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Messages - elaina27

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Bipolar Meds
« on: December 16, 2005, 08:35:00 PM »
i have been on Lithium for about 1 1/2 years and i can honestly say that it has changed my life tremendously. I am also on effexor xr and they both take care of the manic and deperssion.  oh and i tried getting on Topamax, but felt like i was loosing it. got off of that shit real quick.

so how long where you there for? was it really as crazy and out of control as i have been reading about? its just unbelievable some of the shit i have been reading. what the hell happened?

:smile: Im just curious as to when you taught at the high school. i was there from 93-95. all the teahers that i had werent that awful. it was the family leaders and the higher ups who were kind of abusive. i mean i see all this stuff about physical abuse and students having sex with faculty. that never happened when i was there. it was pretty strict and the school was under the control of the staff, not the kids. i mean yeah there was sex contracts and kids splitting but we rarely heard of alcohol or drugs on campus. i remember an instance where a kid asked a parent of another kid to bring him a pack of ciggerettes, and the parents told him flat out that they believed in the program and that they wouldnt do that. i mean at that time it seemed like the school was a lot different from recently. So what did you teach? Whos family where you in? or i think they started calling them teams. My family leader was Pam Abell. She was harsh. God she loved to scream.  :evil:

when did you guys go to cedu? i was there from 93-95.  i live in Pennsylvania. right by lake erie.[ This Message was edited by: elaina27 on 2005-12-14 13:39 ]

Thanks for the info on Never heard of it. Are you a local here? Do you preview this site alot? Tell me where your from. Did you go to Cedu?

So how do i find some people i used to know? Is this the right site or should i go somewhere else? I really dont know a wholoe lot about this site.  :???:

so who are you anyway? are you above the age of 18? did you go to cedu? tell me something.

ooops sorry, didnt mean to upset the almighty.  :smile:  :razz:

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Jodie Hogg
« on: October 14, 2005, 03:32:00 PM »
yeah i remember that stoey. didnt know it was a cedu survivor though. :smile:

when did you go? are you a cedu hs or middle school dropout?

who are you? did i know you?

Hey thanks, i knew he/she was being sarcastic, i just wanted to know if they actually went through the shit we went through. you know i was called everything from a whore to a cocksucker while i was there for having sex on campus so i really dont care, but i just simply wantd to hear fomr some people who i knew.  :smile:

Hey Vicki, I remember you as well. Werent you in Amanda Turchan, Amanda Cohens peer group? There was also a black girl i think her name was Casey. Did you graduate with Beau, the kid that commited suicide? is that right? Is there a lot of suicides of students that went to Cedu? i dont talk to anyone so i only catch a little when i read up on these sites. Who commited suicide? That is very disturbing if so. I know for myself yes it was a harsh situation at Cedu, but i sure as hell dont think i was abused in any way. I mean as a child i went through some brutal abuse and nothing could come close to that. But thats beside the point. I just cant believe the stuff i hear about those schools. I really would like to hear from some people that i went through that school with. I mean if anything can be said about the time when i was there is that i sure as hell wouldnt have graduated from high school if i hadent gone to Cedu. I was on the verge of being expelled and kicked out my freshman year, and i graduated from Cedu 6 months early. So i am greatful for that. But i cant say many positive things besides that.

who are you and did you even go to that school? how can you say i was a whore when i actually lost my virginity at that damn place! did you even go to cedu and did you ever experience waht we did?

Hey this Elaina here, i went to Cedu from 93-95 and graduated in 95. When i was there much of the stuff i am reading about wasnt going on. At least i dont remember kids doing drugs, and drinking on campus. It was really strict back then, except the sex aggreement thing, I broke that one a couple times, but i honestly dont remember it being so terreible. I mean i could be wrong, but kids back then would tell on you for anything. They said it was a "safe" school back then. I mean when i entered Cedu back in the summer of 93, we had to wear dark plain jeans and plain colored t shirts and couldnt talk to other kids that had just entered the program. It was pretty strict back then. I cant believe what i read about what went on. was there really abuse in the high school? The only thing i could remember that was scandelous back then was maybe breaking the sex agreement or runnign away. Things changed i guess. If anyone went to Cedu High Scool back then email me. Im curios to hear from you.    elaina gardner(grantham)

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