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Messages - Chaos

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Elan School / same jokes only no one ever laughed
« on: August 26, 2005, 08:10:00 AM »
you are a racist, you and everyone knows it.  I thought you were smart, smart people dont need others to point out the obvious.

Elan School / A proposed deal here
« on: August 26, 2005, 08:07:00 AM »
On 2005-08-25 09:40:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You retard.You ARE gregticia and de lunatic and greg du rag cruz and fake art and fake syn and jgaylz.

I was a staunch supporter of the funny shit, but I am now reconsidering seeing what a pussy you have just acted like.


I liked you when you were honest."

ive never been a staunch supporter of any of that shit. this wasnt me.

Elan School / A proposed deal here
« on: August 26, 2005, 08:05:00 AM »
wow dont post for one night and look at this crazyness.  sure good compromise does it only apply to me or to art j ect.. its not just me im pissed about.  stick to just the staff and we are good.  the anon wasnt me by the way, just some prick who needs attention.

Elan School / same jokes only no one ever laughed
« on: August 25, 2005, 09:12:00 AM »
it seems your only way is to make fun of people as anon. so it just fuels my arguement on how pathetically self centered you are.  Why do you feel the need to invade and try to be the focus here?  did your mother not hug you enough?

Elan School / same jokes only no one ever laughed
« on: August 25, 2005, 09:10:00 AM »
"If you dislike them that much then ignore hten, or don.t bother coming to this site. Fuckin dumbass!"

this isnt their site nor your's nor mine its a forum for all.  And we dont need to hear the bullshit when we just want to talk to old friends and make new ones.  But people like your anon self who cant help but be a prick interupt conversations with marty fuks buffallo retarded jokes, and cant let normal people relate to each other.  You fuks have to be the central focus of it all.  You cant stand when people are being civil and talking on this board, so you ass's need to make fun of normal posters try and out them make them so uncomfortable the dont want to post here any more.  Fuk you i wont leave, fuk you i wont let your pre school bully tactics work on me.  This board isnt just for you cock suckers its for everyone.  If you dinks werent so self centerd and needing to be the focus, didnt rank on normal posters for posting normally. and if youdidnt treat everyone who didnt agree with you like shit we wouldnt have a problem would we.  But you do SO WE DO.  If you dont like it you post elsewhere dumbass!
treat people decently and we wont need to battle anymore.

Elan School / same jokes only no one ever laughed
« on: August 25, 2005, 08:46:00 AM »
Pathetic boys and their jokes.  No one but your fake personalities are laughing at your racism and ignorant comments.  Your all pathetic so a fond fuk you to any clone or person who laughs at the redundent assholes.  after these pricks say the same jokes over and over and over again your still feeding into them, your just as big a racist looser as they are, makeing you scum.

Elan School / Artmanbot + Synbot = Synart Gaybots
« on: August 25, 2005, 08:35:00 AM »
wow you guys truly need help.  You can dish it but your to much a group of small children to take it.  Elan reporter and ASS Istant, We all can tell how gay you two are, you point it out in every post you make. penis this, sodomize that, gay homo fags. we understand your both cocksuckers and its fine.  This is the new milenia, and if you to are gay thats great.  We dont need any more hints, you have given us enough.  Obviously the straight world confuses you, scares even terrifies.  But your gayness is out and you need to come to terms with it reporter.

Elan School / Marty Kruglik -- A Troubled Life Full of Hiyuhs
« on: August 25, 2005, 08:30:00 AM »
Still not funny but allways very sad, you need a hobby, maybe even some pussy.  Wait your gay thats right, go to a club. Just get out of your parents basement everynow and again. Skeez.

Elan School / Those Who Anger You Control You
« on: August 25, 2005, 08:28:00 AM »
still being my bitch mr pink, like a puppet you are so easily controlled.  now go get my smokes bitch before i trade you off.

Elan School / ME AND MY MERKIN
« on: August 23, 2005, 03:16:00 PM »
Its Chaos not cahos. slow down Mr Dink i think your eyes are gonna pop out stareing so long at your comp.  I never said i was comming to jersey.  why the fuk would i or anyone go to jersey, your proof of the assholeism out there. [ This Message was edited by: Chaos on 2005-08-23 12:17 ]

Elan School / ME AND MY MERKIN
« on: August 23, 2005, 03:09:00 PM »
wow what time you and your split personality spent ranking on Leticia.  Those who anger pink do controll him, waste more of your day ya ignorant prick. 23 pages of pink and his anon self trying to prove his racism isn't wrong. Guess your other personalities even got tired of you. looser, keep going though its better then people in your town seeing and dealing with you i guess, jersey cant get worse but with you in your moms basement wasteing soooooo much time here its a little better.  keep going fool, maybe you'll have a stroke staring at the screen so much. we can only hope i guess.

Elan School / pink more sick then you think
« on: August 22, 2005, 06:48:00 PM »
On 2005-08-22 10:14:00, Mister Pink wrote:

"uhmmm... because I got arrested for several different things as a juvenile;

A)underage drinking

B)possesion of a weapon on school grounds (a boxcutter I used for work)

C)terroristic threats (told a kid i was going to beat him up, he called the cops)


Damn right I'm a sicko!  :cool:


yet you forgot about your mom. cant hide your shame forever pinko nasty boy.

Elan School / Choas
« on: August 22, 2005, 06:27:00 PM »
i will after this post.  Pink after your a pink pulp mess stop on down to my end bet a coward like you wont though.  should call you yellow. Skeez

Elan School / congrats to the illness
« on: August 21, 2005, 11:17:00 PM »
whats nazi's/ reporter/ assistants last name art?

Elan School / Marty and Kickapoo Kruglik Wedding Photo
« on: August 21, 2005, 11:15:00 PM »
On 2005-08-20 07:05:00, Dysfunction Junction wrote:

"No...  I don't support racism and bigotry.  That's just plain wrong.

I'm not here to support anyone or anyone's beliefs.  I just find it incredibly amusing that they have turned a rotten experience into an amusing anecdote.

I think it's funny that so-called "counselors" who used vulgar name-calling, physical and emotional abuse, sleep deprivation, aggressive confrontation and other "therapy tools" to virtually assault children are getting a good solid dose of their own methods (even though they probably have never read any of this-it's the spirit of the thing that counts).

I do think these gentlemen get a bit rough when people get in the way of their expression, but in the end it's just words on paper (or a monitor), nothing more and nothing less.

Let me reiterate though: I don't support the use of racial or religious slurs and epithets to demean others.  

Insulting someone's character, integrity or intelligence is an entirely different matter however - and one I support wholeheartedly.

I would also never tell anyone they don't have the right to say whatever they want.  We all have the freedom of choice not to read it if we so desire.  I would suggest to you that you simply exercise that freedom...

you dont support racism? bullshit.  Your whole statement is ignorant.  You laugh and feed into all their racial posts, your lying to your self idiot.  they may attack character and integrety but by using nigger jew and indian jokes i.e bigotry, and your laughing at it. hence your a bigot.  If they didnt use racial comments and closet case gayness in every post you and your point would be valid.  since they are closet homo's who use racial slurs your point is moot and you are a racist.

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