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Messages - draksterd

Pages: [1]
"I can think of a few side affects that you don't even realize until years after the program. One is that you lose your sense of boundaries. You overshare at inappropriate times or you distance yourself when you shouldn't because you are used to people exploiting and distorting your feelings, disregarding your thoughts and feelings in favor of program thinking. Also, you may have picked up some of the useless and abominable ways of interacting. The real world ain't gonna respond to your little rap tactics too favorably. Basically, I think it fucks with your interrelating skills and your ability to set boundaries, because NO ONE respected any boundaries."

this is so true.  it took me years to learn to keep my mouth shut and not get into a dmc (deep meaningful conversation) with a total stranger, or 'confront' my family members and friends. or 'share my feelings' with them.  with age and maturity you eventually get over it since life kicks your ass much harder than cedu ever could.  if there is an upside to the things i learned in raps, it's how to totally out talk, out argue and generally fuck with someone's head if needed.

to the annonymous poster who says he was there in the early 70's and talks about the sexual abuse by eric and allgood, please contact me via private message.  I was there from '73 to '75 and want to talk to you,

I'm blown away reading these posts,  I hope you are still reading the replies.  I was in cedu from 1973  to 1975.  I think you are talking about Rudy (I can't remember his last name right now)from the 70's who is now deceased and they are talking about some guy named rudy bentz who was there later.  My memories of allgood and meltzer  and danielle are a little different.  This is the first I've been hearing of molestation.  I'm sorry, no matter how I feel about them personally,  I have a hard time beleiving the physical abuse stuff.   Mental, yes,  but I can't see eric beating  the shit out of some kid.  allgood was a queen, I agree, but more like queen bee.  I would like to talk to you more on my board which is  called therapsheet.  Here's the url:

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