I shouldn't feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problem, you have failed me, strange as that may seem.

Listen! All that I asked was that you listen--not talk or do--just hear me.

Advice is cheep. Thirty-five cents will get you both Dear Abby and Billy Graham in the same newspaper.

All I can do is do for myself. I am not helpless--maybe discouraged, but not helpless.

When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself, you contribute to my fear and inadequacy.

So, please listen and just hear me. If you want to talk, wait a minute for your turn--and I'll listen to you.

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.
--Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect

Come in here and post if you want to talk and not fight. :smile:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.' target='_new'> John F. Kennedy


Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.  :wink:

from Strengthening Your Grip
by Charles Swindoll

When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.' target='_new'>William Blake

The Old Frog

Two small boys on opposite banks, starring at one another.
If not for the pond between the two, they could be mistaken for brothers.
Two little boys, with fresh young faces but old hatreds fill their eyes.
Glaring across at one another, with anger and despise.
"Why do you both feel this way?" croaks the old frog from his lily pad.
"What have you done to one another?" uncertain why they're mad.
"My father said, this is our way, that his side did us wrong."
"Well my uncle has said, your sides to blame." shouts a reply from across the pond.
The old frog then looks at both of the boys and questions with dismay.
"How can these brothers someday soar together, if they're chained down by yesterday?"

by W.A.S.
Used with Permission

A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special

--Nelson Mandela

On 2005-11-08 07:30:00, Saber Tooth wrote:


On 2005-11-08 06:20:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-08 04:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"why are you holding on to this one bad experience? can you not see that the people you hate the most are still controlling you? by you walking around with bitterness and hate still in your heart, you have givin your power up to them. take back your power! i was in the homes, i do know what we all went through. i choose not to whine and woller in self pity. can you see how mind controlled you still are? it is amazing to me how those people still control you message to you is get over it and move on in life. try to forgive your parents for sending you to the funny farm. you must hate your parents worse because they gave you to the wackos.why hate on the wackos, your parents knew more than you did, and they left you there. place the blame where it needs to be placed.  

i do have my reasons for not letting go there are things that are troubling me. its not all about me, i remember now so much, of things that were done to others. this isnt something i have held on to for years. im just now remembering alot. laws were broken. and i dont mean by them putting us in lock up. or the licks. okay sure it was bad and it hurt. there is so much more and i will not decribe to you what i did witness. not right now anyway. i do have a life. i have been married for 14 years and i have 3 children. i do not carry this around with me all day. as far as my mother i do not hate her, honestly she never wanted me and i have accepted that years ago. how am i supose to let go of the things i witnesed. do i just pretend it didnt happen?"


I will not play at tug o' war.

I'd rather play at hug o' war,

Where everyone hugs

Instead of tugs,

Where everyone giggles

And rolls on the rug,

Where everyone kisses,

And everyone grins,

And everyone cuddles,

And everyone wins.

By: Shel Silverstein

No school at all is better than a bad school.  Nothing else in the child's environment is capable of such systematic destruction.
--George Dennison


Take it from your Hands and put it in Gods Hands
He is your Witness he saw it to. So you are not alone- and he won't pretend it never happen. Let God be God He has a place for these things other than your heart- Then You can be You.

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? ... If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?
-- Patrick Henry

On 2005-11-08 06:20:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-08 04:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"why are you holding on to this one bad experience? can you not see that the people you hate the most are still controlling you? by you walking around with bitterness and hate still in your heart, you have givin your power up to them. take back your power! i was in the homes, i do know what we all went through. i choose not to whine and woller in self pity. can you see how mind controlled you still are? it is amazing to me how those people still control you message to you is get over it and move on in life. try to forgive your parents for sending you to the funny farm. you must hate your parents worse because they gave you to the wackos.why hate on the wackos, your parents knew more than you did, and they left you there. place the blame where it needs to be placed.  

i do have my reasons for not letting go there are things that are troubling me. its not all about me, i remember now so much, of things that were done to others. this isnt something i have held on to for years. im just now remembering alot. laws were broken. and i dont mean by them putting us in lock up. or the licks. okay sure it was bad and it hurt. there is so much more and i will not decribe to you what i did witness. not right now anyway. i do have a life. i have been married for 14 years and i have 3 children. i do not carry this around with me all day. as far as my mother i do not hate her, honestly she never wanted me and i have accepted that years ago. how am i supose to let go of the things i witnesed. do i just pretend it didnt happen?"


I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.

By: Shel Silverstein

No school at all is better than a bad school.  Nothing else in the child's environment is capable of such systematic destruction.
--George Dennison

On 2005-11-02 07:22:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-02 07:15:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-02 06:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"the problem with that is they don't go away. if we ignore them they will. if we our clear about which post we are writing back to it might help clear up confusion. if we do not jump to conclusions and ask for a better explanation. just an opinion. ::rainbow:: we can start using peace symbols"

 You did it! Yes!

Wonderful Ideal! If people would go to where it says quote-At the end of the reply- It will box what ever they say and your comment is outside the box- Then they know you are posting right directly to them. And if they are nasty then no one need answer them, :wink: "

Bravo! my sista & we can educate new ones"

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid
of the dark. The real tragedy of life is
when men are afraid of the light.

Will the real Bridget Jones Stand up please? :wstupid:

If you want a voluntary urine sample from me it'll have to be a taste test.
--Bumper Sticker

The Fact or Fiction Posts cracked me up!
Fact or Fiction?
Lester Roloff-"Boxers or Briefs" ::jawdrop::

The question before the human race is, whether the God of nature shall govern the world by his own laws, or whether priests and kings shall rule it by fictitious miracles.
--John Adams, U.S. President

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