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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / The evil in this world
« on: May 08, 2005, 03:22:00 PM »
send it to this name. This is me.

chris c........

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore's Shining Star
« on: April 11, 2005, 06:03:00 PM »
howbizarre knows this for a fact because howbizarre is Chris C.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / TO ALL PARENTS
« on: March 23, 2005, 07:55:00 PM »
On 2005-03-22 20:05:00, mom2three wrote:

"Are you being paid?"

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / There's NO ONE around???
« on: March 22, 2005, 04:53:00 PM »
My parents wouldn't have gone that route. Infact, when I turned 18 I stayed two weeks so I would finish the entire year. My parents and I were on very bad terms for a long time. I didn't get om agreeable terms until my 11th month basicaly. Me coming home early was simply not an option. They actually offered my a check for 500 dollars and a ticket to my sisters apartment if things with them didn't get better. You have to realize that I was sent there for being a domestice menace. If I called them and said everything's all good I can come home now, I'd probably hear a click and a dial tone. I kind of take offense to that comment. I feel bad about pretty much draining my parent's retirement fund. If things were that simple I wouldn't have done to Utah in the first place.

When I got to Utah, I was basicaly a halfway through my senior year according to Utah's credit system. I only needed a couple of credits to graduate. I had all my math, science and history from my junior, sophmore and freshmens years in regualr school.

CHeryl led group.

Yeah I had individual therapy.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / There's NO ONE around???
« on: March 22, 2005, 02:12:00 PM »
When I went to the Whitmore it was more behavior modification than private school or so it seemed...I dunno what was presented to my parents but behavior modification seems likely because, honestly, my parents didn't seem too concerned with my schooling while I was there. The whole private school thing started after I left so I don't know too much about that.

When I think about why I bombed my first semester I think it was a combination of not being in a formal classroom for so long and a lack of motivation on my part. Getting back on the grind in the classroom was  tough. I managed to pick my grades up this semester though, I just look at my first semester as my trasitional period. :lol:

When I said I felt like I was playing catch up...
I feel senior year is a very important time, you're supposed to have your driver's liscene, a job, some money in the bank, and kind of start learning to get things done on your own. When I got home I didn't have any of those things and it was frustrating. I felt like I was 16 years old again, depending on my parents for everything. When I got home I had to move again so I basically had to start from stratch and it sucked.

As for Cayo, just being there, away from everything I was used to was definately an eye opener. I just realized all the things I had back home and whatnot. I realized how fast time flies and if you don't make an attempt to enjoy life it'll be gone before you know it. I didn't really get a lot out of group, I always thought it was kind of redundant and I just zoned out a lot during it. As cheesy as it sounds I guess reading some of the self help books they had helped me a lot. I guess the whole experience kind of shaped me.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / There's NO ONE around???
« on: March 21, 2005, 10:33:00 PM »
Nah, I didn't harbor any grudges against anyone when I left. If some of the other kids want to make statements against the Whitmore, that's fine with me. I didn't like some of the kids, but that was just personality conflicts.

Walking away from the program and getting on the plane I definately was a lot more motivated and optimistic about the future. I did, and to a certain degree still feel like I'm playing catch up with my peers. I basically bombed my first semester of college. It's been up and down since I got home but that's life. Being there, defiantely helped me see the brighter side of things in life.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / There's NO ONE around???
« on: March 21, 2005, 09:40:00 PM »
I can respect that.

I'm trying not to generalize too much, but with the unbelievable amount of anonymous postings, it's a bit hard. Please don't take anything I say too serious or persoanlly.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / There's NO ONE around???
« on: March 21, 2005, 09:33:00 PM »
I don't mean to come off as edgy or harsh, I apologize if I have.

Maybe I replied in the wrong thread but someone is going around claiming Cheryl is posting under various names and whatnot.

Scripting is kind of hard to explain. It wasn't a part of the "curriculum", if you wanted to try it one of the former students was all about it. It's basically a paragraph with a blank where you fill in with a negative emotion you are feeling and what to get rid of.

