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Messages - ButterflyEP

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with lower level not being able to talk to each other without and level 3 or up listening is so that those students WILL NOT make plans to run away and i hated it when girls thought that they could get away from there because we went on lock down... which is to prevent other kids from running while we wait for the other ones to get away... asking to sit and stand is due to the fact that we have to realize that things are not got to be just handed to us we actually have to earn it and i did earn it because that rule is only in place for the level ones and two again for the running away... and in my opinion you continue to make assumption and not knowing the truth with out having an openmind about things... i also invited a few friends from CSA to come to this site and chat with you that way you have more then just one opinion .... they are very eager to be apart of our chats because they too do not understand where you have gotten this idea of abuse in the school and most of the time the staff members are very honest if you call ask for mrs. teresa or Mrs. Lynn they are the ones that will be most honest and i dont think its fair for you to put such hatred toward people that you have absolutely no proof to have done anything...

I understand that you have researched many things but during my 15 months i never saw a staff member physically abuse a student in any way... i just get frustrated thinking that if you continue to say all this with out making a suprise visit to this place and then try to understand why the rules that were placed there are there... you could possibly put innocent people... people that love me and i love out of a job and end with a bad reputation... i ask you to realize that a lot of students come out of there bitter because they refused and were not given any special priveledges that were earned with the levels they did not want... i have seen a few students come in and not want to leave because it was like a safe haven to them because their parents were abusive to them... im asking you to go to CSA and when you talk to the female staff you tell them your opinions trust me they will be open to it and they will help you in any way shape or form... most of the students are honest, you will get those few that will either tell you its the best place ever of its the worst place dont just judge by what you hear go see for yourself... (csa taught me to be understanding and to not let other people get under my skin and to not take things personally even if thats how it was meant :smile: so look at that too) thanks for being honest with me... im still open for an email too!!!

with the whole TB holding kids down until they scream in agony... I think im going to diagree with you i met a few girls that transferred from TB to CSA and said that they wanted to go back to TB so they wrote their mom and they were transferred back and when they came in there were no markings on them to indicate any abuse and they never said anything about it. we, at CSA, are very observant when new girls come in so we would have asked but they were fine and if it was so bad why would they want to go back so bad...

not all exit plans are as bad as people say i have seen girls leave at the age of 18 and their parents have paid for their first 6 months apartment and car  bills and even helped them get a job...

i was in CSA and if you want to read my opinions go to the thread entitled paging chi3.. or email me at [email protected]

I am not a graduate of any program... it took me 15 months to muake it to the 3rd level... but when i read your replies i find myself wondering what has happened to you that was so horrible that CSA is like a death sentence to you... no i was not knocking on deaths door but my fear is of turning out like my father... the drunk that often times fogets when hes supposed to come visit me... and with drinking at that age that is where i was heading... no CSA did NOT save my life it was my mother for taking the chance of having me hate her forever and interveining into my life realizing that i could not stop on my own... my mom was one of that 99.9% of those people that matured and moved on... but it took her 10 years and i am much happier waking up not worried whether or not i was going to live to see the next day... i have found more know i have come to the point where i will LITERALLY never step foot into the state of south carolina again... i think that i just needed someone to interupt me and my "patterns" for me to look at what i was doing and what i was putting on the line... i have wanted to be in the Air force for as long as i can remember but with my fear of south carolina that doesnt seem possible now... so i am angry because i am giving up my dream but i do not regret it because... (you said i did not deserve to be treated like that) they treated me with respect and love i was only upset when i didnt get my way... yeah there was that one bad apple that no one liked but she was taken care of...the students there help me see that i am so much better then someones doormat... I was taught that i am just as beautiful as a butterfly... so my point is we have our different opinions and you know why i have mine but why do you have can email me if you want... [email protected]... i am not defending the school but it worked for me... i know its not for everyone...

I understand that this was your experience OF csa... but i ask you to realize that at the age of fourteen i already had lost my virginity and at that point i was not protected so i could have gotten pregnant now tell me how ALIVE i would have been if i gave birth at age 15 or even an abortion... granted i was lucky enough that my mom took me away before i was able to get pregnant or contract an STD... i had also started drinking which could have killed me too... so yes CSA saved my life... no I DO NOT like csa.. it was the people that changed my life no i do not agree with telling teens they have made a mistake by giving them corrections... but i cannot tell you that the way you think is wrong because i do not know your story but you dont know what it is like to live in a dorm for 15 months and only see the ones you love 1 time and you havent gone through the experiences i have so i dont see how you can say that it does not work if you yourself have not experienced it...

well i am home from carolina springs academy and its been a month i am doing really well i am not too sure what meant when you said i'll bet she changed but graduation never gave anyone a gaurentee to do well i have seen 4 people come back to the program after program completion and getting pulled never said you will always do bad... i have changed the way i think about things and decided i wanted a change on the inside and i wanted it for me so it happened i graduted all seminars but pc 2 and 3 and keys... thats a good accomplishment... so i'm asking you to not judge on what you hear from other people until to the person first cause i was not ready to some home a day earlier then i did... and i am finally happy with my family... if you or anyone has questions contact me at [email protected]

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