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Messages - njoynit

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Lighthouse of northwest florida (fka VCA )/ Rebekah / Roloff ) / Rebekah
« on: August 12, 2005, 02:21:00 PM »
I remember hearing about a girl who had came there and was pregnant and got pregnant while at rebekah.From what I remember hearing,she got pregnant durring school somehow.she also tried to have the baby in the bathroom alone.I thought it was the reason we had no doors on the bathrooms.I know they did a pregnacy test on us when us too.I don't re call any girls prenant while I was at Rebekah.I was there 1 yr 15 days.
When I was at Bethesda,they didn't have pregnant girls there either.We did have one girl come in& she stayed 3 days,then went to jubiliee home in TX.

I had a bad sore throat once.begged to go a Dr.They stuck a yucky long Q tip with iodine and swabbed my throat.I'd swear it had to have glass it hurt so much.
One other time I don't know WHAT I went for.....but they had me drink castor oil& it was very yucky.
And one this new girl in our room& she had gonarea& she was on meds for it before comeing,but they said God would heal her& she didn't need meds.I didn't want what she accumliated enough demrits to go to the hole.When got out they seperated me and Kim so I got a new room.
I also remember was a girl with epilcy.I rember her haveing a sezuire durring lunch& shortly later she went home.

I must have got lucky somehow.cause I have asthma& I don't EVER recall useing my inhaler while there.I do rember one time when going to the store out there& getting some Whorehounds drops?its a candy,but helps with cough.Mrs yodder took us& was the only time I was allowed to bring anything back.
oh yeah...the flu bug....they passed out onions to set in a dish in all the rooms.

I was Hope Lynn Wilson from Tn.But was haveing one of them "rebellous moments" so I went by Lynn.(to spite my mom) I arrived in August.I remember my 1st room captian was Fudge.& she left a few months before my "new time" was up.(I later recieved a graduation invite from her a few years later)I also played vollyball(when not farm tanning).I was hopeing somebody had heard from Laura Roberts or how to contact her.We were friends there&she was also FROM CC. When I later went to Bethesda home in Miss(stright from Rebekah)she eventually ended up there also.Its been since I lived at home since have talked with her.Alot of my friends there I don't rember their name...or just their 1st name.I read Tammy wolfs name& it sounds familar. I roomed with a girl named kim.we called her spider cause she had a tatto& Julie(the hairspray queen).And a friend rebecca (Teharina?I'd never be able to spell it right.I never did before either,she was from san antonio Tx)I heard from her before she got married.she moved to El Salvador.she called before leaveing cause said would not be returning to the states. I have to say I had a great education from Rebekah& it helped me later to at least get -by my last year of school.
I have to say the Bethsda home is LOTS more stricter....but better sceanery.I was "punished" lots here for refuseing to write my mother...or talk to her on the phone.(i'd 'accept' the call.say hi& then bye then hang up.)my last 2 months I did "act' like everyone else in my room& did get to go on tour with choir Wrote nice letters to my mom that the girls in the room would write& I'd copy& laura would couch me on phone beside me.I HATEd softball cause the skeeters were so bad...(yeah....middle of one to BITE!...they make up for it!)

I don't go to church much now,but still believe in God.I like lots better haveing a CHOICE,than haveing the CHOICE made for me.And folks look at me strange when I eat grapefruit....I still peel& don't eat just one& I have a good idea why I love only PINK grapefruit.

AND WHO knows how to make those no bake chocolate things that was likely carab.I still have not found a recipe that tastes like um.

I got a spider plant that I grew there....and still have the same plant going.(from a baby off it of course)

Hope Wilson(Frasier)

My friends call me Joy

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