"I want to know the source of my depression. I want my depression to go away." etc. etc.

It's basically a non religious prayer to get rid of bad feelings. You can do it yourself, you just read the thing out loud.

When first heard about it I thought..."Wow, that is insanely stupid." I wasn't down with it from day one and I have never been scripted.

Cheryl is a thousand miles away from me. Have the administrator check my IP.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / There's NO ONE around???
« on: March 21, 2005, 09:02:00 PM »
You guys are reading too much into this subliminal stuff.

THEY ARE MOTIVATIONAL CASSETTES RECORDED BY KAROL TRUMAN. Look her up on "I FEEL HAPPY" "I AM HAPPY" over 'soothing' music. I don't think you need to get "certified" in order to hand cassettes out to kids so they can play them in the morning. I was at my mom's house and I looked in my step dad's CD player and he had "THE POWER OF NOW" in it. Maybe I should've confiscated the CD because as far as I know, he doesn't have any formal training in subliminals. The tapes don't have any religious overtones and if you played them backwards you didn't hear the Sudweeks telling you to abandon your family and join their "cult". They are harmless. I didn't like hearing some old lady telling me I was happy in the morning so I put my pillow over my head. Problem solved.

And I wasn't aware the churches of this world condemn those who listen to motivational tapes and tell themselves to be positve.

And to that skeptic who thinks Cheryl is the one behind all the former students posting you are MISTAKEN. When I walk out my front door and look at the liscene plate on my car I don't see Utah plates. I haven't been in Nephi for almost a year.

I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm trying to set this shit straight.

I've been doing homework.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Come to our senses...
« on: March 16, 2005, 11:19:00 PM »
My senior year was the year I spent at the whitmore, and honestly I don't think I would have felt much different about my diploma if I would have obtained it through a tradtional high school system. I don't feel as though I "stole" the diploma because utah's schooling system was a lot different than the other states I attended school in. In fact, with all the credits I had from my 9th, 10th, and 11th grade years in school, I was basically half way done with my senior year according to Utah's requirements for a diploma when I arrived at the whitmore.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Come to our senses...
« on: March 16, 2005, 03:44:00 PM »
Leah has a diploma. As do I. me, her, and two others all got diplomas and walked in a ceremony.

I'm going to end this right now.

What is scripting? Who does it? Seems Cheryl can do it herself, or kids can do it to themselves

Scripting comes from a book written by KAROL TRUMAN, I forget the title, it's either HEALING FEELINGS or something along those lines. It's a paragraph to "help" you thwart off your negative emotions. It's basically like this:

I want these feelings of ______ to go away and blah blah blah blah. If this sounds bizarre, blame my explanation.

"""What are subliminals. Why is it so important to Cheryl.?"""
Sublimnals are basically motivational tapes...."I FEEL HAPPY, I AM HAPPY" blah blah blah. The sublimnals we listened to came from Karol Truman. She's an author from Salt Lake. Cheryl wants the kids to listen to them to get positive ideas flowing in their minds in the morning. The tapes didn't have any religious overtones to them, I'm pretty sure karol truman was LDS but that wasn't pushed on the types, which would have obviously limited their appeal.

"""What is this imposed sense of FAMILY at Whitmore?"""
I am soooooo sick of hearing about this. I guess the place was supposed to be a family enviroment and was a major selling point for a lot of families. But a lot of the kids looked way too hard into this. I had a family back home that I missed and I wasn't looking for a replacement. I couldn't stand more than half of the kids I lived with and wasn't punished for it. As far as i'm concerned there was no secret society where kids were beat for betraying their family. please believe if someone tried to hit me for something like that I'd be cracking jaws left and right.

I'm not going to answer the last two questions because you're looking for a staff's response and I'm just some dumb kid.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / THIS IS AN ONLINE SOAP OPERA.
« on: March 10, 2005, 08:11:00 PM »

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